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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Can't get Mjolnir, Valflame and Gungnir either. Not that I was worried to get Swanchika. That's good to read.
  2. They're referring to the FFTF thread. Don't worry about it. So, I think I agree in a lot of points. Best OST until the 3DS era hands down personally, with Doors of Destiny still being my favourite track. I give the story a strong pass despite its issues with the villains having the cards until the writers decide they don't, with Arivs still being one of the best villains anyway. The maps having a consistent scale is something that would be nice to see in a future title that resolves the issues that arise out of that. It's probably the first title in the series that really does much for minor characters at all, though not too much in terms of an arc outside of conversations at the end of Gen 1. As for gameplay, there's a ton I could say. Weight.... Weight is stupid in this game. Swords are objectively better than lances because of it. Holy weapons mess with it, but not by much and they cause even more imbalance with their stat boosts. For some reason Ichival has only got +20 stat boost total (to be fair it is Str and Spd), while being heavier than all the sword that have better boosts and two of the tomes. Meanwhile Helswath swans around with 20 weight making it harder to justify. The map design's big size and spotty skirmish fighting makes the balance a trainwreck, leaving non-mounted units harder to use without the game handing off certain tasks to them as the cavalry will usually do it just fine. Difficulty has to account for the weakest player units possible so if you have good pairings the difficulty's laughable. Sword skills are actually sword infantry locked (THANKS S. KAGA) and something that really would have helped inheritance was not locking weapons from being bought if they couldn't buy them (I mean Lex gives a brave sword to Ayra, they're breaking their own rules here). Those along with other edits might have helped reduce the divide of good and bad pairings to at least some degree. Frustrating as the lack of trading is I think it's fine in the context of this game, with the way it's handled tying gameplay and story together while also not being as limited as I'd expected before playing (Though it's far from perfect). Interestingly some of the issues have been addressed in hacks (The Shin patch made Pursuit allow a unit to double with 1 speed, but you can double without it as well with a higher threshold and I think the sword skills are useable by other units now), though not everything can be said to be dealt with. All that ignores map design, which varies from being the reason replay value is stunted (DAMMIT CHAPTER 2 YOU'D PROBABLY VOTE FOR MECHA GENGHIS HITLER) to having a lot of neat stuff going on. I'd consider the forests to be a bit less of an annoyance than you do (When they're not the only way to go, Chapter 1) mainly because they're able to be circumvented. The bridges have probably some of the better chokepoints in the series (See Chapter 10), while mountains cause some of the worst moments in the series (See: Chapter 4, especially if Dew is dead, the first half of chapter 9). I think it has a value in catharsis on clear, while it also stands out so much from the rest of the series that it has to be appreciated for that. Titles having quite a few differences is a benefit to FE overall, which is quite prominent with each of the Kaga games in particular. Also, there's some similar crazy stuff going on with Thracia as well. I'll only spoil two things: There's no 100/0% hit chance and if you thought Hannibal and Ayra's recruitment were annoying, there's even worse in that game. This is pretty fitting as a quote. Please tell he he can get axes if Lex is his dad. That will be all I need to hear to try that hack.
  3. If you're going to get an axe, I'd say Gonzales. But you need an early unit more, so Lot'll have to do.
  4. Flying cleared with Brinian, Bunnero, Elincia and Gerome. Easy enough, first try. Sharena cleared with the Askrtrio and Genny (All 5*). This took too many tries to figure out, but it was all about figuring out exactly who went where and taking the west side of the lake and holding it. Anna likely MVP for tanking Lyon and dealing with a bunch of enemies herself, though this was a team effort. Lyon faced himself with Joshua, Julia and Azura (all 5*). Joasua's Drive Spd and Rally Spd/Res was essential for Lyon to 3-shot himself while he also distracted the firesweep user and took him out with Moonbow, Julia's sheer power helped deal with blues and G Tomebreaker was necessary for the green mage to allow Lyon to be danced later on and Azura mainly danced, though she did fight a few times. Similar start to Sharena's clear, though it did divert from it.
  5. Three things: 1: it appears your post didn't fully stick in the spoiler. Yikes. Which you then fixed while I didn't click post. 2: This response might be a bit later than anticipated, decided I had to do some edits for once and there's a lot going on round here (especially if memes do die with Article 13). 3: HOW THE FUCK DOES SPAIN HANDLE 30+ DEGREES IT'S TOO FUCKING WARM TO FUNCTION. It's quite clear where she's going. Kicking some ass is quite clearly her intent Sid, what is wrong with you? GOOD MAN THE ALBERTUS! Probably more for the Sacae glitchathon. Because Orlo is too minor. So, should I crank out some Orlo = Frollo memes? YEP. Karla of all people is really good. I mean, Ayra is sort of better but Karla has Wrath by default. Bit spoilery but considering Heroes dived into the spoilers pool long ago (Spoiling Conquest by the way): "I mean, I'll take it but it's worth jack shit. You ain't getting anything for a soul this shit." ..... Because it is 21? I seem to have cut myself short there. Pfft. I was going on about the option of having the flying utility in case Tate and Shanna died beforehand or you hadn't been using them. She's a filler unit, but not a combat one imo. I was saying that they could skip the first fecking corridors on either side. This map's design is uninspiring. Why do the last three gaiden maps have mirrored layouts that leave too much dead space? >I still find him to be a slightly better boss than Yahn >Slightly better than Yahn >Autistic screeching intensifies Aside from that, why wouldn't he show up in Turn 30 as well? Maybe he wanted to keep it for Bern and didn't want to break or use it in case it did break? And there you were whinging about BS's story. Well, considering there are traps here, it would. They're crap traps, but still. Clearly this merc has the high ground. "It's over Lotakin I have the high ground!" "You underestimate my power what I can do. Uwo!" "Well that's a fine swing there, good form-" "-and nearly got me there too! Good show!" I am surprised you didn't try to crack a joke about mistaking the two numbers. Lot isn't level 20 and is getting levels like these. Lot was always the best warrior in BB, never had a doubt. Wade amazingly enough hasn't been slacking off much either. Is there any way he could get speedwings? As an aside, I feel like I should deliver on PSA Wade, so here, a dumb idea made dumber: Man, if only she could do that when she attacks. "This is the end for you Narcian! You've caused enough suffering as is and now you'll-" "You think you can stop me? I know what you'll be. You'll be dead! Your friends and family will be dead! I'll scrape your dead corpse off my-" "You're already dead." "What? You think that'll-" "Urgh!" HE HAS THE POWER! Wait doesn't the final villain of the first season hurt Saitama? Well, I disagree, Thracia has worse weapon rank growth and levelling. Holy fuck Kaga. It's not Leif's promotion in Thracia. Roy's nowhere near that shafted. The one thing he gets over Leif in gameplay imo. Who's shittalking Leif? He can carry the king's sword and gain movement, two things Roy can't really do. If this weren't Matthis, this would be a concerning sentence. ..... Was that comment about old Merric for trolling me? Honestly, I would have loved if it turned out to be Elerean. Anyways, Zephiel next. Are you ready for the king who didn't get round to akimbo-wielding X-axis and the Seal Sword?
  6. So ANOTHER BANNER shows up. It has Hardin. 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (So that's that with it) 4* Roy (More TA3 I guess. +Spd/-Atk, if it were -HP I would have been using him. Oh well.) Back to legends. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless (I DON'T WANT HECTOR STOP IT) 4* Marth (Hmmm. +Res/-Spd, meh.) The one time I don't want greens they're nearly half the bloody orbs that show up.
  7. I would.... If I had a +Atk Lilina. And fewer red mages. So, I have some quick fodder questions for everyone: -How should I prioritise fodder like Pain+? Who should get it first ahead of others etc. -What units really benefit using Galeforce that don't have it by default?
  8. Make it a personal for someone like CYL Ephraim and you might have something. Then again it'll be Hector getting a crazy personal.
  9. You know what? We need a new assist. I propose the assist Push. What would it do? Move the unit and the ally they push one space forward from where they were. Similar to Drag Back but different enough imo to stand out. You could limit it so that you couldn't push everything, but still.
  10. Okay, it's a legendary banner. I know how badly these go. 3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (SEE? No reds!) 3* Saizo (Of course. +Def/-HP) 3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green (The one time I want Red.....) 3* Oscar (Good fodder. +Atk/-Res though, that's actually good though I have +Spd already.) 3 Red, 2 Blue (Finally) 4* Fir (What is she useful for as fodder? Neutral, nah), 3* Roy (TA3 I guess. +Def/-HP, so close), 4* Hana (L&D 2 I guess. +Atk/-HP, already have better) So that's 8.5%. 3 Green, 2 Blue (GET THEE BEHIND ME HECTOR!) 3* Wendy (Shame this is useless what with having +10 Wendy. Unless I did get her to 5*. +Res/-Spd, if she were +Atk..... But nah, she'd be better with +Spd/-HP anyway for 5*) 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Selena (Well It's not like I wanted Reposition or anything. +Res/-HP eh.) 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Hinata (Furious boi. +Res/-HP blah.) Anyways, that's me out for a day.
  11. Well, it's here. As is the LHB. Didn't really matter who cleared Normal or Hard. Did Lunatic with Canas, Linus, Azura and Takumi (Was supposed to be Rebecca, but eh). Infernal was cleared by the Ol' Reliable of Withc!Nowi, Newzura, Newmilla and Valter (Valter and Newmilla finally reached S rank as well)
  12. So, you know what? Let's bring the salt. :P Maybe. 20 only, no Third Party, Final Destination. Personal : Pragmatic (With the assumption of the characters being linked to recent/upcoming releases): Wildcard (A villains only roster (Or as least as best as I can stretch it)):
  13. Whoops, you're right. Well I'm now more convinced that I'm not pulling for him.
  14. Sadly, I'd take Fork Armads over Thunder Armads. Also, my opinion on this expressed quite succinctly:
  15. So if CYL Hector doesn't get Armads Bartre does? I'm OK with that.
  16. IT'S A ZOMBIE SAYA RUN! Considering the chapter's a nighttime map it'd be perfect to introduce some horror.
  17. I THOUGHT THARJA EMBLEM WAS BAD. So, Thunder Armads is another about allies nearby (preventing follow-ups), though I'm not feeling it. He's also got DC, Vengeful Fighter and Ostia's Pulse, which gives -1 to cooldown if those allies share a movement type. Armour Emblem gets a new boost at least. Red has Leif, Winter Tharja and D!Ike so it's a good colour for me personally, Winter Tharja eluded me on the banner, D!Ike has Warding Breath and Leif could get a better nature or be used for Drive Atk. Blue has LA!Lyn, L'!Ephraim and F!Morgan so I'm not too pushed about it though F!Morgan's another magic flyer. Green has B!Ike and Myrrh so OH THANK CHRIST CHRISSA ISN'T HERE YET I can utterly skip this colour, it's a shame Myrrh but I just am uninterested in this likely broken legendary. Colourless has F!Grima, Elise and LA!Roy, who I have. All of them. So this time it's Red >>>>>> Blue > Colourless >> Green Christ on a bike IS, I'd be okay making Hector emblem if they weren't so similar. Seriously.
  18. Darros. It was pretty ridiculous for him to be in the lava area in NMotE, so why not him here? Though a lot of Archaneans could be listed, he has Axes so I picked him. Outside of Archaneans (Too easy to pick) or Judgralians (Too dead without time travel), I'll say Geitz.
  19. So we're asking what we picked as our first CYL? B!Lyn. The new elements she added to the game with her weapon, skills and physical ranged damage on a horse convinced me, I might have picked Ike if that wasn't the case. It doesn't hurt I've pulled the other three CYL units since (two of them twice) but not a single B!Lyn. Got Ike first too, so no regrets. Also the bonus units for arena are out, I'm definitely using Canas and Linus now. Almost thought they wouldn't get in at all.
  20. Does that mean Jakob gets to replace Anna? Oh my, you're going for her this soon? That should be fun to watch.
  21. I assume she just acted as Xander's support. Azura tanking is a sad joke even on Normal Mode. :P
  22. Could the GB do double battles? Couldn't tell you. Game Freak didn't program them until Gen 3 and I don't remember reading any hints of double battles being considered before then. >Semblance of efficiency >Trying lots of pokemon/Later Gens. Pick 1.
  23. So, The old summer banners are here. Summer Corrin, happened too fast. So, Ylisse first. 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green (Tiki?) 4* Gunter (I need less of you. Stop it. Neutral) Then Nohr. 3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (Oh my.) 4* Effie (*Sigh. +Spd/-Res ugh.), 4* Jagen (Oh hey, haven't pulled him in a while. +Def/-HP, likely merge.), 3* Cordelia (Seriously, better fodder please. +Def/-Spd, that's bad.)
  24. I didn't try the DB banner yesterday. Well, who knows, I might pull Delthea out of nowhere. 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red (Are you shitting me?) 4* Seth (Well, it could be good. +Atk/-Def, well he's Fortress Def fodder.) Back to summer and salt. 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 4* M!Corrin (Hmph. +Spd/-Res, I think I have that already but great nature.), 3* M!Corrin (Womp womp. +Res/-Def, bah.)
  25. Considering the king's real intentions, no, not really. There's the argument that it is easier to get the boats landed as soon as possible. Maybe they couldn't trust the boats landing there due to lack of supplies or the boats themselves aren't able to sail on a more open sea than where they sailed. Besides, the south is Mokushu territory (leaving more questions to answer). I think, Moirai (Fateslandia but fancier) is never clear on this. Edit: I never did read Greek myth in ancient Greek. 1. I assume it's just sheer volume that poured in and some have managed to get this far since Chapter 5. These specifically seem to have been likely conjured nearby with how Iago's talking. If we assume he made them. 2. There's no indication Nohr actually ever could, is there? What are Faceless even made of?
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