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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. So, BS is here. Karla seems like her family in gameplay though that sword is interesting and she has Wrath and the next wave skill. Legault gets in, which is nice. His weapon's great and another tactic skill's neat. Nino.... We really didn't need more alts, though she does have a pegasus so is likely far better than Bunnilla. Her other skills are also nice. And I look for a second.... is that my boy Canas? I THINK IT IS! Don't tell me, he's a TT reward? Oh IS, you keep putting my favourites in my pocket rather than make me burn my wallet. Absolute waste on your part, I'm sad now. I suspect that Linus will be a GHB, I hope so.
  2. Well that was a mistake, I thought there was evil laughing in that clip. I meant the B route. They don't have Humphrey to help any more. Orlo is still alive though. Nah, I think Valentia's is a bunch of Boies. I'll just leave this here as appropriate background music. Do you get your LTC on? I think it's betting on lots of dead, not who's winning. The narrator's bet the farm on there being thousands dead. ..... YES! Miredy could have helped with the village (and the item could be sold for money, enough for a stat booster) and Perceval could distract a shit ton of level 5 wyverns with no weapons. See?They could have been warm bodies to distract dangit! A fitting death for them (at least for your LP). I think he does. At least, in his right eye. Why this scene? We know reinforcements are coming anyway. .... Because Elibe is bad for dragons. Roartz just couldn't stop leaving a bloody swathe across Etrurian politics. No wonder Etruria's barely involved in the army under their own name. *Sad trumpet Man, Yodel really is that bad huh? Actually, I'm pretty sure that's not the case. Course, you'd want at least one use for the last 3 maps. Well that lance looks fitting of a king. Maybe it's a gift from Mordred so Douglas is always by the king's side? Trying to use her in combat necessitates favouritism and the triangle attack. Well, that's the way the boi crumbles. Why is everyone copying Orlo? There are other creepy bishops, people! You just look rather crap when you do it. Anyways, Roy dies again. Zephiel wins.
  3. Canas, who of course starts looking into more cryptic arcane magic after Blazing Sword. Highlights would include surviving the snowstorm (You really think I want to see that be the end of it?), exploring ancient places in Elibe and a finale where the whole family (And yes, I kind of want Nino to count) has to fight off Bern's dragons from Ilia. In terms of gameplay I'm actually going to suggest something similar to Myst in a 3D environment (much as I initially thought Uncharted, I doubt the combat would work), taking more of the puzzle and exploration elements and requiring research to figure out problems in the game. With combat, I think it could either be turn-based RPG (Easy to do, though I don't think that would work as well imo) or TPS which takes advantage of using magic in the combat system (I would love to see this, unrealistic as it is).
  4. Well, to be fair it's certainly not the worst luck I've had on a legendary banner, though I got nothing new from it I got better natures for M!Tiki and F!Grima so I might be able to make a better dragon team (aka an actual dragon team) now that both of them don't have something crippling them. I might be able to scrounge 20 more before it ends, though I'll have to see how that's possible. If Canas is summonable next time I'll be in the corner crying.
  5. So, the banner's still up. Let's do this. Got a 9.5% to break here. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (If only I could get Gunnthra ever) 4* Soleil (Man, you're not something that I want. +Spd/-Res. OK, I was wrong, perfect.), 3* Draug (Dangit/10. +Res/-Atk, why you no Eliwood?), 4* Lilina (Not more of this not getting a 5*. +Res/-Spd, I have better.), 3* Odin (Ugh. Least he's good fodder. +Res/-Spd) 10% now. This has to end soon. 3 Red, 2 Blue (And once again Gunnthra's out of my reach) 4* Soleil (I already got a good one, please stop. +Res/-Def, STOP), 3* A!Tiki (Man, this is just disappointing. +Spd/-HP, still disappointing.), 4* Palla (I've been looking for Goad Fliers fodder for a few units now, neat. +Res/-Def, definitely then.), 4* Peri (Well, at least I can sacrifice her. +HP/-Atk), 4* Reinhardt (Man, I could do with better blue fodder. +HP/-Def) 10.5%. Fuck.
  6. I barely just got the rewards this time because I forgot to play on Friday and had to rush.... today technically. Also, Loki probably is serious about removing Askr. There's probably a specific reason for it and I have my doubts it's just to remove Askr's military as a threat.
  7. Canas. I wouldn't be surprised if I was willing to whale, he's the last bet the game has I would because Leaf and Finn are in and there's not much else I'm madly wanting that isn't in already.
  8. Never forget Jim and Bob, they never deserved to face this madness. At least some realised now might be the time to just not turn in for the day. It's really a matter of why are you actively fighting to resolve the occupation in this territory? Clearly a negotiation would make more sense and Zola could have been tried afterwards. Oh well, coulda woulda shoulda, Conquest's not giving a fuck. Well, it's what a certain deity would love to see after all. Because Takumi had a life of privilege and didn't think that anyone wouldn't want to save him without any ulterior motives because he's just such a decent good person? Azura loses her family, she decides nobody should have one. She's playing the long con here. You and me both. If capturing wasn't unit locked to 2 units total I think I'd be more willing to do it. Anyways, the unfun ride continues with a Ylvis music video.
  9. In Soviet Jhoto, you fall onto rocks and die! (Rocky's ability should be GM: Rocks killing everything is just his style.)
  10. Nohr has a strict killing rule: Do it. Besides, those other nations in Nohr don't matter, because they're part of Nohr. Despite the fact that none of these nations really matter at all- I'll just shut up before I get off topic. Well, it's all about killing your way to the top. He's just following orders. It's a bonus just how high ranking they are. "I mean, I let my sister betray someone. But THIS time, it shall be punished!" Xander's just living by his code of justice being an illusion. I mean, there's not much justice in just letting them go after all they've done in Nohr, though execution will also lack justice and involve plenty of treachery. Must be the treachery that's putting Xander off. Only Corrin can do it then? Azura must be proud of her pawn.
  11. Must have been the cheapest of the lot. That's what happens when you go for cheap services. Also, next chapter: Xander forces the game to go on for 9 more maps. Just, fucking Xander.
  12. Got enough to take another swing at it. Let's go. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Henry (Oh! Fodder! +Res/-HP), 4* Gunter (Hone Cav fodder. I've been waiting for some. +Spd/-HP), 4* Camilla (Well, it is Savage Blow. +Def/-Spd, nah from me.), 4* Reinhardt (Vantage. *Sigh. +HP/-Spd, no thanks.) Sorry, that's 9.5% now.
  13. Grima beating Ike. I never thought I'd see that, that's why I picked her. I expected her to lose. Well, we'll see if that's the case, the US isn't awake yet.
  14. Jakob is disappointed by everyone, even if Dwyer had been fighting he'd still likely complain about something. Through the letterbox?
  15. I wouldn't say that just yet, there's still 5 gyms, criminals, an E4 and Kanto left. Anything can happen. Good job with no death on Whitney.
  16. >Respond to a post 17 days later Of course you did. Sorry. Getting Harken's still very doable, I was just saying it was easier to get Karel than on the other one. Also no, Dart was not who I was talking about. I was on about the unit from the gaiden map.
  17. No, I'm saying spoilers because I wanted to not spoil for those who hadn't seen it.
  18. In general the gaidens aren't too tricky to get barring the first Kishuna one (which can't even be gotten in Eliwood mode). There's also a map which varies based on which out of a set of units you levelled up more (Your early mages/healers vs. your early mercs/fighters/myrnidons). I recommend the mage version, especially if you want to try Karel at all, as how you get him instead of Harken is much easier there. Also Port of Badon has the best unit.
  19. Man. And there were complaints of too many babies already. The Bellsprout evo is pretty similar to Bellsprout as is, no wonder they didn't bother. I actually like Beta Smoochum more to be honest, while Lickiking certainly was not missed. Wooper also didn't exist in the beta. Clearly this is the inferior version.
  20. Well, I have 9%. Can I get something for it? 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Hana (More L&D. +Res/-Def, definitely not to keep.), 3* Athena (Ve are disappointed. +Res/-HP, least she has Moonbow), 4* Raven (Well, it might not suck. +Atk/-Def, think I pulled it already), 3* Peri (I don't want more of her! +Stk/-Def, still fodder.) I got 9.5% now.
  21. So, finally doing some CC stuff for orbs again. Did P19+20 with Reinhardt, Zweihardt, Finn and Gronnwen. None of these are fully built, except for Gronnwen who's -Atk and didn't have Desperation on. Well, until the last map where I didn't expect Sanaki to 1-shot Gronnwen and it all went to hell from there (didn't help they'd cleared each Paralogue separately). So I finished with Springcina, Takumi, Sanaki and Summelise. Springcina got bonked by Sanaki as well, though I was ready for it this time and it worked out.
  22. Well, that's coming out this year. Or not, next spring I guess. Jeez Dreamworks, give me a reason to bother watching something, would you? It is one of Dreamwork's better series, even if 2 rubbed me up the wrong way because of how it handled SPOILERS. Totally echoing the calls the new dragon's likely female, that's kind of what you'd expect. Can't really tell anything else from this though, it's unlikely to be anything more than a year or two after 2.
  23. Leif getting staves on promotion in Thracia would be worth the slog. I think the idea is that they are to be dreaded. With that ruining over, WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH BASARA? I know it's not just the name that's bizarre (I'm always thinking of the Dark Knight Rises), I just do not get the class conceptually at all. Also, let us never forget that one time brigands were called mountain thieves. Xane's class names are also strange. Why Commando in particular?
  24. Well, This one tanky unit should be just fine to take out on Enemy- >MYARMISSINGIN >WHOWILLSURVIVE >MAGICISEVERYTHING >THEENEMY No. I do not want this. At all. Arena has enough of that with WoM as a B skill. Great job figuring out the 1-turn clear, especially with the poor foddered knight Oscar. Cleared lower difficulties easily enough, only needing to repeat Lunatic once because I should have taken out the blue mage before he could 1-round L'Ephraim. Lunatic cleared with Nanna, Gronnwen, Knollrika and L'Ephraim. For infernal this should do nicely. I do not need to be trying to build a strat from scratch with these maps when I can barely follow these right. S-ranked B!Lyn will substitute fine if you don't have Atk +3 seal.
  25. This is one of the things from the Kaga era I personally dislike. Not the idea of not knowing it from a blind perspective, but more specifically if you can't change the deployment order at all. While some will argue for it as a strength in terms of making it a situation to overcome, from a gameplay perspective I think it's a restrictiveness that causes more harm than good. It is one of the things I especially despise with Thracia, mainly because at least with the others (maybe not DD) it can be moved around. Chapter 19, which you mention as a good example is a particular case imo. You're not allowed to decide who would have gone on this mission to Alster that causes the map because of how this map's deployment is laid out, which I think doesn't make sense in story and can leave you with a bad group in the bottom who can't handle much of anything that's coming from the south. If Thracia wasn't as manipulable as it is I think it might have prevented me from finishing the game, something I cannot say for nearly anything else in the series. It's not like post-Kaga FE never did this either: Light in BS didn't let you know how your units would be laid out (though you can manipulate this). As an aside someone could not realise that you can move your unit's positions in BB in the map (though in neither case can you say they use a split deployment quite like Chapter 19)
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