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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Well this is here now. Ninian confirmed! She's a flying blue mage with Chill Atk, Dance and a bouquet that boosts hers and ally's speed by 4. If she's got stats like Summer Corrin I'm going to need help because I still lack a blue mage flier. Now I want a flying Eliwood. Sanaki's now the Waifu of Begnion apparently. Huh, must have decided they needed someone from Tellius from this. Another flying mage, though Nifl Frostflowers are a ridiculous weapon that's mostly better than an owltome, Atk/Res bond and a skill called Def/Res link that boosts stats by 6 when a unit uses or has a movement assist used on them. Getting tempted, especially when Bunilla is pretty trash personally. Tharja seems to be obligatory, though she's in black and is infantry. She has Atk/Spd bond (Nice), a strange skill in Spd Feint (When Rally used by/on unit, they reduce enemy's speed by 7 in ploy directions. Huh?) and Muspell Fireposy, which is like Sanaki's but boosts speed instead of attack. Also it turns out Marth is a groom alt for TT. He's on a green horse so I'm game. This does make it unlikely he's the next legendary though. TLDR: Ninian > Sanaki > Tharja. Still need grooms.
  2. Alright, so I have a question for everyone: So, I found an odd statement on the other FE wiki. On this link, it straight up says that Anankos was revered as the Dawn and Dusk Dragon in Hoshido and Nohr respectively, a statement not corroborated with any source. It's doubled down on in their article for Anankos as well. Now I know that the Wikia wiki has its issues, but it doesn't have such a massive stretch and it's bugged me enough to make this topic. Is there a more accurate source on this and the First Dragons in general? Where would this kind of statement come from?
  3. I have high level promoted Arthurs with less speed. Like, ~15-20 levels higher. I know part of it is his class too, so it's not like he's just gotten ridiculously lucky too. Either way, shame to not see Kumagera caught. Regardless, we get to a frustrating chapter I actually like next.
  4. Looks about right. Either way it's a shame there's no more bosses outside of paralogues after this chapter to capture, these two are pretty solid units and it'd be nice to see more of this kind of thing.
  5. So in other words mix Laslow and Odin and you'd get Barney. Minus Barney's success though. There's certainly the hammy delivery- could certainly see the comparison.
  6. Overshadowed on the power front for sure compared to Delthea. I still think he has some advantages, given his access to spells with 2-3 range and Excaliber which Delthea doesn't have. To say he's bad is wrong imo, though he is someone I'd try other classes with because of his growths. I've used him in Hard Mode and while I think he was worth using, I also think I'd go with a different class in future. Thing is, this is measurable on two fronts: compared to his other classes and compared to the other villagers. On one front I understand the complaints about Kliff working better with other classes, but on the other hand Tobin's only weapon advantages are Physic and lower Excaliber access (only one of which I'd really think is worth bringing up in the long run), Gray is plain worse full stop because he'll run into growth difficulties in the long run and his spell list is just bad and Faye has Serahpim access and arguably better bases on average (this ignores her Pegasus Knight and Cleric access). Kliff's real issue is the low base speed, which he can arguably get ahead of over time, but that start puts enough people off for them to consider Tobin instead. I'd argue Faye.... if she didn't have much lower HP in comparison.
  7. Hey look, free summon! No high priority here. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Merric (Merge I guess. +HP/-Def)
  8. Man, I wish I'd gotten one Inigo. Anyways, the most convincing disguise has worked. I don't remember if the Hoshidans and Azura are actually working together here, I think that's maybe.
  9. 54: Rickrolling the company when they're gathered for the CEO's retirement ceremony 55: Placing the rosters for the week on the kitchen hob. 56. Using So Many Dumb Ways To Die for the Health and Safety seminars.
  10. Apologies, must have missed it. Leif with Ronan then. You'd have to keep a guy who has even worse combat and who can't capture in all of the maps. Sounds like fun. It would also make no sense why he's there at all, how did he even replace Leif? Did he join na Fianna after Leif went missing and they had to go look for him, but it was resolved quickly when they got to Ith? Only for Ronan to decide he likes leadership and somehow take over the group?
  11. Baron Arden! Leif with Marty. The Marty Party takes on Thracia. There were no survivors.
  12. I think a defibrillator would be a more accurate example. You don't need to build a full backstory for Mark in BB if you've got one ready from BS. (Sorry about the lack of updates lately, should be back soon. And it is the lack of updates on the thread, I'm still ahead in game because Lyn mode. There was also the Route B Ruben to use as well, now that I think about it. I wasn't trying to, just stating the obvious. Do Miis not? I'd have to look again. Also, it's very possible they were working off a lower spec than the actual console. The game came out in 2012 in Japan and while it was a year after the console's release, they could have still been trying to keep a conservative estimate to prevent the game from being too much of a resource hog and have started much closer to the console's release and not known what they could do with it. With that line I had to. Douglas just doesn't fit as well. How... How could you do this? Wait I'd already done something similar in the last post. No, it means that you're arguing that Douglas isn't worse than two units who are among the most difficult to use in the series. Wait, is that why the brick moved? That.... came out wrong. You did name him before NMotE happened. This is getting out of hand, something seems off. This sounds too reasonable from you. Well, if there's something to jumpstart the interest.... I always found the layout on this one a bit too tight. Then again, faster enemies here. Not as much as the rest of the route though. Rormand did a lot to the building I see. That Fortify Buildings came in handy after all. Also hell itself seems to have been the theme of this place. Marcus doesn't approve of the shenanigans. Whelp, the universe is truly screwed. THE KING IN THE SOUTH! The sword seems to be poisoned by these shenanigans. Jerrot's gotten a pretty sick sword there. Also I see a bunch of generics in Matthis's forces. No wonder Perceval sucks, he's this force's SD Matthis! Those are the real big numbers See? SD Matthis right here. The salt has broken through the mantle. Soon it'll hit the core. What even is this Fae portrait? The Morgan sqaud is in full swing. I don't think all of the Kutolah died. Just the ones she was riding with. Isn't that a nice symbol? At least it isn't that dark tongue of Sauron's. Maybe it's on the Fire Emblem? Dayan seems a bit odd here. He still isn't as high as unpromoted Shin. Douglas never worried about haste. It might have moved him away from the king's side. Faeuigi is not something I expected to see. Do you not like Luigi? I think he's surely higher than Leygance based off this, is he? Of course he would be in your eyes killing Not!Percy. Dayan's just squinting at Roartz so tight he can barely see at this point. Ah yeah, that sounds about right. Albertus being invincible would have been nice too though. Roartz and perfect plan seem to be very dissonant. Rormand gives him too much credit. The unknown entity has a (until now unheard) narrator. So that happened. You have to wonder, how is it so easy to get caught like that. Wrys the White Yellow! Coma Wrys? So they didn't bury him? Who covered for that. Wait, this plan? Humphrey really needs to realise he's been bamboozled before and think before plotting to get skull bricks. I'm sorry, could you hold the phone a second? BECAUSE I FUCKING CALLED IT! Well that's a bit awkward isn't it? Least she didn't do more than a couple of punches right? Last time that music was used.... Uh oh. Wait what. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. I'M NOT SURE I CAN PUT THEM ALL DOWN. Well, you can't say Lugh was a cold child. Also, will we ever know what was in Lugh? Regardless, next time involved annoying walls that Eclipse could fix and annoying staves.
  13. Well, it's time to see if Julius can be easily beaten without a +80 stat boosting weapon. Hard: Obligatory Naga clear with Julia, Oboro, Lon'qu and Hawkeye. Mostly just a stand and take whoever out. I did make a mistake thinking that Panic staff didn't work if the enemy died, but other than that it worked fine. Julia killed her brother in one round and everything, even when panicked. Lunatic: This fight was disastrous, mainly because I should have done better. But I did it with Roy, Rebecca, Dorcas and Fjorm. Highlights include Roy 1-shotting and Rebecca 1-rounding Julius (-6 Atk? Get outta here, eh?), Dorcas taking 4 hits from that lance when he was below half health because +Def Dorcas is a beast and somehow doing it without Roy getting to use BoL effectively at all. Those reinforcements on death are still BS and hope those don't become regular elsewhere in the series. Infernal: If only my Reinhardts had all their skills I might have tried to use them. It won't be right now sadly, will think of something later.
  14. So Isildur = Mikoto. Discuss? Of course Sauron = Anankos. Anyways, plans for taking out Scarlet?
  15. After 3 more months, I'm back for another update. D!Ike: Free from A Hero Rises. Neutral, he has his uses for blessings. Lancina: Number 2, from the LA banner. She's +Spd/-Res, so she's great, 50/40 without help is great offensively. Soren: Another LA pitybreaker, though at least I got LALyn in the same session. +Res/-HP, I still need to figure out who gets Watersweep. LALyn: I really wanted her, because blue mage armour and I#m kind of on the Lyn alt train because I got all the alts before here without trying. +Spd/-Res, Res refine covers her well and that speed's great. Hunktor: This monster's great, even with Wary Fighter limiting his output a bit. +Res/-HP, shame his nature's not much good. Roy: Got at the same time as Hunktor, I think he could have been caught out trying to find Lilina. +Atk/-HP, merged onto 4* one after I promoted that one. LEliwood: Free from the LA TT, he's got a great total spread that I wish I had all the skills for. Plenty of others want desperation though. Bowy: Probably the least worthwhile of the LA units I tried for, though investment could fix it. +HP/-Atk, in my barracks for Bow Valour. Shiro: A tanky boy, which is good because aside from Wendy and Clive I don't have someone half as good on defence and he's the fastest of them. Neutral, works well with a tactics team actually. Jaffar: This is someone who could be greater with a better nature. +HP/-Res, could be better. B!Ike: I already have such a tanky B!Ike. +Atk/-Spd, I am still stuck with who should get him. Summer Leo: Literally useless. +HP/-Res, this legendary banner gave so many units I wasn't looking for and no Summer Corrin stung, especially to get this useless guy instead.Roy: Promoted the 4* +Spd/-Def one, merged the one I pulled onto this one. QR 5 is great. M!Morgan: Got from first session of the Awakening banner. +Res/-Atk, Still did the damage against Grima. Gerome: He's a pretty neat flier, though I already promoted Cherche soon beforehand. His Poleaxe is neat though. Takumi: Free from the countering banner. +Atk/-Res, I merged the first one onto this one. Jeorge: Ugh, got from the 4*+5* banner. +Def/-Atk, I wish he was better. Bunnero: Another I got really quickly from her banner. Neutral, flying dagger is nice to use. F!Grima: The only unit I got out of the march legendary banner and the first legendary I pulled. +HP/-Spd, sheesh. Roy: Promoted my +Spd/-Def Roy, merged the one I pulled on this guy Gronnwen: Thracia's banner was a good haul, got in the first round of summoning. +Spd/-Atk, Hopefully I can get one with -Def. Considering Nino took over a year..... Leif: Best lord showed up, so I was happy enough to get him. +Atk/-HP, good boon, poor bane. Nanna: I managed to get her with Leaf at the same time . +Def/-Atk, I just wish I got a better nature. Lyon: Got round to promoting him for the colourless countering utility. Currently trying to get him TA3. Lissa: I made a mistake with this one. +Spd/-Atk, her nature's not great and Rehab+ is weaker than most of the others. Frederick: I decided it might be worth promoting him . +Atk/-Res, he's a belter, soon he'll have Aether. Mathilda: This unit is a fun option for horseslaying, though her refinement might have been a mistake. +Spd/-Def, I probably shouldn't have gone for +Def refine. Finn: Best knight finally arrives. Hope he gets a great personal eventually. Kinoka: Got her pretty quick too. +Def/-Spd, her nature sucks. Genny: I got lucky enough I got her instead of FrankenJakob and early on. +Atk/-Res, I wonder if I should go for a Vantage build or a Dazzling build. L'Ephraim: This guy is a bit alright, but not too exceptional. +Def/-Res, that's good for the physical enemies. MagEirika: This legendary banner was pretty great really. +Res/-HP, just like my first L'Arachel. She is supporting L'Ephraim. LELyn: Well, I have all the Lyns at the point. +Res/-Atk, her nature is bad though. Nino: Promoted when I finally got the nature I was looking for. +Spd/-Def, she's a great offensive unit. L'Arachel: Promoted, merged onto the one I pulled from SS banner. +Atk/-Def, would be nice to have +Spd. M!Morgan: Promoted, merged onto the first one I got. +Atk/-Def, I wish I had +Spd, though he could be a CC user too. Takumi: When you get one for free you just have to. For fodder of course. Still don't know who yet. Dorcas: Free pull from the recent countering banner. +Def/-Res, could be worse. Zweihardt: This guy ruined my chance for Ishtar as both forms. Neutral, by the way. Ayra: Showed up with Zweihardt. Got +Spd/-Res. Immediately merged the Neutral one onto her. Reinhardt (Hence referred to as Einhardt): Promoted when I finally got a +Atk. 27 + 9 + 3 = 39 Total: 54 + 39 - 6 = 87
  16. Well, the rules are the rules. Trying to execute someone for what their brother did, have you no shame? (No, no you don't) It's also funny that they're quite unalike twins as well, if only they could have a database of enemies they had captured. Maybe Iago needs to get criminal justice on Garon's agenda. Is Rezzi The One Ring in this metaphor?
  17. Neither did the writers. Odin being good for once is nice to see. Well, considering Hexing Rod is a war crime, I'm highly disappointed he can't be killed. Then again Corrin is all about that mercy. You know, this is why that one theory about Azura working for Anankos would have worked with this. But no, she's mostly petty in this route, barely bothering to confront the biggest bad or even Garon in any way. That's why he set up this boring chapter: He's mad this whole time! I mean, one's a monstrous warrior and the other's Garon. Of course it's not the same. It truly boggles the mind. It's certainly not that easy in Birthright, so it just seems like somebody didn't think about the issue with Hoshido not being the warmongers but having an easy time invading (It's the Master Ninjas I swear.). Hell, they're in Hoshido for less time than Hoshido are in Nohr in Birthright. Also, good job keeping these two chapters death free.
  18. He's also got RTomebreaker (How would that even fit? RTomBrakrFddr?). Ah yes, Notre Sagesse. The dangerous... intimidating.... taxing..... *snore
  19. Seems a bit funny that Haitaka and Odin just it it off and with that Haitaka was convinced to join. He must also have aching blood. Odin has good stats. That's a good sign. With that, Conquest's fun ride is almost upon us (not to be confused with the unfun ride of 16-21). Of course, I also miss there's two new pages and there's chapter 10. I missed the ride. :P RIP Nyx (Another unit who I wish was better), good job Haitaka.
  20. Same. That's what I expected from the title. As is, it's petty, but I also feel a bit awkward: It is the first title I bought in the series.
  21. You know, I've been saving orbs lately. I think I'll pull a bit now. 3 Red, 2 Colourless (Bah, no Ishtar) 3* M*Corrin (Meh. +Spd/-Atk), 3* Draug (I need new armours for this fodder. Ugh, +Res/-Atk too), 3* Chrom (Man, I wish this was something else. Neutral, don't care.), 4* Nanna (What nature is she?), 4* Saizo (Who wants Poison strike? +HP/-Def, I assume anyone looking to a Firesweep kit.) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (Better.) 3* Reinhardt (What nature is he? +Atk/-Spd, I will now use the Reinhardt. Finally!), 3* Lukas (Meh fodder. +Res/-Def, I think I'm good.), 4* Tailtiu (Not your niece/10. +Res/-HP, I have better.), 3* Laslow (Merge fodder. +Res/-HP, yep.), 4* Nino (Probably need less of her after getting her to 5*. +Atk/-HP.) 3.5% 3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue 4* Oboro (Merge fodder? +Res/-HP, certainly is.), 3* Hana (Well, it's L&D. +Def/-HP, fodder it is.) 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 3* Mae (Meh, Shanna would be better. +Def/-Atk, to fodder she goes.), 4* Caeda (Fortify Fliers, right? Certainly is with +Def/-Spd), 4* Seliph (Wrong Genaelogy unit. Neutral, I think I should figure out a good nature for him.) 3.75% 3 Blue, 2 Colourless $* Est (Well that sucks. +Atk/-Res, totally a merge though), 4* Reinhardt (No, you're not your superior. +HP/-Atk, total fodder.), 4* Sully (Why even bother? +HP/-Atk, so she's no use to me.) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Rody (Ugh. +Hp/-Res, so close), 3* Palla (Good fodder. +Atk/-Spd, I have better.), 4* Soleil (Well, least she wasn't 5*. +Def/-Atk, you're fodder.) 4% 5 Colourless (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) 4* Kagero (Phew. +HP/-Atk, off she goes.) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 3* Lukas (If only he was good fodder. +Atk/-Spd, already have), 3* Mathilda (Well, that's a bit eh. +Res/-Def, Guess I'm not keeping her), 4* Draug (Seriously, I have no new armour for this fodder. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Lon'qu (Well, it is Vantage 3. +Spd/-Atk, well he's to be sacrificed.) 4.25% 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (Of course.) 4* Sophia (Really? +Res/-Def, I'll have to see what she's useful for.), 3* Seliph (Ugh. +Def/-Res, could be worse.) This was so stupid of me, I ended up having to grind some CC orbs. I came back a day later for this post. Anyways. 4 Red, 1 Colourless (Fuck it, no Ishtar it is.) 4* Athena (Well, it is Moonbow. +Atk/-Res, I already have that.), 5* Zweihardt (Seriously, her subordinate came up 3 times. Neutral, could be worse. At least I got all the Thracia banner now.), 4* Palla (Well, I do have options with her. +Spd/-Atk, the opposite of the other one. Huh.), 5* Ayra (Oh look, another good off-focus unit! +Spd/-Res, nature's legit great. Oh, I wanted fodder.), 4* Wrys (Oh well, least you're alright as fodder. +Spd/-Atk, still foddering.) Well, 0/3 for focus units, though the 5* units are good at least. I am done, either my luck has truly dried out or May is just utter crap for me to summon in. Then again, it is better than last year where I just got Peri and I was at a low point in this game.
  22. Magic is not always everything: sometimes it's just an irritance. https://imgur.com/a/NtKUAHN#hdu3obe I never wanted to 5* someone based on a pose before now:
  23. Xander. To be blunt, if he didn't matter to the story of Fates so much I might actually like him outside of Heroes. I should be able to like Nyx. I mean, her whole background is fascinating and is the sort of thing that it feels like Fates should have done well. The issue is that it's mostly in supports, which are harder to get when you can't be trusted to survive 2 rounds of combat. Her design on top of that's also an issue to say the least. Reinhardt in Heroes. I can't get one with good IVs and there's been so many enemy Reinhardts I've had to face.
  24. There's that, the boat map, Last Hope, Ephraim's route to a lesser extent. Course, it has to be on Difficult. Though I still think SD Merciless would be crueller.
  25. Both are theoretical, as they are not among the healers I have at 5*. Maria: Well, Maria is a easy to damage healer. She's actually really fast, which makes her pretty reliable for an offensive mage with the right staff, though her Atk is pretty low at 27, which does limit her healing a little if you want a staff like Recover+. Her high Res also helps with her combat as well as potential for a role with ploys. The issue is that her combat's not all that great, she's easy to take out with physical attacks (If Alfonse can 1-shot you unassisted, you're frail in my book), and she needs a lot of inheritance to make work. So she's not great, but she's workable. I think that you can do better, but she can work... but I doubt she's worth much without some 5* investment. Doesn't help her default kit isn't all that good barring Physic, though Panic can be useful for emblem or tactic teams. 4/10, she could be good at 5* Wrys: Man, he's both slow and weak, which is bad for him as a healer for the most part. The low Spd and Atk prevent him from being useful in combat and his low Def leaves him very exposed to physical attackers. There are things going for him though. He's got the highest Res of the healers, giving him the edge if you need someone for ploys. He's also got a great pool of HP which with some tinkering on his defence stat can make him pretty durable as well. He's not going to be as irritating as Azama, as Azama has more speed to prevent doubles and his defence is great among healers though. His default kit's also great, with Rehabilitate+ being a good staff if other units are badly hurt (not the best for everyone like before 2.0), Live to Serve being great for non-combat clerics and Heavenly Light being alright for a party heal, though not too useful. Slow also isn't great sadly. 3/10, Better healers exist, though he has some niche options.
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