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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. From personal experience, yes. I have spent time in isolation from people, I've distanced myself from those around me. I still kind of am and this is despite being around family. I know what it can do and does to my head at least. I don't know if you have a feeling of emptiness. I'm not sure that's how I describe it. But an antisocial approach is not a good call. It's a bit selfish to put it as how I am, but still.
  2. Frost the spy? Makes more sense than some other elderly spies. Michalis once again making things depressing. That whole situation was. No, he astounds me. Seth had plot armour in the form of convenient motivations. I don't think I need to say much, considering what happened to a certain food item..... I'd rather a cleric who can heal, warp and wreck Gharnef if you have the patience and luck to level her. So I thought when I first played SD and thought men couldn't wield Starlight. Narcian is the most well known. The power of memes and Narcian's early prominence is what got him through (though that doesn't explain Raigh before Lugh) Hated Archanean unit is not the same as character. Cancer is in MotE, it's not easy to beat the human representation of cancer. Let's see..... I'll bet on 11. If this were Ilia, it would be the best reward for breaking those walls. As for this route, I guess Bulgar? .....Dammit, another one bit it. Sacae strikes again. Even as you argue Douglas's strength, it's trying to break the rest of the army. Sacae is like the Djute: They are without honour. Sacae: The soul sucking route. Arcardo: Willing to use a dead man's weapon. Scavenging is a necessity sometimes. Albertus, your sprite's real nice. Good job. That's a little insensitive, it's probably somewhere to those who live there. Lance, I'm wondering what you could have a teenage boy do to help. He'd likely want to not be there and complain a lot. Marcus. Please don't, it hurts to see all the lame ducks as is. So on to a chapter involving rivers. And ballistae. And bandits.
  3. It'll be Denning, as part of buildup for a month of Blazing Sword.
  4. I don't recall ever being in Tellius. Not sure where we're at right now though, I kind of bumped my head around the time Fates was coming out here.
  5. Clarisse time! Earth: D!Ike, M!Robin, Sonya, Nephenee. M!Robin with TA + QR can take out both Clarisse and the ninja in the first turn. Shame I didn't have QR. Sonya tanked the ninja with Spur Def, and she needed it, because even if she wasn't -Def she would have died without it.Most of the other matchups are about as you'd expect but D!Ike was mainly there for the Earth Blessing buff. Water: Arvis, Fjorm, M!Corrin and Nohrzura. Arvis/Fjorm strikes again. M!Corrin and Fjorm take on opponents over the wall, Arvis attacks where needed (1-rounding the cav I think, finishing Clarisse), M!Corrin actually takes out the mage (why Blarblade? I don't recall him getting buffs.). Nohrzura does her usual thing here. Fire: Cecilia, B!Lyn, Ursula and Eliwood. B!Lyn of course takes on the bulk of the early fighting, the cleanup is easy. I don't recall Ursula killing anyone. Cecilia might end up losing any prominence with me pulling Gronnwen. Wind: Xander with Fury nearly solos this map, can tank the blue mage and of course demolishes nearly everyone when I remember to leave Hone Cav on him. Camus, L'Arachel and Elise helped I guess.
  6. Well, I got back to 20 again. 4%, don't fail me now. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 5* Leif (BEST LORD YAY! +Atk/-HP, not awful but could have been better. Oh well, I have a baseline to work with), 5* Nanna (YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am technically done here. +Def/-Atk, hopefully she does drop so I have a chance at a better nature.), 4* Mae (I've pulled worse. +Res/-HP), 3* Hawkeye (Is it worth promoting him for SI? +Def/-Res), 4* Bartre (Dorcas would have been better. +Spd/-HP) No, it did not fail me. I am done with Thracia. My non-legendary luck continues. Glory to best lord.
  7. So, this is different. Least it's not Infernal. Earth: For this I triggered 2 legion reinforcements in the first turn and there were 4 on the field. Ike is too slow man. Cleared with D!Ike, Springcina, Sonya and Nephenee. The archer would have been easy if I'd thought to being M!Robin. Wind: Cleared with Elise, Xander, Camus and L'Arachel (Xander and Camus are S-rank buddies). So for a start I have Camus and Xander hold the forts. Camus takes out both mages with the red mage first and then gets a Luna proc to 1-shot the Blue lancereaver mage (I laughed seeing that.). Everyone but Xander moves south to take out the reinforcement legion while Xander camps the forts to take on more legions. The blue mage reinforcement is 1-rounded by Camus, everyone moves to help Xander as more legions die. The archer is taken out and I end up tanking the blue cav by having Camus and Xander hold position in the forts. L'Arachel finishes the cav. Fury on Xander is great, I'm shocked I didn't do it sooner. Fire: Eliwood, Ursula, B!Lyn and Titania tear this map apart. Water: Arvis, Nohrzura, Ayra and Fjorm clear this one easily. Took a try or two to figure out. Had to replay each at least once, mainly because I didn't account for reinforcements on the first try often.
  8. GLORY TO THRACIA! Let's just hope I can get best lord. And Nanna. And Olwen. I'm screwed aren't I? 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (Not a bad start) 4* Caeda (I've been waiting for Fortify Fliers fodder. +Res/-HP), 3* Lilina (Well, this is a new experience. +Res/-HP), 4* Priscilla (Alright, not bad staff. +Def/-Res), 3* Rebecca (Again, weird experience. +Def/-Atk), 5* Thunderhead (Really? After trying everything else I could have had a free summon 5* this whole time? Dangit. Anyway, +Spd/-Atk, not the best but she is +Spd) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 3* Lachesis (I'm looking for your daughter. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Sakura (Well, I could have pulled worse. +Atk/-Def if that's any good.), 4* Seliph (I'm looking for your cousin. +HP/-Spd) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 3* Jeorge (Can't be 5* now, can you ass? +Def/-Res), 4* Lon'qu (Vantage? Vantage. +Spd/-Def) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green. 4* Hinata (Fury's not that tough to get. +Atk/-Spd), 3* Lon'qu (Again, Vantage. +Spd/-Res), 4* Saizo (His Spur Spd is more worthwhile than his Poison strike. Think about it. +HP/-Atk), 4* Priscilla (I usually never see her, this is new too +Def/-HP) 4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Of course) 3* Saizo (Last time this happened 5* Lachesis showed up. What the hell Nanna? +Def/-HP) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 4* Marth (Well, could be worse. +Def/-Atk) 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Laslow (Man if I had a spare last Sunday Legion wouldn't have been such a pain. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Clarine (Still wants to show up. +Atk/-Spd), 3* Saizo (Well, more fodder it is. +Spd/-Def) 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 3* Fir (Well that sucks. +HP/-Def), 3* Roy (Good fodder. +Def/-Res), 4* Lissa (Well, it's not bad fodder in staves. +Spd/-Res) 3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green 4* Felicia (Well I could have pulled worse 4* fodder. +HP/-Def. SO CLOSE!), 4* Clarine (Sheesh. +Spd/-Res), 3* Clarine (Does she want a MechaClarine? +Def/-Atk) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Eirika (Hone Spd? Hone Spd. +Spd/-Res), 3* Gordin (Not worth 4 orbs. +Spd/-Res), 4* Rebecca (Well, Could be worse. +Spd/-Res) 4% and 1/3 so far. Could be worse off.
  9. Dammit, is Surtr the new flashstep champion? Also yeah, you're not wrong. I'll say that this chapter was definitely less compelling. Partly because it was spoiled (I blame myself), but her death was still pretty cliche anyway. It also allowed for the dumbest thing that Fjorm has done, so that didn't help.
  10. I just realised that we've had no banner without alts since December. That's 4 months now, I think it might be time to call it out.
  11. inb4 Brave Finn is some ubermensch. Aside from that those aren't awful skills. The real shame is he only got an ordinary brave lance.
  12. When Falchion bow? I'd also take a bow firing refined Binding Blades.
  13. Hard and Lunatic bonked with M!Marth, Nepenee, Julia and Sonya Have not tried infernal yet, will likely hurt.
  14. Tomorrow is a big spend. Not today. It has Grima though. 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (it knew. :P) 3* Beruka (Well, it's Glimmer)
  15. Well, it's SA9 time. Really easy without those crazy maps, innit? Edit: Beat CC 17+18 with M!Robin, M!Marth, Lancina and BridLyn on the first set and Roy, Julia, Nohrzura and 4* Henry on the second. Seriously, Hoshidan New Year held me back for far too long.
  16. Alright, direct time, avoided spoilers (mostly, CAN THE HOT THREADS PLEASE BE POSSIBLE TO TURN OFF?) TLDR: Lots of good shit. Best Lord, Best Knight, Good refines and a second Rein (Really? Rein Emblem now?) Edit 2 (This is getting annoying): Also, Thracia trailer's out. For Leif, Stamina Drink (HAHAHHAHAH) is great for TT/CC, Drive Atk and Steady Blow are alright and that weapon effect is a neat thing. Nanna gets Drive Def, an alright A skill and Restore's great. Olwen gets Thunderhead (PFFFFFFFF), it's a Bladetome (RIP Cecilia), Swift Sparrow and Renewal. Rein gets the Master Sword (In german), DB3 and some other skills that will not be staying on anyone's Rein.
  17. Well, because Western Europe can't be up for the finale, I'm done for this round, will sleep and see if Lucina actually won a second gauntlet in the morning or if I should have picked Bunnero all along (It was a matter of who I'd had for longer and Springcina has been great for me for a year now, while Bunnero's a recent pull. Sorry for joining the old timey bandwagon). Just wanting to admire my ranks of 620 overall and around 3,300th on Team Lucina for this round, because there is no way these hold up for me now. I'd not done too badly in fairness, but I don't see it holding.
  18. Okay, this is not the turn I expected. Rormand's not a general for one. Clearly more intelligent than expected. Arcardo, you don't realise you signed your death warrent, didya? Rormand is quite clearly annoyed. 7 move and 9 spd. Spectacular. I meant too soon after the last time. Well, Seth is Seth. You can't argue with how broken he is in general. Gale was initially confused at Murdock's reaction of course, Murdock's face never changes expression. Not since he thought Zephiel died. Why thank you- Wait, I'm not Dainy! You would know that wouldn't you? It is a good use of continuity. Well, I'm still doubtful that Ruben's relevance is gone just yet. Narican has the power of memes. Explains how Wrys got in over best cleric. Never forget the hardships of Matthis. Frost, you know as well as I do that this was needed with recent events. Yeah, this chapter's annoying. You still need a flier for it too because of that village with Eclipse (I had to look it up, though to be fair it would be totally useful). Again, Brave Lyn proves that quite handily. I'm pretty sure they can, just that they usually don't get the opportunity. Is Cecilia supporting Douglas as well? Boi would not be happy to hear that. Either way, should we place all bets for Roy deaths on Sacae?
  19. Going to replay Enter the Dragonfly is folly. It's a good thing my disk broke, but even still I know it wouldn't be a fun ride, having tried even 2 years after getting it. That game is when I realised just how disappointing something could be and I credit it for my cynicism.
  20. Maria, finally realising her potential after Heroes, recruits all the little girls to complete the Little Sister-Loli conquest of FE. You have to stop her with the series's villains after the heroes all fell down. Maria is of course a prankster god now and fucks with everyone.
  21. That sentence brought back memories of you showing off your Tharja during the mage VG. The numbers you pull off still scare me. Like, I know I'll never match that level scary.
  22. Alright, figured it out. Had Arvis as my mage (could 2-shot Legion because of enemy Fury, Arvis doesn't have it), Norrin as my bow counter, Nohrzura to dance and Fjorm for tanking the reds and repositioning as needed.
  23. Anyone try Water Sanctuary yet? Holy fuck that Legion is insane. Apparently the boosts add up to +27 merge equivalent. What the actual fuck.
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