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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. New banner includes Soleil, the one unit who I still haven't pulled at 4*. I literally got Shiro and Seigbert before her. Let's see if that ends today. 4 Colourless, 1 Red (If I wasn't going for the legendary banner.....) 4* Roy (Well, TA3 is TA3. *sigh Neutral, definite fodder, might finally give Robin TA3.) Back to pulling for legends. 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Bartre (It's Bartre. +Atk/-Def), 4* Bartre (Bartre? Again? +HP/-Res), 3* Palla (Goad Fliers is nice) I'll have to try again later.
  2. >Tobin sniper demanding the pitchfork Triggered. These last 4 are probably some of the best though, thanks again for this.
  3. Camus/Nyna? Well, nothing's stopping you from trying to swim against canon I guess. SoV may have solidified Zeke/Tatiana for me. You're not wrong, but it's implied strongly enough that it's the most likely fate for her. Which sucks considering her background, family and Sonya herself. Also best character endings Genealogy Gen 1. Also Marty's ending is a surprising chuckle.
  4. I sided with Robin. The scales might be untippable.
  5. Thing is, Tatiana's ending with Zeke confirms he goes to Archanea. So it doesn't contradict the canon.
  6. Least favourite: Without question, Canas. Cursed continuity! Any BS remake fixing this would be alright in my books. Screw Pent, Canas coming to the party in BB would be OP as fuck. Closely followed by the vast numbers of people who just disappear afterwards. Delthea and to a lesser extend Mathilda are also up there, neither of them using their talents again feels out of place and those close to them would be quite quick to go "But why?" Favourite: I can't really say, can I? Probably my favourite headcanon based on one is Kliff. Now you might wonder why it's not lumped in with the others. 1. We know a bit about what happened because of his kid. 2. Headcanon suggests that he's married into the Forseti bloodline. I don't know why I'm such a sucker for this one, but I like how such a minor character did something so great. He creates his own Outer Heaven, making him the flirty Big Boss of the Fire Emblem series. So you're saying war never changes, even in FE? You're not wrong.
  7. ..... My mind's legit blown. Literally the best idea for Fates (aside from making an FE CYOA) and it's not in the game. Thanks S. Kaga Fates Mangaka. As for me, I obviously think the extended material related to Manfroy is canon. However, I also think that Manfroy may have had a goal lost in his years seeking to resurrect Loptyr and the impact that Judgral dark magic would have on him: he would have wanted to create a nation that wouldn't persecute people for their heritage, but even if he didn't want it to be Loptyrians on top at one point, that got lost in his focus on creating it for decades. It was Arvis who actually did that before Julius started taking more influence as emperor. Narican is also probably one of the most real people, in that he is so self-obsessed that you probably know at least one person like him. Also that Garon and Anankos didn't really have a plan for Corrin at first: they wanted Mikoto dead, but they don't really know if what happened would, or if Mikoto would die by Ganglari. At least I think so, it wouldn't be the only plothole in Fates.
  8. Why thank you. It hurts because ideally that's 100% of what I'd be using in BB. Neither did I! What's wrong with him? The hint about Eclipse's best use. I could go into how Frollo and Cornello are different from each other in how they treat those below them. Cornello was quite willing to live and let live with people if they toed the line. Frollo was willing to burn the city if need be, Cornello only started fighting when someone from Central started snooping. I mean, Cornello could have been attempting to make people in his congregation swoon for him, we don't get that much time to tell. I don't need to. I still think her, Lugh, Dieck, Lance and all the others would rather not be dead, but still. No. It's the same song from the last one he tried to reference. That's all I'll give, see if you can get it. What, a 5 year old girl? Oh, oh no. Look, Raigh's trying to be edgy. He thinks he's his dad! WELL THAT'S NEVER GOING TO COME BACK. TOTALLY NEVER GOING TO SEE THIS COME TO FRUITION. Raigh: certainly the best offensively. Niime's a powerful staffer and Sophia is alright when trained (especially tanking magic), but Raigh has enough base to work with and his growths add up. No comment. RPGs have been pretty willing to kill/torture kids. The two to the left are just teenagers. Moneyman is moneyman, he always looks like that regardless of nation. I think Echidna's right. Ah Echidna, looking to rope everyone in. Quick, get Saul! That or too idealistic politician. Holy moly, Roy's really growing strongly! Hopefully he'll be viable. Not really? One person on their own tends to move faster than a larger group in this time. Meh, she can dodge. Is she better than Chad? Congrats, you have a backup thief. THAT FACE.The disapproval is strong. After not killing the last guy? You could have tried. Even if one of the Jeigans was the only choice. Hell, maybe Cath could have got exp. :P To be fair, this is the only one that doesn't move any time soon. Any of them would be concerning on EP. OHO. Who are these two? I doubt it's Murdock and it's certainly not Arcardo, so what's this element now? Either way, it's one that we'll have to wait on. I'm going to get in on this: 3 turns. Also, Rubenio, don't make promises next to nobody can keep. So we're off to get Armads. A weapon Hector loves so much that he's never been seen without it in art, either before or especially in Heroes. Hell, he takes it to a tournament in at least one timeline. Which everyone was rightfully concerned about. Also meanwhile, outside is like this. Hopefully I don't die.
  9. Eliwood? Who has Blazing Durandal, I actually built like Boi and I stuck with Bow!Lyn? Wendy? Who's currently +9 (4*, I'm not that crazy sadly), got a Killing Lance+ because I could and is just waiting for DC and QR (I've been using the seal on her, she has BA3 right now)? Est? Who's actually 4* +8 now, and mainly wants a B skill and possibly a Brave Lance+? Gaius? Who's 4* +6, has both Poison Strike and Savage Blow and if I made a 5* could be a great debuffer? Rebecca? Who I actually promoted a 4* version of for SI purposes? The Askran trio? Alright, maybe not the last 3. Or are we on about the vast number of units I poured some SI into? Because pretty much every single unit I've ever pulled has gotten some SI unless they've not even been trained a bit yet.
  10. I'm liking your theories, keep then up! I think that BS is probably the title that has the most interesting points not mentioned (Endgame spoilers for those who haven't played BS, MotE, NMoTE, SoV and a possible spoiler for GotHW):
  11. I was just about to add Ninian! Fae or M!Tiki could also be a choice, but Fae is reliant on TA and M!Tiki would want better IVs before I pass a skill this rare on her.
  12. So I pulled B!Ike (yay) and now have no idea who wants steady breath. I'm mostly asking about general recommendations, though two I've been considering are Ninian (+Def/-Spd), Shiro (Neutral) and Lancina (+Spd/-Res). Any other idea would be appreciated.
  13. FREE ORBS GET HYPE 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 3* M!Robin (Bonfire. Alright.), 4* Camilla (Savage Blow. Alright. +Def/-Spd), 4* Hinata (Fury. Alright. -Spd/+Def), 3* Gordin (Atk +3. I guess.), 3* Felicia (BoL. Alright.) 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Rody (*Sigh. +Spd/-HP seems alright.) 5* B!Ike (OH LOOK, POSSIBLE FODDER!. +Atk/-Spd. So close to not being, but WHO WANTS STEADY BREATH?), 4* Camilla (Again? Really? +Res/-Spd), 4* Palla (Goad Fliers. niiiice), 3* Gaius (*music stops) Well, I kinda wish I didn't get only B!Ike, but still Steady Breath is great fodder.
  14. The best part about the win at DICE? My feathers are finally a multiple of 5 after the last award show.
  15. THIS MAP. I HATE IT. BETRAYAL IS AN ABSOLUTE PILE OF PILES. But dammit, I have to admit it's ingeniously frustrating. I tried to use this start, but a problem arose when the first turn didn't act as anticipated. As in the bow knight was actually smart and went for the right instead. So instead I had to pull an alternate strat that involved copious amounts of tinkering, too many retries and switching out Lissa for Mist, mainly because Spur Def/Res 2. Differences: My Fjorm had DD3 seal instead for Takumi tanking, Olivia had +2, Hone Spd 3 seal, Spd +3 and WoM3, Mist replaces Lissa and has LtS2, Spur Def/Res 2, Drive Def 1 Seal, Rehabilitate and Kindled Fire Balm (Also Slow+, but she's not doing damage with it), B!Lyn had S Rank Summoner Support, the BA3 Seal and Swap. Fjorm takes the usual role of tanking the right, with Mist acting as the healer there. However, because the Bow Knight moves to the left, I have to have Lyn take out both it and the blue mage, who HAS to die second because she needs Desperation to not die. So she takes the bow knight first, then Olivia pops in front of her with WoM so that Lyn can kill the mage from one tile up. Fjorm and Mist attack the swordie to ensure the healer just heals and we go to enemy phase, which involves Fjorm tanking (Like most of these turns), Olivia takes the wyvern's attack and we move on to turn 3. Lyn 1-rounds the mage and wyvern, Fjrom gets used to tanking the cav and we take the Skadi's effect. The new reinforcements mean I have to be careful with the mage in Lyn's range, so I pull back and let it come so Lyn can take it out next turn. From here, I spend a turn or two healing everyone and ensure that Lyn fights Takumi with her boosts in EP. This allows Lyn to easily defeat Takumi in PP, so I ensure that I deal with each one at a time. Fjorm meanwhile has to distract everyone else. Until those Takumis died, when the green cav decided to start breaking the walls. The barrier allows me time to get Lyn healed so that she doesn't die in EP and can 1-round the green cav. However the barriers have been taken down by now and I have to rush to ensure that all that's left are the clerics and thief (is it obvious I forgot some of the turns because it took that much time?), with Lyn thrashing the blue cav. The thief is taken out in one turn and the clerics decide to attack Lyn because they have to stop her before it's too late. They do next to no damage and she 1-round them, FINALLY ending this. It took 20 turns, too much of my time over the last few days and at least 5 stamina potions (not entirely spent on it, but still). But I took down Betrayal. Edit: I kind of wish I recorded the madness, if only so I could play this over it.
  16. I know what happened: Kliff killed him for the dracoshield. The handwave answer is what most likely makes sense for in game. He could be just a generic who looked similar too, but it's clearly not something that had much thought put in either way.
  17. Legendary banner has landed. I repeat, legendary banner has landed. We're gonna have a problem here. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Tailtiu (Oh look, it's the unit which so much investment as fodder. She's +Spd/-Def, so that's great.), 4* Ogma (Well that's a shame. +Def/-Res), 4* Hawkeye (Well, it's Threaten Atk. +Def/-HP), 4* Rebecca (DaB3 fodder. +Res/-Spd), 4* Sakura (+Atk/-Def, is that good?) 4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Jackpot?) 4* Abel (Not quite the horse I was trying to pull, but SB3. +Def/-Res), 3* Shanna (I've been wanting Desperation), 5* Shiro (Well, he might be least wanted, but that's not to say he sucks. Also, new unit! Neutral.), 4* Jagen (+Atk/-Res. Or as I like to call him, Fortify Cav), 4* Wrys (I'll take him. +Spd/-Def. Fodder he is.) 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Mae (Ah. +Atk/-HP, I'll be foddering her.), 4* Est (More merge fodder. +Atk/-Def, that might be it), 3* Hinata (Fury 3? Fury 3.), 5* Jaffar (I FUCKING ACCIDENTALLY CALLED IT! +HP/-Res, could be worse.), 4* Gaius (*Sigh. +Def/-HP) 2 units I've not exactly been hunting for, but I can't complain too much.
  18. Discomfort indeed. Better at taking hits. Just as an example. Hence you use the movement mainly to get her out of range of them, it's not that hard. True but it's the hurry of the first turns. I was on about the let's play. You forget it's BS. You'd be surprised at how that works fine as a Jeigan. The sentai pose, I wonder who he''d be working with. I obviously mean who else poses as madly, not just because of them being in GotHW. Not really, it's nice to see someone not die. This isn't a telenovela. Why must you hurt me in this way? Meanwhile Burlesconi still has a political career. This world, sometimes you think this is the worst timeline. At least it's not on nuclear fire. True. They can be quite useful in giving sentences a bit of variety. Both with how they get used. And in how they aren't used. I thought about extending that joke last time, here's a tired reprise. I see, brown under the purple. He's got a bad eye for fashion. What plan? He literally has a dragon stand around holding his seat. That he can't sit in. Elphin's testing him? I got nothing. Knowing Narcian, he needs a full presentation in person. With a rousing applause for himself. He actually doesn't move if you're in range. Raigh's considerate like that. Hint hint? Treck needs the brave axe now. Echidna can fight lances without using axes? Saul just stands about posing as he kills a guy. It's like Cornello took a more proactive approach. Oh no. That's about right. Both from you and BB. Zeiss? Cath: Causing more trouble than helping. Don't blame you. DUNDUNDUN Surely next time is Ein time? It's certainly Raigh time anyway.
  19. The 20k concerns me more than the low chances of Klein, I'm not fond of spending that much on a unit purely for sacrifice, otherwise I'd have more QR3 units. Where does Effie come in? He has DB3 by default. :P I've also given a Brave Bow, so it's Barst and Subaki I'd need to get besides.
  20. That's a good build option, certainly one to keep an eye on with fodder in future. He already has Hone Cav and with the right fodder will be quick in getting those skills as well. I'm not quite in the position to be passing QR3/BB+ any time soon, but I might pass Vantage if I can get Lonk for once and I'll also be going with Iceberg because +Res. He's also sharing a barracks with B!Lyn, he's always going to look worse in comparison, though he's certainly got the defensive advantage. Also, I'm lost on the recommendation for Bonfire when his Res is higher, especially for me. He's not actually that bad a ploy user at 33 and giving him Def Ploy seal might be good as an additional support, though it's certainly better for enemy phase to get Atk seal instead. I have to wonder why Reciprocal Aid is a default, he's got awful HP, lower than B!Lyn.
  21. Finally hit 100k (I had slowed down in the second week for certain things to be done), used Bowy for the last day because I got round to levelling him yeasterday. I'll miss when Bowy had stats, more likely to use Roy in AA and I can't see using Bowy much besides that Bow Valour (which is why I spent <100 ors on him alone). I also managed to get Hunktor Ward Armour, so he's done unless I get a merge/some crazy skills. LALyn already got Luna and unless I get Iceberg after some other units get it it'll likely stay that way. I've never actually gotten to 100k before. It's tedious, I knew that beforehand having gotten to 85k previously. Oh well, victory is boring, though it nets me orbs for tomorrow.
  22. I can't edit this for some reason, but I meant something along the lines of "You're the one taking the risk here, credit where credit's due."
  23. 1. Ephraim's skills are neat. Solar Brace is cool, I think Aether would be nuts and Sturdy Stance is the next level of powercreep. When Wind Stance? Also, who thought that second effect on Seigmund wasn't stupidly OP? 2. Of course he has the def blessing. IS making sure to hold them horses. 3. The colours are tiered again. Blue is a must pull this time around (Eph might be neat, but I have been waiting for Summer!Corrin), Green still has Gunnthra and Dorcas and B!Ike are in this time, Red does have D!Ike and Mia even if Leo is meh. The only interesting one to me in colourless is Olivia. Poor SummElise, hopefully next time.
  24. I know I'm not much of a cat person but sorry for your loss. The text under just says what rank you are on the site, unless you're on about something else. Hence why I did say if you knew who I was on about. Urk! I'm the kind of person who doesn't like pulling strats where I have to pull an enemy into a player unit's range to recruit. Also like my healers on horses usually to be fair but that's tangential to this point.. It's the accuracy that sucks here. Dark at least has Nosfertanking going for it. I may have realised the pupils weren't in it and proceeded to just put a dot in each and want "Job done" Fliers can drop units over the wall. Even Shanna can do it. True hit. About taking the time on a unit who needs a lot of time to get good which might not be worth it? Alright to be fair, Wendy also needs it in Heroes. She can actually tank pretty well though. Well, axes suck in this game, this isn't too surprising. Also, that's no good for me. Clearly didn't recall it. But that's still 2 below average and I couldn't use him in the endgame. Still had his uses, but still. Well, if the resistance is left with steel axes, makes sense to steel themselves from someone else's armoury. Even if they need to steal it. Her place? A chance to be a hero. Not a bad place. I just love how the axe looks in this screenshot. Like he's just trying to do a pose with it. Why be sad? Treck's future buddy is a good ally. The drama from this was fun. Course, the drama died down pretty quick when Lot just did it. :P I won't. I'll still push Gonzy, but you're free to give Geese a chance. That's a nice start. SPAM ALL THE LEVELS! DIES IRAE! At least he can dodge. I won't. Your loss on this. I thought BS did as well. I think that's a stretch of a pun. The man isn't joking around, stop him. The Castor of lecherous priests trying to preach at someone. Least it's less horrifying than some real people. Also Saul, we need to talk. Periods matter. You need to take them seriously. Are we sure that he's not about to have the horse attack? Rear Orlo in the stomuch? I am concerned? Maybe she's been possessed? I can't tell for certain. She might be, she might not. Next time, it's Ein time! I need to not reply so much.
  25. VG banner? It does have some reds I'd like. 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Palla (Good fodder. Been a while since I pulled her.)
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