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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Move over Oliver, perfection's here. The cucumber will also break the meta of whatever game this is I just know it. Falchicumber will have to be a difficult weapon to obtain for the sake of balance.
  2. Well, I kind of get it with Sacae only having the wall in Bulgar, but still. I'd guess before the upswing in tone from the chorus. Alright, I guess. Not remotely what I was on about. I was thinking that the use of that was a typo in the sentence. Oh. Well that's still a mistake. Because he is sworn to defend Zephiel. Even if most of his actions are on the offensive. Says the person who made the guess of Iran even as a joke. Well, their parliament is made up of just the noblemen, so I assume it's not quite the same. That face is so stupid. I love it. It's like a human Winnie the Pooh. That's it, if I ever get to Douglas I just know he won't get a single point. Maybe she initially assumed the Bern army copied the dragon's abilities somehow, concluding Bern just wanted to be sitting on top. Then she came to the conclusion that the Apocalypse might be coming. Niime also likely learned sensing auras or something like that if she could sense something among the dragons like that. She's the Mountain Hermit for a reason. No wonder she doesn't capitalise the Demon Dragon, she's that high and mighty. I don't know, maybe they wanted to hint at her being Sophia's mother? Maria, I know Heroes shafted you but you're not Odin bad. Least we know best cleric survived so that's nice. Next time, nomads, nomads everywhere.
  3. But we needs those dark periods without Marty to remember that we must not let the Marty Party stop. Corrin with Mozu. Her background stays the same, but it turns out she's part dragon when her village is attacked. Cue trying to figure out her origins and ending up square in the middle of the Fateslandia conflict due to her powers. She has to take the Yato herself (no flying swords in this Fates, she's not royal family enough for that) and from there Fates would involve her deciding who to join and leading the charge against the faceless who took her family. Ephraim and Eirika with L'Arachel. Because she'd be more effective (or at least humourous) at administering justice, even as a troubadour. Roy with Eliwood (It's BB, I think it counts). Eliwood's prestige leads to more lords taking him seriously, leading to Lycia holding off the initial invasion of Ostia without Etruria. From there, the story takes a turn with the Etrurians being asked to invade Lycia and Roartz and Arcardo complying. Meanwhile Eliwood has to return to all the weapon shrines, leading him to finding out about Idoun, who of course reminds him of someone. I'm not quite sure about the ending, any ideas I have are a bit too low quality for my taste.
  4. I was expecting late 2018 the minute it was announced, nothing had changed my mind so I'd think it's then if at all this year.
  5. Honestly, I had a headcanon that Grado and Jehanna shared their weapons between each other for some reason, Grado having a Hero and Jehanna having a Druid as a result. The others would be a Bishop/Valkyrie for Rausten, lance wielding Ranger for Frelia and Renias is likely a Paladin or General.
  6. Well, armours are associated with guarding.
  7. I have one question: Who wants that? As someone who's okay with settings being linked together and clarifying ties in this and other series, I have never understood the appeal of everything being in the same world and don't know where this is coming from. I haven't seen much talk of things being linked together and when I do I still don't see it as all that sensible. I say this as someone who's okay with what happened with LoZ and the three timelines. I'd also be concerned about ties causing more issues with continuity (imo Fates's ties were a mistake overall and felt as much about leaning on the fanservice). Now to leave before Tellius spoilers show up, I've been spoiled enough as is here.
  8. With this banner, might as well hope I can get either The Reinhardt or Worse Golwen. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Mae (Desperation 2. Oh well)
  9. Also realised it referred to his map as a reward map and used different wording in the list of maps than it does for the rotation. Isn't that odd, though fitting with the datamine, for a GHB to be referred to as something else?
  10. I assumed you hadn't based on your comment. My apologies.
  11. In Gaiden they got a straight +10 Res on the class and the Devil sword didn't hurt them. In Echoes they got an ability reducing magic damage by half with +5 Res and a bunch of new neat swords and combat arts. They're legit better in the remake.
  12. Wait, this isn't Rusty Pete. Anyways, Shanty Pete should be the arc boss of a prequel. You've seen him cause destruction before then, so you'll have reasons for wanting to end the pirate crew and Shanty Pete himself. Hell, give an optional recruitment that has consequences. Just putting something out there.
  13. Camu's able to be heard in the glen. Water: Summelise, Nohrzura, Arvis and Fjorm. Took a different approach by having Summelise attack Camus first and then be repositioned by Fjorm. Pretty uneventful after that first turn, Arvis tanking the mage and an axe notwithstanding. Earth: D!Ike, Sonya, B!Ike and Springcina to the rescue. Hilariously, with my first turn the two axe cavs didn't get involved in the attack, leaving Camus to take on B!Ike. This, as you can guess, was a mistake and he took Camus out on player phase, where I also set myself up for the rest of the enemies (Springcina vs. red mage, B!Ike taking on the rest with support from D!Ike and Sonya, who didn't attack). Those ploys might have made this work though, I failed a few times beforehand. Fire: B!Lyn, Titania, Ursula and Eliwood were on it again. B!Lyn literally had one round of combat if even that, Titania tanked like a champ and took out Camus, Ursula dropped multiple enemies because Blarwolf and Eliwood chipped in near the end and with Ward Cav. Wind: Xander, Camus, L'Arachel and Clive took this one. Xander tanked and slayed Camus (RIP bromance?), leaving the rest to be destroyed by himself (Axes) and L'Arachel/Camus (mages) Infernal: I remembered I had armours, so I used BK, Hunktor, LALyn and Chrissa. It took a few tries to figure out the first few turns, but once I was able to sort out the second turn, the next two were easy to clear the map with. Double reprisal man, brutal.
  14. I'm not going to make a long winded spiel about this, but I kind of get it. I don't think I'd agree with all of them (I doubt I'll ever say much negative about PHGSS), but I do think that the series has been much more difficult to connect with in a wide variety of ways, partly due to the size of the games and other issues throughout. I mean, I haven't even finished Moon's postgame stuff and it's not like I ever cared for the competitive scene so something has to be off. I haven't even picked up US, though that's as much as the 3DS currently being missing.
  15. No, this LP is not dead, though I think I might be a bit with how long it took. Sorry, should have been on this sooner. Chapter 7x: A Dark Shade Next time: DANGER DANGER
  16. Cyas shows up looking to outdo his dad. I'm not sure he can do that with this stage. Hard was cleared with D!Ike, M!Robin, Sonya and Nephenee. Lunatic switched out D!Ike for Roy because Roy could actually tank the mage and cav and Elise because she has more speed, though M!Robin did most of the work that time. In Infernal, I decided to go with Witch!Nowi, Newzura, Newmilla and Valter. It was the easiest infernal GHB in ages, I only had to retry once. Helps that there's an easy avenue of attack for Witch!Nowi, though the mage did complicate matters with his ridiculous res.
  17. Well there's some good news on that front earlier in this thread, though no idea when it's out. Expect an official announcement when Nintendo feel like it.
  18. You'd probably get half of the female cast in FE at this rate. Jerrot had to learn it some day. That ending is going to be edited, I can tell. Pretzel was a profound dumbass. Lang was a profound dumbass who could have destroyed Grust. Nope! I mean, it could have been, but Sacae is just that annoying imo. No, Eclipse does work on walls. It's legit the best use of Eclipse in this game. 100 HP walls? More like 2 HP. That was more at you than Douglas. You're not wrong on him here. In before a mage walks up and crits him. Sounds like a word in Latin that ends up in a bunch of religious choir music. Who knows, he could be part of the church of Zephiel or something? I could see someone doing that. He also disgraces Charles Martel, you forgot to mention that. Also apparently cursed to see her family die before her. Considering what happened to Nino et al., I'd assume even her extended family's not safe. IT'S ALSO COLD ENOUGH FOR SNOW TO HAVE SETTLED ON THE GROUND AND STICK AROUND, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GET RAIN YOU DUMBASS. Sure, we could assume he has an idea of floodplains if he's been seriously thinking this plan through. Does he think that Lycia will win without it? I have to doubt it with his actions. Still seems like he's massively incompetent and very easily riled up. Zephiel really needs to change his hiring policy for generals. Is that a typo? Is that supposed to be yet? Yeah, I can't explain that one. Might be a typo, not really sure. Doesn't help that she's in tears after this. Boi, what are you doing? I assume he's on about them being shamans otherwise. Still not the best place for him to be near. If Douglas were in Heroes maybe he'd have some way to deal with Reinhardt. Or he'd die like most of that game. Well, they're not in the village itself at this moment are they? *breathes ...... What. You left her in range with no idea if she'd die? Nope, this is about what to expect. She hadn't much time in levels. If this is all Ilia costs, I think we'll all live. Also dayum, that bolt is pretty unsettling. You did say you'd show bows killing units and you did not disappoint. With guest star Sue.exe! Well, he can execute her later is his logic. She failed him. Despite it being his plan, after she explained the unpredictability of the spell and despite her willingness to help. Zephiel is a terrible boss with these subcommanders. There, I said it. Whoa, hold your horses. Are we sure he's not just Elibe's version of Pretzel? Fecking bandits, right? Even if they weren't gems in your eyes, is there any mages left alive to use them? So, Humphrey. What even is the plan? Let me guess: Step 1: Wipe out all of humanity for reasons unknown by infiltrating armies and using powerful magic to mess with everyone. Step 2: ???????? Step 3: Profit! Next time this map ends and Martel has to prove he can fight as well as his namesake. One of those is unlikely to happen isn't it?
  19. Pretty easy GHB time. Infernal was much rougher. Wind: Camus, Xander, L'Arachel and Elise on this one. L'Arachel got to be MVP this time round. Fire: Cecilia, Ursula, Eliwood and Titania did just fine without B!Lyn. Eliwood tanked the green axe despite being -Def (I wish this was a more common occurrence), Ursula wrecked the right side. Water: Ayra, Arvis, Summelise and Fjorm take this one. At one point the mage made the mistake of taking Ayra down to low enough HP, because I could have tried to just wipe then all out with her below half health. Earth: Springcina, Nephenee, Sonya and D!Ike take this one. D!Ike tanked both knights at one point, which was nice because I screwed up a bit and needed to stop the blazing thunder proc (RIP M!Robin) while Nephenee tanked Zephiel like a champ.
  20. I may have forgotten to get round to Valter's maps yesterday. Anyways, Arvis. Water: Fjorm, Arvis, Ayra and Nohrzura tore this map apart. Fire: B!Lyn, Ursula, Eliwood and Titania double teamed them. Wind: Elise, Xander, Camus and L'Arachel again. Earth: D!Ike, M!Robin, Nephenee and Sonya were on this one. I'm kind of getting too used to what I'm usually using, though I'm waiting to see what other legendary (If I can pull any) show up.
  21. It's bizarre. Like the way magic doesn't work off strength so you only have the tome's might for attack. I don't know the philosophy behind it, but it seems like that was the conclusion they came to.
  22. Is his ability to fight all LIES LIES LIES LIES? Earth: D!Ike, Springcina, Sonya and Nephenee. Nephenee tanks Berkut and the bow, Ike 1-rounds the red mage and axe cav. Sonya and Neph team up to finish Berkut and the bow, Sonya takes out the green mage. Springcina surprisingly could have been replaced with a potato, a rare statement from me. Wind: Elise, Xander, Camus and L'Arachel for this one. Camus tanks off Berkut and the archer, everyone else is waiting in range. Camus actually needs Xander next to him to near kill (NOT EVEN ACTUALLY KILL) Berkut, who is killed by Elise, the archer is killed by L'Arachel, Elise tanks the red mage, Camus the green mage and L'Arachel takes the red mage out, leaving Xander to finish the green mage and tank the axe cav to death. Water: Nohrzura, Fjorm, Arvis and Ayra this time. Fjrom tanks in the first turn from north to south thanks to Uror and Arvis, they and Nohrzura deal with Berkut and the red mage while Ayra struggles to join up because I was suboptimal with my placement. Fire: B!Lyn, Eliwood, Titania and Ursula ride again. Everyone goes to the right, with Lyn in the north and everyone else in the south with Titania providing Hone Cav. The next turn Eliwood, B!Lyn and Ursula 1-round the red mage, archer and Berkut (not in that order), with Eliwood taking a magic attack. Eliwood finishes the mage, is the positioned to take on the axe cav, who of course is 1-shot. Honestly I had to redo everything to figure out what I was doing and I didn't clear it early on. Once I figured it out the fights were a cakewalk. Part of it is because Berkut is a beefy boss.
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