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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Also bonus: Tank minigame in Haunted Tombs is the worst. Worse than the trolley.
  2. Whut. I'm sorry, the really long face looks so goofy. It's surprisingly out of place with everything else, maybe that's why. Also, the best case scenario with Forneus modelling the death masks off his wife is some weird thing about placing her on a pedestal, likely after her (probably untimely) death. Best case. Did he just shoot miles ahead of Orson?
  3. Alright, another banner, another free summon. Tempting as it is, Thracia Tuesday is near. I don't have Mia, though Nephenee and B!Ike's stills are great. 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red 4* Tharja (Could be worse. Could be better fodder. +Spd/-Def, Might be worth merging my current one onto?)
  4. I have a question actually: what is the limit? I've tried to find it in the past but I have no idea what it is. Thank you very much for the edit by the way. The issue was not the image host. What happened was I attempted to put the post in, then the reply failed. I decided to load the reply again and then send, but it loaded the last version of the post which was not a complete version. At all. Still on me though to have made sure it updated right, though I do wish you could save posts on the forums. Sorry it's been a while. Apparently I had enough to worry about, and after taking ages to make the post it doesn't load correctly. Well that was fun. Chapter 7: Kin Touring Next time: You'd think that she'd have fun wrecking some inferior people and just strike them down.
  5. Thracia, Golden Week, possible May Day banner (ugh), discussion of updates in 2.4/5, possibly more word on dragons and announcing the next legendary likely imo. Also it's 9 hours ahead, so near midnight 9th I think in the west EU
  6. Well, I forgot that typing the comment. Stupid me. Likely has to be in his hands before the first chapter though, due to the placement of the whitewings before the game proper.
  7. Well, when you consider the director's interest in a BB remake..... Also, I just can't buy the Gradivus thing. It has to come with Zeke, then end up Hardin's hands before Chapter 8 of MotE. And that's not even accounting for it getting to Valentia, where it then has to be retrieved from Duma's Temple after being in Zeke's hand originally. Though him taking Conrad's mask is hilarious. Conrad must have asked "Are you Sirius?" Which Zeke then took and ran with.
  8. Dammit, I was about to upload that. It seems that Takumi has a challenger.
  9. Well, that ended indeed. I actually expected Lucina to lose when I went to sleep. So unless I'm unlucky I'll have at least one bonus unit for the final. Alright.
  10. A surly knight who regards most people as annoyances and only bothers talking with most people for a paycheck. Cares for his younger siblings, frustrating as he finds them at times.
  11. Well, it turns out Ninty don't get to control their announcment. :P Yeah, that's something that I really noticed, particularly in the Toasty footage. That will be great. I assume they just want to start with showing the first game and not get things too mixed up, might be they're not making the gameplay all the same and there's no hover in the first game (funnily, the last one I played or finished). They also spoiled the endgame for it on the site, an odd tidbit I've seen there.
  12. Frankly, I'd believe it was either one. Good luck, I have never been able to get him to work. You're not wrong. Seriously, that 30% would be alright. If he didn't start on 8. I was trying to say at least it wasn't you snapping. It would have been too soon though. I was on about ho I could see Pent saying something like this at any point. I was three minutes behind! I had edits! Well, he moves to attack her, activating Vantage. Least that's what I meant, I know she's not a trap. She's not, right? Well she's using it wrong then. Also struck rather than striked, English is annoying. But exposition dumps! Mercenaries do get hired for jobs outside of wars. They probably profit more off wars though. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.......................... Of course you did. Murdock is a fan of impossible tests. Must be how he picked his guard. Murderock strikes again? I don't think 2 max revives would be enough. I have to say, Murdock burning so hard either makes him the best Bernian or part dragon. You forgot Saul's been around for a long while. Alright, that makes sense. Also wow, that leaves the poor brother in a bad state. So what'll happen if you pick Sacae as the gameplay after all that? Just, Why do you do this to yourself? No wonder he got dropped from Brawl. I don't think so, though comparisons were made very recently because that palette swap was in 16x. Hillary Duff? Douglas sleeping on the job. Of course he fails at it. He's not by the king's side! Handaxes? Handaxes. >Magic Seriously, he's the worst Lorenz aside from Xavier. And that's only because Xavier is the worst to recruit. Some music to go with that. See this? This is why I screamed for Clarine. Not one Speed proc, are you kidding me? Wait, she's from Lycia? I'm sorry, what? PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I have no words for that. Next update? Next update.
  13. Well, with the recent announcement of Spyro: Reignited Trilogy and Crash getting the NSane trilogy last year, I had a thought. What fitting title would be given for other series? This is open to pretty much anything, go nuts.
  14. I wouldn't be so quick to say that. I thought that Crash would stay a PS4 exclusive myself, turned out I was wrong. And there was no mention of ports when it came out initially, whereas Switch has been mooted in these leaks and the N-Sane trilogy Switch port was made by the devs making this game. The Switch version not being mentioned yet could be because Ninty want to announce it themselves. Dumb? Yes. Edit: Site's up, get hype.
  15. I'd assume due to the original trilogy's association with the PS1. It's a bit weird sure, though it does make sense keeping that in mind. Happened with the Crash Trilogy too, though it's not so certain with this one when there's leaked images for the XB1 cover. Edit: Turns out a french trailer confirms that PS4 and XB1 come out at the same time. No word on Switch yet.
  16. Well, a Switch version will exist too if this holds water. Some more leaked screenshots here.
  17. Certainly not as good as in Gaiden sadly. I'd still consider it a good option for him as a class, though Kliff has the growths to make most classes work anyway. Movement is a concern that affects all mages and while other units do get more magic now, he still has a more versatile offensive list than most of those you'd compare him to.
  18. Sorry to double post, but: Next time: Really, why wouldn't you have some fun and just destroy the intruders? Also, it appears my post didn't load correctly. FUCK, be right back. AGAIN. I've lost this update twice now.
  19. After the last 4*+5*, I'm not really in the mood for pulling repeatedly, took me longer than it should to get who I wanted. 4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Klein/Felicia or Abel/L'Arachel.....) 4* Clarine (What did I expect? +HP/-Spd, merge.)
  20. A challenge playthrough, like limiting your playable units in some form or finding something to increase the enemy's growths or a really tough romhack. One of those?
  21. When they announced Episode 60 would be the end of the Cell Saga (I think last year?), they said the show would be on (quite likely permanent) hiatus afterwards. I'm fine with that, though of course them finishing the Buu saga at some point in the future would be nice too. They've clearly got more on their plate now, it's understandable.
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