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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. ...If I still had a Roy and enough time to prep Bunilla.... That would be the best of the lot imo, but no Bowbreaker sadly.
  2. Actually, yes. It's currently on my Bunilla, but if I were to stick it on someone like Newilla, Hinoka or even my 4th unit.... Yeah, that's probably the way. Have to figure out my fourth unit, it'd be so simple if I had Summer Corrin to be honest. I'd probably want a unit with Fortify as well to seal the deal. Newmilla would be good for it. Shame neither Witch!Nowi or Bunilla have a blade tome between them, far as I recall. Iote's shield is the obvious other choice, though Takumi's bases will determine my approach.
  3. ....I have the three fliers for this TT. On the other hand Takumi's the boss. Should I go and use the three fliers in my first party?
  4. That's great actually. I mainly choose blades for it because they really don't matter much otherwise. Also, another edit idea because I couldn't think of one before I had to head out earlier: Knoll gets replaced by Canas. Bases, growths, weapon ranks, affinity, all the gameplay stuff is Canas instead.
  5. I'd be number 3 but I just don't log in when looking at stuff on Youtube. Which is why I always make sure for her to be outside of range and not be attacked before she can run into Klein. It's not that hard thankfully What, leave her in range of them? I'm not that daft. Yes, yes that was. I might give her a lot of credit, but I just always tend to have the troubadours turn out well (somehow excluding Priscilla), so they always get a bit more credit from me. Same for their characters too (Again, excluding Priscilla). Either way, might as well bury this tangent. I may have mistakenly guessed that they were heading to the Western Isles. Seems I was wrong. I heard this clip while the laptop was muted. Fitting choice. Basements can be surprising sometimes. I've lived in one, There can be a surprising amount of space. Barth just picks her up right after. Pfft. Just see him saying something like "Now now, just because you electrified a man doesn't mean you can tank. Now watch as others tank better than I can." Eh, skill might be nice for axes if he promotes. The mage's mind right now. With Wade in range mind. BB thrones for you. If he had higher strength, I'd be jumping about it. As is...... This guy's next. Joy. After 8x of course, we have the Battle Congregation of the 5 minus 2 armies. Wait that sounds disappointing.
  6. Blades get +2 weight, -1 Might and 1-2 range. (Gives blades a niche for sword wielders)
  7. Free Ryoma chance? Free Ryoma chance. 3 Blue, 2 Green (Best not to react.) 3* Odin (Well, it's fodder) Need more orbs to get squat from the RD banner. My mistake to bother.
  8. I knew it sounded like him! Sadly not Danny DeVito (I actually like the idea, meme as it was), but I can live with this. Wonder if Reynolds will take this into account for the movie. Though this seems like something very unserious, judging by what I'm hearing. Might have a laugh at that overall, so either that's a good thing or it's supposed to be serious and it's already doomed.
  9. Wrathful staff forging is beautiful. Bride!Lyn gets so much damage out of it. If only she weren't -Spd and couldn't get Fury. It speaks volumes how much better staves do with that.
  10. Getting Jakob sucked. 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 4* Catria (Well, she's +Spd/-Res. Might be better than the one I have), 4* Jagen (+HP/-Def, he is Fortify Cav fodder at least), 3* Matthew (I don't get him often enough. +Spd/-Atk, well that's a shame but his attack sucks anyway.) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green 3* Wendy (And the saga continues.), 4* Cordelia (+Atk/-Def, already have +Spd. Probably could pass on), 3* F!Corrin (Well, she is a useful fodder. -Atk sadly) 3.25% 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Mae (+HP/-Spd. Fodder it is.), 3* Serra (3* cleric. Snore.) 4 Blue, 1 Green 3* Oboro (Well, could be better. Nature's not great, merge makes sense), 4* Jagen (More Fortify Cav. I seem to get the Hones and so on in waves), 3* Shanna (More desperation fodder), 4* Tailtiu (Got my hopes up for a second, and her nature's not great) This banner, like so many others, shows more disappointment.
  11. We'll see if Michiah shows up. Hopefully she does, My blue mage options are M!Robin, Ursula and Springcina. A refresh is needed. Sothe would be neat too. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Oscar (Not the one from Tellius I'm looking for, but it is Lancebreaker 3. +Res/-HP), 4* Sakura (It's flower power. +Def/-Atk) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Really wants me to pull Zelgius apparently?) 4* Effie (Well, she's +Res/-Def. Dangit), 4* Azama (Asshat, are you good this time? +Spd/-Def. So close) 4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Jackpot?) 4* Oscar (ALL THIS LANCEBREAKER FODDER. +HP/-Atk), 4* Odin (He is good fodder. +Def/-Atk), 4* Lukas (+Def/-HP. I may be able to roll with that.), 3* Shanna (About time a 3* showed up. -Spd sadly, so fodder she is.), 5* Jakob (WELL FUCK. DROP THE BASTARD TO THE DEPTHS PLEASE. +HP/-Res, Renewal might be worth it.) THAT ENDING RUSTLES ME. I HAVE GOTTEN JAKOB 3 TIMES WHEN HE WAS NOT WANTED. FUCKING JAKOB.
  12. Miriel, don't care what class you end up with.
  13. Well, SA6 has a disappointing seal. Easy enough clear, 2 retries total.
  14. TWEWY's plot can seem quite a bit edgy and over the top and silly... it is but I still liked it (I was 16 getting it though, so take that as you will). The actual setting's really good though and the music is as well. The gameplay has also varied from version to version based on the hardware. DS had 2-screen fighting with the stylus and directional buttons (or face buttons for the lefties), iOS pretty much ditched the second character entirely and I can't tell exactly what this port will do right now, though Neku has stayed pretty consistent across all of them. I liked the original DS version, though it's probably going to feel it's age a bit here. The new content is where I start wondering. They also showed Fe, though the indie status of it is debatable because EA are publishers.
  15. Out of nowhere..... TL:DR: Snore. No 3DS, lots of stuff I'm uninterested it.
  16. ......Wait how does that make sense? She's got the ability to run into her brother better than Roy could. That horse makes a difference. Well, I thought I saw similarities, though it might be just the way everything is angled. Ah, but you probably won't do as bad as many other protagonists. The castle might probably won't blow up. Well, he said around the room. Probably expected the Lycian army to die outside it. But knowing what's coming..... Again, the genius of Gaylance. Yeah, that's not clever. But it's about as clever as Legance might seem. I thought Treck was being hit by 2 lances here. ...... Stealing this for future use. I do get This. Still prefer Dorothy/Clarine's support, because Clarine actually is a better person than usual and is actually helpful to Dorothy. Sadly, we'll never see it. Bors probably told her not to grieve. Bors was wrong. Immediately thought of this: Barth is too memeable. iunderstoodthatreference.jpg Again, Legance the master general. No words needed. Roy has levels by now. And better bases. And Better growths. And more accurate weapons. Point being Wendy sucks don't use her. At least Legance gives some smiles out. Even if it's a smile for "Oh honey, he's trying to rebel. How cute." You know what, I didn't expect an actual useful tactic here. I wouldn't think of this, so thanks. Treck: Possible best unit? I hope so. The king of obliviousness being the best here would be worth the chuckle. Probably not. From what I can tell, once Roy talks to her she prioritises running away to the north. Maybe she can't get to there at all this turn so she just doesn't bother? DUN DUN DUN. Alright then, Ruben and Wrys will be involved in the Western Isles. How will you deal with the route split?
  17. .....Well, this banner is spoiler city. Kind of wish I could have it blacked out or something. On the other hand, there's a story update after 6 weeks, a terrain type that spells anti-cav, higher Hero Merit caps are out and Cymbeline gets to be refinable. Michiah seems like a neat ploy user, and her weapon is OP as all get out, Sothe looks legit crazy powerful with good IVs and a more useful Rogue Dagger and Zelgius is like "What if I rebalanced my stats barring getting more defence" while also free teleporting. He also gives no solitary fuck for spoilers. Dick. Also, when Thracia? This will now be my question on every banner.
  18. Actually no, it's an option that can be toggled off but it's not animations. Looking up generic enemy mercenaries (essentially the hero class) crashes the game, and that includes scrolling over them if you have certain options toggled on. But that's avoidable and they can be fought without crashing. It only affects generic mercenaries in the last 3 chapters.
  19. So I got round to updating my summons spreadsheet. I'm on 670 now, and the big changes include a lot more green pulls and the 3* and 4* pulls are actually about equal now. My luck with 3* units just won't decrease. Some pie charts of the overall summons. Feel like I should pop the actual spreadsheet somewhere.
  20. Tried to do the missions in Lunatic with Bride Lyn. Failed, went for Sonya. Team of 5* Alfonse, Sharena, Anna and Sonya. Sonya tanks the green mage first (because the blue mage doesn't bother to fight her) and then I pull back a bit. Then the sword cav fights Sharena on enemy phase and loses to Alfonse on player phase, Sharena moves to fight Eirika who gets Luna'd to death and Anna then has to move in to take out both blue mage and Ephraim. Would you believe it but Alfonse and Sharena got to S rank right afterwards too. (Probably deserve all the disgusting memes my way)
  21. I don't think it glitches up much at all, but it's been a while since I played it in full. I'm not someone who pretends to say a translation is accurate, so I'd ask someone else. The only gamebreaking glitch is on a chapter near the end of the game but that's in gameplay and can be prevented by turning an option off in the menu.
  22. Can I get flying Azura? 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Camilla (Oh hey, another one. Savage Blow fodder for me. +HP/-Spd) And that's 3.5% 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Well crap) 4* F!Corrin (+Spd/-Atk. Bit of a shame) 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 3* Gunter (It's a Hone Cav bot), 4* Arthur (....Well, he's fodder) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless (Well that's a bit of deja vu) 5* Newzura (WOOOOO! Somehow ended up in my castle! +HP/-Def, could be worse, but I have a bonus unit that doesn't hamper me either), 4* Leon (Need to check my current one, but this +Res/-Atk one isn't going to stay long), 5* Newmilla (WELL WELL WELL. It so happens she showed up, so that's a bonus, I'll take it. +HP/-Def as well sadly), 5* Hinoka (HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS. LUCKY FUCKING DAY. +Res/-Spd though, about as bad as my first one), 4* Odin (Well, he's good fodder. +Spd/-Res, worth passing.) I have Hone Fliers fodder. Not every day I could say that. Here's my proof, because I will likely never see this again.
  23. It's more like you have to know what the messed up text means. It mostly affects options in the menu and flavour text for items, so stuff like items themselves, characters and numbers are fine. It's playable for sure. This is from the patch I have, to give an idea of what it's like for gameplay. Didn't get any glitchy story dialogue in the short time I was checking, so this'll have to do.
  24. To be fair, I had been expecting Tharja/Camilla final this time. It appears I was mistaken after all, but it was predictable who'd win. Either way I did not even bother getting all the feathers and the only reason I was putting flags in late was because I'd been to a late screening last night. Lissa got to a final, that's neat imo. Not likely to happen again.
  25. The translation is buggy in places, the text is definitely not fixed in menus and it's kind of known for a meme for years now (unless that was an older patch I'm thinking of). It's merely serviceable and if you want to wait that's fine. The issue for Thracia is that it's a game that is far tougher without guidance as there is a lot of weird mechanical differences and design choices that are plain frustrating. Doesn't help that the best guide for the game is on a Spanish site (which is alleviated by the guide getting a full translation without google translate). But if you do know what you're doing it's so exploitable that the difficulty really goes down. I'd say that Thracia is the hardest title on it's lowest difficulty out of what I've played, particularly if playing blind.
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