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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Finally promoted Cecilia and Fae, along with Valter. I only wish I had a bad natured Nowi at 5* for Fae to be a Reinsmasher, Cecilia just needs an A skill and another B skill and Valter only really wants something like Swift Sparrow for me. I've been debating what healer would be the best, and it's a shame Lissa has so many -4 banes that I can't really pick one that doesn't mess with her healing badly, even if I just pass her Physic+. Oh, it's a preference thing here. Though I should prioritise a blue armour first.
  2. Starting to finally dig into the last of my CC's in order to get orbs. Let's just hope I'll get some present. It'll be like my birthday again otherwise! 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 4* Chrom (Was concerned for a second. Still poor fodder. +Res/-Spd), 4* Athena (It's not bad, but I do not need one when I have +Atk/-Res. Moonbow's not bad still), 4* Fir (She finally shows up at 4*. Even better she's +Spd/-Def. I have Glacies fodder lying around now), 3* Shanna (+Res/-HP. Would rather a better IV), 3* Gordin (Atk +3 fodder? Or shove/Vantage 2 fodder?) Well that's disappointing.
  3. >Mods, mods everywhere I think I skipped out on this thread at the right time. 29
  4. So, why did you head off from the office?
  5. I have to hope right? 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 4* Marth (Well, I am actually desperate for Spur speed. He's +Atk/-Res though!), 4* Tharja (>Don't get for months >Get 2 in the same banner with a special variant of said unit >What is life? Either way, nature sucks, so fodder), 3* Selena (Reposition + TA. Neat), 4* Leon (Well, he has Ignis. Also -Atk), 4* Titania (...Shame her skills are eh, could have used her as useful fodder otherwise. -Spd too) 4 Blue, 1 Colourless (OH GOD NO) 3* Shanna (GOOD FODDER OH MY. +Atk/-Res too, which I would jump on if that bane wasn't awful), 3* M!Robin (Where's his red robe-in? He is a good nature at +Atk/-Res.... But my 5* version was my first 5* :P), 4* Clair (More Spur Spd. But she's +Atk/-Def too. My luck to get good IVs on units I want to fodder), 4* Oboro (It's her again. She's +HP/-Def though), 4* Saizo (+Res, Spur Spd, Sacrifice) 115 orbs. A freaking -Atk Lachesis for my troubles. Ho hum.
  6. I've managed to get about 100 orbs, and I wanted to save too.... but if rumours are true I'm not that lucky and have to likely pull for a 40%. Worse, Tharja has RTome Valour and CC so I'm obviously interested in that as a unit but it's even nuder Tharja. So lucky me. 4 Red, 1 Green (Does the game know and want to make me cry?) 3* Lon'qu (I have been getting too many 3* units to think the percentages are right lately.), 4* A!Tiki (I could probably make every joke. I'll leave it at that. +Atk/-Res any good?), 3* Draug (Ward Armour fodder is alright I guess), 3* Laslow (.....It's Axebreaker I guess?), 3* Cherche (Her Nature's +Res, so no point) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 3* Hinata (Fury's neat), 4* Wendy (AND THE WENDY STRIKES BACK. +Def/-HP, not worth much), 4* Est (Trash the unit, though she does have merge uses. She's -Atk so of course I would), 4* Tailtiu (+Atk/-Res. I wish it were -Def), 4* Gaius (aka marge fodder) 3.5% so far. 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red 4* Tharja (Not the one I'm looking for, and I have a great natured one. So inheritance it is), 4* Peri (I was concerned for a second. +Res/-HP. Threaten Def is nice), 4* Oscar (A -Spd Oscar? Lacebreaker fodder!), 4* Sheena (+Def/-Atk, so fodder she is), 4* Merric (+Spd/-Res. I need to figure out which Merric is better between +Atk or +Spd) 4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Well crap) 5* Lachesis (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- ....... She is possibly worse than Peri. +HP/-Atk. I think I'm going to pass Physic+ and Absorb+ then), 3* Oboro (Meh I guess), 4* Subaki (Well it's alright as fodder +Def/-Res), 4* Donnel (Well, this is meh), 4* Clair () This is depressing to watch. I pull 5* Lachesis of all things as a risk dodger. Well crap.
  7. Not surprising I never knew, I haven't been near the anime since Jhoto. This is possibly the first official art of it though, it was released with something similar for Castform and Darmanitan.
  8. I'm a bit surprised to see this: One of the pokemon that has been always been covered up has had what was hidden revealed. And no, it's not Diglett before you ask. Can't unsee it.
  9. I KNEW IT! Well, this ended pretty well. Except for Matthis. Ruben will never catch that break after all. Who knows where he stops running? I don't.
  10. Oh hey, what price did you get the 2DS for? Curious as I've been trying to see what I could get it for. Also, I'm not surprised about Awakening being expensive, Nintendo's core IPs tend to not depreciate much regardless of console if there's even a bit of demand and it's no longer distributed, so it'd be quite likely to be. Unrelated, I was surprised to see Conquest be at about €10 at some point, but that was clearance in all but name anyway.
  11. Well I was wrong. It's all Awakening after all (which is sure to displease plenty), it's all armour and I'm kind of bummed out. Lissa's probably the one I like the most of the four but she shares a colour with Chrom, Robin is the first Blue Armour since launch and Tharja gets 5 skills, is a mage has a Valour skill and is the first with CC since launch. So the one I should get the most is the unit I want the least, and the unit I want the most is one who's likely to leave me as disappointed as Catkura. This feels like a misfire on the dev's part to be honest.
  12. LEGIT GEN II CELEBI GET HYPE I might choose to pick it up, but I doubt it. Much as it was my version, I also have it in a cart and SS, so it'd be a bit unnecessary.
  13. Flier emblem stronk. Used it to beat Hard and Lunatic. Lunatic took more than one try because I should have more reposition fodder on them. Instead I forced the armours to loop around the map once I'd dealt with everything else, damaging them with Witch Nowi. Used 5* Michalis, WitchNowi, Elincia and Hinoka.
  14. Lissa to the left, I kind of want to guess Ephraim on the right. Also calling it that Christmas Robin and Tharja were merely leftover data from a possible earlier launch that got delayed and won't be on the banner.
  15. Alright, I'd certainly like Tana, considering Amelia isn't that high a priority any more. 3 Red, 2 Blue 3* Est (Trash the unit.), 3* Odin (Not trash the unit) Well that was disappointing.
  16. I kind of had the opposite. I chose B!Lyn for free and pulled B!Ike later on. Lyn's a glass cannon, but that cannon blast is monstrously powerful. B!Ike is a fun enough tank to use, especially with +Def from what I've found. I've used him for two TTs now, he's very solid. He also has Threaten Def not Spd, which is still plenty useful. I don't think I see him killing as many mages as all that, but I have a -Atk variant (I just keep getting -Atk Ike). It's not like he's immune to reds, but they have to be built to overwhelm his defences and so would usually be overkill. On the topic, I wouldn't say B!Lyn's terror is over. I've only been seeing her more and more these last few weeks. We'll see how true this is in the next few weeks.
  17. You were also turned into a dog. You either die with chocolate, or live without. I wish I could teleport.
  18. Gotten these maps out of the way (No Rein, one use of B!Lyn, 3 uses of Ayra, 11 uses of Nohrzura): Effie the Strong: M!Robin/Sonya/Nohrzura/Y!Tiki (Arvis instead of Nohrzura in Normal) Dark Rainbow/Alluring Four: Nohrzura/Springcina/Nephenee/Eirika Light and Breezy: Lyn/Brave!Lyn/Olivia/Julia (Gordin instead of Brave!Lyn outside of Lunatic) The Iron Wall: Arvis/Ayra/Nohrzura/Nephenee I think I'd rank Effie >> Iron >= Breezy > Four > Rainbow Effie's map is just a brutal first map (I has to use a stamina potion because of it alone) and everything else was so much easier. Took a few tries to get the Lunatic version of Iron Wall but it likely would have taken as much trial and error for Light and Breezy if it didn't click first try.
  19. OK, these are crazy maps. I am utterly stuck on Effie's hard map. That alone is beating me soundly. I am concerned.
  20. Beat it a few weeks back, made a highly optimistic post as the start of a topic. I think that a poll asking about this might be nice on this topic though.
  21. Wonder how I ended up in my least favourite region. Then likely be put beck to sleep by the Vivilon as I am in its territory.
  22. Me, I'm of the mind that there's no point for me to be chasing to play the older titles 100% legit considering the difficulty. Partly because I started pretty late in the series's life (during the doldrums, before Awakening came out). I've emulated in some form pretty much every title except for Tellius (because the best method to do so is a bit roundabout) and the 3DS titles (which I've paid for). Besides, trying to buy old physical copies isn't supporting IS at this point considering that they're no longer being distributed. If someone else wants to get them legit, I'm one less competitor. Supporting titles from here on out is more relevant. Fanright or not, I'm not really someone who could adequately get these legit. If that changes in the future, maybe.
  23. What did we do indeed, he's clearly loving this!
  24. I think I give the plots of this series too much credit. Spoilers for most of the series. Also in order from best to worst, though this is probably not as well sorted as it should be and is not final at all.
  25. I'd guess that Marth started circling the guards, went "Alright, I'll entrust the task of guarding my fiancee to......" and then chose the person he was pointing at when he stopped. It's not like he hadn't other options to pick from who'd have worked out better. This is not something I expected to see today. And I know it's not the pain meds, I'm not taking anything that strong. Navarre's face is great. It's almost like he realised he'd been dancing in.... oh wait. That's a great edit if it is though. Okay, now I might have been wrong about earlier. Am I actually high after all? OHO Ominous! So this is a mad update and I just don't see how this will end as of yet.
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