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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. More maps is more orbs, so I'm already back to a full pull. 4 Colourless, 1 Red (This is a joke.) 4* Chrom (*Sigh. +Res/-Atk) 3 Red, 1 Green, 1 Colourless 3* Laslow (Meh, not exactly top tier), 4* Eirika (Been a long while since I pulled her at all. +Def/-HP, not great), 4* Eirika (ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Is +Spd/-HP a great nature?), 4* Cecilia (Again, not quite what I wanted. +Res/-Atk) *SIGH 10 $$@£ %
  2. ......I can't really discuss it here as no spoilers, but I am wondering your thoughts on it now. I liked the series, though it does have a quite strong message in relation to religion so fair warning. It's also been a good while since I finished it, so I'm not remembering it as well as I'd like.
  3. 8.5%, is it enough? 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Raigh (Joy. +Atk/-Res, merge), 3* Frederick (Well, it's Luna.), 3* Cherche (Meh, the unit. Though I'm wrong, she +Atk/Res. I have been waiting for this day. Took a year to get a great one, but I am likely to promote her now.), 4* Kagero (+HP/-Def, sacrifice), 3* Saizo (Meh.) It'll be a mad dash tomorrow to get enough for a pull. 9%
  4. Sort of, the joke was about a Nuzleaf that had John Locke's face and talked a bit like the character, hence the name. The name stuck after it got buzz and the guy did use Nuzlocke as a moniker. I was on those forums a long time back, ironman was used for non-pokemon games (Like FE, the reason I actually knew about the series. :P)
  5. They weren't expecting these shots to be memeworthy that's what. Made a mistake here, forgot about Xavier. Can't really say. I know he was a mangaka and was brought in specifically to write the story. The thing about the writing for this series is that you'll have it done by a bunch of people because there's so many facets of writing that have to be dealt with like supports and flavour text. Inconsistencies arising are a very real possibility. Here we are indeed. Well, if the strat work. And you know what they say about the best laid plans. Tried? I succeeded. The trouble is that literally one person got it. When you kept bringing up Frollo and you get one of the few others who's like "Yeah, that's right" commenting? It's not as if Hunchback's my favourite of the Renaissance movies, but still. Ah. In fairness it might not have been Pent. I looked into it, it seems like it's the only obtainable once regardless of route. Certainly can't buy any. I am already concerned for this playthrough (finally got back to getting on with mine, doing alright so far) Little child burns big man to death, 2001. Sumia's ancestor confirmed? Nah, she's just running fast and he's afraid she'll trip. .....no. I know I called it and all, but I don't have any remarks to make. Treck died. When the Nosferatu gets tough, the tough get their best weapons out. Well, don't count it out just yet. You might lose even more on the other route. Also, as for how you do it, maybe it's related to that horseman? That or Zinque was made to be a generic boss out of a factory. Ah yes, the club headaches. I mostly can't hear anyone else inside and am considered a danger to others when dancing. I knew there was more to Gonzy! Seriously, don't discount him on A route just because of the bases. You might need them there. That is a depressing mission. Sounds like Humphrey's job. Myridain, what's this about? Why say it like that? There's no point in trying to piss off the people you want helping you. Well, he does say that they have experience. He's just crapping on anyone with D rank. Well, at least you got one of the Hero Crests? Better than nothing. So many good people already dead? I can completely understand not wanting this route. But march on you do.
  6. ...This map hurt me last time. It's still doing so, haven't gotten Infernal yet and failed to use the Askran trio for Sharena's quests, though I still got it while not getting the infantry quests. Valter killing Valter I had to redo because I forgot to actually do it the first time. To be blunt, Valter is an awkward GHB for me do and I've already spent multiple Stamina potions doing this and some other quests. I've had to do everything more than once and nothing stuck. This is still hurting me 6 months later.
  7. Pretty much anything using DC. I wish I could get a second Hector, but alas. I'd also love a lot more Swift Sparrow fodder, quite a few units would do really well with it if Springcina and B!Lyn are anything to go off of (and considering they're among my best units...), Pretty much any of the amazing skills that I've only pulled once like Steady Breath.
  8. You know what, I'm willing to roll with this, it kind of feels like units get shafted when they don't account for multiple forms. Did you send it through Heroes' ingame feedback or elsewhere? I still want to suggest Pantsless Marth with Mercurius as it was exclusive to him then, though it is memeworthy.
  9. So, I confess to not being sure as to what's going on with this stuff about the memo. It appears that both ends of the spectrum are obviously making the case that the memo will do good for their side, but what's it actually on about and is it likely to work? Seeing what's already known on the obstruction case is a bit mindblowing. Like, what the fuck is my immediate response to reading the parade of bad choice made, especially point 11. Can the USA actually recover from this, or will changes have to be made in the system?
  10. I know I didn't mention Lilina, but you're right in that none of the sages are all that great. Hugh just has a way to be suboptimal, less availability and he's at his best in Hard mode, so I picked on him. Least this playthrough has a mage. I still question Dorothy and Treck being in this list, but they're slow going to start off, I see why.
  11. ORB PRESENT! But first.... A banner I don't need to pull from when I have everyone, but any would be nice. 3 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green (That makes it easier) 4* Subaki (Well he sucks, but has QR2. Neutral) Back to the legendary. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 3* Stahl (Is the curse finally over?), 3* Eliwood (WHY?), 4* Sheena (Well, Svallian Shield exists, and with Thani now in the game.... +Res/-Def), 4* M!Robin (He does have nice things to pass. +Def/-Res), 5* Daggerick (GACHA. MISTAKE. +HP/-Res, could be worse) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green 3 Gunter (NOT. Now), 3* Stahl (Well, he can be sacrificed at 3*), 4* Shanna (DESPERATION! +Def/-Spd, definite fodder), 5* Summer Robin (Well, at least I have Lance Valour to train all my horses. +Atk/-Def, actually alright I guess), 3* Donnel (Well, another unit to sacrifice) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 4* Ogma (Well, it's not much good. +HP/-Atk, might just merge), 4* Klein (THIS FODDER I LIKE. +HP/-Atk, I am not keeping), 4* Donnel (Sacrifice), 4* F!Corrin (At least S!Corrin isn't here, knowing my luck I wouldn't see a sight of Corrin. +Atk/-HP), 3* Donnel (Well, this is a weak end. 2 Donnels in the same pull) 8.5%. 2 Summer Units I wasn't looking for. These banners can be pretty disappointing imo.
  12. I can't even say I had that high an opinion when I had it. That game was the first thing I truely disliked (that stuck and hadn't stupid reasoning) and I think is where my cynicism came from. Pretty much every early pokemon game feels it's rickity age except, oddly and annoyingly enough, the Hoenn titles. You know, the region I liked the least before Kalos happened. I came to the conclusion that GTA really only got all that good with SA and VC certainly was good unclean fun between myself and my brother. VC always felt a bit off with its running. Should I count something like LEGO Loco? I mean, was it a game? Because if so, that might count.
  13. 1 is alright, 2 is a bit worse, I haven't been able to convince myself to see Minions because the Minions getting pushed more and more before then made me very concerned and I hadn't gotten round to 3.
  14. Maybe move to the subsection? Also, Hector without DC. Everything else is on the table.
  15. You can also have her pass it to Merlinus, it's gas to be honest. But yeah, they're likely to not have the mine glitch in a hypothetical remake. Either way, I'm not sure what specifically to change for a BS remake. I don't think I'd be too into expanding Mark, but that all depends on execution. Bringing it and BB closer together is one thing I'd want, alongside improving the lords as it seems like they are kind of crap unless they're Hector on higher difficulties, at least for ranked/LTC.
  16. We don't deserve this. That's not a compliment, Illumination have only given less of a crap over the years. Could be worse, we might have gotten Brinquedo or something. :P
  17. And now back to our scheduled disappointment! 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Well this is better) 4* Draug (Ward Armour's neat. +Def/-Spd, could be worse), 4* Selena (Reposition's nice. +Atk/-Spd, that's weak), 3* Hinata (Fury's nice), 4* Oscar (Lancebreaker 3's nice. +Def/-Atk, poor nature), 4* Setsuna (Bowbreaker's nice. +Res/-Def, eh.) 9%. As expected.
  18. Kliff, Canas and Maribelle got to the top 100, so I actually got more in the top 100 than last time. Maybe Kliff will be in the next SoV banner after all? Scarlet got into the top 200 as well, but the others didn't go so well (Finn's another spilt vote victim) Didn't count? That was the reason I tried to get her. I failed, but still.
  19. Not too often, and not in milk, beer or any hot drinks.
  20. It's Dawn!Ike. A Dike is used as an obstructive structure, D!Ike can do that job. Hence the naming. I was actually thinking of that meaning for dike when it popped into my head. The furthest stretch to be sure. I might use it again though, enough people have played SS that I can justify it.
  21. Some new ones. New Year!Azura/Takumi/Corrin/Camilla: Newzura, Newkumi, Norrin, Newmilla Mage!Eirika: Knollrika Vanguard!Ike: D!Ike
  22. Geese or Garret. Despite Gonzales not being as good on normal, I'd still pick one of them over him for this. Garret being recruitable by Lilina should be ignored as a factor unless she's too easily killed. Both are useable in hard mode as well, so it's not they they will be totally awful in this playthrough.
  23. 1. Bit off topic, you could make a new topic. 2. You can't ask for ROMs on the site, it's against site policy for legal reasons. You'll have to figure out getting the ROMs separately.
  24. Do you mean the story plot or the other Plot? Because I can already guess the winner of the second category if CYL is any indication. Ah now, we'd also need a Best Husbando, we need to be seen to equally objectify :P Other categories include: Best Sound Design (For the sound effects) Best New Mechanic (We have a lot of options) Best villain (For the salt)
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