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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Keep in mind I only promoted Valter of these three at present, so here are my thoughts: Valter is pretty good on promotion, with a unique weapon that gives quicker cooldown and a partial fury effect. He's not so fast without ally skills, but he can cause some serious damage, hitting 50/33 with his weapon and can easily do a lot more damage with the right skills or even a few Goad Fliers. If you don't like him taking damage then you can use Renewal, which is particularly good for modes like CC or TT. Lyon gets a personal Raven tome, so he's got potential as a Lynbreaker in arena and his high res makes him alright for tanking green magic as well. Lloyd has a sword which makes him faster when his opponents have full health, his stats work well for a fast sword but he has plenty of competition. I'd say it depends on what you're lacking the most.
  2. So, Soren. I got a 5* one in the LA banner, and I've got some questions: 1: The 5* one is +Res/-HP, the 4* one I have is +Def/-Res. Which one do I keep and should I promote the 4* one for merging purposes if it's the 5*? 2: If I don't keep the 5*, who benefits the most from Watersweep?
  3. This banner has tempted me more as it's come closer to release. Hopefully I can get at least Lyn. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Abel (Alright, not bad fodder. He's +Res/-Atk), 5* Lancina (*Airhorns Wait, really? I JUST PULLED YOU! SHE'S ALSO +SPD/-RES. I MERGE THE LEVELLED ONE ONTO HER RIGHT?), 4* Olivia (I've been looking for Hone Atk 3, but the merge level would be more useful +Def/-Spd), 4* Cherche (Eh, could be worse fodder. Shame I can't really merge onto the 5* I just promoted. +Res/-Atk), 4* Priscilla (Well, could be worse. Though 5* might have been better +HP/-Atk) 3 Blue, 2 Colourless (My chances are good?) 4* Peri (I was afraid for a second. +Spd/-Res. Might be better than what I have), 4* Mathilda (Well, it's Hone Atk 3. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Oscar (Fodderman arises from the blue! +Res/-HP), 3* Niles (Iceberg fodder), 4* Rebecca (If she'd been 5* again.... +HP/-Def) 3 Green, 1 each Blue, Red 5* Soren (WHAT IS MY LUCK? +Res/-HP. Is that any good or do I sacrifice for Watersweep?), 5* A!Lyn (AMEN! GOT HER! +Spd/-Res. THAT'S CLOSE TO AMAZING!), 3* Nino (Fodder it is), 4* Gunter (Well, it's more Hone Cav. Where are the cavs? Neutral), 4* Fir (Disappointing finish? Sure. But I got Lyn quite quick so I'm good. +Def/-HP) 3 5* units, Lyn Emblem and a fear of blue orbs. I doubt I'll be pulling tomorrow.
  4. That, 13's cast where I can't stand 1/3 and think 1/3 are pretty bad, Seymour's campiness can be more appealing that whatever the villains were in 13, upgrading in 13 is somehow more linear and tedious and the fact that characters (to be fair by that I mean Rikku) have non-fighting/item commands in 10. At least, that's where I stand. 10 also came out years before on older hardware, so the cutscenes being dated are just plain more likely. As for myself, I'm not sure what I'd pick. Maybe Oblivion?
  5. TT7 is here! Let's go! Map 1: 5* H!Henry, FrankenJakob, 4* Effie, Draug (All +1) Had my +8 Wendy first, but decided I might need her later on. Draug can easily take out the cav with Bonfire and H!Henry support, Jakob takes down Julia, Effie can tank Seliph and the cleric long enough that with support she can beat both. Map 2: 5* Eirkia (+1), Lyn, Sonya, 4* Tharja Forgot to put Fury on Eirika, still went fine. -Res Tharja does not get 1-shot by the red mage with Eirika using Fortify Res 2 (And I'm pretty sure it's fine regardless) Sonya is mvp for tanking Olwen for 0 and 1-shotting Rein. Map 3: 5* Julia, M!Robin, Sprincina, Nephenee Robin takes Rebecca, Neph and Springcina take out Karel and then move back so Springcina can take the mage, who''s moved out of Ninian's range. Then everyone dogpiles Ninian. Simple. Neutral Honed Julia is 2 attack off one shotting Ninian. Map 4: 5* Chrissa, BK, Hector, 4* +8 Wendy. Did say I'd need MechaWendy. Chrissa easily takes out Camp!Xander and the archer, Wendy 1-rounds the infantry with QR and bonfire and Hector tanks Springcina and 1-rounds. Map 5: 5* Cecilia, Seigbert, B!Lyn, 4* +1 Frederick Cecilia with +6 to all stats, Gronnraven+ and Draconic Aura 1-rounds Lukas and can take out the Thief on her own. Neutral B!Lyn with Hone Cav will 1-shot Clair (Calcuated as my Lyn has Atk +1 seal, Summoner support and Seigbert gave +3 Atk), Seigbert will 1-round the axe user with Hone Cav. Could have bothered to do a non-cav, possibly non-armour clear but I just wanted to be done.
  6. I highly doubt they intended on having Garon look so dumb. The problem is it's Garon. That's where the term came from. 4Chan co-opted it for the meaning we know it as today. No, someone in my year. If any teacher knew the song I don't think they knew why I picked it. Edited it out myself. I haven't done Spinny merc yet, but there's more where that came from. Oh no, he has two war factories! I wonder what the other one looks like. But muh Gonzy! Yeah, mistake of mine. I was on about promotion items in general. I consider Douglas the worst unit in the game. That's why I am. Are we sure this isn't the first War Dragon we fight? Or some test dummy Lyon made after what happened with Orson? Or one of Nergal's last morphs? But hey that's just a theory. Yes, pray to the Ayotollah. That will please me. /s Huh. That'll make things easier. Didn't realise that. All this low effort. It's beautifully dumb. He probably stinks of drink. Probably had the money for everyone's tab. Also hypocritical considering his origins. To be more precise his dad's. Ah Bartre, the man I wish I liked as a unit. Is God finally striking him down? Judge Saul Frollo! I was wrong! Truly the devil is strong in him! (Considering Frollo in the book was the deacon, these jokes must be stoked like the fires of hell) Next time, we see if travelling through time allowed Morgan to get any secret weapons up his sleeve. Or if he's a disappointment.
  7. Bride Raven X Groom Lucius or I riot. As for the guy, Roy's likely, but what if they decide to put Leif in? I'd be crying. Doubt it's Chrom or Sumia to be honest.
  8. A new banner, a free pull. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 3* M!Robin (Well that's meh.) I shouldn't get my hopes up. Back to saving orbs.
  9. I got a whole bunch of units up to level 37-38 for the last 2 days barring the bonus runs. So that was nice. I wanted to finish, but still.
  10. I am going to admit I don't have a clue what's going on.
  11. Avatar gets the animal hat and wears it for the rest of the game, that's the only edit I request of Kris (or whatever they're called). As for a unit I want you to use, how's Frey sound?
  12. True, True. Not something I'd lose sleep attempting to do myself. I was trying to figure out how this person did it and the answer was disappointing.
  13. IMO, I'd live with this just fine, probably my preference to get both out of the way together. The main things I'd actually want is the two being brought closer together in design and calculations, as while BS has the better calculations for formulas, BB has (mostly) better map design that makes you think out your strats more than BS did. Supports affecting BB would be nice, but I'm not going to be too mad if they're not in this hypothetical game.
  14. Got to 50k, will spend the rest of the TT levelling all the other bonus units and other 5* units (and Shanna) I haven't got to 40 yet. Nohrzura hit 3.5k hero merit, she'll be sitting out for a bit.
  15. My first time playing FF6 was on the PS1. Yeah, I'm willing to if better alternatives aren't available. Though that depends on if the game interests me in the first place.
  16. 4 months later (Will edit to finish later): Pulled: Promoted: Won: There's also the BK from the starter pack, merged onto my first one. Total: 52 + 16 + 8 + 1 = 67 Current in barracks: 67 - 13 - 54. I think.
  17. Got CC 11+12 yesterday! 1st team: 5* Witch!Nowi, Elincia, Newzura, Valter Got to Map 7 with all but Witch!Nowi, who dies in Map 5. The flier and axe user were left after beating Map 6. 2nd team: B!Lyn, Eliwood, Titania, Ursula Beat the next two maps. Finally fell to Map 9, left too vulnerable partly because Titania had Reciprocal Aid. Sonya and the red mage were left. 3rd team: 5* Arvis, Nephenee, SummElise, Nohrzura Beat the last 8 units.
  18. After legendary heroes, I'm voting D!Ike and Gunnthra.
  19. This TT got my Bride!Lyn Speed +3 and Hone Spd, Nohrzura Luna and Fjorm has SO MUCH SP AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO USE IT ON. Should probably replace Fjorm with Lancina and Ayra with Marisa, they're on the same team to train right now.
  20. Thus the shoe fits. I don't know whether to laugh or be disappointed.
  21. I beat CC 11+12 to get the orbs for this pull. Is it over? 3 Red, 2 Blue 5* Seigbert (Bert bert bert, Xander Jr.'s here! +HP/-Res, not a bad nature at least.), 4* Selena (Is this going to be a Nohrian pull? +Res/-HP), 4* Laslow (Bitch it might be! You're no D!Ike. +Res/-Spd), 5* Lancina (Surprise, it's LANCINA! She's +Def/-Atk like B!Ike and -Atk like Boi. What is my luck with Brave Heroes?), 4* Shanna (Also unrelated to earlier. Neutral, think I'l keep.) I aimed to get legendaries and the two you see here. I am okay with this, better than last time. And first time where the best pull was Neutral Ayra. Despite both Fred and F!Robin showing when I wasn't looking for them. I was dreading this banner but it was better than expected.
  22. Said screw it, got out a japanese strat with Fjorm, B!Lyn, BK and Olivia. It works just fine, especially with my boosts.
  23. Beating Xander is certainly doable in Normal, done it myself. But then again, Normal mode is the easiest difficulty in Fates. The intent is to freeze the lake and run across to the stage. Though what were to doing to beat Garon? I can only assume Phoenix mode, because you do say no grinding.
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