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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. IRELAND! IRELAND! If you'll excuse me, we don't have a thread for the Six Nations, so I'll just be cheering here because Grand Slam hype. LOW LIE THE FIELDS....
  2. Like I said, that's what I'd assume would be the workaround if they could figure it out.
  3. Apologies, I've had things to worry about the last week. Should have been out last week, but whatever, back to it now. Things we're getting today: Brigands. And apparently I'm not capping chapter titles again so: Chapter 3: Troupe of Sellswords Next time: Something happens.
  4. I know I have at least one for BS, I have every single Lyn, Hector and Eliwood at 5* 40. Fae's also next to them so that hopefully will lead to something, I'd have the OCs if Gunnthra had shown up, I'd have one for SS if I ever pulled Amelia, I'd have one in Awakening if I'd promoted my 4* Frederick (He is +Atk/-Res...) and there's a couple of rows where I have three already.
  5. Donnel and Olivia finally got to S-Rank. If Inigo's in the next Legendary banner, hopefully he'll finally show up. Also surprising, I don't recall needing to get a second team in at all. 12 days left, I might still need to by the end but if there's one thing about the last few TTs, I've not needed help from a second team too often (though sadly more than I should have for the Valentine's TT).
  6. I'm helping! I also really like this one, I could see this happening.
  7. Oh yeah, did some of the paralogue CCs. There are next to no guides for them and the subreddit's CC thread is dead, so I've always ran into issues. 9+10: 5* M!Robin, Eirika, Mist and 4* Nino got to map 5, at which point I accepted defeat after taking out the swordsman and switched to 5* Eliwood, Titania, Ursula and B!Lyn 11+12: Honestly a frustrating one for me. I can't really figure who works well for the maps overall. 13+14: Pretty sure I cleared with one team of 5* Witch!Nowi, Valter, Newzura and Newmilla. 15+16: Had cleared it in the past, forgotten with who. 17+18: I'll get to it, Paralogue 18 was dangerous on it's own.
  8. So Varadkar's in the news over there I see (How much?). Turns out when Trump doesn't want a windmill built he doesn't contact the relevant groups and went for the then minister for sport to raise the objection (An objection not on record for the application, but still peeved about it on principle). The same guy is now Taoiseach. Might not be relevant to the presidency term itself, but it's still another example of how he (Trump and Varadkar as well) is as a person. Never mind how carefree they are about mentioning it. It's obvious Varadkar is buttering Trump up to get along with him, and I'm a little queasy at that thought. Have to see if the Pence meeting causes scandal, he said the meeting would bring up gay affairs.
  9. What. Of course she would. Erica: destroyer of worlds. Sorry for not commenting in a while.
  10. Delet this. 167: Whoever gave Gaius those strange candies, please confess. He's currently lying in the medical tent after 3 hours of dancing around madly for sugar and 2 hours of struggling to get him in the tent.
  11. Well, bit awkward to see this right under some spam threads. It's not a bad idea, but bots might just get the minimum amount of posts in some thread and then spam somewhere else on the forum. Though with the caliber of bots that spam here, I doubt that would be likely at first.
  12. 4* + 5*'s nearly done. Might as well try. 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (Is this it?) 4* Soleil (Yay, finally! That gap in the 4* units no longer haunts me! +Res/-Def sadly.), 4* Mathilda (Well, you do have some nice skills. Sadly not 5*. +Spd/-Res), 4* Florina (DaB fodder? DaB fodder. +Def/-Spd), 5* Jeorge (OF COURSE! LEAST HE'S FOCUS, BUT STILL! +Def/-Atk, I want to fodder him already, but feather will be more worthwhile. How do I sacrifice the dunderhead?), 4* Jeorge (OF COURSE. Colourless hell in motion. +Def/-HP) So, what am I doing with a useless 5* Jeorge? Feathers? Leave alternate ideas here. Back to the grindstone for Thracia.
  13. I want my units from lore, dangit! Like an Anri. You know what, let's BS one into existence! Anri - Fire (Def +3) Stats: 40/31/35/23/33 (Obvious focus on making him a dragonslayer, though I also wanted to build on the idea of him being a solo actor.) Weapon - Altean/Divine Falchion (16 MT, Effective: Dragons, Renewal 3. If unit's Res - foe's Res ≥ 1, unit gains Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (If using other similar skill, only highest value applied.) (Second effect called Shining Blade?)) Support - Special - Flaming Shield (Reduces damage unit takes from foes 1 spaces away by 30%. If Special triggers, boosts unit's next attack by total damage was reduced (by any source, including other skills). Resets at end of combat. (Skill cannot be inherited.)) A - Warding Stance (For tanking dragons) B - Divine Blessing (If number of allies and enemies in 2 tiles < 2, grants +2 Atk/Spd/Def/Res to unit in combat. Cannot be inherited.) (Certainly needs work on the name) C - Spd Tactic (Certainly for whaling purposes)/Spd Smoke (I'd pick this actually, bringing down other's offence would make sense to me.) Obviously not a complete thing at all, probably need better names too.
  14. I like this captain. WHAT. PRETZEL? NOT A CORPSE? Huh. So Etzel didn't do too badly. Pretzel still lives though, so we're down a bit. Oh, I might have been okay with hearing more from Frost. Tellius is the one part of the series I haven't touched. More familiar with it because Fates and Heroes. He just looks the part. Powercreep's a bitch, but Raigh is pretty mediocre, mostly because his stats are very even, which is not helpful for quite a few units in Heroes. Not Odin bad, but still. He does have is uses as a counter cav, it's just the tome sucks at base level. I've gotten the guy some merges to catch up and he's been more useful than some of the supposedly more optimal units in places. It was the day you posted. I can't tell if it'll go anywhere. But that means it'll end well, Saul dies to a dragon in the end and Roy becomes the Phoebus? Nah, I was never a fan of those two together. Oh great, I left a typo. I meant Allan. Well, that is one reason to go there. It's barely a cheating glitch. Though I understand. Yeah, more move is useful here. Well, don't say I didn't warn anyone. Eheh..... Course I don't think about that. I don't think he can use it. Just more shafting of thieves. Sure, the fact that Tate is still flying is my fault. And in keeping with the "HA, Fuck You" way. .183*.26 = 0.04758 (Using the true hit table for this) So that's a 4.758% chance. Pretty crap sure, but that high crit prevents it being too absurd. I thought you'd see the pun, but oh well. I forgot Miredy also can. As can Tate. Also Roy. Does it count as a dishonourable reset if a weapon breaks? This chapter: making things harder than it needs to be. Oof, that image. I never like this corner of the map. By flyer drop? This is why you leave crap on her. I can't see it ending well. Man who can lift better than boi holds the gate. So it's a matter of how it ends. Brigands: they come back quickly and in greater numbers. She still is a thief. Worth a shot +2? The video will come when I can record some footage for it. Brigands are like so many ants. At some point it's too much. Gonzy's got trouble! The actual words: Gurg Grugl Splik Disappointment, thy name is Cath. Bye Talisman, you could have been useful. Oh, the Silence staff too I guess. Huh, didn't think too much about it. I'm not. I doubt most will either. Well look at him, Raigh's got some power now. Tate the Lady Lance? Well that was underwhelming. How can she sense it? Does her part-dragon heritage means she can feel a weapon that was made to murder her? Wait, is Raigh thinking for a second? You've come to the wrong series Raigh. Oh look, Wrys might help- *Sigh. Dangit Humphrey. Because he's not the Hulk? aka Super Sain? Of course he just nopes out of there. Yeah Raigh, I can see it. But his head should not be there. It's not a good sign for anything coming back if it looks like that. So, we're down too many units and the next Gaiden chapter is full of annoying tricks. We'll see how bad it really is next time on The Bolting Blade!
  15. So, I might just think Geralt's the guest I'd be most interested in playing in the series. Sure, Link's in SC2 (Sorry Heihaci/Spawn) but only in the GC. SC3 barely has one in KOS-MOS. Lloyd Irving I have no knowledge of as a character. SC4 giving us Star Wars characters was a weird move and one that didn't work imo and the other one doesn't quite count either. In SC5, Jin's like KOS-MOS and Ezio...... okay, I might have a little regret not picking it up because of that, but SC5 has a bunch of other issues so it's a bullet dodged. Geralt's moveset looks pretty cool and stands out with being able to spells in combat. I'll have to tell a friend about this, he's far more knowledgeable on him than me.
  16. I missed this one too, couldn't edit the post I was intending to use as my corrections so: I'm now curious. Still expect Sophia to die, but still.
  17. I consider it weird because Olivia's my least used dancer (on HM, I'm actually using her more than Azura right now), Donnel only comes out for strats involving him and F!Robin is only dealing with the occasional Reinhardt nowadays. They're also all 4*, though Donnel and Olivia have +2 merge and support each other. M!Morgan's also my only 40% unit, so I thought "Why not." Again, 4 units with boosted stats is too good.
  18. Well this is a weird team, but I decided I had to try F!Robin, Donnel, Olivia and M!Morgan. It's actually not all that bad, despite only Morgan being 5*. They're actually able to clear the final map, though not without casualty yet. Also, I'm curious who had been guessing the sacred seals. Because bravo, you got them right. And I'm not quite feeling them. Edit: HOLY CRAP DONNEL CAN ACTUALLY SOLO MAPS.
  19. Finally got round to levelling Oboro after a merge, cleared with Phoenixmaster's strat.
  20. I really have to say that both are slow to me. Gaiden is the sort of game that's frustrating when it isn't fun in an absurd way. DD is a boring game to me on the other hand. I'm apparently okay with the pains that Gaiden gives. Probably never bother with either one again though.
  21. Yes, yes it did. I'm still trying to understand what happened. So they're now Shove BFFs? Frost, who was it that trusted Humphrey? He looks like he's the leader of the John Wayne Gacy fan club. Yeah, this scene is good. So of course Louise would kill someone like that. Imagine if they acted like that in BS..... That's going to be a shit family reunion. Well, like I said I wasn't able to get what was going on much at all from that point. Pointing to a specific point wouldn't work here. Outside? Definitely today. Or you're FTP like me and can still get most of what you're looking for. Except Celica. Or seasonal tome users. Or Legendary Heroes. Forget what I was saying. You're right? Is Hartmut in the-no wait, he's in the BB I think. And you had to bring him up. Fine, I missed an opportunity there. True. You'll see more regular updates soon, I had an interview recently (As in, the day of this update). Hideen Weapons are something that came out of Fates. They annoy me in Fates. Why would I want to do that and hurt myself as well? Link here for the video. Keep in mind it's a point in the video, not all that it's about. Then Sacae are the gypsies in this version? Right you are. Wade was just too slow for me. Well, I guess we'll see the supports. If Sophia can live that long. No, it's part of the tragedy of the old generation dying off. Marcus will end up more like Allen by the end, I know it. I recall him being a religious zealot before. Giving Miredy only restore? Igrene is a sad person. Makes sense when she never really knew her parents all that well and has to defend a village on her own. I can't really say here. Maybe they noticed some unobserved spot in the desert and Zephiel said "Kill them all, let Elimine Idoun decide." She's also needed for the best ending. Fae can be a problem unit. That's what Zeiss is reacting to. He's there asking himself "Why is Randy going on like this, we have Arcadia?" Considering who recruits him, not too much. If you brought her. I can barely see what you're saying Roy! Huh, neat. Well, with a glitch you can guarantee it every time. Besides which, it's time for this lovely chapter and the lovely limits. YAY. Because at last one level designer had their principle as "HAHA Fuck you." I think it's more like shooting yourself in the foot: Pointless and only hurts your cause. THIS IS WHY YOU BRING MIREDY, SHE HAD IT. Yes, favouritism leading you to pick so many slow units over enough mages to survive. Least you were honest. Because fuck using these guys, they're a pitfall. The period is after the boots themselves. They want you to not ignore the boots by stopping at the period before them. Astore needs to find Igrene so that we can all cry later on. Don't die man! Because he silences people be whacking them over the head? I'll stick to that bet, even if it doesn't happen this time. Also, dammnable priest, why did I hire him for it? Tate died. Clearly they expect to take over and just live here. The one time they went "Seriously, don't use horses" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We don't like sand. It's rough, coarse, irritating and it gets all over our favourites so we can't use them. Good jobe Wade, keep the gymnastics alive. That's one way to get ahead. Also ruined might be a understatement. Good on Lot. As for swords, you're left with Allan or Percival sadly. I know, you'd rather not want either of them. Why didn't Raigh bother asking him? Also, OH BOY I CAN SEE THE REUNION ENDING WELL. Next time, Arcadia is saved?
  22. I called this Countering banner (RIP Christmas Tharja). 3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless (If I had orbs....) 5* Takumi (YOOOOOOOOOOOO! FREE 5*! HE'S ALSO +Atk/-Res. THAT'S ACTUALLY A PERFECT NATURE, BUT I WANTED HIM TO BE FODDER. SHIT.) Well I got lucky, too much so sadly. Robin waits for another one.
  23. 5 Anna Firefight definitely does, one of the few maps where I decided I was going fast with it. I'm certain there's another DLC map, but I don't recall right now.
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