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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Well, I knew Ryoma was going to soar some day. 1 Blue, 4 Colourless (Well, well, well. Not the best sight.) 3* Gordin (5 points of uselessness. +Atk/-HP, should I take his brave bow?), 3* Sakura (Also poor. +Res/-Spd, definitely so.), 4* Azama (I assume asshat sucks. +Res/-Def, that elusive -Atk is still a thing), 4* Clarine (Merge I guess. +Atk/-Spd definitely then.), 3* Peri (All is right with the universe. I can fodder this one. +Spd/-Res, might actually merge on my +Spd/-Def) 8.5% 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Sakura (Well, it's fodder? +Def/-Spd, I guess so), 4* Roy (TA fodder? Yus. +HP/-Atk, definitely then.), 5* F!Grima (Is her nature good or is this a waste? +Atk/-Res. I am OK with this, much better than -Spd.), 4* L'Arachel (Renewal? +Res/-Def. Fodder.), 4* Merric (*Sigh, I got my hopes up. +HP/-Def, way too up.) 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 5* M!Tiki (Well, I get her on a first pull at base percentage again. HA! +Res/-HP, is that fine and better than +Def/-Atk?), M!Morgan (Well this is nice fodder. +Atk/-Def, already have so Robin gets Spur Def/Res), 4* Wrys (good fodder. Neutral, still saccing), 4* Tailtiu (Could be much worse. +Def/-HP, still saccing.), 4* Merric (That 4* +10 will be so worth it! +Def/-Res. /sarcasm) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Eirika (Hone Spd. +Def/-HP, sure she is already.), 3* Tharja (Nah. +HP/-Def, definite nah.), 4* Cordelia (Could she be +Spd/-Def? +HP/-Spd, she sucks already.) 8.5%, I got better dragons at least. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Gunnthra gets less likely every time) 4* Selena (Nice, Reposition. +HP/-Def, definite fodder.), 4* Hana (L&D could be worse. +HP/-Def, to who though?), 3* Lon'qu (Vantage. I guess? +Spd/-HP, sadly not great enough to merge levelled one onto.), 4* Odin (Well, good fodder. +Atk/-Def, I got better already. Off he goes.) 9%, I still have time.
  2. I'll be honest, this is the dream Pokemon Go game I wanted to see, in that it fits closer with the mainline games in battle. Spin off aside, it could be fun especially if capturing holds up. Might be a pokemon announcement leads me to getting a new console again. Also, Serebii has suggested the lack of online play line being mistranslated, though I don't know how true that is.
  3. Rocks fall: everyone dies seems to be holding up so far. Ilex next. Shame you can't get Celebi.
  4. I'll agree with the people who are saying Genealogy in full then Thracia. As someone who played Thracia after chapter 6 of Genealogy, I don't think there was much of a benefit and it ended up talking about a year to get it finished (With one chapter holding me back for months) so I could got back to Genealogy. TLDR: Don't get as stuck as I did.
  5. It has been a long time coming for something like this:
  6. If we get a dragon head, I'll have to stick it on Sophia I think. Or Roy to screw with people a bit.
  7. Started with Sanaki, Dorcas, Ninian and Genny. It wasn't as good as I hoped, partly because Genny is nowhere near ready as is and I lacked repositioning skills entirely. After I got round to raising Bridian, I've been using her along with Elincia, Gerome and Bunnero. Haven't needed a second team so far, with Elincia in particular cleaning house on Loki and 1-rounding her as she pleases (though she does need some help with a Goad Fliers. Bridian will want that soon enough).
  8. I can't believe I missed this one. It only works on pokemon that are the same species and gender. I guess they were unintentionally more progressive then.
  9. Hey, he makes Fast, Heavy and Lure balls. Also Level balls (for something really low levelled (*coughKantocough)) and Friend balls (if you want a friendship evolution really quickly). Though to be fair the moon ball is glitched in this game and just sucks. Also the Fast ball hilariously (Only works on Magnemite, Tangela and Grimer) And RIP Weedwacker, who got whacked by a rock of all things.
  10. Well, it appears Linde's banner drought will finally end. The VG's a wash, AA's allowing bonuses specifically for Blessings (RIP all my non-blessed units), Tiki (x2), Merric and Linde get refines (neat, though I was guessing Innes might for a second), Allies menu is about to get messy, we're about to see everything get labelled (Yeesh, that'll be a mess) and accessories are a thing (I thought for a sec M!Marth was wearing Marth's clothes. On another note, when Pantsless Marth IS? You know it'd make money). Probably will be money related too.
  11. >Not brides. Man, this salt is disappointing. Anyways, I'll probably just pick one that I have.
  12. Well, they are getting round to all the alts now I see. Ryoma himself is going to rely on his stats, though I expect he'll be fine there. Raijinto is sadly expected (Why didn't they give him a red bow with CC? Would have been perfect imo), Guidance is alright for mixed teams though I suspect filer emblem will be better for him, Glimmer is Glimmer, Kestrel stance is neat but it ain't swift sparrow (Kestrel > Sparrow though. This is tough) and Bushido is alright; lesser than wrath but he is flying and they clearly want to avoid the cooldown reduction getting on fliers and horses. Red also has Y!Tiki (would be nice to see if I get better than +Def/-Atk) and Sigurd (is also a good fodder and few natures would be good enough to convince me to not do so). Blues have Fjorm (Not too interested in pulling), Hardin (Probably who I'd want the most out of the blues.) and Chribin (Not interested despite being a fast armour. Though I forgot Brazen Atk/Spd on him. Crap.). Green has Gunnthra (Still haven't gotten her), Santa Chrom (Haven't got, not that concerned) and Newzura (Already have, better nature would be neat but if not she has Hone fliers). Colourless has F!Grima (nature sucked for her when I did get her so new one would be nice), Innes (Maybe he'll get a refine too? Still don't have him either, Elise and BridLyn prevented me from getting him last time) and Newkumi (Not too interested in to be honest). TL:DR: Ryoma might be great, Red > Colourless > Green > Blue Interesting that there's already speculation Tiki's getting a new weapon. I'd love it if it's a divinestone and we have no hint that it doesn't do effective damage against dragons yet. Knew not refining the flametongue was a good call. We'll also likely see Christmas Tharja and Chrissa next time. Oh no, my orbs will likely be doomed. Also maybe Newmilla I guess.
  13. Get them into the family business young. Garon would be ecstatic to see his kids and grandkids he knew nothing about doing the good old task of mass murder. Does the brand count? Then 6-eyed could do. :P
  14. My odd holes have had a lot of patching up lately. I'd say weird things that have filled my barracks might be more appropriate. Anyways: The fates royals (Ignoring alts) have all shown up except for regular Leo (I sadly got Summer Leo when I wanted summer Corrin.) and Ryoma (Who has never hinted at showing up. Was he in a legendary banner? (Edit: And by that I don't mean legendary Ryoma)) I pretty much evaded Xander's alts while unintentionally getting Camilla's, and I'd say my luck with the Fates kids fit with my opinion but Seigbert and Shiro both showed up in legendary banners. Not a single Chrom alt (rip BKhrom) or M!Robin (RIP M!Grima) (I have all of the F!Robins though) and even funnier, no regular Lucina but I have all her alts. Every single regular SS unit at 5* rarity eludes me, while I have all the others. Meanwhile Linde and Minerva are the others from launch I haven't pulled.
  15. Well, I hadn't really gotten round to it before today, but here we are. Mostly issues with positioning units the right way. Did the armour clear with the BS LA trio and Arden. Hunktor's tanking did a treat, though he didn't take the reds that well. Alfonse and Anna were joined by Sharena and M!Morgan for the other clear. M!Morgan's stat reduction was essential for the end, Alfonse did good work on defence and he and Anna took out Amelia and Tana respectively.
  16. Now this is an interesting twist. I assume you can buy ballistae in this? Well, I know that. But retreats count as well for that gaiden. Surviving being hit by a chopper though is another thing. :P
  17. WHY ARE ALL THESE CHILDREN UNSUPERVISED? I swear, there wasn't anyone minding them the whole time. RIP Beruka. She was never strong. Attempted kidnapping: the most heinous of crimes. To be fair, Kana is royalty though. Does Garon know he has 4 kids now, not even counting for Azura?
  18. 2017 apparently. :P To be fair, I've been behind for a bit myself. Chainsaw sword overrated. Give me that chainsaw axe! Ah yes, beaten by molotovs. Luke may need to learn how not to get set on fire. That... That's certainly a way to go. Also, well crap you have to rush chapter 3 for Wrys now.
  19. An endless supply of gold, perfect for your coffers. Favouritism or not, Odin's proving he can do something this whole time.
  20. So, F!Morgan's on a banner, but she shares with (my decent) Shiro. If I got him though I could pass Steady Breath and Aether onto someone at the same time! 3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green 3* F!Corrin (Whomp Waom. +Atk/-Res, that actually is good though.)
  21. If only her HP didn't suck so much she could be able to fight mages a bit. :P Her defence seems unsalvagable though. Like every Azura. Well, the green units failed again. What did you miss out on?
  22. Humphrey, if you didn't have Missingno powers, you wouldn't be able to do what you're doing. Nah, plenty of authors have explained stuff that wasn't clear to their audience. So that will do for now. Thank you. I still believe Archanea had an army made of generic Morgans and moon man. Mulagir is associated with wind as an element, hence the name. Course, it's the one bow that doesn't hit fliers for effective damage. Weird. Wait, betrayed everyone? When did he do that? Good man the Albertus! (Just assume at this point that I'm some subordinate and self-appointed hypeman) That.... That's a thing that happened. Truly, that Perceval was more of SD Matthis than I thought. >Barth being bad I am unsurprised. Corpses, it appears that Ilia's corpse countdown exploded in Sacae instead. 1-shot by Matthis with Gradivus. That guy has the worst defence. Dayan knows what's about to happen and has chosen now to get out of dodge. Smart. No idea myself. Everone else. Well that route's a wash. Next time: A massive battle, a shit ton of wyverns and a boi who has to reach the throne in 30 turns. This should be interesting.
  23. Oh, they released it now. Do I try for Cordelia or Caeda? 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Mae (Bah. +HP/-Atk), 4* Gordin (Nuts! +Atk/-Res, already have it. :P), 4* Lissa (Well this was a wash. +Atk/-Spd, could be good for my 5* Lissa actually.) Not if that's any indication.
  24. Yeah, if you want it you might as well have it on Azura who 1. Has a healing skill on her as is, 2. is someone who wants to be a bit behind the front lines and 3. Has such low HP she wouldn't benefit from getting that healing anyway. 30% still isn't amazing for some units, but it is better than a vulnerary for quite a few and frees up their turn or might give them enough that a vulnerary with fully heal them. This of course ignores healing on other units (though that's far easier in Birthright). That is a beautiful skillset to be working with in this game. Good to know he didn't just die. A flight of ninja sing he to his rest. So, this went alright.
  25. Shame on how late Metal Coat is, though still worth considering if you need a replacement imo. Anyone else you know with a Gen 2 title?
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