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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I hate these ten map lunatic CCs so much. Anyways, cleared CC 9+10 Lunatic Book II Started with L'Ephraim, Mageirika, Ursula and Titania. They got as far as the 5th Map before they all died. Next team was Reinhardt, Brunonica, Groom Marth and BKhrom, who got themselves to Map 8 before Rein died, then to Map 10 where they all died after getting Legault and Canas out. Finished with Witch Nowi, Elincia, Peganino and Valter who finished it off. 11+12 looks like a nightmare.
  2. So, these New Hero banners threw me for a loop. New Power and BHB E+M are obvious (OK, not quite for the latter, I'll guess Eirika), Smoke has 4 units to choose from, 3 are 5* exclusive and one of them was on the Swift Sparrow banner recently, Drive has 4 units and three Blues to choose from and F me, Quan's there. You just know he is. It does make sense that Farfetched would be next, It's taken a while and it still hadn't shown up. It also has a Forging bonds event, which seems like the perfect time to do so. I'm also going to predict No Beasts, No Loki but the others are fair game. (Owain, Kliff and Aversa were in the top 50, Surtr, Haar, Charlotte, Louise, Severa, Rinea, Nils, Rinkah and Cormag were in the top 100). The fact TT is for the previous event and this one has a GHB seems to suggest the 4th/5th Farfetched unit could be Aversa or Surtr in particular, my bet's on Aversa. Or they say no and Rinkah and Cormag are more likely. The second New Heroes banner seems like around the time 3.0 will come though. 2.0 came around the time of the last Farfetched Heroes banner, so I could totally see it. Also no mention of last year's Hallow'een banner, but that can come at any time.
  3. Okay, so a bunch more speculation fodder for Meltan at the end of this video. Also, the method for catching in GO has been confirmed: You have to send a pokemon to Let's Go while having a mystery box, which will cause it to sow up for a half hour.
  4. Clive, Python and Lukas were only as good as they were after 1 loop around with the pitchfork. Lukas is absurd in comparison, with massive strength and defence to compensate for his lower speed, making him the best unit in that file. I'd have replaced Jesse in a heartbeat if I could go back, lack of a saint was a bad move. He might have the highest stats of the other dread fighters but that's because he's too balanced and unimpressive in any one stat except for luck.
  5. Amazingly enough, floating using your dress is not as simple as advertised.
  6. So, I have a question: I've pulled a Brave Ephraim off the Hallow'een banner and he's got +Res/-Def. Should I use him as my base (Merging on the neutral I picked off the choose a free CYL unit) because he's got 175 BST, or should I fodder him off and if that who benefits most from Special Fighter?
  7. So, I'll try for Mia, mainly because staff flier is an "Of course" from me. Myrrh is the second in line and after that I'll live. 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 4* Rebecca (Fodder I guess. +Res/-Spd) 3 Green, 2 Blue (Really?) 5* Garmfraim (REALLY? BOY OH BOY! +Res/-Def, Should I use him because he has 175 BST or is it better to fodder him off?) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green 3* Henry (Fodder I guess. +Atk/-Def), 4* Fir (Who wants to bet her IVs suck? +HP/-Atk, 100% suck), 4* M!Corrin (Merge. +Def/-Res) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 3* Gaius (The suck returns. +Res/-Def), 4* Hinata (ALRIGHT! +Res/-HP, fury fodder's all good to me.) 3.25% I think I'll do a CC and return. That question about Brave Ephraim still stands though.
  8. You're not wrong there. I hadn't really been counting the Binding Shield when counting his full power, mainly because I'm unclear on it's full power in lore (hence giving him a 7, where I can see his ability, but not how he's going to be charging in and winning all alone).
  9. They do seem however to not be the best Gra sent. It's not that Marth didn't beat soldiers, it's that he's probably fighting relatively weak soldiers, which would fit with how often Gra has brought weak soldiers into the fight. I have my doubts that 14-year old Marth is going to take on several well-trained and experienced troops and win. Keep in mind as well that Marth at the end of Mystery has at least 4 years that can be accounted for between the beginning and then, Marth will have had a lot of time before then to improve.
  10. I'll be honest and say that it's a 3DS title. One of them I still don't know yet (I know, I've had 5 years). As for outside of those, I'd pick Genealogy. Just, that soundtrack had no right to be as impacting as it is.
  11. Marth: Marth would be closer to a 6/10 for me. Thing is that he's often noted as having to call upon others, especially in the remakes. It's not that Marth can't fight whatsoever, it's that he wouldn't have beaten most of these threats on his own, such as Gharnef or Hardin in particular. He can still lead a grand command, it's that he himself wouldn't be charging in on his own. Sure, against dragons he's one of the most reliable powerhouses but outside of that..... I don't see him as a one-man army. Not more than a 7/10. Roy: I'd honestly consider him closer to a 4/10 in the course of the main game. His own weakness in combat is something that's a recurring theme in story and gameplay (I know, get that out of here). It's one of the things he can't quite let go if even as his plans ensure that Roy's Boys fight another day. Once he promotes he's certainly stronger, but I'd say overall closer to a 6/10. Lucina: Lucina's probably the rating I'd say we agree the most on. In combat terms she's quite even edge on Chrom who has shown his ability up to this point, has proven form as a combatant against the risen and Grima across media and seals Grima in Future Past. Certainly at least 7/10, 8/10 at peak. (Am I the only one who wanted the spin-dash as one of her and Chrom's attacks/Final Smashes in Smash?) I could start rating the others as well, but that'd be getting ahead of things.
  12. I ended up of thinking of "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" while reading this title. I think it could fit. I know it probably doesn't in practice, but eh.
  13. So, of the 2.10 news, the refines are alright but Lonk isn't on my list of who I'd think of promoting and Innes is -Spd I'm pretty sure, Lite data looks as horrifying as I expected and I still might switch to it, at least until I actually get a newer phone, I haven't even touched abyssal GHB and I'm expecting nightmares (happy Hallow'een?) and I can name my favourites like Filer Emble- It's too long. Oh yeah, also the datamine stuff.
  14. I don't know how appealing that'll be considering there's pumpkins involved with this one. Shame he'd never get the chance to be a weresheep with strike skills. Of the other three bonus units, I'm going to guess Catkura's the odd cat out.
  15. Well, this only spoiled me on Myrrh. Witch Mia..... WHAT. Well, didn't see a PoR character at all. She's also a flying healer (FACK). She also has a weapon that resets weapon cooldown (OH FUCK RIGHT OFF IS) and increases cooldown length. Other than that her skills seem about regular. Kagero has a maid alt (Green armoured shuriken) and her dagger can also cause the cooldown increase. She also has Even Atk Wave and Bold Fighter, certainly worthwhile as fodder. Niles has our blue bow (finally) and he's armoured (What a robe eh?). He also has Atk/Spd Link, which syncs with his smite and fortify armours (Pretty neat) Myrrh is our unique weapon unit this time. She's a red dragon armour, has a breat which allows her to make a guaranteed follow up, Vengeful Fighter and Armour March and Def/Res 2? Well apparently she got a dump skill. So, I wasted my orbs trying to get a second unit on the legendary banner, We still need more good red armours even with Myrrh around. Mia interests me entirely for her type and Myrrh has some interesting stuff too. It's not like I'd say no to the others but I'm not too interested either. Edit: Also, TT Dorcas. Who wants to bet he'll be a weresheep?
  16. I'm honestly thinking that united world is a trick answer. Besides, political discourse can sometimes not suck, so I'll pick the former. WYR listen to the discography of Blur or Oasis?
  17. I said it like that because I didn't expect the TC to bring up as many points against it as they did, considering how much they like it. I mean, I don't think I'm immune to this, I'm still asking myself if I'd pick Thracia as my favourite title in the series and the amount of issues with the gameplay alone..... But that'd be off topic.
  18. Seth. To some game that isn't SS (Let's go with Conquest). See how good he is in a tougher title and make SS harder at the same time. Progress!
  19. So, I was kind of surprised reading it as you seemed to give quite a few negative points in this topic, despite your overall like for the game. Then again, I came to this pretty late after launch (6 months after it was out here for Birthright and 6 months again for the other routes). Fair warning, Awakening will likely feel less refined from Birthright, simply because it is. Then again, I got it in 2013 and it was the.... 4th title I played? I was all over it at the time.
  20. Alm, Celica (Both level 20), Kliff (Sage), Delthea (Priestess), Clive (Pitchforked, Gold Knight), Mathilda (Gold Knight), Zeke (God Knight), Python (Pitchforked, Bow Knight), Lukas (Pitchforked, Dread Fighter,), Jesse (Dead weight Dread Fighter). The rest were around level 12-13 coming in.
  21. I already have one of those, at this point it's a question of what wants him as fodder when he shows up. It is a free pull at least (Unlike for the legendary banner) I might merge him, some of the 4* +10 have been very useful.
  22. Sadly I did, mainly because F!Morgan never showed up. Arvis apparently never had a chance, though I say this despite the multitude of multipliers.
  23. So, the legendary banner disappointed. Hard. This banner has Deirdre sharing with a unit I pulled twice. Lute it is. 4 Red, 1 Green (Green it is) 3* Bartre (I don't know what I expected. +Res/-Spd)
  24. Man, was Kilik looking like that in the original? Did he face Inferno in SCI? Asking as I never played it. Also, yep there's the game breaker, like Yoda or Night Terror (Christ, I don't remember ever unlocking Night Terror, but that he was). While I'll miss Inferno's look in SCII, this version looks jacked. Good lock indeed.
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