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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Time for another dip into the tricks. 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless (When you want one colour in particular....) 3* Serra (I actually was looking for recover fodder. +Res/-Def), 3* M!Corrin (Useless. +HP/-Spd), 4* Lilina (I hope her nature's good. +HP/-Res, sigh), 3* Cain (Wings of Mercy, nice. +Spd/-HP, nah.) 3.5%, time to go for TT.
  2. Takumi's Shinai - Betrayal (For.... obvious reasons) Stale Bread - Gordin Ramsey (Just imagine him swearing as he bites into the stale bread.) Rubbber Bow - Rubber Bowdits (This one is a reference. I'll let you guess.) Carp Streamer - Magikarp Net (About as useful, though that might be mean to the net.) Har Pin - Hair Raiser (Boring I know.) Ox Spirit - Steer Crazy! (I mean, it's a charging bull. How could I not?)
  3. I would, but all your images are broken. They seem to be linked to 404 errors.
  4. Of course it doesn't that was a crossover with a different series. And of course I'm on board with that so let's go with 5 others (I've already gotten ideas though....): Radiant Historia/Chrono Trigger: Honestly, if you could figure out how the two worlds cross, I'd love to see how they mixed the combat of these two together, the impact of two ways to time travel and the different interactions that could come from this group of characters. PSAll Star Battle Royale/Smash: We'd get to see who of Kratos or Bayonetta's more broken. Total War/Pokemon: Now, this is an odd one sure. But I think it'd be neat to see an RTS combat system like Total War using Pokemon as combatants. It would allow for some neat ideas and more distinct armies, so visuals would be no issue. LoZ/Golden Sun: I'd totally take a game where some adepts have to adjust to Hyrule with puzzle and exploration more akin to LoZ. Castlevania/FE: Go either way with the gameplay honestly, but imagine Dracula's castle appearing near Aleta, Ylisse of something. FE/Fe: We'd see which is the superior once and for all. Spyro/Crash. NO, THE GBA MESSES DO. NOT. COUNT. And it's more possible now than it ever was before.
  5. I mean, a rifle might as well be a big stick to the FE universe. Besides, did he actually go around carrying a big stick? I thought that was just a metaphor as part of a speech.
  6. On 1, I think it's possible he could be on there. Those two jerks (It has been years, of course I forgot too) could be fitting, but it's also something that player characters have done before and Dew is way down the list in terms of who people would want to pull. He also has a standout niche in that thieves are often made colourless daggers and he could be a free one that isn't Gaius tier (christ on a bike daggers from launch are awful). I'm in agreement on 2, though both could have very different stat lines. It would be far from the first time new units shared a colour. Hell, I fell into the trap after realising I would do that trying to get Larcei and Shannan on the same banner. Ho hum.
  7. OK, so let's split by generation: G1: Lex, Azel, Aideen as a banner, Dew as a GHB, Midir as TT. G2: As a tie-in to Thracia, Altena, Ced (with Holsety), Areone, GHB Hannibal, Coirpre TT. Travant would be part of a separate banner, possibly for G1.
  8. I get enough orbs again, let's try for a Mia. Maybe. 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless (Of course) 4* Gaius (I want him gone from the summoning gates. PLEASE. +Res/-Atk), 4* Stahl (WHAT CAN I DO TO NOT GET SUCH TERRIBLE FODDER? +Atk/-HP) I might be back later.
  9. Should he be a green bow, considering he was well known for his hunting? I mean, the weapon pun's right there.
  10. Lucius does get C rank staves as well though, which is a pretty good reason to consider using him. Canas is also my favourite from the perspective of improved combat. +4 effective speed is pretty massive, especially as he's close to thresholds as is and this pushes him above the line.
  11. Alright, Kana's back for a rematch. Cleared with the Askrtrio + M!Robin, started with Robin tanking the manakete and archer, retreating and getting kills as needed. Sharena probably didn't need Fury but it probably helped, Noatun's refine was clutch as all hell allowing Anna to take out the mage and be right next to Kana, who she would have 1-rounded (Unboosted, as she has Swift Sparrow) but for his Brazen skill. Armours were too easy when I have Maltor, Garmphraim, Tharmas and FrankenJakob (Who as usual did nothing barring giving Atk/Spd). Hector starts, Tharmas continues and Ephraim finishes Kana to end the map. The Kana clear took a little bit. Pretty much messed it up, but cleared with M!Kana, Myrrh, M!Tiki and Ninian. I start off by having Kana tank with +6 to all stats, then pull back and allow Tiki to take over. The other Kana was so scared of her he went for Myrrh, while Tiki eventually gets swapped up by M!Kana, but the archers and Manakete are dead because of Tiki. However, the mage and Kana are together, which is bad for me killing Kana with Kana. I pull this off by leaving Tiki in range of the make, which splits them up and allows Kana to beat himself and Tiki takes out the mage. Edit: M!Kana's 4*, hence the difficulty with damage dealing.
  12. I'll just comment on what I disagree with in terms of ranking: Forging bonds I disagree with, but that's because I can do the rewards and get unit's HM up. I've never really seen the appeal of repeating the exact same map the exact same way to grind HM, so this does it for me plenty. Would also explain how I can stand Training tower (because some units (*cough*daggers*cough*) just cannot be trusted in the special maps). Skill Sets is actually not a bad idea, but it's so blandly implemented that I don't bother. VG is something that you either get invested in a character or get boringly involved in the feather merc life personally. (It really doesn't help it's the middle of the might when it ends here) As for Arena, the bonus unit idea officially burnt me out with this season where my sole not-Fjorm option was Ethlin. That has been an utter pain with all the armours and the inability to get her Dazzling without her attack being atrocious even with the boosts. Tactics Drills are kind of frustrating and I don't want to be bothering for ages because the "obvious" solution makes no sense.
  13. You forgot Peganino. Camilla has a niche with good defensive stats, but I've never liked her much. And I just want some way to get Chrissa without feeling like I'll get something else (The legendary banner is still a dark day). I think #3 is the most likely, having 4 summer banners at once this year could be seen as an issue next year.
  14. If your difficulty's Normal Mode, I'd argue anyone is pretty useable, even Rebecca (though she's not great. And I say that as someone who has a 5* in heroes and who used her in several playthroughs) You'll get a mage in the map after the merchant map. He's alright, I guess.
  15. Trust me, if you have that little fucks to give, pyjamas aren't banned in public in Europe. Discouraged? Yes. Also, I thought the Fashion Police were all about bribes and community service.
  16. Sprincina is Panne's child confirmed. I'm of the mind that Frey could be good. (When Frey in Heroes IS? Oh who am I kidding everyone I love has been shafted so far) Honestly, I'm on side. It'd be a second Hector pairing that I'd actually consider decent. Speaking of Serra, I'm surprised her and Sain have no paired ending. Sadly, that was likely the point. Thanks S. Kaga. I'm not going to repeat anyone else here, but aside from that: While I'm not sure Reina would actually work, the fact that she (AND SO MANY OTHER CHARACTERS) only supports Corrin is bad and that sucks. I honestly think Tiki/Say'ri was a missed opportunity. Sacred Stones also has a few that could have had paired endings, especially with Rennac (Rennac/Tethys is at least one convo short) or Knoll (Natasha would have been good) not getting one in particular
  17. While I honestly think the timeline in Hyrule Historia is the best timeline that could have been written then, I think the idea of the timeline could be ignored and nothing would have been lost. So, I'm fine with it but it wasn't something I ever thought over until I heard it wasa thing. Now, a unified FE timeline on the other hand....... I haven't played the after years, but everything I hear seems to hint it was a horrible idea. Am I wrong to think that?
  18. Play the PME. What's the situation with that right now? WYR have the ability to change the music from any music player freely to what you want or the ability to never have to queue for anything?
  19. I'm more surprised that Rothion has an image honestly.
  20. What are the limits? I'd like to know just to be sure.
  21. You're not wrong. I do think it a surprisingly quick turnaround, but like I said the alternative is Kaze. So I think I agree with you there ultimately.
  22. Huh, so Celica's counted for the modern era? Huh. Caeda: Seems to not be that exceptional if you don't look too much at her. She's obviously brave, is clearly shown to have some ability and of course she has her own personal that allows her to do a lot. Everyone who does ask her to stand back is told "No, I don't think I will", she gets several people to join her, indicating her own charisma and abilities in negotiation and she sees fighting alongside Marth as something that has to be done for the sake of the world, rather than being one to fight just because. I'd think a 7 is the right number, maybe, I could push her to 6, though that's more because I'm trying to find more direct combat stuff in story for her. If we were going only on gameplay I would argue 8/10 because the Wing Spear allows her to help Marth with so many enemies and those recruited allies can clearly see just how much blood she's spilled (right?). I refuse to rate a Tellius character for this until I've played the games, so N/A for Michiah. Celica: In story terms, I kind of feel she gets shafted a bit. She's clearly well regarded in her training as a priestess. She's also one of the two branded children of prophecy, indicating that her access to Ragnarok isn't exactly out of the story either. While she makes the move to hire Saber, this is offset by the fact that she's otherwise working with three mages, it's not like Alm doesn't have anyone he's working with over the course of his story. She also brings several people in because of her ability, as seen with Valbar and his men or the pegasisters. However, once we come to Zofia Castle, we see Celica needing the help of Conrad twice in quick succession and he comes back to stop Dolth killing her too. She also is quite easily caught and shows almost no resistance to Jedah when it all hits the fan, though those are more issues with her being too willing to listen to Jedah as the one chance she has to bring back Mila. There's also the point that Alm is still holding her off pretty well in the cutscene where they fight each other, but I do think he'd be more in trouble the longer that fight went on, indicating that's she's not massively weaker than him. I'm clearly of the opinion that she's at least a 7, though that's with the caveat that in particular I'm rating her relative to Alm, who's another story. Don't tell Reinhardt. Edit: Oh shoot, it's day 3 already. I'll write that up later.
  23. Good point about Farfetched likely having 4 on the banner, while it's not impossible that the GHB unit could be added, it's probably not the case. Oh, that's an obvious route with the VG and that's around the time the banner came out last year. For the Smoke banner, that's literally every 5* exclusive there could be on it. The main issue with that is that Peganino was on the Swift Sparrow banner last month and could be seen as too soon. The other three units are a legendary, a seasonal and Kaze. That makes sense for Drive Atk (I'm still sad Quan would share a colour).
  24. I'm honestly of the opinion Louise would be used as a marquee unit in a BS banner, though her being on this would make sense. It would kind of annoy me, but that's because her and Pent kind of come as a package deal imo (He's also 112th, not that low in the rankings). I'm thinking Owain is the one unit to expect on this banner, they've put Inigo in the game so that's not a barrier. If Kliff's on there I think I'd go for it personally.
  25. TT banner, so a shot at Mia I guess. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless (Do I want to try for a Myrrh or Dorcas merge?) 4* Seliph (STOP. +Res/-Atk) Got enough for a shot at Hallow'een again. 3 Blue, 2 Red 4* Hana (More fodder. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Ares (Good fodder. Neutral.) Guess I'm still waiting.
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