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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. "Adopted" That would totally happen. "We are going to have an actually nice time at the bar luv, none of us are mad with the barkeepers."
  2. Yes, yes it was. Pugi's too obvious. Screw it, that's my guess. Lotsin still has it, they have to have a boss convo now. That's nice as a concept. Shame you have predetermined teams, doesn't leave much room for error. I hope Ephraim gets more than just Cecilia and Lowen.
  3. You know what? Much as I'd love to fail to pull Gunnthra again, I'm going to see if I can't pull Ephraim or Veronica from the CYL banner. 4 Blue, 1 Red (Really? This shit again?) 4* Palla (Goad Fliers. +Res/-Atk, ouch) 3 Colourless, 2 Blue 5* Veronica (Nice. +Def/-Res, bit of a shame on IVs there but eh whatever), 4* Lissa (I have been looking for gravity fodder. All I need is a Maribelle and I have a full Elise to sac for her now. That or another healer if you can convince me. +HP/-Spd), 4* Felicia (Is she finally good? +Res/-Def, so close), 3* Florina (What a waste. +HP/-Spd), 4* F!Corrin (Draconic Aura I see. +Def/-HP, nah) Not bad honestly. Let's see.... 3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless (LET'S GO) 4* Soren (Is he good? +HP/-Atk NOPE), 3* Sheena (Well, could be useful for... who am I kidding? +Res/-Spd, could be worth it?), 3* Bartre (Man this sucks. +Atk/-Def, already pulled before), 3* Lucius (Man, that's sucks. +HP/-Def, if he were +Spd that would be my new base.), 3* Raigh (...... +Res/-Atk) 4 Blue, 1 Red (REALLY? AGAIN?) 3* Ogma (Merge at this point. +Atk/-Spd, nope.) 3.5% 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Beruka (Could be worse fodder. +Res/-HP), 3* Soren (Is this one not useless? +Atk/-HP, probably not in practice), 3* Niles (Iceberg. +Res/-Atk NOPE), 3* Ogma (Really? +Res/-Atk), 3* Florina (Yeesh my fodder luck sucks. +Def/-HP nah) 3.75% 3 Red, 2 Blue (Nah.) 3* Ogma (REALLY? IS THIS A SIGN? AM I SUPPOSED TO BUILD AN IRRELEVANT SWORD UNIT? +Def/-Atk) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green 3* Soren (My word I keep getting the same units today! +HP/-Def) MAN ALL MY FODDER LUCK SEEMS TO BE DEAD 4 Colourless, 1 Red 4* Olivia (Oh... the timid dancer. Neutral, should I keep her for starts using that nature?) 3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (Every time I want green it's a pain.) 3* Nino (Jeez, what is with the 3* deluge today? +Spd/-HP, already have better) And things started so well. Still a chance for Ephraim though. Edit: The next day led to enough orbs for another roll. 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Cherche (Aw. +HP/-Def), 4* Camilla (End it please. +HP/-Def) That'll be 4% now. Not pulling any more today I should think.
  4. I've heard good things about one and never heard about the other. Hamilton it is. Upon looking at the blurb for A Glimmer of Hope, I think I'm more convinced about Hamilton. WYR skinnydip in the Arctic Circle or wear snow gear trekking in the Gobi?
  6. Definitely Shiida and Doluna I'd agree on (even if I'm more than used to them), while Archanea is something I also got used to and Nabarl, while apparently more accurate was always less sensible to me. As for Spotpass, let us never forget how terrible Raquesis was. There's also Malice (I think it's Maris now), the uncertainty of Lewyn, Quan and Ethlyn (which might be on the next banner).... and just about everything else has been covered by now. Not a single Gaiden oddity.
  7. I've got some options for this banner. Any would do really, even if I have gotten all of them at least once. 2 each Red. Green, 1 Colourless 3* Felicia (If this is a good Felicia it would be worth it. +Def/-Spd, atrocious)
  8. "Tide Pods aren't as delicious because of the coating. So we're going to take some liquid detergent and blend it with some nails for iron. Perfect." (Note: I only say Tide Pods because that's what the meme is, I'm pretty sure that if the same product is sold it's a different brand here) "In an attempt to emulate Benjamin Franklin's kite experiment, we'll be taking this kite with some steel in the rope and running under some electric pylons."
  9. A Canas and Finn that aren't severely limited. Aside from that, the highest ranked character I voted for who still isn't in is Kliff #DeliveRamce Aside from those, Gonzalez is probably the one Axe I'd like to see. Considering his really high offences, I'd like to see what would be done with them.
  10. Ask myself how I ended up in Kalos. Then ask myself if I really kept using Vivilion
  11. Alright, though I was more concerned about how it applies to other limited units instead of the Askrtrio. True true. Also, huh. Mistake on my part.
  12. Thing is, it allowing for book versions of limited units would require allowing for the choice of which type of book to give (SI or merge), right? Or am I wrong there? Aside from that, because books can't be enhanced, would the Askrtrio be made 5* automatically to allow for merging at any level or what else could happen? Also, the last part sounds like it would allow for some ridiculous results, considering units like Hector have been in BHBs before.
  13. Alright, if that's what happens I'll be okay with this. I have my doubts but still. Really, I'm surprised how small this update feels. There's not much in the small details to worry about, the relay defence map isn't that big a deal either (barring RIP HM grinding, which I never did so.....) and the combat manual thing is nice enough but it's a minor thing and still doesn't resolve the issue of common units with utterly awful fodder at this point in the game. As for the refines, Celica means another chance not to get her, Odin means another unit I don't need to worry about spending on and Cherche is the first unit from my initial party for this game to get a prf weapon. Do people think there's a chance the game will hit 3.0 next month?
  14. Normal and Hard cleared with low HM teams. Lunatic beaten with M!Robin, Nephenee, D!Ike and Sonya, worked easily enough. Infernal beaten with L'Ephraim's squad Mageirika, Ursula and Titania, with special credit given to Ephraim's bulk.... With the Distant Def seal because he's -Res and that turned out to matter when he tanked several hits from the cleric and the moonbow archer just kept on killing him otherwise. Also needed the BA seal for Mageirika because that was the one way I had to break the gronnravenwolf mage (the rave mage got 1-rounded, near 1-shot on EP), nothing else would have been as useful. They all had pretty regular builds (with most of their defaults barring Ttiania) and no merges. Nice to see I could figure out the Infernal LHB for once after a few failures. Abyssal? Are you kidding me though? I have two of these monstrosities to deal with, give me a bit.
  15. Frankly, the idea of a trading shop is something I've wanted for a long time. Just to allow for removing excess items you don't need (I swear, the amount of high-level crystals I have is stupid) At the very least IS should allow us to use platinum coins on some Sacred Coins and refining stones. I've had no reason to spend those for ages.
  16. I was hoping it was an exaggeration of some actual odd toad behaviour. Still got a grin from me.
  17. There's not too much to worry about early on, seeing as everyone has a pretty defined skillset and magic is limited to a few. Be careful about running into too much combat with the unit who you pay to recruit (There's more with that guy, but that'd dive into deep spoilers). Remember to check the castle in the sand for items and the shops (Definitely the shops), you won't be able to go back to it for a bit afterwards. Something interesting is that chests change items later on in the game, though this only affects some chests.
  18. Dammit, was about to post. You probably should have added the top comment: "This is Archanea" as caption. Also, this link shows the image under Ylisse castle after Reinhardt went there. Anyways, Marth's actual reaction to dragonslaying:
  19. Marth's banner has arrived! I'm going to pull it! Hoping for reds and greens. I've got over 160, I should be fine..... 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue 4* Sophia (Well that's a bit meh. +Res/-HP) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green 3* Seth (He should have been better than this. +HP/-Res), 4* Tharja (Not really all that interested. +HP/-Def), 3* Raven (More meh fodder. +Atk/-Res though is really good. Should I use him?) 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Stahl (Honestly I'd rather he was 3* Exclusive. +Spd/-Res, not all that useful on him), 4* Frederick (Luna. +Spd/-Res, no thanks), 4* Frederick (It has been a while since this happened I think. +Res/-Atk) 8.5% now 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue 4* Sheena (Well, is Svallin Shield in any way viable? Neutral), 3* Nino (Another one. +Res/-Spd, am I glad I have a good one) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green (I swear, F!Grima has been calling me this banner for it to take this long for none to show up) 4* Bartre (That's disappointing. +HP/-Spd, nah), 4* Draug (Ward Armour. +Def/-HP), 3* Raigh (You shouldn't have. NO REALLY. +Atk/-Res) 9% 3 Colourless, 2 Blue (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-) 3* Sully (Phew. If only she were better fodder. +Def/-HP) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green 4* M!Morgan (Well that's alright. +Res/-Spd, fodder then), 3* Laslow (Merge fodder most likely. +Def/-Atk), 3* Barst (Nice. +Def/-Spd) 9.5% 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 4* Sophia (...... +Def/-HP) 3 Colourless, 2 Red 4* Athena (Moonbow. +Spd/-Def), 4* Raigh (Well that 3* is more useless now. +Spd/-Atk) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 4* Stahl (Disappointment. +Atk/-Spd, not really needing with his spread) 3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green 4* Soren (It's been ages not getting him. +HP/-Res) 10% 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless (OH MY GOD STOP) 4* Palla (Good fodder. +Res/-Atk) 3 Red, 2 Colourless (Can I get a full round with Green and Red?) 4* Athena (Well, it is Moonbow. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Hana (L&D. +Spd/-Res, is that better than +Atk/-Res), 5* HERO KING (THE KING HAS ARRIVED! +HP/-Def, not a great nature by any stretch.), 3* Azama (Asshat continues to suck. +Def/-Atk, actually alright, but +Spd pls.), 3* Sakura (Ugh. +Res/-Atk, ugh) That sucked, but I did get a legendary.
  20. That's why I'm not regretting it entirely. My regular Marth doesn't have the refine yet either (Askrtrio kind of took over the queue after 2.8. Just Anna left!), hence the tinge of regret. Either way, BS!Marth can be pushed into other roles with a bit of SI, he just has a great default kit as is.
  21. That ain't Hrid! Also, Marth's skills look amazing, no lie. I kind of regret promoting regular Marth, though at least he's different for playing style. This guy though? Fast seems to be his nature. From his special being really cool and unique to straight up telling dragons to screw themselves, the Hero King looks amazing. Let's hope (and can likely assume) his stats hold up. As for everyone else, Red looks nice with him, Lene and Zweihardt (much as I'd rather not pull him he only has Neutral as is), Blue has Fjorm, Lancina and Nephenee, where I'd only want Nephenee in practice because of wrath to be honest (the others would be fodder and merges in that order), Green has Gunnthra, Hunktor and Bunfonse, where I could take any of these units as I only have Hunktor and his nature ain't great and Colourless has F!Grima, Bunnero and Faye, two of which I have and the other is not enough to convince me to pull. So this time? Red > Green > Blue > Colourless.
  22. So, healing skills banner isn't too interesting. Hilariously, I have everyone, but Gronnwen is -Atk so...... 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 3* Nino (Worthless. +Spd/-Atk)
  23. "Hello Youtube, today I'm going to demonstrate the next relaxation sensation: a relaxing bath in a pool of Black Mambas"
  24. Other than what was mentioned, possibly Elphin? Considering his secret, I think him hinting towards post-war co-operation would be a possible thread as an example.
  25. It's been going on for a bit for a fair few people is what it seems to me, first saw complaints on r/FEH a few weeks back. Can confirm that I'm unaffected as yet. I haven't touched skillsets since the first time I went in there and I made nothing then anyway, seemed too limited. Feeling pretty relieved it hasn't affected me yet.
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