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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Hello again Mr. Enthusiastic. Well, Corrin is certainly not liked as much. However, the degree of customisation in Awakening was arguably less so except for the fact that older faces were an option in Awakening, which is a shame here. Elf boy Corrin really is harder to feel a connection to, at least from my experience. As for the eyes and ears.... What chapter are you actually on?
  2. Excuse my being Devil's Advocate for a minute. The first...... I agree, I'd rather it wasn't like that, but we have to wonder how long they've been working on this in the first place. Even if they've been on near full tilt since 2015, they've also had the phone title to slow things down at least somewhat. They had less than 2 years to make it, and some of that period has to be testing the game, there's a period between it being confirmed finished and the release where nothing can be done, among other things. There's still quite a bit that has to be made new, even if they have the engine already. Much as I think it's weak in gameplay and the look of the sprites is poor, I can see why they didn't think about doing it for a few villages in the game when it was a small part of Gaiden. The second I think is them going "OK, we have these amiibo things... Maybe this could a nice optional thing?" Not locking stuff behind all the amiibo would be nice for those who aren't running around getting merch, and they can serve a role if you're in a jam and allow people to use these things that are intended as optional content. The look of them is offputting, and it's also silly (Look at Robin and his dead eyes. I'd expect something along the lines of "ADN DERE WUS BLUD PURNG FRUM HZ IYIS!" to be honest.)
  3. Maybe Tobin? Also, Alvin -> Alvis could be argued as well. But both are stretches.
  4. http://feuniverse.us/t/fe8-chaos-randomizer/2068 This'd be more likely to have updates for it if you're looking for it.
  5. Robin would have led a powerful invasion to conquer Ylisse, which would lead to being turned into the Grima Vessel and get a harem. What if characters from Archanea's past came to Awakening with magic like the children did? (And who would come through, maybe?)
  6. Considering Gaiden came out before I was born, and the limitations that were there, the designs are very similar (to the point of copycatting) and character personalities were very minimal at best. Hoping the latter improves, and the former has already been cool so far, and they've been making the effort to make characters look different.
  7. High quality scans are out there now: http://personacentral.com/first-radiant-historia-perfect-chronology-high-res-famitsu-scans/ http://personacentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Radiant-Historia-PC-1.jpg http://personacentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Radiant-Historia-PC-2.jpg http://personacentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Radiant-Historia-PC-3.jpg Bunch of details are confirmed, such as DLC... which includes DLC that allows you to switch the character's art styles to chibi or the original. There's an attempt to show differences between the DS and 3DS versions that don't seem too different barring the possibility of cutscenes (A1 pictures are getting involved, can someone confirm what that's referring to?). There's also word of a limited edition for those who are into importing that (which has both DLC and stuff like the artbook and soundtrack). There's multiple difficulties now. A livestream for the game is set for the 26th, showing a trailer then, with a release date for the 29th of June set in Japan. Also Shimomura's doing new music too (not replacing what's already there, adding to what was a pretty minimal soundtrack).
  8. It was a throwaway line about Pair Up not being in it at all. Said line has caused shitposting (myself included), and certain people to run around in elitist triumphalism. Just watch the trailer and decide what you think it meant yourself.
  9. Pillars of Modern Warfare such as dragon-blooded and lobster lords have no place in Valentia.
  10. Nosferatu costs nothing, and the sister class is the only one to get it. And yes, that double casting, but I saw it far more often there.
  11. The healers took damage when using healing spells (1 for regular healing, 3 for physic, 12 for fortify), and the sisters always had Nosferatu to heal themselves (but not the sage units who get the basic heal spell as well) (They could also double cast the healing spell, which could be a problem (And only this and Thracia have it. :P))
  12. Pillars of modern warfare, such as imoutos and lolis, have no place in Valentia Pillars of modern warfare, such as Avatars and good accuracy, have no place in Valentia Pillars of modern warfare, such as whining and wishing for the past, have no place in Valentia Pillars of modern warfare, such as good axes and ranged swords, have no place in Valentia! Yeah, much as the line could have been hilarious, the way it's going to be used is going to kill the joke.
  13. Binding Blade has them in Chapter 18 Sacae. As for a favourite, I obviously think Chapter 5 in Geneology is great, but I'll get back to a better answer another time.
  14. PLEASE tell me this'll be in Europe this time! I would love to pick this up legit, and I had a blast with it. Can't really comment on the redesigns with the image quality to be honest.
  16. OK, maybe not. But Geitz is a good bow option, and the one Warrior in GBA FE that's pretty decent across the board without some crippling issue (And has HM bonuses), especially with instant access to Brave Bows.
  17. Eh, Hammer Cherche utterly SHATTERS Effie, and because she's still common in the meta it's actually no harm for her. Even my -Att Cherche can 1-shot Linde, so I've been having fun with that.
  18. Make breakfast, after groggily waking up. Would it be kibbles, or what would it be?
  19. From the standpoint of balance, FE6 wins. With FE7, they're all useable, but some are far more so, like some of the previously mentioned (much as Marcus can actually fall pretty far if he doesn't proc speed in HHM, and Pent's great bases have pretty eh growths behind him, especially for FE7. But he doesn't care with A staves). On the other hand, it has units like Karla and Isadora, both of whom are pretty underwhelming in FE7. FE6 has only one who can really tear through the game, and that's Percival in HM. Most of them can enter your party fine, and some are pretty important (Marcus, aka try playing FE6HM legit without him). It's not like there are units who are poor in some manner, but most of them can be useful for something (e.g. Niime's poor growths don't matter as she's supposed to use staves mostly, Garret can be a decent option for Armads (much as I'd pick more than a few units ahead of him), even Juno has flight utility)
  20. Ah yes, the killer. I remember that for Fates (And €120 for it in Gamestop, which was maddening), and it's likely true again here. I can say I've seen Nintendo games being sold in Tesco, but not FE as far as I remember, so that's not much of an option either.
  21. Hmph, have to agree. Not planning on getting Echoes Day 1, but even still the lack of options to look for it is an annoyance, and part of why I'd tend to look online. (Though I'd still expect Smyths to have it on launch) And what else? Tesco, if they still are in Ireland by then (Which is moot with their buying Golden Discs and turning their disk section into that)?
  22. Certain units would be broken (Robin especially), and Say'ri would likely be instantly good. What if the Future Past children fought the time-travelling children?
  23. Ylisse would be in SO much debt, and so needed more money by the time Valm invaded, leading to the Fire Emblem being sold and the end of the worldOR be in such a good economic state that they wouldn't bother talking to Plegia before invading Valm. What if Marth was taken instead of Elise?
  24. There's also 20A, but it's also a map with a soft time limit for the best ending, so that's a limited option. Also, wow Chapter 10B not having an arena makes me question going on the B route even more than I did already.
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