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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Mystery has 2 books, the first being the remake of Dark Dragon and Blade of Light minus a few units and maps, while book 2 is the continuation of that story (FE12 is the remake to that).
  2. I'm actually interested in that focus that looks like it's for fighting Navarre, much as it has 2 reds. Also, likely starting with Cherche, much as Camilla will likely steamroll. But I shall not be moved by Chapter 13's fanservice-o-tron!
  3. Just looked, and no that's not the case in FE7, his growths are somewhat low for resistance (hell, he has the worst defensive growths in FE7). In FE6, he has the highest growths in the series though and a 100 Res growth.
  4. Sumia, Maribelle, Olivia and Robin all do give her magic classes. Any chance that there's a canon mom being implied? :P Also, this is a silly event regardless. Don't think too much on it. Edit: Forgot Olivia had Dark Flier
  5. I have Lissa as one of the two, so passing that isn't too pressing.
  6. Maribelle. You just know she has connections to get in. WCWY make conspiracy theories with?
  7. I do have Hinoka, which makes raising Subaki up make less sense except for a flying squad (Which with what I have would be pretty lancelocked). And the others do have other units who do their jobs pretty well (Wrys would likely be great at it when he ranks up, but I have 2 4* staff users already, Virion has Setsuna and Niles covering bows and Fir is covered by Lon'qu) Should I promote 3* Michalis or not at all, just to ask now?
  8. ..... On the one hand, this is the kind of stupid I usually complain about. On the other hand, they have unconventional weapon types (So they differ, and have types I haven't much of), I'm giggling at this stupid and it's not like I have any of these units anyway. Should I bother with this focus or not? Edit: Xander sounds pretty fabulous too. :P
  9. Who should I raise to 4-star rarity out of +Spd -HP Subaki and neutral Fir, Virion and Wrys?
  10. Dayni

    Dorcas' Name

    Considering the closest I'd know is dorcha, the Irish for darkness (Apparently dorchas is incorrect in any use. I never was good at Irish to be fair), I don't really associate it with names. Of course, it also doesn't fit too much for him, does it?
  11. (Edit by me for emphasis) OH Yeah, the shit that made me quit FFT. I still don't get the actual point of characters having such a short time to die when they turn to crystal. Add the idea of a questionable reward system and it seems like a system that should have been questioned in the concept phase. Also, holy crap Phil LaMarr voices Mercutio? I do feel bad now.
  12. Ramza Mercurio's VA. Holy crap I feel pretty bad for him because that is a crummy performance. (The cutscene's artwork actually seems pretty cool to be fair) I have to ask about the compatibility; Is it that Good compatibility increases damages both for attacker and defender or not? (Also, the Faith description cuts off and doesn't finish)
  13. 1, 2 and 3 have been answered, so I'll answer 4 having played all but Apothesis. Awakening's DLC varies in terms of usefulness in rewards and challenge. Some of it is pretty tough, some of it is very simple. It is not scaled to your party's levels, and the difficulty is indicated by stars next to it (1 being the first set of DLC, 5 being DLC like the Rougues and Redeemers map where you face 50 high leveled enemies and Apothesis beyond that). If a sale ever pops up again it might be good to pick it up, but Champions of Yore is an irrelevant set, the Scramble set is only good if you want the gameplay converstations, The Future Past is a pretty neat scenario but I don't know if you need pairings before playing it and the Challenge set only matters if you want to put yourself through it and gives nothing else. I like most of the other sets rewards regardless.
  14. The reason why I bring up the A and Circle thing is that they're in the same place in terms of button locations. And of course, Circle being used is something Japan just does. Also, it's the internet, apologies for not getting it's a joke.
  15. ..... A negative opinion on FFT? I have to look now to see what's going to be said! All I've heard is about how GOOD this is, but for me, well, I couldn't get into it. (And I finished FFTA, despite all my dislike for it, especially in story and that asshole MC) So hearing a perspective that isn't how much someone loves the game is nice enough. (Also, seriously, people getting mad about not pressing X? It's Japan being itself as usual, and I'd assume it's no big deal to this forum, considering it's all about a franchise that presses the equivalent to circle on Nintendo consoles)
  16. Ah yes, characters being missing not getting exp (Eruca, Roshc, what the hell?) and as a result being left behind. Gameplay looks about the same barring the CGs and new girl. So that's good so far. (Also Thane, which kid? Aht's wearing a poncho and Marco's hat.... was always a bit weird.)
  17. Quite a few things, like bacon, cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, even sliced peppers (I mean bell peppers here). Not as good as my dad, but he's been making them for years.
  18. Good to know, because right now, my one bunch of units around level 40 are having the issue that Cherche is -Att, and barely can't kill the blue pegasus in 1 hit. Driving me mad it is.
  19. Quick question on Drag Back: Will it work if the unit initiated the attack, but dies that round to the enemy?
  20. Some of the changes are interesting: Dimna, Mana and Femina's high drops are somewhat surprising, much as I must admit partial fault. It's somewhat hilarious how most of G2 got points taken from them. And Julia was ranked that high before? Wow, I mean I think she's strong but she has the usual issues for people and is missing for a good chunk of game. I'm also impressed that Hawk and Sety both scored so ridiculously high the last time (Not Arthur though. I am not surprised there.) And to finish, Asaello still scored higher than Hannibal, but less than Deirdre. WOW, somehow Deirdre is not the worst ranked! Congrats to Hannibal.
  21. Also, much as it's likely too late, I'm pretty sure Shopto is able to deliver to Ireland. Not exactly looking to get it myself, but if you're interested @Azz I think they can.
  22. Finally tried, managed to beat the level 30 map with the OC trio and Felicia, who did chip damage and healing. So I'm now wondering what would be the best way to beat the level 40 map, and if fliers are actually viable on it.
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