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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- Holy crap, I am going to be pulling for any of those. Even if I already have enough blue, -owl spells are cool enough even to pass on. Just, everything about this focus is amazing. Ragnarock? HP-related skills encouraging defence? WRATHFUL STAFF? I assume next Friday? Please be next Friday.
  2. DS light: First the L and R buttons broke. Unfortunately the hinge broke and it no longer works. PS1: The power lead was eaten by the rabbit. GBC: The battery connectors don't work. Not sure how to fix. Pretty sure the PS1 cable broke first.
  3. Hmmm.... Bad at picking favourites, so might as well do a list:
  4. I do have Hector, and he helped get the first mission.... But not I have to figure out how to deal with killing Ursula with Anna (Rather not bother with 9-Lunatic's stamina costs, but she is level 38 at 4*), and then keeping the 4-star Ursula I promoted alive in the lunatic version. Hector's not level 40 yet after all....
  5. Switching classes with Heart Seal will give you the Spear Fighter class with their promotions available when your unit's promoted (Basara and Spear master). None of the classes can use swords. But your sword rank will be the same as it was before you'd class change (like Awakening). So like Awakening, but seals do not reset your level.
  6. Not a habit of mine. I tend to wait a few months before getting RPGs anyway.
  7. Oh yeah, tried to get into arena to pick up feathers, but of course it's closed. Have I lost those feathers when it updates?
  8. Ralph. Reliable, quiet, can handle himself. :P Gaius. I could see him being great at organising stuff like that. The only trouble might be the diabetes he'd likely get. WCWY ask to cover for you?
  9. FE6: Roy equipping the binding blade recovers from status afflictions the turn after they were cast on him, never affecting him in practice. (That one is a surprise to me: another reason it's OP imo) GBAFE (maybe not FE6): A relatively well known one is being able to cause a mounted unit to have FE4 canto after attacking on certain tiles (like lava tiles in Valorous Roland (a pretty well known way to figure that out, hence my reluctance to mention it) or tiles that once had weak walls in that tile). Possibly related to the cause of the mine glitch.
  10. Ask me if I'm slaying Titans one more tine, I dare you.
  11. ...As the person above didn't give a question... WCWY ask to fix something?
  12. Nope! This would be the third I made an account for, but the fourth I was active on.
  13. Eh, go ahead and try B route. See how it goes.
  14. Execution is somewhat meh. Most of the good and bad ones have been mentioned already, so I'll just bring up Chapter 16 Revelations (can you tell I finished it recently?) and say that the idea's good and all but oh my word the way the veins themselves are set is a frustration unto itself. Honestly my favourite map gimmick has nothing to do with them, which are the boxes in chapter 13 (?) Revelations, where you can make your own barriers, once you get over the forced use of having to take one to get anywhere in the chapter. Would love to see this kind of stuff again (hell, make ballistas or fire orbs move #MBMA)
  15. It's annoying walking in a crowd when you constantly emanate black lines. *sigh People for you.
  16. I'm going to say Harken, just as a precaution in case your others units don't do so well for growths. Also, you have 3 units who can recruit him. I feel like I have to.
  17. Revelations wrapped up! 13/18 done (Have to uptick with SoV incoming)

    Also, wow that ending sequence.

    1. Dayni


      Also, will get round to DLC.... eventually. Revelations is far slower than expected.

  18. Did it with Eirika, MRobin (who took out Xander), Springcina and Lissa (All but Lissa 5* to be fair). Eirika had Fury that helped boost damage, Springcina initially took out the sword soldier and distracted the green mage (despite -Res) and M!Robin helped distract the lance solider, who he took out with Springcina near killing it (she couldn't 1-round, even with the Attack Seal). Lissa healed (Rehabilitate is great). The closest I came before that, Eirika's Drag Back got Lissa killed by the green mage, who was the last unit left. I'm still annoyed at that mage.
  19. So, I managed to pull a second Azura, and I'm not sure what to do with them 1. Merge the two. One is +Def/-Att and the other is Neutral, so knowing which one is best will be useful. 2. Skill inheritance. Honestly, not what I'd do because Fortify Res can be gotten from lesser units and she's still a dancer. 3. Roll with both in certain maps. If so, what might be a good example of using 2 dancers?
  20. Ignoring feathers, M!Robin has been a constant in my playing of Heroes, so of course I'll side with the Avatar, the potential vessel of a god and one of the few constant banes to Takumi, archer of trechary. You gotta deal with it!
  21. He is betrayal after all. You shouldn't listen to him. Alright, let's see if I can get Ryoma! 2 Red, 2 Blue, 1 Colourless 3* Sully (Welcome to Club Dupe!), 3* Jagen (Really, I shouldn't be surprised), 3* Lissa (Can you at least be 4* so I can pass Rehabilitate?), 3* Hinata (....Is it worth training him? Really?), 3* Selena (Least Reposition is worth sacrificing for) .... 2 Red, 1 each of Green, Blue and Colourless 3* Jagen (I mean, really? I gladly sacrificed you in SD!), 4* Arthur (Dupe, might as well check nature as Lancebreaker would be nice, even at level 2), 4* Maria (Not a dupe, might be worth raising, still as relevant as in Archanea), 4* Sophia (*Sigh. Another dupe) and 4* Selena (SERIOUSLY! AGAIN WITH YOU!) ... ..... Of course. 2 each Red and Blue, 1 Colourless Azura 5* (SHOOT! Dupe of a 5* only unit, likely killing a chance for Ryoma. Also +Def/-Att (Curses Rezzy you've struck again!)), 4* Gwen (Been a while, hasn't it? +HP/-Res, might be worth merging), 3* Saizo (Hey look, a new guy! +Spd/-Res, so he might be worth promoting at some point. Also, of course he's the Angry Ninja who hates coffee/tea/especially candy. Now I want to see Kaze), 3* Hinata (Hello again Hinata, of course you're here) and 3* Palla (Haven't pulled you before. With that all that's left is Gordin in the 3* units!) Alright, with this season, I've managed to get 2 Azuras. Merge or have dancing shenanigans?
  22. Alright, I think I'll ask again. Just Navarre's harder missions left, and the only changes of note are that Navarre, Springcina, Eirika and FRobin are also level 40 now. So, I'm trying to figure out both how to defeat Navarre with himself and finish, as well as defeat him with a Draw Back/Hone Att bot (aka F!Robin) in tow. Not at the same time, because that's just insane. (I do have Azura and Hector too, if that might be worth it but they're level 20)
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