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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. 1198: ..... I'm going to pick pizza here, because it's likely going to be consistently better than any cheap pizzas I'm currently using. 1199: 1 step, rather not risk overextending and tripping on some higher stairs.
  2. ..... I wish I could say that, I'm on 4, and That was after a pull on 10% for a 5* unit. I get the pain Oh, and speaking of, I managed to get Bunnycina since I spoke up. Might want to promote someone soon to be honest.
  3. Massively varies. A lot of the time, I'd wait for level 20, but if there's little to no reason to expect much growth in the remaining levels I'll go ahead and promote (much as it does give the chance to raise weapon levels as well) In Gaiden I promote as soon as I can, and get frustrated that female mages wait until level 20. Of course, I expect SoV to be the same.... I've also tried to do playthroughs with Prepromotes (I have certainly bent the rules (e.g. Promoting Sain before HHM)), so with those I just shove the other units out of the party and leave the promotional items lying there.
  4. If it died around Awakening, I'd have waited on getting the 3DS sure, but as for FE as a series, I've have to wait on the patches of games like Binding Blade and Geneology, and I have the feeling patches would have taken longer to come out if the series was dead (maybe not forever, but still) I might still have asked about SD/NMotE and if it was better to play than MotE though.
  5. Just an update on this (Can say for Europe for sure, so I assume it's true for everyone): It turns out all of the add-on content for Fates and Awakening's been discounted, and there's an infinite use card that puts the same discount on titles in the e-shop. Said discount is 30% for every item, but still, if you were looking at getting all of Fates at once or waiting on a discount for one of the titles on the VC, that's on now. Also, the wallpapers have a discount too, if you were interested.
  6. 10% pull. Will I get passed over yet again? 2 Blue, 3 Red 5* Spring Lucina (AWWW YISS SON! FINALLY A FOCUS CHARACTER! +Res/-HP, so might be good for tanking Reds too), 3* Florina (Not a Dupe! Shame she's 3*, but it's all good. Neutral, by the way), 3* Olivia (Dupe, +Att/-Def, need to compare to the other to see who's getting dropped), 3* Sophia (+Res/-HP, still dropping) and 4* Lilina (Not a Dupe, shame she's +Def/-Res though) Finally, a good round of summoning!
  7. Well, Cherche losing was pretty apparent, though I'm certain I did hit the top 1000. Also, I think I'll pick Minerva, and build up flags for the last round. Might as well try and stop Camilla's possible domination.
  8. I'm past 100 pulls, and even on that I'm below the curve on 5* units (3 total). Yeah, probability's out of control and you only notice it when you're losing out.
  9. It's 9.5% this time, sorry. Maybe that'll be enough to finally have a party full. 1 Green, 2 Red, 2 Colourless 3* Cecilia (Likely sacrifice, she's +Att/-Spd though), 4* Henry (Dupe, nature's not great), 3* Raigh (Dupe, sacrifice again), 3* Lissa (Another one to sacrifice, at least if she were 4* it'd be worth sacrificing) and 3* Serra (I apparently had one before, but do not recall at all.) That's 8 pulls with no 5* unit on the same focus. Damm, that sucks.
  10. While I know my chances of keeping my position in the top 1000 are futile, I still tried to be in the Cherche camp. Despite definitely backing the wrong horse in terms of the winning side. Have to try, right?
  11. 1. The rom needs no patches on it at all. So the rom you're on about won't work. 2. The Naga patch has the ending fixed, and it runs fine. The text differs in places throughout, but the intent tends to be solid. Pretty sure there's plans to update the newer patch with names in Heroes (Like Lachesis being back), but I don't know about when that's supposed to be out. The Gharnef patch and Project Naga are both good, but Project Naga is more recent than this patch. It's also in this forum.
  12. Tried the Spring banner yet again, on 9% chance. 2 Blue, 1 each Green, Red and Colourless 3* Oboro (dupe, sacrifice), 3* Oboro (OK game, Come on.), 3* Barst (Dupe, sacrifice, once again, come on), 4* Stahl (a dupe, but I sacrificed him before. Might be good) and 3* Felicia (Another dupe). OK, so up to 9.5%, and based on this luck, still not going to get squat next time.
  13. Likely already either chained up or dead. So either way, strung up somewhere (And no, I do not mean in some kinky manner.)
  14. The download link's in the first post under download, you'll have to patch it onto a US rom of FE7 using a UPS patching utility and no, don't try to ask for links to the rom, you're not allowed to do that and nobody here can provide them here.
  15. Same as SatsumaFSoysoy. Where else will I ask for help bitch about not getting 5* pulls get updated on Heroes after all.
  16. ...And of course SoV is leaking everywhere. Goodbye SoV subsection.

  17. .... I still have >100 orbs, so I might as well see if I get something from this spring. 1 Green, 2 Red, 2 Colourless 3* Cecilia (Dupe, again), 4* Raigh (Huh, dupe still though), 4* Draug (Dupe again, what the hell?), 3* Niles (So getting sacrificed) and 3* Lissa (And that's that. Past 100 pulls. 3 5* units total) None of then even have great natures to compensate.
  18. I can see how good this looks, and I know it fits Hidari and all, but it could still be an amazing fake. Also, is it just me, or is he outraged in this pic.
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