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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. .....51. Defence. And he's not an Armoured unit. That is some crazy madness.
  2. I'd go for it, but rather not accidentally screw up changing regions. So I'll just say kudos to the people behind the giveaway.
  3. No Canas/10 I won't plug a vote for now (If it does get updated with the rest), but I'd toss it up between Azel and Merric.
  4. Somehow, haven't gotten Gordin or Saizo at all, even at 3*. Also haven't gotten Palla pulled (though Flying Mastery happened) Most of the 4-star ones (Raven + Priscilla, Cain + Abel, Chrom + Marth (Lucina's still 5*), Cordelia + Catria (Pulled anyway), Clair + Lukas, Jakob + Kagero, Jeorge + Klein, Seliph + Ogma, Sakura + Maria, Sheena + Merric, Reinhardt + Nowi, Lucius + Rebecca, Tharja + Peri, Soren + Titania, Rody + Athena) And as for 5* units, well I have 8 total. You tell me. (Also, the lack of greens is getting annoying, both on my account and in the game itself. We need green units.) Edit: Going ahead and crossing out new pulls in this post rather than posting every time.
  5. I was wondering what would break first, your spirit, or your body, Batman-san
  6. I'll second it as the best choice for it. Also, the one series I'd love to see a continuation to is The World Ends With You. As full of teen angst is it was, I actually like pretty much everything about it (maybe barring some of the more cryptic stuff), much as I wasn't much good at it. (As for what's announced, Radiant Historia's remake. Please release it in the EU this time)
  7. That is the exact kind of monstrosity I'm jealous of. Congrats! Any amazing boon/bone combos?
  8. OK, I pulled Azura today, as I already said. Should also add Hector now! Sitting on 6 total now (still mostly blue though)
  9. I'm going to go with M!Robin, what with him being my MVP for Heroes so far and all. (Of course, being boosted for flags all the time is nice, but still). Much as I'd like to pick most others, I can't really go against my best unit (Much as I do think I'll have to replace him in the arena eventually). Still, let's hope this is a good clean game with- (Who am I kidding Tharja is going to choke the life out of this tourney isn't she. Also M!Robin likely will too. Sorry.)
  10. I want one of those Hectors, not gonna lie... Also, after getting the F!Robin hard map finally finished, I think I'll pull again. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue and Colourless 3* Ceclila (Just... Why? Why?), 4* M!Robin (Again, no need, but least Bonfire's a cool skill to sacrifice for), 4* A!Tiki (Dupe, but she might be worth either merging or inheriance if her nature's poor), 4* Lachesis (New, +Spd/-Att, I think that'll be fine), and a 5* HECTOR (FINALLY A GREEN UNIT! Neutral, but it's still fine) Alright, this might be among the best summoning I've had in a while. 2 5* units in a day, first dancer and first green units. Today was a good day for summoning.
  11. I managed to finally defeat FRobin Hard (didn't before, so I'm happy), though I still have to do the quest with Navarre in the party. Eirika pretty much was a life saver, distracting mages and giving MRobin an attack boost to kill the red mage and really hurt the axe soldier. FRobin easily killed her counterpart because of her boosts (taking out the lance fighter before helped, allowing her to proc Ignis), while Lissa had Heavenly light so she couldn't do what I wanted of her. Eirika took out the blue mage for the win. Now I just have to figure out a plan to do it with Navarre in the party (though FRobin's not necessary any more) And then there's Navarre's missions, where FRobin will be pretty much deadweight barring carrying Hone Attack and Drag Back (So I might be able to do something with those)
  12. Update: Got Azura from pulling. Now on 5 units, 4 of which are Blue. Might roll on Hero Fest again later.
  13. Not going to lie, much as I didn't like the first versions of the 2DS, this one has enough functionality for me to pick this up and pass my 3DS to my brother instead of waiting for a New 3DS price drop.
  14. Well, with the Hero Fest banner, I have to try and get any of these units! 2 Colourless, 1 of Red, Green, Blue 3*Wrys (Never pulled, still have one), 3* Azama (Again, dupe), 3* Shanna (Threw her away before. Sure Why not?), 4* Corrin (You're a new one.... But you're also Cornin), 3* Bartre (Dupe, but I currently don't have one) 3 Blue, 1 each Colourless and Green (No Ryoma then. :( ) 3* M!Robin (Once again, I already have a great one. No need for ya), 5* Azura (On the one hand, I need non-blues. On the other hand, 5* Dancer! Neutral, by the way), 3* Sully (Well, She's new.), 3* Wrys (STOP) and 4* Gunter (Got my hopes up for a second, dupe, but he does have hone cav, right?) 3 Red, 1 each Blue and Green 3* Donnel (5 now. Come on), 3* Hana (Where were you in March?), 4* Eliwood (Not the Elibian lord I was looking for, but hey, at least Roy's dad's in now. +Spd/-Def, he is not going to tank swordlords), 3* Selena (Dupe, sacrifice, bla bla bla) and 3* Barst (Chop, Lop, skill sacrifice!) Mixed bad of sacrifices, potential Horse Emblem and Azura!
  15. Wait, is Mustadio dead now? Or is this some fan thing? Or is this actually supposed to be funny? Jeez I feel bad for calling the ending out, but I am confused more than anything. (Also, Balthier's here.... least it isn't Vann.)
  16. Banned for being disgusting.
  17. Alright, been stuck with F!Robin (Was stuck before too, but even now I still don't know what to use for that) and not looking forward to doing the Navarre related quests, so I decided to ask for some advice on figuring out who to use out of what I have. Mostly just need general advice on who to use to get the quests relating to F!Robin Hard and Navarre Lunatic as I got the other 4 done already. (Do have feathers to promote, but if I can get away with not doing that, that'd be good as well) Edit: Roster removed
  18. The lowest selling are Thracia and New Mystery on ~260,000 and ~270,000 respectively (sourced from VGchartz, so might not be right) Considering just Japan, PoR and RD had ~160,000 and ~170,000 respectively
  19. Well, turns out the devs are considering using it anyway, much as they weren't using Echoes like that before. TLDR: It's true from a certain point of view (Also, yes I was one of those who thought Echoes was equal to remake series possiblity)
  20. I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want To actually get on with the work I should be doing.
  21. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Calf Here's a link (Calf's a name not given in the game, btw). There's a bit on SF that was translated from one of the books that gives a bit of story involving the guy, but other than that nothing much to bring up.
  22. I tend to dread not being able to respond to a lot of units on player phase: Linde (Just..... If I can't get Cherche in I'm utterly wrecked by her), Reinhardt (Pretty obvious why), Ninian (Fast Dancer who can double and 3-shot Cherche? No thank you), Azura (Speedy and strong? And can Dance? Yeah, she isn't fun to fight as part of a tough group), Nowi (Tanky and pretty much always counters hard.), An unchecked Brave Lance user (Certainly more common than the other brave weapons, is a concern if they're strong enough) . Cherche at 5* would likely change things. Spring Camilla (High enough defence and speed to double Cherche and Selena isn't doing too much to her), Nino (I think she speaks for herself. Selena can tank well, but otherwise I'm dead), Hector (Only with Wings of Mercy, Selena demolishes him otherwise), Julia (Sends shivers, and if Selena's dead I'm pretty much screwed), Tharja (Well, it's the only reason I have Red Tomebreaker on Robin), Olivia (if there's a threat besides her on the field. Not much herself), Y!Tiki (If I've played poorly and Robin is dead sure. Otherwise not a problem). Most reds are easily dead. Kagero (Robin can't double without having low enough health and she's taking at least half his health on EP. Selena can't deal half as well), Jaffar (I'm amazed how rare he seems to be, guy's dangerous). No bows (Barring Vengeance on Takumi, which usually doesn't happen) or staves because M!Robin is a trainwrecker. Mostly it's because of a dancer. Of course, this ignores stuff like flying or horse teams. I clearly am not amazing at this game and should adjust my team.
  23. ..... The actual fuck happened? Pretty much everything after the deserters map seems to have just turned into a mess to me, whether it's the illluminati or..... that. And it's not like the game seems to have been balanced fairly a decade later. It's really good to know that I'm not missing out here. (I don't need an explanation of the whole mess by the way, I'm just astonished that this happened. And no, I'm not speaking about that because even thinking about the topic kinda hurts after a while)
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