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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Either for a few more years or more than 2 weeks of SMT/Persona only questions.
  2. Accept the fact I may have been with Saxton Hale. Likely end up in some crazy scenario following SAXTON HALE!.
  3. There's something I've noticed with Pan: Essentially, he's a bully towards both Lifis and Tina. Lifis eventually runs off and forms another gang that attacks towns and kills people. With Tina, thing obviously work out differently, but he uses bugs to abuse her. The thing is, Pan's actions cause another person who acts far worse than him, and who knows what might have happened with Tina? Pan's a dick.
  4. Sword skills do work for non-sword users in FE5. Last time, I made the unwise choice of giving Linoan Luna. It worked fine.
  5. A couple of cons, though none so far this year and unless a friend's heading with, not to the one I'd be going to in July either.
  6. Well, +Att M!Robin in the time when Takumi was the biggest threat in the meta is always going to have an impact. Also, will pull when I've finally managed to get the quests. Which will take time, I'm already on the way with 10th stratum.
  7. That would be about right. I mean, my best best is essentially hope to get Cherche in range, and M!Robin in player phase can still do damage to possibly finish Reinhardt if needed. (At least M!Robin can do something against Reinhardt, unlike Linde..... I still am afraid of Linde) Camilla does make a lot of sense, but can I assume that she and M!Robin can take out Effie in 1 round? Also, stupid as it sounds, M!Robin with Defiant speed helps a lot, and with a healer it does reduce the impact of attacks against him, and 36 speed is very useful, even for a turn.
  8. Monkey 979 accidentally replaced several screws in a structure with bananas. It crushed Monkey 978 and 979 was executed for murder after a protracted trial that looked for some monkey to blame.
  9. Certainly isn't godly to me, Can't think of any session where she made an impact (except for the first 5*, and likely the most important. I'm actually kinda blown away by that.)
  10. Boosts woo! 3 Colourless, 2 Blue (OH COME ON!) 4* Azama (No need for your crap, right? +Spd/-Res) Decided to reroll, because I am not risking another 5* Blue 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 3* Sully (Got you already), 4* Maria (Have you already, +Att/-HP), 3* Barst (Hello once again), 3* Barst (..... You have to be kidding me) and 4* Olivia (+Res/-Spd, seriously? Dash my hopes why don't you?) .....Once again, no luck. 8.5% chance now.
  11. ........ What if Walhart decided to invade through Plegia first?
  12. I've pulled a 5* Peri (Insert Sideshow Bob after being hit by a rake), am promoting Anna, Sharena and Alfonse and promoting Xander once he hits level 40 after the arena season.
  13. Screw it, I am using that as my avatar now. It's friggin' amazing.
  14. The 5-star I have are M!Robin (+Att/-Res), Sprincina (+Res/-HP), Hector (Neutral), Eirika (+Def/-Spd), Hinoka (+Res/-Att), .... Peri (+Att/-Spd) and 2 Azuras. So I have plenty of Blues. Also, I'd tend to run an arena team of M!Robin, Clarine, Selena and Cherche.
  15. Let's be honest, I did miss that part, but I recommend not to rub that salt in you either.
  16. I'm now sitting on 80,000 feathers, and I decided I want to promote some units. The thing is, I want to either promote the Askran trio and one other, or promote 4 other units (much as I know Sharena's the best of the trio, I have plenty of 5* blues). So, who should I promote?
  17. I ended up 1,337 for the final round, and somewhere around 11,000 overall. Also, don't start rubbing that salt in @Mortarion. I'd rather just move on.
  18. So definitely Hector then, it's a shame I didn't get Ryoma from Hero Fest, but might as well turn Hector into a monster..
  19. It's simply if the units in the focus are interesting enough. For example, I spent enough to get 10% 5* units on Spring Festival just to get one, and I'm also trying to get something out of Rite of Shadows (So far, I've gotten Peri. :( ). So far, I usually pull all 5 orbs, as I'm F2P and I can't really convince myself to spend for the game.
  20. Story of my arena experience, though Linde is much more likely to be there than Fae.
  21. Got enough orbs for another pull session. I'll worry about Lunatic Rite of Shadows another time. 3 Red, 1 each Colourless/Blue (This'd be better with Green instead of Blue, but w/e) 3* Jagen (definite sacrifice), 4* Kagero (FINALLY A USEFUL SHURIKEN USER! +Res/-HP, but that's fine), 4* Lon'qu (Probably sacrifice to give someone Vantage 3. Was wondering where these guys were. +Att/-HP, if that's worth keeping. I do have a 4* Lonk already though), 3* A!Tiki (Eh, might just pass Lightning onto Fae) and 3* A!Tiki (.... Seriously?) ....This'll become another Spring festival for me, won't it? Also, tapped out of orbs. :(
  22. I blame Awakening Not going to lie, as an outsider of the series, this is hilarious. Although, they are actually thinking about the gameplay side of it by making stuff like the species choice matter, and silly as it was in the opening trailer with tying up 3 robots like in Empire Strikes back, they might actually use something like that in this game and it could be good enough to convince me to pick it up. (Course, we all know someone will try to make Sonichu. It's destiny at this point.)
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