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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. .... You know nothing of where that series goes. Apparently people don't like Shrek 2 and think it's bad? Then that for me, I actually like it more than the first one.
  2. What is the limit? I certainly haven't hit it yet, and I have a file with a lot (and I mean a lot) of items (Even have too many silvers: it went over 99 for a long while and I had to constantly use them to drop below that)) I like that Awakening still had more than one spell mattered for Dark magic: At least you had non-Nosferatu spells to use (in before everyone says you only need Nosferatu: I argue Aversa's Night ends up better with Armsthrift. :P) I also like that the support system actually involves units fighting together: the GBA system has the issue of just leaving units sit off, potentially doing nothing during a map or leaving the game run far longer than otherwise warrented: certainly a peeve of mine with that era, while the DS system can feel more cryptic as you don't have much of an idea who can support with one another (e.g. No Cain/Abel convo), much as they only need to be in the same map (and could be on other ends of that map. :P). (And I confess to liking quite a few of these convos, despite the usual "Awakening's characters were all cliche" that so many longer in the tooth fans bring up)
  3. Might have a couple of somewhat morbid ideas right now (not using my actual name here: Why would I?), even if I doubt I'd request burial. Dayni now lies in repose, May his corpse rot from head to toes. Once among the living, Now among the dead, Would rather be alive again. Six feet under is not much fun, but better than being cooked well done.
  4. You might need to fix the formatting, there's quite a bit of unnecessary space in this post. But not doing too bad so far regardless. Honestly if her defence wasn't so bad and she had a bit more base luck, I could see that Lyn turning out great fast. She's got a combination of being guaranteed high speed and high con, which makes her using Nosferatu or Luna way more viable (as in no speed loss. Be afraid), and she only loses 4 speed from Fenrir. If she gets lucky she would be more viable at killing the last boss than she usually would! Also, there's a whole thing about Lyn mode and it acting weirdly in general and the game possibly being unfinishable. There's supposed to be a patch with the randomiser on this site, which skips Lyn mode entirely to prevent this problem. Problem is that patch needs to be put on before the randomiser, so that's a problem.
  5. First pull session was all 3* units: 2 Wendys, Draug, Lissa and Selena. (Not sure which was first) I'm still using that Selena and the Wendy since got merged into my current one (and had herself eaten the other one), but other than that nothing much. Edit: I actually promoted Lissa, she's my current 4* Lissa. My second pull session had my first 5*. And 3 other units who are still being used.
  6. Well, Lissa lost. Who do I join? Haven't logged into the gauntlet yet, so you have a chance to convince me now.
  7. 9/10. Favourite player phase music in Birthright by a mile. Intense and fitting for the game, the wind instrument usage is strong here in particular. Don't Speak Her Name (Awakening)
  8. Alright, so I too a look. Apparently all my images are unaffected (which is weird), but I think I'll switch anyway: Seems like a serious attempt to cashgrab and they might be in trouble now.
  9. Not on a first playthrough. That affects something that you can't even get in Eliwood's story, so no need to worry about grinding Nils for that. There are a few units that aren't immediately apparent how you recruit them: if you get a chapter with a lake and a purple haired guy, he has to recruited by a pirate and there's nothing in the story to hint that, and there's a wyvern unit who can be talked to with one of the lords or the dancer (That one surprised me). Most are hinted at in the story or are recruited by a lord (or it's pretty apparent who would talk to that unit)
  10. So, it looks like Lissa's crashing out, and Lachesis too (Well, it looks like it so far) I have neither Priscilla or Elise. So from a Heroes perspective, I can swing either way. Unless Lissa turns it around, I'm a swing vote. (Let's be honest, if I did account for other games, I've kinda swung to Elise lately. I blame gameplay monstrosity and being just an adorable little sister. I mean, Priscilla has the more interesting background, but she's kinda disappointing in combat in practice (Surprising me to be honest) and she got the Lachesis slap. So, both sides have a shot.)
  11. Surprise, I was expecting Athena to still be 5* instead of Luke. Also, the maps were alright, but probably the least challenge I've had in a while. Then again, Lunatic story maps tend to be pretty simple with Hector and Azura as options.
  12. Robin would be actively making sure that certain units would always be near each other to encourage it. Hell, he'd have the shipping chart somewhere. What if Chrom stabbing the sword into the ground after combat affected Grima?
  13. Alright, I think I'll quote that. Is that alright? It certainly contributes to my issues with Anankos (which as it turns out, I have many. I was more surprised by the length of that rant than anything).
  14. Banned for daring to like the new games Banned for being the only pokemon with more than 3 evolutions to choose from (I legit forgot Tyrogue there, was about to say 2).
  15. Sword hand.... still.... twitching!! Get back everyone, I could turn on all of you! (Meanwhile off screen, Inigo just shakes his head, going "Seriously?")
  16. Some hot chocolate then? Or is that not an option because it's summer? Edit: Victory feathers were given.
  17. Read it on the main site, I was referring to the likelihood of Mist getting in. Also, I note that more than once I had to deal with disadvantageous play where I had no unit with Triangle advantage. Good thing I have a Hector on the friend list who's on the same side. Such a wrecking ball. (also, did anyone on Team Lissa get an MRobin with Reposition and RTomebreaker yet?)
  18. ...So far, to be fair. Unlikely as it is she's make it in. On the other hand, that 800 million is a big margin, but it's not impossible that they might make it over that. Has Mist gotten that much before?
  19. -Sophia: She is now Lute, is level 7 and has Lute's growths and average bases for that level. As for her class, I'll let you choose between Shaman and Mage. -Lilina: Is scaled up to level 5, gets an added +1 to magic, skill and speed and is carrying a Vulnerary and a Fire tome. She gets +5% to HP and Skill and +10 to Speed and Defence growths. -Divinestone gets 50 uses, all non Murgleis bows gain 2 might, 10 hit and Short bows get 1-2 range. -Falcoknights and Snipers gain +15 crit bonus and Thieves can now move like fliers. -Wexp: Holy crap, I could probably make a list to make staves easier alone. Double the exp for Tina's Staff, Mend, Recover, Barrier and Torch, and make the weapon exp for staves equal to FE7's, because FE6 man.
  20. Banned for sharing a side in the sibling cleric war (THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!) Banned for attempting to use the jedi mind trick. You're no Jedi!
  21. Maerchen Dagda. I think Gonzales would be accepted by him. Cyas/Saias
  22. None, because the dark void is the absence of colour. What does it take to get served around here?
  23. Wake him up inside! (Save him!) Ask what adventure I drunkedly joined in on.
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