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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. ......Alright, I thought having 10 move Tanya was crazy. (I didn't give her the leg ring, why would I?) I was proven utterly wrong. That must be amazing indoors.
  2. 954 took some fencing lessons. Unfortunately the rapier slipped out of its hand and killed 953. 954 was so shocked and tried to explain that the rapier had been greased by someone. Nobody believed 954, and 954 was hung. 952 monkeys remain.
  3. I.... am not doing well with this. Miles behind getting the -1 Cooldown seal, literally only have beaten Lunatic twice, my MVP team (as well as most of my levelled up party) doesn't do well with greens and more than once it's been a final map with 3/4 green units (with that other being something terrible as is, like Reinhardt), which is justification to wring something in anger. Should I just drop to Hard to get more points or is that not viable? (Also, I'll put up a roster later, I have to meet people soon enough)
  4. Let's be honest, with those two it's not even as clear how closely related anyone is in the first place. There's really only implication as is, which can be easily dealt with. With Claude/Sylvia, it's about like as not they're not closely related at all. As for Holyn/Ayra, we don't know how closely related they are at all, and Sophara could be ruled by a distant branch, more distant than Rivough was. (Of course, keep in mind there's about 100 years between the background war and G1 of Geneology, so they do have enough time to work with imo). This series has already shown they're able to either avoid cousins marrying or dive right into it (this is the series with that revelation in Revelation after all). If they want to make the point about this one being dark, I don't think they have to change much at all. Really the big one (Alvis/Deirdre), is such a big deal to the story that they would be pretty willing to keep it (See: Revelation). As for child hunts, they'd probably be willing to leave it as is. As for Lachesis, she's considered young as well, so she might have to be aged up. Also keep in mind that G1 is over the course of several years itself, so they have that as something to work with when it comes to the cast's ages (Which includes Ethlyn, who's about 20 and has 2 kids by the end of G1).
  5. I think it's a solid game across the board, the soundtrack is really good and the gameplay's fun imo (it's CTB, but you can edit turn order and enemies can be moved round a grid). They've only really announced new stuff so far (1 new character, a whole new scenario)... and DLC. That's really the one stickler for this game for me, because that's already announced, and the new stuff might not go down well.
  6. Ask why my niece's large-headed plushie is in my bed. Check for niece.
  7. I'm that one guy who's gotten all the DLC..... on sale. Not gotten Echoes yet, so just gotten Fates and Awakening DLC so far. So far, I only really have regret for getting the Royal battles, and possibly bothering to get some of the first/second maps in packs of three in Awakening. (Also, that grinding map was something of a necessity to promote all the units in Conquest first time round)
  8. I did this before here (In the spoilered section), cool to see someone else interested. Yeah, Alvis is a dodgy guy indeed.
  9. Personal MVP is Eirika. Giving support to whoever else I'm using (Still need rally defence), can 1-round Veronica if she procs, axes hate her, definitely a good call.
  10. Some are connected; Thracia 776 and Geneology, Binding Blade and Blazing Sword, Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are each in the same setting (as in they're a pair of games in the same setting). Sacred Stones is unconnected, Shadow Dragon, Gaiden, Mystery of the emblem and Awakening (as well as Thracia and Geneology, though those haven't been connected as much to the others) are in the same world (multiple continents) and Fates..... I'm not going to get into that today. Of course, dragon gates and outrealms mess with this, but again, not getting into that.
  11. Mega Banette, Gengar, Mismagius, Dusknoir, Gourgeist, Delphox (It's all the hat to be honest)
  12. Not remotely what I expected. Good thing you edited it to clarify. :P. (much as Springcina doubled if she had +Spd. I assume no such luck?) Still, good job finishing it with what you had. Zephiel can finish himself fine, it's a matter of getting him close and getting him down to... what 10 health for Zephiel to finish?
  13. Sharena boosting attack helps FRobin do damage to the Blue mage and if you bring her proc down a bit by having her attack one of the knights and pull her back she can either be ready to proc Ignis during combat with the blue mage or proc it on player phase, which is pretty much certain to kill in total. Springcina can tank the red mage better than M!Robin would be able to (And boost speed if needed (but she might want a different support skill)) and is capable of doubling without Tomebreaker (in player phase for sure, might need help from an ally otherwise unless she's +Spd), but she'd also be at risk of not finishing the mage without help (or a hone attack boost), and then the knight uses Swap. I'd consider her an option for sure though. You could also pass on reposition to F!Robin or Springcina if you're using them, though you don't have as many fodder options either. Olivia also makes sense to use considering everything Of course, Zephiel does have an option in Pivot, so that's helpful.
  14. This should be either in the relevant GHB thread/ask questions thread, but I'll pitch in because I got through it pretty easily. I'm curious what other units you have to work with besides, because how you approach it might differ based on that. I went with both Robins and it worked fine, but it was pretty much reliant on inheritance of stuff like R tomebreaker and hone attack to work as well as it did. Having skills like reposition (Draw back is also an option, Swap can be usable too but probably better with the mages gone) will help, allowing you to move units who attacked out of enemy range and move Zephiel closer if needed.
  15. Certainly would accept that as my first roll when I started. Hell, I've been playing from day 1 and the only one of these I even have is Frederick! Of these, Tharja is pretty high up (and this isn't just because she's 5*) but the others certainly aren't bad either. Of the units you have there, Chrom would benefit the most on the surface, getting Falchion (for both heals and dragonslaying) but it depends on playstyle, their bonn/bane (e.g. your Abel would benefit more from having a boon in attack) and your other units you're using. I wouldn't worry about upgrading just yet, but look into what they'll gain from promotion.
  16. So, as of 8:30 BST, all but 4 seats are filled, and the Conservatives can't get a majority themselves, but will likely be able to form a coalition with the DUP if they gain another seat to form a tiny majority and even without another seat can attempt to form it using other MPs as well. Labour managed to gain something out of this election (which is a sea change from polls suggesting 400 Conservative seats) and the other parties are pretty much piecemeal in terms of seats (I'll just link to BBC coverage here). (Also what can't Sinn Féin just sit in parliament and immediately change the whole dynamic (if the Conservatives don't get another seat)? Well I'd go into most of the reasons but essentially they will not take the oath needed when entering parliament because it refers to taking allegiance to the Queen, something they are not interested in (Considering their stance on the North and their entire history, this is not surprising). The one time (Disclaimer: may not actually be the one time) that this actively hurts their case within the UK, as they'd actually have a shot of influencing the government right now.)
  17. That is an unexpected source for the localisation, but it's better than for the original RH (which never came out here), so that's nice to read. So, any source for Deep Silver's record for localisation?
  18. This is why we can't have nice sentient AI. Also, that predictive brawling augment probably should be illegal on her, considering it's that good. Just taking that in. (Oh sorry, been lurking until now and was the one idiot who voted for Xu and making things stupid during the poll. Been fun reading this (and of course, especially the sequences where you go into your own descriptions always get some giggle out.))
  19. And now in reverse order: Well, Gen 2 on 3DS is a nice option (much as Crystal was my version (I get that too Ana), at the very least they haven't confirmed it's not going to be released) ..... So US/UM is a thing now. Not sure what to think, I mean it seems like a cross between a third version and sequels, which is just confusing. Also, there's a lot of footage in a short amount of time and I am not going to analyse it right now. It seems like there's totem changes, but what specifically's going on I can't say. (Also Pokken Switch woo? As someone who never got a Wii U I'm OK with this. It even has the arcade exclusives and Takumi. Honestly I might be a bit more interested in the switch now as a result) It's a somewhat disappointing direct but that's not surprising when it was so short. Admittedly the whole sequence integrating the announcements to a storyline was neat.
  20. I mostly said I couldn't tell because I couldn't tell which was which stat wise off the top of my head. (Not like their personalities help) Both Marth and Roy also get the Emblem from said princess NPC, both get told by their suzerain to do something for them and that goes awry and leads to rebellion and both fight an evil emperor who wields a weapon with a great reputation. Could probably go on with comparing the two but I think this is fine.
  21. I think the comparison they should have been making was Cord and Bord to Wade and Lot (Which is which I couldn't tell you)
  22. I think this was asked before, and my answer is the same now as then. Still the Helix Fossil.
  23. They can, but they usually don't as far as I can tell. I don't know what specifically triggers it to be honest.
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