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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. ....I may still have too many flags. Hopefully the multiplier's in the morning. Night.
  2. Monkey 986 managed to find a secret tunnel, which the monkey then got lost in. It then found a civilisation of mole-men and convinced them to make it their leader. It would die after 40 monkey years ruling the mole-men.
  3. Much as I think Tanya can be good when raised, that's kind of the point. Dagda matters more for gameplay in Thracia and is at a decent base from the start. Even if he's mostly used to tank ballistae, like I'd do in lategame.
  4. Can be whatever they want depending on their supports, can choose whatever you wish for them to have beforehand to tweak their role, has the Grim/Shadow Yato to help with tanking regardless of growths or class, is able to level up easier than most units, has dragon blood and even if not being used can be a good pair-up bot.. 9.5/10 can get RNG screwed. And character rating is 1/10.
  5. This is why I have RTomebreaker on MRobin. Let's be honest, I am afraid that will come up. Also, What would be better for me to have as the unit I send out? I don't have much in the way of greens barring Hector to be honest, and the only reds of note would be Eirika, Selena and Navarre.
  6. ....I have to try. I've got enough for one last pull 2 each Red/Blue, 1 Green 3* Donnel (9 of you, do not give a care), 3* M!Robin (Well, at least your skills are neat), 3* Henry (GTomebreaker sacrifice? Yeah), 3* Cherche (.....) and 4* Marth (New unit, it's something I guess. And being +HP/-Spd, that something is disappointment) ....Brb, dying inside.
  7. ....I had over 2,000 before the third round. I might be a hoarder.
  8. .....I think I'll go again. 1 Green, 2 Blue, 2 Colourless 4* Donnel (SERIOUSLY? I'M ON 7 NOW! WHAT DO I WIN?), 3* Donnel (DO I HEAR 8?), 3* Virion (So sacrificed), 3* Virion (OK, this might be worse than the first pull for this focus) and 3* Barst (Least you have skills to inherit, right?) ....Do I dare do it again?
  9. ..... If they're applying pressure, it's more like an 8, but if they're not it's a 5 at most (at least' I think that's how I'm scaling it)
  10. Okay, so it's the final round. And there's an obvious favourite. But why just accept that? Because to those who fought with Julia and Leo, I say one thing: Join us! To the Leo players, let's be honest, I was nervous there's be a last rally to turn the whole lot around and it was still cool to see that fight to the end. And to the Julia players, who wouldn't have likes to see a battle between draconic hosts? So, let's grab our flags, charge for battle and tip those scales! (Also, I have my RTomebreaker MRobin ready. Also, honestly? Hopefully this round is intense.)
  11. Might as well try for a focus unit. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green and Blue 4* Saizo (After asking, I get one! Shame you weren't Lissa. +Def, -HP), 3* Gordin (And I get the 3* bingo! SO ANY OF THEM ARE DUPES FROM NOW ON! I'M THE HAP HAP HAPPIEST PLAYER RIGHT NOW!!!! ... Sorry. He's +Res/-Att too. Guess I was asking for it with that outburst. :P), 5* Peri (OH COME ON! THE ONE BLUE I DIDN'T REALLY WANT, ON TOP OF HAVING TOO MANY BLUE 5* UNITS ALREADY! .... Sorry, lost temper again. +Att/-Spd, damm shame), 4* Hawkeye (Dupe, +Def/-Att, might want to sacrifice for Death Blow) and 3* Hinata (Fury sacrifice, and we're done here) I shouldn't be so sad.... But I got frigging Peri of all units. Might as well go for it still. 3 Colourless, 2 Red (So no Boey then. :( ) 3* Saizo (And so the amount of ninjas increase, reducing their effectiveness), 4* Felicia (I could use bows and staves you know, right? +Def/-Att, not worth it imo), 3* Virion (AWAY WITH YOU!), 4* Stahl (Eh, likely sacrifice, but +Att/-Spd, will compare with trained Stahl (Who it turns out is the same)) and 3* Hana (LnD inheritance? Likely) So much to sacrifice, a Peri to scream at childishly. Not happy with today.
  12. Rite of Shadows, LET'S DO THIS ROYYYYYY OF PHERAE! 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 3* Donnel (I can make a Donnel Dice!), 3* Floina (Dupe once again), 3* Saizo (CAN I GET A 4* COLOURLESS FOR ONCE? OR GORDIN SO ALL MY 3* UNITS ARE DUPES?), 3* Beruka (Threw away before, could be useful) and 3* Laslow (Axebreaker sacrifice) Roy you disappoint me once again, still not my boy.
  13. OK, so I vote Change and Force Your Own Path. Also, as someone who didn't really get into this game after trying it, do you think this game improves as it goes on? (Also "Young Man Named Rictor" is a pretty funny way to describe someone)
  14. ...... RNG being RNG, combined with enemies having luck and the hit rates on weapons being a bit imbalanced (more than a bit for axes). I'd consider the weapon hit rates to be poorly balanced, but that's about it.
  15. Not if I'm going to answer a question again. (Also why didn't anyone think to put a Eurovision question up this week?)
  16. Honestly not much, I assume I got lucky. Those I beat all had 5* lead units (Cherche, Eldigan and Klein), but I can't tell what tiers they were as I didn't get friend requests from them. Many players likely aren't that used to the defence tile meta yet. (Also, I think I've lost about 4 times this season alone. I have no doubt I'm not the only one)
  17. That is my defence team. Also, the points are based on the stat totals and while the gap isn't too big between 4 and 5 star units, the items and skills are what make the difference. I might need to change my arena team to be honest.
  18. I'm not certain I did it deathless, though the last 4 definitely were. Also, only M!Robin is a 5* unit (Knew I should have mentioned that: the others are 4*), Cherche and Selena have their default assists (Pivot and Reposition respectively), while Robin got Reposition inherited. Cherche has inherited Vantage 2 and Night Sky, Selena has Moonbow and R Tomebreaker 3, Robin has R Tomebreaker 2 (Until I get a 4* Odin again/I bother to train up a sacrificial F!Robin) and Clarine has Fortify Res and Renewal 2 inherited (hope to pass Rehabilitate on to her). To be fair, both M!Robin and Cherche have +Att, so that helps
  19. I've managed to get 3 defence wins this session, certainly more than usual for me. Also, managed to get a 7 streak with 4,628 points, so am projected to move up a tier this time. Team of: M!Robin, Selena, Cherche and Clarine
  20. Monkey 989 took a short walk down a long pier. He died from a heart attack, the pier's irrelevant.
  21. Move along, nothing to see. Just impotent tears. Also, wow I'm pretty impressed that the Leo/Henry and Julia/Sanaki fights are that close.
  22. OK, so things have slowed down, but holy crap it's close this time. Hell, M!Robin's the furthest ahead (Go Takumi smasher!) and it's still not far off. Though the big numbers are Linde/Tharja right now. I am officially concerned about that bout and afterwards...... 3X turnabout might have been tough at first, but it does encourage flag spam sooner than later and actually has seemed to flatten out since.
  23. Dammit, I forced myself to delete one I made for Vivi! Least you took more liberites. Eh, Try again, right? Name: Shantae Class: Dancer Move: 6 Affinity: Thunder Weapons: .....What would whipping your hair count as? I mean, it might count as a sword because of how it hits, but it's also not very swordlike and upgarding the hair is not exactly how you'd repair a sword and all. Skills: Dance (as in transforming into animals. Say hello to your Elephant unit!) Growths (Maybe): 55% HP l 50% STR l 50% SKL l 60% SPD l 55% LCK l 40% DEF l 40% RES (I justify this as while she tends to have few hearts, she also can take several hits with said hearts, as well as being quite agile in general. If I was counting magic, I'd likely make it and strength 40%)
  24. Henry. I'd be concerned that the pet'd somehow die and that he'd proceed to go all Frankenweenie on it. WCWY convince to enter a talent show?
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