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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I see what you did there. :P -Also, those scrolls that increase growths also prevent the unit being criticaled (unless the enemy has wrath. Few enemies do). So they can also be useful for a unit who's holding the front line on an enemy phase as well. -You're limited on promotion items for most of the game, so you'll want to figure out who in your party should promote and who you'll either wait on or not promote at all (some units won't need to promote from their base class to be fair). Also, prepromotes are certainly useable in this game. As for translations, I used the one that's linked in the general patches thread. That one works to the end, but it is still buggy, and the preparations menu can be confusing.
  2. On this one, Nergal had their stones and Ninian likely got hers back when she was being ordered to open the gate after being captured again. Sophia? No hint she ever had one. Still an inconsistency to be fair. As for Z-Fimbulvetr? I got nothing to say with that.
  3. I've listed the ones I've gotten more than twice, so there's that. This includes Lissa and her kid 5 times each, and yet I haven't got a single Chrom. As you can guess, I haven't gotten a lot of units.
  4. .... So somehow the main guy from FFTA2 is in this game. And I'm pretty sure Mercurio was attempting to hit him with that sword. Who knows, maybe there might have been a FFTA title on PSP at one point, Also, the plot's taking the obvious religious symbolism and going the expected route, isn't it? And you can't drop Luso afterwards?
  5. Do you want to make a deal? I tell you, nothing could possibly go wrong!
  6. I don't think it fits for a pizza (especially considering enzymes in the pineapple fruit actually attack you) Not as heretical as broccoli though. Just, that makes less sense than pineapple ever could.
  7. Managed to get it in 9 turns after so many failed attempts because of the mages. Cherche actually tanked Zephiel, which helped massively as I couldn't reposition her at that time (Screwup involving misplacing another unit) and ended up taking out the other armours and was necessary to beat the worst part.... The Blue Mage. (Also, took at least 10 failed attempts. Oh well, better than failing Narcian because you didn't have many units raised at all. Or F!Robin. Or Ursula. I kinda didn't have good options at the time) (Oh, beat hard with Oboro, Roy, Springcina and F!Robin. All but Springcina were level 31 and she was at 28)
  8. Excuse my quoting this comment and giving my thoughts as an illegitimate player of 776. I do think pretty highly of it to be honest. 1: It is at least tied to a gameplay stat, and encourages use of other units and not just using one staffbot to spam for the entire game or one hero to block and dodgetank (not completely averted to be honest). 2: Hmmm. Escape maps kind of vary, but I do like the idea (much as it drives people mad that Leaf needs to retreat last to prevent members being imprisoned, I actually don't dislike it.). The gaiden escape maps are infuriating, especially with how they have fog of war (including Chapter 24x, one of the most frustrating maps in the series). 3: Yep! Utterly stupid... until you consider there's tiles that can warp you into a death room and tiles that increase your magic (and thus your res) by 10, allowing players and enemies to be more broken. And they show up in the same map (fuck 24x is what I'm saying). 4: The floor and ceiling is irritating, but it also helps discourage one-manning (imo). And I'm pretty sure some ignore it anyway (see: Mareeta dodging dozens of Javelins on her own) 5: It is stupid.... but once a unit has high enough skill that stops entirely. And also enemies can miss with staves, it's not a stupid thing that just affects the player. 6: Yeah, this one drives me mad. In a game where your resources (ESPECIALLY restore staves) can be severely limited, statuses that are permanent can be a frustration and can even make the map impossible to finish (e.g. seize maps are unwinnable if Leaf's asleep and you don't have a restore staff on hand). 7: I think this is the only game where I can accept it. I do consider it a limitation for classes if the caps are the same, but in a game where you'll be rotating units, it's not such a big issue. As for my thoughts on it...... It is both a game that delights in frustrating you with design that make things harder while decisions like accuracy ceilings certainly seem are odd at best. It's also the game that quietly leaves all the tools to tear right through it with aplomb. The fact that this game can be done in under 200 turns astounds me. So I have no idea how much I like it. I'll want to finish the rest of the series first.
  9. I'm on a lower percentage. I feel the pain. I've got 4 total after over 100 pulls. Trust me, calculating the numbers is just a bad call.
  10. Dew... Let's face it, before promotion he's not much in combat. Being left at C rank with only Sol as a combat skill at 3 strength is a pretty poor way to start, arguably worse than Arden. He can get Pursuit, A swords and great gains if he does though. So the question is if it's worth training him before that. The obvious moments to do so have already been said, so it's a matter of if you think it's worth it. His being able to pass money on is also easy to control by having him buy objects (at cost) before passing the rest of the money on and then selling that object to have some money in his pocket, so that is a very nice niche (that Patty can only get by having him as her dad) As a dad... I vouch. There's the obvious benefit to Brigged with his skills and growths. He's also a good dad for Ayra imo, up there with Lex and Holyn.
  11. Recently? Heroes- Of course. Conquest- Finished for first time, Corrin OP plox nerf. Revelations- to... Chapter 12 I believe. Cast inflation is gonna suck.
  12. Same to you too! This might be the most chill of the communities I've been a part of, and I've been part of quite a few over the years.
  13. Nino! WCWY get to explain FE Heroes?
  14. Did you seriously ask me something? Can you not tell that I'm not interested?
  15. I have to agree from what I can tell the change was a bit much. Still giggle at "Feel the burn!" though.
  16. Well, been a while since I updated: Time for a rant! Might discuss my thoughts on Moon in full on the game once I've gotten round the post-game
  17. Question as to how I am currently in this bed with him. And where he got that hat.
  18. A 5-orb bonus on the day each game out in Japan (because haha like they'd note the days they came out in other territories). A +2 orb bonus for people who actually used Wendy. And of course 10 for the 2nd of February.
  19. More than a few Irish names haven't been in (I'm certain mine for instance isn't) especially if you look at female names, much as Brigged and Aideen are there already. Saorise, Caoimhe, Maeve (discounting TRS), Áine, Colleen, Deirbhile, Aibheann, Roisín, Aisling, Una, Donnacha (or Donncadh), Tadgh, Senan or Darragh, to give a baker's dozen. (Of course, I'm discounting the common names that have their basis in the Bible/Torah, as a lot of common names have their basis in that) Oddly enough, something like Naoise or Chulainn are both in FE4. And for some others: Orla, Joseph (That one surprises me), Austin, Tracey or Martin. Also, Michael is a boss in Gaiden, and they haven't bothered using it since. Get Mike hype for SoV?
  20. Definitely agree on these points. After finally finishing Conquest, I think Odin has been pretty good. Shame I didn't get to raise his sword rank enough, as he had a high strength that he never got to use effectively, while his magic was serviceable. Then again, most of my units disappointed in at least one stat, (e.g. Selena ending up with 6 strength below average by the end of it (and was 10 strength below Odin. Yeah, that screwed)) Aside from that, the underrated unit had the be General Benny. The guy was very effective once he got Wary Fighter, and was more effective at tanking than Xander (not so much with magic, but there wasn't too much of that late on). No other units really stood out (I mean, besides Ms. "Feel the burn" herself and the royals), and that might have been to the game's benefit.
  21. 4 5* units to.... 112 pulls total, all but 2 of those pulls in sets of 5.
  22. Conquest conquered! 12/17 campaigns down, #BlameTakumi

  23. Congrats! You ended up in the world of Big Rigs, and now you're in a boring, glitchy world where trucks can easily hit over 200 km/h while going backwards. I wish I was more driven.
  24. No words about releasing it internationally, and with SoV coming soon, the DLC is unlikely to come. Well, assumedly anyway.
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