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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I think fates did a good job at having visually distinct looking countries even if they did't quite get the war reasons down. Or expand on those countries in any way other then their visuals. Hoshido is of course the obvious place to name, but I also think they did well with the other nations. Nestra for example is still European styled, but there is no place that looks like it in Fire Emblem. Izumo doesn't quite have the same vibe as Hoshido and there is also the wind village with its more desert and rock inspired culture. Of course the problem is that Fates had absolutely zero interest in any of these places. Nestra has no playable characters or anything of importance after the chapter ends. Its a place that might as well not exist. The wind tribe and Izumo are hardly any better either. So I'd say that other then drastic deparatures they could also try different European styles for their countries. Greek, Venice, etc. Or a more Arabic nation nextdoor. But for another type of war I could see a roman/'barbaric' setting work. With the lord being part of the roman empire and starting out invading the 'simple barbarians' before turning sides against the agressors and fighting the more 'proper Fire Emblem empire' roman baddies.
  2. But I have to say I never quite had that trouble with the voting system. Occasionally a character or two did't pick my side, but there always seemed to be a way to get the majority on board. Then again I did't go aesfrot where you are so maybe that one is a bit more tricky. I do agree that the points should't have mattered in descision making though.
  3. Well this ended up being a surprise. After spending most of the game playing the 'good options' I still ended up making the biggest asshole choice in the crucual moment in chapter 17. One that the game does a very poor job arguing in favour for. I'm mostly taking it to go a different route then Etrurian while also taking the one that looks to be the most interesting, but.
  4. Little bro and big sis, meet little bro's and big sisters. Everyone hit pretty hard on this map, but this theme team managed to outtank them eventually. My Altena is getting closer and closer to finished....now I just need to pull her more. But man. The non prf red tome section is such a tragedy that they had to give Ewan a bunny tome. I hope they get something nice soon. @Landmaster: Nice to see Mirabelis get into some of the action too. That green bladetome gave me a bit of trouble, but despite the big power Mira could take her on just fine. Along with tanking that glacies with her face. @BoaFerox @SatsumaFSoysoy @Diovani Bressan
  5. @Diovani Bressan: Oh wow. +10 Bridal catria. Thats really cool...i'm not entirely sure how her weapon works since I only saw Marth quad, but I like how she took down Caeda with 1 hp left. @Landmaster Hugh was lucky I was close to sparking after getting my Niime. But I did think he was a good fit. So was that bone carver and its duel phase +atk and speed. Nice clear with the Elise squad too. Caeda kept getting confused where to go and ended up all alone. @SatsumaFSoysoy Cool. A all new team I believe. Cecilia is always a welcome sight and with all those flyers/blue units/colourless units she had a field day. Eirika and Laeghjarn where just super powerhouses in general. @BoaFerox Many people where a bit Lughwarm on the refine, but for me Lugh's refine worked out pretty nicely. Nice flying clear too. It wasn't Caeda that took down Caeda but little Tana had quite a bit of power behind her. Both surviving that Caeda hit quite comfertably and one rounding her.
  6. Lugh's refine worked out pretty well on this map. He was the only one able to take care of Caeda while the other Araphen boys helped with the rest of the left side. I was surprised their newest babysitter was able to take down the entire right side on his own. @Landmaster @Diovani Bressan @SatsumaFSoysoy @BoaFerox @Unknown Gamer11
  7. Its funny how far me the complete opposite happened. I eventually really got into the original Xenoblade and I finished it right in time for when X came out. But X never really clicked for me. Part of it was because of the many little annoyances (No party freedom, switching characters being a total pain, etc.). And partly because I wasn't really invested in either the story or the characters. I was ready to like Brilliant Diamond, but I ended up greatly disliking it. Them not doing anything new greatly reduced the charm of the game and I felt very bored because all that free exp turned the game into a mindless slog. Its the only Pokemon game I never finished and i'm not in a rush to pick it up again.
  8. This topic makes me feel very old . Even if I spend most of my years lurking. I do remember the Pokemon subforum being a lot more active. Especially when XY came out. Other then that I remember some unit vs unit debates between posters back in the day.
  9. @Landmaster : Nice one. And oh I did't notice that Mirabelis was +10. Thats quite the accomplishment for a seasonal unit. I can see her being a good wall in other Elise clears. Not that OG Elise needed it during this map with her taking care of a good chunk of the map and having miracle to help with that last blow. Now this wasn't the most difficult of maps, but I finally got one of my Siegnature units at +10. My first and very likely only +10 5 star unit. Still waiting on a canto unit that isn't Ash so I can fodder him his last skill. Siegbert and the rest of the bad hair brigade did't have much trouble with this map so there's not much to say otherwise. @Diovani Bressan @BoaFerox @SatsumaFSoysoy
  10. There are a lot of complaints about axes in fe6 and I certainly get why, but I also don't really dislike the idea of axes having some accuracy issue's. Because in some games their drawbacks are barely present, while their advantages make them the best weapon type by far. This was especially noticeable in Path of Radiance where axes where just almost always the best choice. But at their best axes have good 1-2 range with hand axes, Steel weapon access at E rank, Higher MT and not having to deal with weapon weight past early game or at all. So in the games where their accuracy drop is barely noticeable they become by far the best weapon type.
  11. I remember not being a fan of Dynasty warriors 7: Attack of the clones, but it might serve as a good baseline for three hopes. If only to recreate the aspect of being a teacher and deciding what direction the students go in. So every student can be any class once they pass their exam, but they have a special mosou moves and a strong attack here and there. So for example Dedue/Caspar/Rapheal could all 3 go axe fighter or war master, but may have some different moves to reflect their personality. With Rapheal getting like a slow grappling move, Caspar being more swift and Dedue...also getting something. Mages could also have a similar moveset to each other, but have a different element depending on what element they learn in 3 houses. I can see the exam mechanic being a more unique way of unlocking classes this time around. With characters first going into the archer sniper moveset class before up/sidegrading into the sniper class later on the game when they passed certain requirements. The lords, Byleth and Rhea might get classes that are truly unique because they still are the main characters.
  12. I can't say that i'm a fan of Priam, but that has nothing to do with Priam himself. Normally i'd say that being obsessed with fighting and getting stronger isn't my type of character, but that there's nothing really wrong with it either. Its having no real role in the story and having no non avatar supports is what makes me kinda meh on Priam though. It makes me mostly just forget he's even in Awakening since the game is practically over when you are able to get him.
  13. Well this was certainly a very text heavy demo. Fortunately I was interesting with what they had to tell, but perhaps a more breezy start would be more helpfull in a demo. At any rate I went to both routes and I think Salt church was the good course to go. I found the story to be more interesting and I thought their map was a good one to get used to the game. I was surprised that the mountain merritocracy map was a lot harder in comparison. Blinding arrows and provoke allowed me to get through it, but it was certainly a step up difficulty wise with you being surounded on all sides. I'm also looking forward to see how much more mustache twirly all those npc portraits will end up being.
  14. Personally i'm not a big fan of the golden route aprouch if they go that route. Because there not being a golden route and certain ideal's just not being compatiable with each other was kind of a thing in the original. So there will be mountains that need to be moved before Edelgard will be chill with the church or for Dimitri to be ok with the crimson flower route. If I had to guess there will be clones, but this time with more customisation. With Byleth being able to assign different class movesets to students and with them maybe having a altered move here and there. Or they will just trim down the cast a lot. As for three houses warriors as a whole. I won't say I would't have prefered to see some old games get some attention, but I can see this having its own appeal.
  15. Three houses warriors wasn't my ideal Fire Emblem warriors game since I don't think the characters or world need much expanding compared to everyone else, but i'm still game for it. Lets see how they change it up. Also glad to see a Xenoblade 3. I am pleasantly surprised that most characters are wearing actual clothing this time around. I was already expecting project triangle strategy to get a final demo, but I am glad to see I was right on that
  16. As someone who uses Lugh quite a bit I'm pretty happy with the refine. Its not earth shattering, but he gives his other teammates some nice support and he gets some extra stats to keep up. I did't expect too much, but I can make good use of what I got. I remember trying to use Legault once. Maybe i'll give his refine a whirl too one day.
  17. Byleth is about as interesting as a plank of wood, but this time around I just kinda rolled with it. Mostly focusing on the actually interesting conversations between real characters and just nodding along a bit when they worshipped him. I did't feel very dissapointed by Byleth, even if he was the least interesting part of three houses. But I do think Byleth fails at two things. The first is that I don't really 'buy' Byleth's excuse for being a audience surrogate. Robin had Amnesia and Corrin was a disney prince(cess) so I can see why they would be completely ignorant about the world they live in. But I see no scenario in how Byleth would not know what a 'church of Seiros' is. He's a famed mercenary that traveled through the continent. Even a braindead zombie like Byleth must have seen a church at one time. But secondly is that Byleth being Byleth kinda ruins a character for me. I can see Sothis being a entertaining character, but her being stuck in Byleth's head means she has zero chances to shine.
  18. I already knew Fedelgard would win this. I don't mind her fodder which is good because I have no intention of ever touching that unit. I already see her enough as is. I don't doubt it when people say that Federgard became much less of a problem in higher level play. But as a non high level player my problems with her are still very much present. My problem isn't that Fedelgard has no counters. My problem is that someone that can't counter Fedelgard can't do anything.You already lost that match You can't initiate because LOL instant bondire+Dmg reduction +atk debuff + Warry fighter+ self healing. And you can't bait because LOL double/tripple actions + atk debuff and still auto healing. You can't even work on your specials because she has guard build in. It feels very very unsastisfying when you run into a Fedelgard without a counter. I have my counters like Boey and even the Fmorgans do in a pinch, but I hate having to constantly drag them in just so I don't auto lose when trying to get my rewards
  19. It took a long time, but my Seteth is finally +10. Just in time to burn the witch! Still i'm not completely happy with this clear. When I did it yesterday I had a very smooth and quick clear. One that I hadn't been able to recreate so this one is longer then i'd like. @Landmaster Nice clear. OGelise dueling with those mages on top and later getting healed with that double breath of light was a neat move. @BoaFerox Everyone was pretty far apart in this map so I thought that would make one turning difficult...but appearantly not. Nice clear. Also very nice that Elimine did't come with a precharged miracle. @SatsumaFSoysoy Hey that isn't the usual Celica. Cool to see how Crazyca and the SFreya both took one side to tank while Bluecina took care of whoever was left stanidng. That archer looked like quite the jerk though. @Diovani Bressan @Unknown Gamer11
  20. Same deal with Oifaye. Its the reason why I don't really like gen 2 Lewyn all that much. Him being the sole advisor means Seliph is usually stuck having conversations with a very imporsonal character. It works for wordlbuilding, but character-wise it felt a little boring. His two dad figures around could have added a bit in that area. Especially when Julia leaves for a bit and it really is just Lewyn. But anyway my vote today went to Siegbert. His previous rankings where low. Very very low.....like near Luke and Roderick low. So its a character that needs all the help he can get. And I only need one more till he's +10 so i'll just pretend that this vote helps bringing that copy home.
  21. @Diovani Bressan: oh a full Marth clear. Thats always nice to see. I usually see mini marth or Legendary Marth hit big nummers, but your OG Marth did just as well @Landmaster: Thats quick with the Hatari weapons. Did't expect OG Elise to drop her prf, but the new one worked well in setting up the kill for the new Mirabelis. Bone carver does nicely to with making dagger elise even faster/stronger. @BoaFerox: Resplendent Est fits right at home with your other flying ponies. Her art got a big upgrade. Also the canto/warp strats at the beginning where cool too. I was thinking of skipping this one since it wasn't very exiting. But My Thracia team did't need much time to crack this one. Asbel isn't the mvp for once.
  22. I did't mind too much that ORAS did't go for Emerald because at least they added and modernised some stuff. But in BDSP I found the lack of Platinum stuff to be a pretty big weakness. I know Platinum added a bunch of stuff which to me was needed because I felt the Shinnoh is kind of boring in the base game. That would not be so much of a problem if the gameplay carried the game, but for me this wasn't the case. Right now Brilliant diamond and Shining Pearl is the only Pokemon game I stopped playing before I finished it. Mostly because it just started to feel like such a autopilot chore after a while. All the extra xp and later the affection mechanic meant there hadn't been a single thing that threatened me from Gardenia all the way up to Candice. I tried my best to minimise it by making a second team, but that team cought up so quick that I had two overleveled teams rather then one. So setting/story wise the game was so annoyingly faithful that I found myself bored with Shinnoh and the game was so NOT faithful gameplay-wise that I found myself even more bored with the gameplay. So this Pokemon game gave me very little that I liked.
  23. @BoaFerox Cool and fitting theme clear with L'arachel. Nice to see her at +10. I gotta remember that watersweep/weapon combo for my Chad. It looked pretty nice against mages. @Diovani Bressan: Yeah i'm bidding my time so I can have my third +10 red mage without wasting too much grails. They're still annoyingly hard to come by. But also cool clear. I see Lucina has her refine even if she was mostly getting people in position. Bridal Marth isn't seen too often and Petrine is always cool.
  24. Another thing I like about this banner is that we finally have a healer demote with actual fodder. No more +hp/whatever skills with a ok at best c slot support skill. Or demotes like Linhardt who decided to just go full day 1 with their kit. Xane is instead bringing a solo skill thats a lot more usefull on non healers and the actually good dazzling staff. I hope they keep going this route if they decide to demote another healer. I also thought Karla was Altine for a moment and Xane was mostly his attacking art looking a bit oddly.
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