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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I think they would pretty much have to use the cipher characters if they are going to make a new echoes banner. I mean Kamui, Atlus Jesse, Deen and lolNomah. I can see one or maybe two of those units being on the banner, but none of those are really banner sellers. Neither is Mycen, but he has story importance going for him. Out of all the characters left the only one with 'star power' is Est and even that might be pushing it a bit. But if you take Yuzu, Shade and Emma you have a lot more room to make a 'proper' banner. Doing it that way might even stop the white wings from crashing another Valentia banner.
  2. Mages are always a good guessing game. Not every mage has a signature element and having a horse does not always translate to getting a horse. Azelle doesn't have it bad, but I always assumed he'd get that horse. Orochi: Orochi is a bit tricky, but I'm going to say blue infantry mage here. She doesn't look like a red mage and green is posible, but Hayato would probably take that colour. She has the looks of a blue mage so I think that one works. Hayato: Being from the wind tribe kind of makes this one obvious. No access to a horse in his base kit also means he'd be a infantry green mage. He's not very popular so I can see him work as a demote that brings in a new green tome. Maybe that new rabbit one. Nyx: Being a dark mage also means Nyx is very likely to be a red mage. I'd personally make her a flying red mage moddeled after the witch dlc class...but she'll probably be a red infantry mage. Izana: Coulourless infantry healer. Izana could be a mage, but he starts out as a promoted monk, instead of a promoted diviner. His personal skill is also supportive in nature. So he'd be a healer. Ricken: There's no question which colour Ricken will be. While not relevant in gameplay he does have a preference in wind His movement type is less certain. I'm going to say green tome cav. It'd make him a more unique demote and being styled after a 'dark knight' makes sense seeing how he is build to be the more sturdy starting mage. Besides he had a fun little detail in having a pony, rather then a horse. It'd be a waste not to bring that back. Miriel: Starts with a fire tome and also has red hair. Probably works well as a red infantry mage because of that. Bastian: Green mage is the safe option, but i'd like to see him as a dagger unit. The whole dagger sub weapon for mages has been completely forgotten and for good reason, but I can see Bastian work as a dagger unit. I also think its been a while since we even got a dagger unit. Calill: Radiant dawn would say that Calill would be a infantry red mage, but we've been on a red mage demote spree lately. So i'd give her a blue or a green tome since she starts with B in all of them in POR. She can use daggers, but unlike Bastian I don't think they would fit very well on her. Manuala: Best three houses girl has 3 boons. Flying, faith and swords. I think we can safely discount flying as a option for her so she will be either a infantry sword or healer. I really hope she will be a unique red sword with a focus on healing. maybe with breath of life 4 or a sword with a support focus. But she is known as a healer so I think she'll be another interchangeable infantry healer with a 2018 kit. Hanneman: once again we can probably safely remove bows as a weapon type for him. As a old man I can see him be a standard infantry mage demote. However Hanneman does teach horse riding too so if they want to make him a bit more unique they can make him a mage cav. No idea for colour though since he uses both fire and thunder magic. Red doesn't have a demote mage cav yet. ---- As for non mages Reina: as 'ambassador' of the Kinshi knight class she should be a bow flier, but I fear she might end up as lance flier number 1000. I was surprised to find out her lance rank is actually higher then her bow rank and IS really really likes their lance fliers. So a old, not very popular, corrinsexual might not get a rare class like bow flier.
  3. Kumagera was a pleant surprised during my replay of conquest. I had no expectations of capture units for their lack of supports and in birthright they really have nothing to set them apart from your generic enemy. But Kumagera gives you a pretty unique class, both counter skills, death blow and +hit/speed when attacking. The extra bulk was also appreciated.
  4. @Diovani Bressan Nice numbers on your icy clear. Everyone hit really hard with some nice one shots. I don't see Julia that often any more, but her nifl form looks nice too. And good on Petrine for showing Fernand who's the better ghb lance cav. This Ghb isn't too hard. The green mage with wings of mercy was pretty much the only surprise. So I had common villagers and poor people beat up Fernand.
  5. @Landmaster: That was a flashy first turn. Green armour is a bit hard to deal with being both strong and countering magic, but dealing with him turn 1 with anti armour daggers is great. OG Elise was also good. trapping Ashera and Miracle taking that hit. @BoaFerox: Wolt is great even if he needed some extra stuff to keep up. Ross sounds even more hot blooded in Japanese. It was cool to see him absolutely destroy those fridges. The Tana squad did great numbers too. I see you got pretty far in your mini Tana merging @Diovani Bressan Nils is a bit of a rare dancer. I don't believe his banner got a lot of reruns and he isn't quite as powerful as some of the more top tier dances. Still he came in handy in this one. Nice clears too. Finding a way to clear those dumb fridges out of the way three time is pretty cool. Original Claude makes a real devestating team with the new and improved Gunthra. Also good to see someone else brave bow Ashera apart. @MagicCanonBalls Also wow a Arthur. I believe this is the first time i've seen one being used since...ever. He did't dissapoint though tanking both Ashere and a bunch of other units in the same turn. Def tile or not thats stil cool. @SatsumaFSoysoy Great Mellia thumbnail and clear. Still have to try my own ff Morgan out, but yours did great. Not as much as FCelica who dc tanked like a champ or Veronica darting around the map though. But yeah Ashera was really though on the team orphan, but I've brought a new sitter so they could send Ashera back to her room instead @Unknown Gamer11
  6. We finally got a new echoes banner and it also reminded me why I was never very exited about a new Echoes banner. I already knew it would be a whitewhing (probably Palla), Zeke and Tatiana with Luthier as the demote. Because I knew they would't bother with the likes of the grampa's or swordsmaster squidward and the cast is running out. Now I like Palla, Luthier and Tatiana, but there isn't really a SOV surprise here. The only surprise is that Tatiana is off banner and not a healer. Good on Luthier for bringing the foxtome. I was wondering whether it would be him or Ricken/Hayato who would bring it as a green demote wind mage.
  7. Its cute how they mimicked Ashera's aura's, but those fridges where a real pain. Not only from blocking hits, but it also makes it hard to figure out how much damage you do against the normal units. That canto cav healer was also a jerk. The Araphen orphans could't quite cut it in this map thanks to those armours. So no baby clear this time around. Roy as usual is my reliable fallback and Gordin was a champ in this map too. This time I brought Wolt and Nils around for some added firepower/support. @Unknown Gamer11 @Landmaster @Diovani Bressan @Maaka @SatsumaFSoysoy @BoaFerox
  8. I was hoping for a banner that would let me save my orbs and I wasn't dissapointed on that. I still like the banner and I think its impressive how they just go with fe6 this time around even if it would probably be smarter to include like Leanne and Neassala or other heavy hitters. Yuno looks pretty good, but I don't think she and Zealot are great crowd pleasers. Still she or Saul would be me go to's if I find the room for a pull. This harmonic hero is good with the theme. two serious pegasus middle sisters, but I still find it a bit amusing that even some unimportant characters like Thea seem to have a bigger chance of getting a harmonic alt then male characters. Its been almost a year and its been just Xander as of now.
  9. I'm almost dissapointed in this banner for being too good. I assumed it'd just be possessed heroes ranting and raving again, but now its the Morgans, Edelgard and Dimitri. All units I like and they even seem capable of forming complete sentences. So my orb recovery plan isn't working out. Still going to pass on Dimitri though. I already have 3 Dimitri's and this one doesn't do enough to stop him from feeling too similar. I keep liking the 3h cyl heroes less and less. Because they look far too much like their base/legendary forms and even their weapon types are the same. So even if Edelgard and Dimitri have a lot of alts I still don't really feel satisfied with most of them. Edelgard looks a lot better, but still going for the Morgans on this one.
  10. @SatsumaFSoysoy Beach Dorothea is always nice to see as is Anette. Though it where Veronica and Felica who ended up dishing out the biggest numbers. Doubling Shamir is pretty cool @BoaFerox: I was wondering what you meant with Tana's banana's. I completely forgot she had a prf. But cool clear. Canto works well with wom strategies too. This time I decided to give Tobin another go. His prf is absolutely useless in pve so he got a shiny new weapon to help him tank @Landmaster @Maaka @SatsumaFSoysoy @Diovani Bressan @Unknown Gamer11
  11. @Landmaster I was wondering if the Elise's would have trouble with 4 move Sigurd and his hatred of range units, but I should't have. Gravity kept him busy and I forgot there where anti cav daggers. Cool job Having all four colours was the reason I went with Lyon this time around. And yeah the map really turned around when I found out that shoving Chad into the enemy line was a good way to keep them busy. @Unknown Gamer11 Thats one spicy Ewan. Unity blooms is a great (and rare) tome for the cc build and every other skill is top noth too. Hope those last merges come soon. I briefly considered close foil on my Ewan since I have yet to make him work. Sadly I haven't gotten that skill yet and my Ewan count is still on one. And thanks. Raigh was the first unit that came to mind when I saw this battle. One shotting was a bit more tricky then I thought, but I got there eventually. @Diovani Bressan Petrine is a pretty neat choice to take out Sigurd. Not only does the damage reduction not work from up close, but Petrine also just likes to set people on fire. I'm almost surprised to see Freyja with her nightmare horn. Usually in galeforce clears I see her with the earlier version. So cool to see she was set loose.
  12. @BoaFerox Little Tana did a good job with completely destroying Sigurd. That +9 Leif was also pretty cool. Its rare to see him without his prf galeforce skill. Hope that last one merge is coming soon. This map wasn't without its troubles, but eventually team Orphan managed to clear this one too. This time with a extra baby instead of a babysitter. Sigurd and his Tyrfing weren't capable of mage tanking Raigh. @Landmaster @Diovani Bressan @Maaka @SatsumaFSoysoy @Unknown Gamer11
  13. So close, but still so far away. This rerun came just during my orb draught. I also got myself a Annand. My third one already which is kinda odd for such a new unit.
  14. You can't and should't prevent it completely. Giving your old units ways to catch up is a good idea, but I also think its best to create better stuff, but not always create bigger numbers. I think Feh did a good job at that in the beginning. Ploys for example where much better then threatens as a way of debuffing, but there where still situations/units that could make use of those old skills. Swift sparrow is generally better then death blow/darting blow, but there might be one or two instances where you need that slight extra power/speed boost. The newer skills where generally better, but they did't replace the old ones 100% of the time. That only started happening with the tier 4 skills.
  15. This feels like a bit of a safe banner even if they stuck with a theme. Still there are worse options. My orb stash is very low after having to go after Pent and failing to get Louise. So I don't have the orbs to go after baby L'arachel. I might try to pick up baby Lyon though
  16. @Landmaster Summer Elise is more tanky then I gave her credit for. That firesweep archer hits kinda hard, but Elise took it without any trouble. OG Elise of course needed to help to massacre her side of the map. @BoaFerox Ah so thats Celica's japanese voice. A bit odd seeing warding blow nowadays, but it was a good help in ensuring Nino got revenge on her mom.
  17. Saizo is still as great as ever. Buffs doublers or not its still impressive how he even one rounds the high defence fridges....he's not wearing his black hat this time around though. NYAnna fodder finally made my Forrest complete. So he gets to accopmany the twins with their trip to grandma. @Maaka @Landmaster @Unknown Gamer11 @SatsumaFSoysoy @BoaFerox
  18. This wasn't on my list of projects, but my hand seems to have slipped 10 times in a row. So here is best boy Morgan. He still needs the skills to match his merges.
  19. But that could be interesting too. Seeing someone like Sigurd look back on what happened after he fell and having some opinions on that. As for my candidates. Two likely ones would be Hardin and Eremiya. Both freed from Gharnef's controll and back to the persons they once where, but still knowing what happened in fe12. Fernand could work too since he denounced his views at the end and...uh its actually kinda hard finding suitable candidates. Ashunera?
  20. They certainly are minor so I normally would't have named them, but I don't believe any character is too minor after Dithorba got herself into the game. The list of possesed characters is also growing smaller so they might need to get creative. And now that you mention it, I don't believe they got a duo hero yet. That would be perfect for Berkut if he wasn't already a fallen hero.
  21. @Unknown Gamer11 Yeah Titania's stats are starting to show her age. She's still a good wall for blue mages, but even her weapon can't really save her from the more dangerous blue physicals. I'm waiting for her to get a good alt thats finally good. Speaking of good. I know you had a +10 Lugh, but he's still always impressive to see. I also quite like that l'arachel and Wolt. Seeing A Jagen is also a rare sight, but he does well. Even getting the final hit on Dagr.
  22. Personally I am kind of done with fallen heroes. They could still use some big players like crazy Dimitri and final boss Edelgard, but I don't know if they will go with that aprouch. So far fallen heroes seem more possesed then anything else. I'd prefer it if they turn the concept around and go with a 'redeemed' villains theme instead. Thats obviously not going to happen of course. So If I had to pick anyone it'd be falled Nyna. Its surprising that such a important shadow dragon character isn't in the game yet. Followed by one of Sonya's sisters for some warp mages and probably Sonya herself too.
  23. Well this isn't good. Louise, Pent and Erk on one banner. All my favourites from fe7 and my orb stash isn't high. Guess its time to hit my emergency chain challenge stash. Erk is bringing some good skills to the table for a demote, but him being red surprises me a little. I thought he'd be blue. Both because he joins with thunder and because was already got two red tome demotes pretty recently. I was also off on Pent's tome colour, but I like the tome. It makes sense that teacher Pent is giving all other mages some pointers on the battlefield. Loise got a cool weapon too. Even if its just coral bow with a new name I like it. Not the star of this banner, but i'll try to get her regardless.
  24. @Diovani Bressan Azelle packs quite the punch yeah. Him of all people one shotting a giant like Dagr is pretty funny too. And I can certainly recomend Roy. He's a great mixed tank with a nice auto double. Also cool clears. Leif really emptied his entire quiver on Dagr. Petrine was cool too. easily dealing with the fridge. I still need to build her up. @BoaFerox Minerva is pretty cool. No enough to me to merge, but she's pretty capable without merges too. I knew you had a +10 Tana, but I did't know/forgot you have a +10 summer tana too. Thats some dedication. Celica also did well one rounding a big tank like Dagr. @Maaka Roy is usually my tank button. He holds up really well for a gen 1. The bartre's did well as always. Surprised to see the burly dads take along frail Rafael for the ride. Still he did a good job supporting Fir. @Landmaster I'm glad Azelle is a good investment too. I spend pretty much all my orbs on him so it'd be bad if he ended up dissapointing. Candy canes and Mystic boost. I like it. I did't expect a non elise to get the kill, but she did a good chunk of damage.
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