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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. You'd think Edelgard of all people would tone down the dragons. But anyway its my 100th clear. I briefly thought i'd let my first theme team do this Abyssal style, but it did't take long for me to reconsider. Sharena and Friends have a bit of problems keeping up with all this powercreep. They still managed to beat Inferanl though. Sharena and Raigh are the main damage dealers, Wrys supports and while this team isn't the best for Matthew, he managed to put in good work too. Ledelgard's Ai behaved a bit oddly so I had to do a extra little dance at the end to avoid her. @Landmaster @SatsumaFSoysoy @Diovani Bressan @DLNarshen @Zeo @Maaka
  2. Its odd not seeing Shiro on the list of refine units. I always thought he'd get his refine at the same time as Siegbert, considering they seem designed to contrast with each other gameplay-wise. But Siegbert getting one a refine is great. His weapon started to fall behind and its good to see him on a banner. Narcian might get that rune...axe that he should have gotten on day. Also is it me or Gwendolyn the first armour unit that got a refine? I don't remember anyone else
  3. -My first pick would Wrys. Cipher had some idea's about Wrys alts that i don't mind seeing. A cane sword Wrys or the evil looking orc Wrys would both be fun to see. -Roy with a starters mage set would be my other idea for a alt. It would be interesting to see him try his hand at that childhood wish of his. - Titania. She already has a alt, but I just want one Titania that is actually good at fighting. - I'm normally not too big on new fates alt, but I don't mind the idea of a cultural exchange banner. Oboro could wear a Nohrian outfit because she is long overdue for a alt and Leo could go for a Hoshidan outfit. He already has two alts, but both are just doing the tomato joke along with just not being very exiting. On that note give Forrest a Hoshidan alt too because he needs something after his boring entrance in heroes.
  4. I don't think healers are bad. 'Razzle dazzle' is still very powerful a thing and even aside from that they still have things like Melancholy or other stuff that gives them a good support role My biggest problem with healers is just how boring they are. every 3/4 star healer feels the same thanks to healers having a limited skill pool. Not only that, but the game also refuses to enter new staves into the 3/4 pool. Its the same panic/Pain/Gravity that we've been seeing since day 1. I think Valentine Silque had a new staff and thats it for the non 5 star exclusives. This makes me feel very underwhelmed when characters like Forrest or Mercedes enters the game or when I see the 10th interchangeable healer in a row when I go colourless. I don't think a buff is neccesary. Just some variety.
  5. Its always fun to see Julius completely ignore the weapon triangle. He is kind of a unique res tank so I can why its a fun idea to +10 him. Good luck getting the way too much grails to do so. Julius and the word mercy should't mix, but his warp rescue's where both needed and fitting considering what he does in the second gen. Sadly I don't think I'll be able to +10 Julius. I already have another Grail project and by the time I'd have a +10 julius it'd be 2030. Raigh is pretty good against cavalry on these difficulties. He can usually one shot them which makes ranged ponies a lot less of a pain. Also wow at a +10 Ishtar. You don't see those every day. Surprised she tanked the brave archer so well. Wasn't surprised to see Julius tank all those enemies. Aside from how well he dealt with physical ones as well While I don't mind the bulky slow red mages, I do wish they'd introduce a more speedy red mage already. Mmorgan and Raigh could do speed duty well in this clear though. And yeah I always like seeing Julius laugh at the weapon triangle Nice clear. A bit of a rougher GHB then the usual ones I think. That was quite the army staring down at them after the first turn and Miracle saw good use. Might try that Elise build if I ever decide to pity build Forrest. Thanks. I might have made things a bit easier for myself if I remembered that dark magic isn't exclusively red any longer. Still it was fun to work around the two blue units on this map. And oh wow a Odin solo. He did nicely against all, but that annoying staff unit. He came a long way from worst unit in the game to pulling stuff like that off. He's certainly a bit less edgy then your avarage dark mage and thanks. Now that you mention it, the entire team did have -hp skills. Also nice clear. Tiki and Lute are cool units and I did't expect to join them in putting in a good amount of work. Thanks Also nice clear on your end too. Lunge and Bartre's aren't a thing you see often. I give it a M for manly.
  6. Its time for some dark magic emblem. Iago is a bit of a loser, so here are 4 mages that show him what true dark magic is. @Landmaster , @SatsumaFSoysoy @Diovani Bressan Also since i'm using Julius @DLNarshen
  7. I found myself liking Sothis less then I thought I would. Her being the sassy spirit is perfectly fine and there is nothing wrong with her character. However her role in the means that they just could't do anything interesting with her. Sothis being stuck in Byleth's head means she can only talk to Byleth. Talks with Byleth are already not the highlight of the game, but most of what she says is also not very relevant. Sothis is very important to the game, but by the time the game gets there, Sothis herself can't really do or say anything about that. I'd almost say you could just remove Sothis entirely and all you'd lose is the fusion scene and a excuse for the time pulse. The concept of Sothis could still with just Byleth. Dorothea was a more pleasant surprise. I was thinking of a less fanservicy Charlotte, but the game made her a very well rounded character. She wants to marry into riches sure, but its not played for laughs or fanservice. She's all in all a very friendly and well rounded character. Gilbert also surprised me. I won't go as far to say that I really like him, but just his role in the story surprised me. I was expecting a Fuga character. A meaningless old veteran character, but instead Gilbert has a very prominent story role. Someone who actually manages things when Dimitri is less then capable of doing so himself.
  8. This banner is alright. i'm not going all in on my orbs, but Rinka is cool and Midori is alright. Rinkah: Good art, a flashy new skill and a nice prf. My pulls will mostly go on green this banner. Midori: Nice bow, nice close foil and even her other skills are at least nice to have. Not planning to go all out for Red, but I would't mind a new Midori. Lilith: The star of the banner. A very very powerfull weapon and some neat skils. Still being Lilith is enough to reset my interest to zero% Forrest: Bad. An entire banner worth of new stuff and Forrest gets one of the most unexiting kits i've seen. Fortress res has been powercrept since forever and even res ploy feels old. Lame stats and either being worse Veronica or just another interchangeable 'razzle dazzy' staff unit. Even compared to other demotes I see absolutely nothing exiting here. Iago: I don't dislike Iago as much as other people so he's fine. Just your avarage ghb.
  9. Cool music choice for the map. Bit eery, but I like it First time i've seen someone use the former giraffe lady. She puts in a impressive amount of tanking. @Diovani Bressan: Also a good choice of music. Palla is neat choice for a +10. Was considering building her myself one point and she did put in a lot of work in that video. @SatsumaFSoysoy: Thats a unique music choice for a map, but both that and the thumbnail are pretty fitting. The new Cordelia also got a nice showing off. -------- Abyssal is still a no go for me. I might manage a clear later this weekend when I have more time, but for now I don't see it happening just yet. So for now I have a Infernal clear where Gordin still has the power to go to town on everyone.
  10. Personally I hope they only introduce brand new younger forms for the upcoming banner. I do however think a Dagger kid Edelgard/Dimitri duo would fit very well on a performing arts banner. Seeing as they could fit with a dancing theme.
  11. Ah I saw that later yeah, but it still doesn't make it any less dissapointing. Staff units are some of the most boring auto demotes, the fodder looks kinda lame and those stats look kinda bad too. For a fates royal kid I expected a bit better. Especially considering he's on a banner with some form of distant counter, some form of close counter and probably another OP dragon.
  12. Its nice that they acknowledged the pantsless meme and little Marth/Caeda look cute. I wonder what else they add on that banner. Lilith is....Lilith, but the other 3 options are pretty nice. Relatively popular fates characters that did't get into the game yet. All solid adds. But Forrest Forrest Forrest. Just what did they do to him? His stats look unremarkable and his skills are all old. He fits all the criteria of a auto demote which is a shame. Even his trap nature did't prevent him from getting the male treatment.
  13. Ah I did't backspace enough I think. Tried to delete that sentence so the post did't get to long. I wanted to say that the bravely second demo also had a lot of character interaction from the cast. You had a better idea about Yew, Magnolia and the caveliers. In this demo only Elvis really made a impression.
  14. Qada, Einheria, Spoiler and Ominas is a fight that has a good idea behind it, but its execution is much less fun. I can appreciate that they put some thought into the magic team with a pretty advances strategy. It becomes much less neat when they can one shot your entire party in one turn.
  15. So far I really like the game itself. Everything looks very nice and they seem to be streamlining some jobs when I look at the new vanguard class. I'll have to get used to defaulting not being instant, but i'll get used to it. On the other hand I did't care much for the demo itself. Perhaps its not entirely fair to compare it to the bravely second demo, but i'm going ahead to do so anyway. The second demo was a neat stand alone story with a surprisingly long running time. This demo was one dungeon that had its runtime extended by the enemies just being really though. The cast The thief boss fight was cool though. I beat him in my first attempt, but only barely. He was fast, strong and he did't seem to use the same patern over and over. A good challenge, but not a unfair one.
  16. I do. Best fates kid and if any 5 star exclusive becomes my 10+ project it will probably be him....that being said +5 merges was a bit of a accident. I tried fixing his attack bane, but the game just kept throwing more atk banes at me. That was in the time where merges did't delete your bane. Also cool clear. Those trenches did't seem to get in the way much of your all cavalry team. I wanted to say odd music choice for a video, but it turns out you only used the preperation theme for..well preperation. The wolf tome worked really well on Dimitri. Did you give it to Elise specifically for this clear? Thanks. Its odd. Usually Clerics are the biggest pain on the map, but this one was nice and friendly.
  17. Order of heroes Raigh, Matthew and Wrys: A purely selfish pick that would make my Sharena team complete. It would also make sense to give Matthew and Raigh a Order outfit. According to Sharena those two heroes where there before even Virion/Takumi was summoned. Any sort of Rebecca costume: Those eyes....they really need to fix those. Its even worse then Eliwood. Muspel Hinata and Nifl Oboro: Oboro's art is a little meh and Hinata's art is bad. Both could use a bit of a upgrade.
  18. Oh thats a neat reference that completely escaped me. Also nice music on your video. Three houses doesn't really show that track enough. Your saizo seemed to have a easy time taking down this map. Only needing to take his time with the green armour. ---- This time I went with a team of proper princes and proffesional ladies. The biggest problem on this map was dimitri. Even the lvl 30 version completely shredded my normal Titania build. With some skill tinkering she managed to do a good job though. @Zeo @Landmaster
  19. If I put more effort in my presentation that would have definately been my thumbnail. That and if I recalled the villager heroes manga😅 Also neat Saizo clear. Its not a unit you see around often. That hat also looks cool on him. Haha it shows that you should never count Tobin out. I haven't gotten any Sothis' yet, but your clear showed why she was strong enough to be in the finals in the last voting gauntlet. Nice clear. Also again nice hat on the dagger unit. Nice best house clear even if IS doesn't seem to share that opinion. Also hoping For Ashe/Ingrid/Sylvain.....I'm fairly certain no hope can get Dedue in though. Being a big guy lowers your chance by a lot. Kinda wishing I had the orbs to spare for Anette now that I see her in action. Its good to bring out Kliff once again. That speed bane annoys me, but he could safely chip from behind Tobin.
  20. Congratulations. You just finished up a monster. I have a feeling she'll terrorise many GhB's/LHB's to come. Also glad that it did't swallow up all your orbs. 5 stars are a pain to +10, but perhaps my Siegbert will eventually get there. He's already halfway there at least.
  21. The Flame emperor was no match for my army of country bumbkins. I would like to say that Tobin's refine really carried him here, but they slapped a hp requirement on it so I did't bother with it. So he could just use his barrier blade and block the enemy while Donnel has his own little duel at the end. @Landmaster @Zeo
  22. Neat run. I'm also saying my future project Tethys. Tanking Bluelia is no mean feat. With extra help or without it. @Zeo Thanks. I do like using my underdog units. Ross is one of those units I probably should go around to finishing one of these days. Either by completing his Slaying axe build or giving him a defensive rearguard build. But he did a good job as he was in the current run. Still your Ross did seem to blow mine out of the water. He even tanked Abyssal Chrom with little problem.
  23. I'm not the biggest fan of Tobin's refine. He has a good amount of hp so the effect makes sense, but hp conditions are a big pain in PVE. The inflated hp means that the effect will have a hard time triggering on full health enemies. The other one's are alright, but probably not 200 divine dew fine for me.
  24. No suprises in seeing Bernadetta and Lysithea on the banner. They are also the least exiting part of the banner for me though seeing how I don't like Bernie and how I find Lysithea just alright. Its great to see Ferdinand von Aigir in the game, but that kit looks like a very very big auto demote. Even the lance had already been on another auto demote. Anette is great though so its all in on her. Bit dissapointed they did't use her timeskip design, but this will do. I can see why they'd add the flame emperor, but personally i'd have gone with another student. All all a bit lukewarmm about this banner. It'd be nice if the next banner gives the blue lions/golden deer a bit more attention too. The beagles already got their two spots twice now.
  25. Oh thats one tanky Nowi. Even my gem refine Titania had trouble taking hits from Choms absurd attacks, but she managed to take that and several red units on 4 hp after that with ease. The rest of the loli's did a good job just killing everyone from range. Hahah thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. The team worked surprisingly well for this run. Lugh could soak in hits, Ross could flail at Chrom and Rolf could do some desperation sniping. @Unknown Gamer11 Congrats on your first Abyssal clear. Lots of familair faces on that team. It actually helped me out a bit on my own Abyssal clear. Speaking of my own clear This Abyssal was a bit more work then I at first thought. The blue mage could nuke plenty of my mainstays, Healers are as annoying as always and Chrom can dish out a crazy amount of damage. But I did it with two horse powerhouses, Miracle Seliph and a flying dancer
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