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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Don't know if you used it before....I also forgot where this one plays, but Nier Automata music is always cool. But nice job beating the shit out of your grudge. It always feel nice to break down the brick wall. I can also see why this map would be tricky for a all physical colourless team. That armour took 0 damage from all, but specials and Gharnef's instant charge special means he can't be underestimated either. All the fancy teleports and repo's really came in handy. It seems you did't stop at revenge and went on a revenge spree afterwards😅 Tiki and Tak-Tak made for a surprisingly fun duo last summer and they where formidable on the battlefield together. Oh hey its my favourite Fire Emblem Lord and two lords that are amongst my favourites. Leif is cool too. I probably should bring him out some time too. Yikes at the speed banes on Roy and Alm though. But good job. LMarth made short work of those manakets and Alm shredded through all. Leif's job seemed to be to get Alm untrapped from his corner while Roy was up to his usual galeforce tactics. Haha glad I could be some inspiration :) But yeah Fallen Tiki and the twins had a terrible time with those high res fliers with me too. But cute team. Fallen Tiki was a unstopable self healing wall and both twins got a few good hits in while supporting each other. Ninian's babysitting helped everyone too. Planning on a family team in the future then? Also i've gotten used to Sam Riegel (normally very good, but sadly miscasted here) as Raigh, but after hearing it I think his Japanese voice suits him better. ----------- I seemed to have been unable to clear Gharnef last time, but it took surprisingly little tinkering to beat Gharnef this time. Such a mustache twirler should be dealt with by more noble figures. So its best girl Louise, two good girls and one good boy vs Gharnef https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vzPnGeCXxk
  2. Its probably longer then that😅 My FTiki killed the same enemies so many times that she's around 8000 sp now. Yeah. Feint skills are kinda Niche, but they where pretty usefull in this run because Tiki could use every hp point. I think its a very good boon. 41 speed after a speed refine means he reaches a very high speed naturally. I still need to give him some new tools to make sure he can really use that speed stat to the fullest. Something like res/speed bond or swift sparrow. I've yet to play with Dragonflowers myself. Mostly out of lazyness actually. But good luck next summer banner. Here's hoping the desire sensor doesn't hit you and showers you with older brothers. Raigh is almost unseen in Abyssals and Lugh is not the most popular pick so I agree that they are always a welcome sight in Abyssals. The dragon girls are far bigger powerhouses, but they could use all the support. Probably a better role for such a nice guy. I'll probably have him in another ghb/Lhb or two in the future since it took a lot of orbs to finally get a Lugh. It probably showcases the power of armours more. Or perhaps just dragon armours. But yeah they are naturally bulky on and their quick charging specials means they stay in good health easily.
  3. Christina Vee always puts in great performences from what roles I know her from. So a shame she's not Edelgard anymore. Perhaps conflicting schedules are too blame for this?
  4. Cool. Tibarn really shredded through a lot and I was surprised to see Neasalla survive a hit from that roided up Tiki. Reyson secured to kill like usual of course while his sister did some nice mage tanking when needed. Also fun to see all of my nightmare enemies falling easily from death by birds. Unique team, although I bet you can't wait for summer to come so you can get rid of that nasty atk bane. Ares pulled of a daring move putting himself in range of a army of cavs. Nowi tanked a ton and Elise surviving against that immortal pegasus was something that surprised me. Tiki was a though nut to crack in the end, but you did expertly manouvre your team away from her. -------------- I also cleared this run on the final day and boy did it take longer then I thought. I figured that after Yune and Delthea it would only be fitting if my kid team took care of Tiki too. After loads of good fodder, a lot of tries and my refususal to admit defeat I finally got it. Lugh went with for a pacifist run time. Both because he HATED that peg and all those other reds roaming around, but also because he was busy buffing his buddies and debuffing his bullies. Raigh could't wreck things anymore like he could on Infernal, but he still had some cavs to defeat along with doing some odd jobs here and there. He also needed to give his teammates a good shove which is not unfitting. Newcomer FTiki's job was to eat the entire map. Double brazens, dc weapon and a Lugh buff made her a good choice for all those mages. She also got to take out herself. Myrh was there for additional tanking. She was the only one not one shotted by that green hammer jerkass. @mampfoid @Robert of Normandy Also @eclipse and @Flying Shogi for my use of Lugh and Raigh
  5. I actually did't see the 130 till it was pointed out here, but that is a pretty high number. But yeah sadly everything becomes just a tad harder to tank on Abyssal. All that poor brazen atk/def fodder though. Merric probably surprised me more then Roy on this map. I needed something that could deal with that extremely annoying archer on turn one. Merric was the only one with the speed to dubble, the bulk to survive him and the blue mage and with enough force to actually kill them. Glad you enjoyed it. Titania doesn't always work well, but when she rocks, she rocks.
  6. Every time I watch I see a new +10? But cool clear. Ares showed why his special spiral sword is a force to be reckoned with when combined with vantage and Dc. Nowi did good too despite this map not being one of her favourites. @Nanima Ow wow. The map wasn't made to withstand so many neasala/Tibarn attacks. They doubled everything and made short work of all the squishy, but highly annoying enemies. Reyson one rounding Naga and withstanding a Astra was pretty cool to see too. @mampfoid @Robert of Normandy Cool one turns. Azura is a odd choice for a galeforcer, but the singing helped out. Also odd to see Fmorgan double Naga. She's not the slowest unit aroud. Probably not going to clear this one on abyssal. This map is not my favourite with that annoying archer and all those high movement, ranged unit. I do have a Infernal clear that went pretty smoothly. Also expirimenting with another theme, but i'll have to wait and see if that works out.
  7. Thanks. Roy is probably the best enemy phase dragon killer. Its why he won out over Marth or Alm in this particular battle. The +10 also helped. Roy and Gordin did come to mind right away when I did this battle. Loads and loads of fliers, dragons and fliers that are dragons. It took a few attempts to consider Shigure, but he did pretty well on this run. But thanks it did need a couple of runs for all the positioning to come out just right. Mostly because the BIGNIS needed to be charged for Duma.
  8. Half of the map being flying really helped out Gordin. I think its less Shigure himself and more of the raventome/TA combo. Still he was the only unit in my barrack that could both sing and deal with those two archers. Its a good thing Roy could one shot Duma after some trying. A lot of runs ended with Duma initiating and then killing everything. Killing dragons run in the family. The axe fighter was a big surprise yeah. I assumed Roy would metl him too, but he was no joke.
  9. Another Abyssal battle done. This one might have been the most challenging yet with everything being either absurdly fast or very bulky. Duma is also impossible to bait thank to broken fighter skills and a truckload of atk. Not really a theme here, but Roy, Veronica, Gordin and singShigure don't really scream strong, so i'll take that. @mampfoid @Nanima @Landmaster @Robert of Normandy
  10. I'd almost be tempted to go for Siegberts, but my orbs need a bit of a breather. I did put a bit of effort into Donnel so i'll probably have him do another run in the future. Two nobles and two commoners. Your teams had a easy time too. Little got into Sakura/evil Takumi's way. Not for any kind of master plan. My Donnel was already lv40 when I decided to check boons and banes back into the days. I could make another Donnnel, but meh. +res/-hp isn't ideal, but its also not a combination that completely breaks a character. So its mostly a matter of lazyness.
  11. @Landmaster Oh did't know you had a +10 Lon'qu and Raven. Leif gave them a good fight, but he was no match for the edgelords. @Robert of Normandy Oh wow Close combat on fmorgan? Thats a odd choice for a skill on Fmorgan. It helped do this in one turn though so it did pay off. Its become a bit of a meme to say 'easiest GHB ever', but....this was the easiest BHB ever. Siegbert got a extra merge so I thought about using him, but the ladies seemed to have outdone him in this run. @Nanima
  12. Yes, but. Its a Fire Emblem game. Of course i'm looking forward to it. Its been a while since the last games and i'm eager to see how this new game will work out. On the other hand I still don't feel a 'hype click' yet. Fates immediately hooked me and so did Awakening, but i'm not yet that invested in the three houses world and characters. Perhaps the somewhat plain presentation is to blame. I'll probably grow more exited when the game is getting closer, but now i'm just interested.
  13. I'd also move Nomah up a little. His stats aren't great, but Sagitea gives him a good offensive, long range move right out of the bat and he still has healing utility. I'd say that is better then at least most Atlas' and perhaps even Jesse? Meanwhile i'd move Mycen down considerably. His stats are kind of meh, but thats usually fine. Echoes doesn't have deployment slots and Mycen's stats are at least good enough to do a alright job here and there. Normally he'd be fine, but Mycen is the only character in the game who is never free. Slots are limited in endgame and Mycen doesn't really do anything to put him above the other cavalries or other units in general.
  14. Maybe the twist this time will be that the church is secretly not evil?
  15. I've never been a fan of lootboxes myself. Not for any grand reason, but instead it bothered me because what was inside of them was always so very lame. Overwatch or Mortal Kombat 11's lootboxes are so filled with absolute garbage that it kills any sense of enthusiasm. Why even try and pay money for a outfit when those are vastly, vastly outnumbered by sprays, player icons or pallete swaps for people you never use. Lootboxes made me go 'meh'. I'd take the outfits, but opening the boxes was a chore and I never once looked forward to opening them. For me Fire Emblem heroes was a bit different. Sure I also have fan goggles on this time, but I also think things just hold more value when you spend orbs. You can inherit skills, sell them or just build them into something worthwhile. You won't get summoning sessions filled with icons for your player profile or a dumb victory flag for when you beat someone in the arena. My problem isn't with Gacha games, but just with lootboxes. So I'm not the biggest fan with this latest Belgium news. Of course its easy for me to not be the biggest fan because i'm not at risk of being exploited. I don't have the ambition to be a top player and I'm never tempted to dump vast amounts of money on this game. I do think people that are at risk need some protection and I don't think laws and restrictions are necessarily bad things to help with that....but I still don't want this little change to move over to my country.
  16. Oh Fjorm you just keep disapointing me. First you show or do nothing interesting chapter 2, then your first alt spends a lot of time talking about the avatar and now the 'mystery' lover thing. The Nifl themed forging bonds event was also just awful so that did't give her much to work with either. So yeah a bride alt was probably the worst thing they could have given her if you ask me. Its a good thing she started to appear in normal Forging bonds so she can actually have a normal conversation with people before they ship her off. Her interactions with Mordecai where kinda cute. More of that and less of this please.
  17. @Landmaster I believe your Delthea fell in with a bad crowd. Of course they did a good job at making her avoid getting hit. @Nanima Gravity did a good job of keeping that annoying brave bow cav at bay. Reyson being the tank of your group is still pretty amusing to see. For my clear its father and daughter vs fathers and daughters. This map really did not like FMorgan, but Hector appreciated the warping. Meanwhile Lilina benefitted from Robin's chearleading. Meanwhile Raigh and Lugh return and this time with Lucius. I don't have a Raven so Libra is taking his place. I probably did't need to have everyone beat up Corrin at the same time, but I'm not complaining
  18. Aaaaaah they gave Sigrun one of those lame aether raid skills! Just like With Lukas it feels like a total waste to me. otherwise this banner is great. Pent and louise are awesome, Sigrun is one of my favourite pegs and Tanith is awesome. Its one of the last banners i’d put Fjorm on, but I take it.
  19. I’d advice tagging people. Its helps people see the video is there. Especially now that the topic is slowing down. but cool clear. Kaze isn’t a unit you see often, but he really liked this map. Iceberg+ killer dagger also did wonders.
  20. Legendary Alm has been avoiding me. I don't even have the one for my collection. Only if I want to dislike blue armours more. Also nice to show of the new and improved Stahl. I don't think many other people will be doing the same.
  21. Marth was robbed even harder since he would have won second place if they counted things differently.
  22. It'll remain to be seen if it'll be Gordin. Could also still be NYCorrin, Soren, Titania or Boey. No idea's for improvements actually. Maybe bonfire or a atk wave skill? Lancebreaker is a bit outdated, but it works well against non mages. He's my favourite hero OC. Its a lot harder to make a theme around him though. They all took a beating, but it was all perfectly calculated Thanks and I actually did't notice the hair colour coincedence yet. That is a pretty rare and recent skill you put on Neku Sakura. Hope you did't waste all your orbs on that (second?) Berkut. The added res, guard effect and qr do make her a pretty nasty res tank. Perfect for a map like this
  23. It probably also helps that Corrin and Tiki can be divided into male/female and young/old. So technically they have a lot of alts, but it still feels a bit different when compared to others who are far more similar. But anyway my safe bets for brides are Severa and L'arachel. Severa has the character type for it and L'arachel is a popular sacred stones character that has her wedding mentioned. My risky bride (and groom) bets are Sigurd and Deirdre. Jugdral will get alts eventually and brides and grooms are the most fitting theme. I still want to see Dozla on a bridal banner though. Not as bride or groom, but as overly emotional wedding guest.
  24. Ow wow thought the map was too mage filled and spaced apart for a one turn clearn. I was wrong. Good loli's vs evil loli. Cute clear. Thought Delthea would double green Kana for sure. I thought Raigh was the perfect teammate for Lugh's clear debut. I am considering him to be my next +10 project. Still undecided on that, but it could be cool. Also cool Hector. Speedy ones seems to be gainin in popularity. And I did end up doing my brother clear. There's even a Takumi in it @Nanima
  25. Rudolf is supposed to care, but his failure in showing that is probably why i'm pretty mild about Berkut being a a jerk. His normal treatment of Berkut seems cold at best. Its kinda good that someone doesn't handle their adopted son with kids gloves, but I don't think there's a single time where Rudolf actually says anything nice about Berkut. And If Berkut needed to be kept in the dark about the prophecy then so be it, but Rudolf ran out of that excuse when he decided to run to his death. There was no risk of the cultists realising the truth anymore since the truth was meant to be revealed after that battle. Rudolf decided not to tell Berkut the truth in his final moments for no appearant reason. He had time to send him to his room so he might as well sit down and tell him about the whole thing. He had time to tell his general so not telling Berkut came across like cowardness on Rudolf's part. So Berkut heard his father figure died and also that the same father was feeding him lies his entire life. Some part of it was 'neccesary', but Rudolf went about it in the most needlessly cruel way possible. So yeah echoes Rudolf is a terrible person.
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