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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Thanks. I can't always bring her along because her stat spread is a bit ackward, but I like both her and her male counterpart. I'd say one turning a map with 3 units, rather then 4 is pretty impressive Oh I know. In normal play I usually keep animation on, but sometimes I speed things up by giving the screen a tap if I feel something is worth skipping. I try not to do that when recording, but this time I ended up skipping some animations. I would have used him a lot more if he wasn't a armour knight. They're annoying to use most of the time. Still LA!Eliwood had a good reason to be there this time.
  2. Saints row 3 makes the top of my list. I really enjoyed the tone of Saints row 2. It was over the top, but not in the always 100% wacky way that 3 and its sequals did. Saints row 3 had a good intro, but after that it became pretty much a total clownshow. I did't like the city, gameplay or radio as much either.
  3. @Nanima @Landmaster Your already putting the tempest trial reward to good use. Cool clear with some units I don't see all that often Bartre wasn't the only parent bringing his child to work today. Perhaps I should leave Legendary Roy at home for battles like these since he pretty much wrecked the place. Also oof its been a while since I uploaded and it shows with all the battle skipping.
  4. How about the Marth retainer squad getting refines? Some of the fates retainers already got some attention, but not a single one of the fe1 characters has gotten a refine. Abel and Cain really needs them too since who even uses them nowadays?Gordin doesn't have it as bad, but he probably wants a little boost as well. Jagen might even have the potential for fun builds if they make the weapon work with his big res stat. He probably still won't be good, but it could be interesting at least.
  5. Iago is really getting a thrashing and that isn't really undeserved. A shame since he's the only one ingame that initially showed at least a little promise. In Iago's first move against the party he actually acted on his own. Iago did't believe the words of Garon's imaginary dragon friend and believed action needed to be taken against the potential traitor Corrin. After that he gets a moment where he's basically 'um sure, but why?' after Garon starts being pointlessly evil. Even him pushing for Corrin's execution to Garon is at least somewhat understandable since no one in their right mind would return to Nohr after being cast aside as collateral damage. If Iago continued the line of being Nohr's only somewhat sane, but evil person he might score some points, but then he turns into a generic Garon toady really fast which kills his character.
  6. This banner isn’t really doing it for me. palla is cool. Hoped she would get in and she did. Veronica and Marissa are alright. Don’t really wsnt them, but sure. I don’t really like Bruno as the sole male of the banner. He’s pretty dull. likewise i’d rather have seen someone other then Loki as the tt reward.
  7. A few weeks back ago I would have said Rutger. I don't really dislike him, but there was nothing unique or interesting about him to add in Heroes. We got a entire truckload of speedy swordman and his broody personality has also been done already. As a GHB he was fine. Unexiting, but fine. Larcei for the same reasons as Ruger, but even worse. I don't see what she can add that her mother doesn't already bring.
  8. @Nanima @Landmaster Another Sharena team run finished. A bit more teleporting then usual to escape the dreaded reinforcement, but otherwise this wasn't too much of a struggle.
  9. Merric occasionally finds his way into my teams. I'm not a avid arena player, but my +speed Merric puts in a good amount of work during ingame stuff like GHB's and stuff. His speed is easy to increase to a very good level and his -1 cooldown can help him increase his damage output to a good amount. As for surprisingly good units? I've grown to appreciate Seliph a lot more now that he's my project. People where feeling down on his refine, but the ability to cheat death has come in handy several times for me. New year Corrin also has carved out a solid niche for himself. His stats are nothing special with a bit too many points in speed and defense being his only noteworthy stat. Still that defense combined with bowbreaker makes him excellent as a bow counter and his starting kit makes him a great defensive cheerleader. Giving +8 def/res is pretty nice and seals can make him buff his allies even more. He doesn't have a easy time finding a spot on my teams, but he needs almost no investment and can give some good results.
  10. Normally i'd like to give IS the benefit of the doubt regarding this tap battle. That its just a rerun so new people can get all the accesories they might have missed. This tap battle would be the ony one that gives now orbs. But even if that is the case then the timing is just bad. After cutting free to play orbs its not a good idea to cut even more free to play orbs. Also it comes at a really bad time for me too. Normally I always keep a small reserve of orbs, but this month is the exception for me.
  11. I recently saw some reclassed Cipher art of Shadow Dragon characters after they had been reclassed. I thought it would be fun to see if I could make a hero out of those characters. Wrys: Humble swordmaster (red infantry) Maria: Just like them (Green axe flier)
  12. Thea is definately going to demote. Its something they tried really hard not to hide. I think they could at least have gone with something more exiting then a seal skill, but I take it. Her art looks cool. I still hope Lugh demotes even with that annoying +rally skill trying to prevent that. I think the serpent tome and the feint skill would be alright on a four star. It did get my thinking though. is this the first time no one could demote when two characters share a colour? Like Silas dropped after blocking people from getting Ophilia, Oscar dropped after he was done ruining the day of people going for Nephenee and there are other examples like MMorgan too. I don't remember any instances of both characters staying 5 stars though.
  13. I did't pull too much on the beast banner. Kaden seemed like the obvious demote and he was the one I wanted most. I think that is my biggest problem with this news. They did't give any warnings about something like this even when all prior experience should have pointed out that people would be assuming demotes. Its easy to look at fallen heroes and know that there isn't going to be any demotion. All characters with prefs, all alts of mostly popular characters. It just felt like no one would drop down to four stars on there. The beast banner on the other hand had 2 units that looked less special then the other two so it made sense to think at least one of those would demote.
  14. I got a +speed/-defense Sue which really is a suetifull pull. She's one of the two units I wanted on this banner On the other hand. Go away Rhajat! She only has distant defense as fodder and I already got that fodder on my second Rhaja that I did not want. I don't see Lugh demoting any longer after seeing what they did with the beast banner so I guess I need to access my garden/chain challenge reserves.
  15. Well I first need to pull Lugh, but if I do then I will probably have them team up in the sibling runs. Time will tell if he gets a spot on team Sharena
  16. @Nanima Thanks and I'm hoping i'm the first one as well. Also did a run with my Sharena team on the final day. Or well most of my Sharena team. Matthew had to take a break from this one since I needed extra firepower. Luckily I had just remembered there was another one of Sharena's friends that I had completely forgotten about. So I did not need to cheat.
  17. I never expected Thea to make it into the game. I also never expected her to be such a obvious demote. I like her, but i’ll wait for a bit. meanwhile I did not expect Lugh to not be the 100% demote choice. Not a fan of his art. He is supposed to be like 2 years younger then Roy, but in here he looks as young as Fae instead. Sue is surprisingly normal too without a legendary. Nice to see her have the by now kinda common swift sparrow Still don’t care about Idunn, but the art looks super cool. I like this being a more ‘normal’ banner without multiple super powerhouses although I did hope for Sue to be just a bit more flashy.
  18. Thanks. Its actually easier then my Sharena team so I might attempt to make this a recuring thing. It was a bit tricky with everyone being so low. They could't one shot or eat counters anymore. So it was a good thing that knights only have one move.
  19. @Landmaster @Nanima @mampfoid Ice prince versus fire lords Thats odd. I don't think i've ever seen armours use hit and run. I was certain it was a flyer/cavalry exclusive skill. Other then that this took a bit of tinkering. I needed res tactic for some magic attacks and I needed to put life or death off Brave Roy so it would be a different Roy that was affected by Hrid's debuff.
  20. Thanks! It only cost me all my orbs to get him. I'm still trying to see if I can make the desperation/brash brave bow set work on Bow Roy. Its nice to see it work.
  21. I think the reason people bring up Thracia is that their sole banner felt very safe and calculated. It introduced 4 new characters, but only two of those where on the banner. The lord and the love interest. Two characters you absolutely could't go without. Even the relatively popular and pretty much mandatory inclusion finn was just dumped as a meh tempest trial reward unit. Saias was a nice surprise, but other then that everything felt very safe. So people might think the same here. That IS don't really have much faith in a fe6 banner and that they'll start putting in very familair choices in such as old man Hector or a popular character alt.
  22. I hope it will be 1. Wolt 2. Lugh ( preferably not blue. We’re swimming in good blue mages already) 3. Echidna 4. Niime 5. Dieck/Miledy (tempest trial?) however I am almost certain Rutger will make it in and Percival might have a good shot. Not exited for either of the two. Sue could show up too and that would be very nice.
  23. @Landmaster @Nanima @mampfoid I had 3 Roys already build so when the fourth came around I decided on my next little project. Its Roy, Roy, Roy and Roy destROYing this legendary hero battle.
  24. I would change one of Scarlet's two support. Scarlet having gem decoration as her hobby is fine. Its good when characters discuss the things they do off the battlefield, but Scarlet also has only two supports. So both of them focusing on the same thing is a waste. We still don't really know much of Chev, the resistance and how Scarlet came to lead it. So having even one support focus on that would be nice. Similarly I would alter one of Izana's two supports so they'd show there is something to him aside from being a goofball. He does lead a country after all.
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