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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Thats a very good question. I am considering giving the skill to Roy so I might be able to check it out if I decide to do so. They make for a good combo. Morgan's debuffs/buffs help Seliph out a little and Lucina can use her wings of mercy pretty easily if Seliph survives at one hp. Julia just hits things hard which also helps. Thanks and I was not really expecting that either.
  2. I thought Neasala would have a pretty challenging map, but this one was much easier then the Klein and Clarine battle from before. Takumi and Sakura have to sit this sibling team out. Seliph and Julia take their place instead for a pretty comfortable clear. Seliph got to put his refine to good use and everyone pulled their weight. I remember @mampfoid saying that he liked Roy so i'll tag him for this one. I thought a nerds vs Neasala run would be a little tricky with the team I picked, but that did't exactly turn out to be true. I did not expect Roy to basically butcher the whole team with ease.
  3. Surprisingly enough i'm not. Roy would't leave me alone when I tried to pull for Shiro and Siegbert. I still have like 2 TA3's in my barracks.
  4. It turns out I can join the +10 club too with my first fully merged unit. It cost me all my feathers and for the first time i've even ran out of red crests. The end result is a very tanky Roy
  5. I did't plan to do another run in Klein and Clarine's bound hero battle, but I needed somewhere to test the new Seliph refine. The new Tyrfing still has to prove itself in thougher challenges, but in here the experiment has been a success. The double atk/def bond gave some impressive buffs and he did a good job of showcasing his mercy ability against the blue mage. I should probably change sol, but I seem to be very low on good fodder recently.
  6. I decided to go with it since i've pumped so much resources into Seliph already, that it can't hurt to take the risk. I personally went with close counter, quick reposte and the atk/def bond seal. He was indeed able to take a pretty hard beating.
  7. I thought my 7+ Selpiph would immediately be getting his refine, but now that i've seen the refine i'm a bit more conflicted about it. It looks very interesting with a auto miracle and you can probably do some stacking with the added atk/def bond too. On the other hand 200 dew is hard to come by and the divine Tyrfing is a lot easier to see the uses of. He can either kill of a mage safely with DC/QR or he can go tank multiple mages with deflect magic and no DC. i'm not sure how many niches the new Tyrfing serves that aren't already accounted for by what the Divine Tyrfing. so is the new refine worth the heavy price tag?
  8. Raigh is, but when IS decides to be ready is another question I haven't seen your entire clear journey, with me only recently watching these video's, but all the ones I have seen where pretty awesome and unconventional. The last battles where a good sendoff and good luck with what you are going to do next.
  9. I think Legendary Marth was the biggest challenge yet for my Sharena and friends team. I've tried it so many times that I started to think it just wasn't possible to beat the Infernal difficulty with this particular team. There are a lot of enemies and some of them seemed almost impossible to take down. That blue lance general in particular wasn't feeling very threatened by Raigh, Wrys or Matthew. Even Sharena could't do much against it without being killed by a bonfire blow. But after a lot of tries I finally managed to clear this Infernal LHB with my underdog team.
  10. I had 220 orbs all saved up for the laguz banner, but they just had to put Siegbert and Shiro on a banner. I’ve been trying to get Shiro since he got in and Sieg is the only 5 star exclusive with some decent merges. Even L’arachel I like as a character. i’m now on 120 orbs and all I got was a stupid -atk sumia.
  11. @LandmasterThat was pretty cool. There where some close calls and I don't think I see the Nohrian summer units all that much. Leo especially doesn't appear all that much. @Nanima huh can't say I ever expected OG Sakura to kill everyone that looked at her funny. Those where some impressive attacks she did on the enemy. I already did a sibling team clear, but there is still my Sharena and friends team. The team had some trouble with this BHB so Sharena got some new toys to play with. Wings of mercy to better use her bonds skills and I was lucky enough that brazen atk/def was available on a 4 star unit. Raigh was a bit faster and tankier then usual thanks to his owl tome and darting blow/close defense. Matthew and Wrys performed as they usually did.
  12. Your brave bow Takumi put in a lot of work and he did look pretty cool. I might have given my OG takumi a brave bow too, but I already have my +attack Gordin for my brave bow needs. +speed Klein is there when I need a faster brave bow unit. Takumi's lack of a speed/strenght/defense boon makes his stats kinda 'meh'ish. He does come with Close counter so i've been considering a more tanky set. Still need to work that out though. But thanks. The boys needed to use Sakura as a shield thanks to all the fury damage they received and she could take the hit. I might continue this team theme with Mmorgan and whatever version of Takumi, Lucina and Sakura fits best. Also the witcher music does sound pretty cool on this clear. Oh. Did't expect to see Fmorgan tank 2 archers of all things. On the bright side she might still need that Brazen atk/speed for the next challenge though.
  13. This was my clear. The big and little siblings had a pretty alright run. I had to do some minor tweaking so Mmorgan would't be affected by chill speed and guidance helped me for the last part of this map.
  14. The Klein/Clarine map was a bit trickier then I thought. I certainly did't expect to see reinforcements in a BHB. Still this little bro/sis team up was no match for my bro/sis team consisting of Blucina, Mmorgan, Summer Takumi and Sakura. I went with Neko sakura and OG Takumi first, but Neko Sakura was bad on this map and OG Takumi just performed terribly in general.
  15. Zelda would be a character I never expected to click with me. I played her rarely in melee and even less in Brawl. Back then I thought she was absolutely terrible. Somehow in smash 4 that all changed though. Nayru's love is a amazing attack, farore's wind has quite a lot of power behind it and Zelda's lightning kicks are satisfying to land. She ended up going from never used to one of my two mains.
  16. Who? Asvel would be the logical pick if they wanted another wind mage, but Othin is a likely pick as well. Its probably never going to happen, but I remember liking Brighton back during my brief time playing fe5.
  17. Personally I hope he'll be added in a fe4 banner. Ced is a cool character and a lot of fe4 gen 2 characters are kind of bland and unremarkable. They could use a Ced and a Shanan to liven up their otherwise kinda meh lineup. Fe5 meanwhile just needs more characters in general. So if Ced gets on the fe4 banner that means the other spot would go to another fe5 characters.
  18. I'm not entirely certain either actually. Can say that was a really smooth looking clear though. The enemies went down without too much problems and its always nice to see Fmorgan being used too.
  19. I did't think my Sharena team would be able to beat the more reinforcement-happy LHB's, but they managed to clear this one. Hector, the cavs and the green manakete where killed by Raigh, Sharena blocked the enemy and Wrys/Matthew did their usual support or odd job. So here's Sharena, Raigh, Matthew and Wrys vs Infernal Hector
  20. Thats odd. I never get free 5 star pulls and now I got two in a row. a +speed/def Gunthra. She was also the only unit of the brunch I wanted so that was a Nice surprise.
  21. I got a Ike. A +hp/-attack Ike to be exact. Already outclassed by his legendary version and a pretty bad nature too boot. I did pull myself a +hp/-res New year Takumi too and I don't mind that pull nearly as much. I also finally got a 4 star +speed mMorgan that can replace my current -attack Morgan.
  22. Ah yeah that door. I had to spend some time unlocking the fieldskills for that door as well. I forgot that you could summon Wulfric for free and he comes with focus too. So having him in the party will help too.
  23. Nice clear. That blue dragon was a huge jerk so its always good to see other dragons eat it alive. I also think the team is funny with the gloomy Rhajat and a bunch of cheery kids. Urgh this battle gave me a headache though. Seliph managed to go to town and kill a lot of stuff, including Azura. But those armour knights and that Manakete jerk where a lot harder to take down. After clearing it I did't seem to be able to recreate it for the recording for a good long time either.
  24. For once i'll be a member of team Corrin. He's absolutely awful in Fates, but I like new year Corrin. He has some good art and he served me well as the ultimate defensive cheerleader.
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