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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I've been playing since friday since the game released earlier in Europe for once. But anyway so far I like most things. Only complaint is that magic works a bit oddly because the upgrading mechanic kind of get lost in all the other stuff you can activate with the same button.
  2. Leonardo could have some interesting supports with Ike or Pelleas. The background material mentioned that both his father and his brother where killed in the mad king's war so him interacting with either the leader of the enemy army or the son of the mad king could show some interesting results. SanakixDawn brigade members: have some potential for supports with some of the dawn brigade. It was the Senate who did all the stuff with Dain, but as Apostle/Empress people could still feel she is at least partly responsible for what had gone on there. NepheneexMeg: Meg probably knew Nephenee her entire life and it could be funny to see the shy Nephenee interact with the not so shy Meg. HeatherXMakalov/Shinon: Those two jerks are probably the only man in the army that line up with Heather's opinion of the male gender. And seeing Shinon and Heather take turns insulting each other has some comedy potential.
  3. The bond skills helped a bit, but yeah. Raigh usually has to deal a lot of damage since otherwise it'd be all up to Sharena to do the damage. Matthew's face makes for a good wall and he turned out to be surprisingly offensive too this map. Your fates Royal clear was pretty funny with how everyone responded with ok at takumi's "lets go swimming" @Nanima Gravity and pain does a nasty number on enemies all grouped together. And whoa not one, but two all colourles clears
  4. Yes......something went wrong there. I'll try and see if I can fix it.
  5. Ah that explains it yeah. Thanks. I do like using underdogs although having a team with so many was a bit of a accident. @Anacybele Nice job on doing a horse clear in a map that is very unfriendly to horses. Frederick is a really good choice for this map unit-wise, but all those trenches and trees are still a pain. As for thumbnails. I did find out just today that Youtube loads like 3 recomended pictures for it when its close to uploading. All the way on the bottom of the screen. I'm sure you have ways to manually select one too, but I never bothered to check up on that.
  6. @Landmaster - Its always nice to take a recently pulled unit that you like for a spin. New Elise did well although her not always doubling just shows how absurdly fast the enemies on this map where. @Robert of Normandy- I almost did't recognise you. Did you change your username? I do remember your flying teams with Fmorgan. One turn clears always look pretty impressive. Now this BHB was just mean to my Sharena team. Everyone is super fast, Sharena has a hard time dealing with the initial wave and facing them head on was pretty much impossible for my poor team. So I had to come up with a new strategy. @Nanima
  7. I just pretend that mother Miyamoto is a total wicked stepmother that forced Bowser to disown the children from his previous marriage. That or I just pretend they never said that. So I see no problem with the guys top 2. Alm is long overdue for a alt and Marth can get back his rightful second place. I'm still missing the reason why Lif is anywhere near the top 200 characters. The females top 2 is....uh I like Micaiah. I am sick of Camilla alts, but if she wins CYL then thats fine. My problem with Camilla alts is that not only that there where a lot of them, but also that IS was never forced to put Camilla in. She was on all 6 of her banners because IS wanted her to be on them. Thats the problem and I will blame IS for that, but her winning a popularity context is fair enough.
  8. Also I vaguely recall Elincia actually wanting to contribute a lot earlier then she actually did. Did't she tell Ike she was trained to use the sword and that she could fight like really early in the game? I believe Ike told her to stay out of combat because protecting her was their job and that it would't get any easier if Elincia saw a lot of combat.
  9. I agree with the modration part. Another thing is that fanservice is a lot better when it actually comes across as natural on the character. I find Sonya to be a pretty good fanservice character. She's one of the bigger lookers in the game and she even has this mild dominatrix thing going in some of her quotes. She has the looks because the game portrays her as slightly vain or at least a bit fashion conscious and the dominatrix quotes are not entirely unfitting on someone who comes across as a proud character. Meanwhile a character like Sophie goes into battle without pants because her designer wanted people to see her underwear. There is absolutely nothing in her character to suggest she would not wear pants and there is a lot of common sense that suggest she should wear pants. It also doesn't help that it kind of makes the design look less appealing, rather then more appealing.
  10. Ah guess I was totally off about Linde. I must admit I never used her in Shadow dragon and just assumed she'd be the basis for Lilina's stat as a 'nuke mage'. That does explain her heroes stats a lot more.
  11. I won't miss seeing Sutr. He can be pretty easy to deal with, but he's one of those units thats almost immune to everything that is not his counter. I remember that one of my teams in the christmas TT was just completely walled by Sutr. Unable to pierce his defenses in PP and unable to bait him in EP. That was not my best team of course, but before Sutr those teams never had to worry about an instant game over because of one unit.
  12. Ow wow. I completely forgot my Siegbert already had desperation as a B slot. I once swapped it for swordbreaker and then completely forgot about the skill. Mmmh I think I need to check my list on lance units again. Maybe summer Cordelia? She doesn't have a good weapon and she is pretty fast. Other then that my list of them is not too impressive or they already have alright weapons.
  13. I find their slowness pretty odd too. Male mages tend to outspeed their female counterparts who often go with high magic, but low speed. Its not always the case, but there are a lot of examples like Merric/Linde, Lugh/Lilina Tellius males/Tellius females, and Hayato/Orochi. Might have to do with popularity since most of the fast male mages haven't made their ways into heroes yet.
  14. A while back I was pitybroken by a Sumia. A -Attack Sumia so she won't be too usefull either. Her skills on the other hand are useful which is why I am considering to fodder her off. The main question I have is what skill is best to give away. The vengeful lance doesn't sound too appealing. There are probably some characters that want it like...uh Clive or something, but I don't really care all that much about the lance. Close defence is nice. I know how it works and its a pretty effective skill. So I could use her as Close defence fodder. Her other skill atk/def link is a skill I don't really know. All users are pretty prenium so I have never used a skill like that. I'm considering putting it on Siegbert since I have no idea what B skill to give him, but like I said I don't really know how effective these skills are.
  15. I don't have much interest in this Camilla, but I do like the Ouch pouch. I have a neko Sakura thats not all that usefull without mages so perhaps she can take the weapon. Hone flier also comes in handy since Hinoka having it isn't all that good when all your other good fliers are also blue.
  16. We might get one in Tingle when the DLC comes around. He is weirdly absent from the assist trophy line-up now for some reason. But anyway I don't really think its bias. I think its just hard to include Zelda characters since no one really lasts long. You could do one of the villains like Ghirahim or Zhant, but they aren't really important in the grand scheme of things. Even Impa who is a recurring character does not really have much to make a moveset out of.
  17. Personally I actually like Piranha plant. He's not only a surprise, but also a very unique character that has things about him that no other character can replicate. Although I do see why his reception would be so mixed.
  18. I would not be opposed to a all third party lineup of dlc characters on principle, but I don't think its the best move. They already got the biggest nintendo console icons and it will be hard to top the surprises that where Joker and Bayonetta.
  19. I don’t mind this being a fates banner. Hotsprings are very Hoshidan. Units like Sakura, Elise and Hinoka could also use the extra alt. ( I’d put Sakura and especially Elise anywhere else though) But the fact that this Banner is just a dumping ground for fates royals make this banner boring, safe, predictable and a total waste. Camilla also should not be in this banner. 6 Camilla’s and none of them being forced is just sad. I know I said I didn’t like the royal dump, but if they where really that scared of any kind of surprise then they could at least have put Leo in there instead of another camilla.
  20. I'm still not entirely sure how Skadikumi survived that blow from Leo, but him tanking a AOE special and still standing is pretty impressive. New year Takumi also put some pretty good work in. I got my two themed clears done as well. Team Sharena struggled a bit with these enemies. The archer was pretty bulky and the weapon triangle did't really favour Raigh and Sharena here. Still thanks to Wrys' refined pain skill they could still beat the last wave. I thought it would be fitting to give the sibling team a bit of a Hoshidan flavour. For once my OG Takumi proved to be effective after he got some good defensive cheerleading from NY Corrin. Hinoka was also pretty useful here. Ryoma did't get too much to do himself, but he did support his little bro's and sisters.
  21. Sharena is surprisingly tanky thanks to her weapon so her Ignis gets a boost as well. Its not on Roy's level yet, but it gets the job done perfectly well. I would't feel too bad about the bullying though. Naesala's lunch money was probably stolen anyway so it deserves to be bullied out of his hands. IThe green mage can actually one round Sharena and Matthew so Raigh needed to take a blow for the team. The hp boost he'll get in february will probably be appreciated if I have to do something like that again. Its a bit odd. Normally I have to do a fair bit of tinkering with the team to make sure they manage to clear it. On this one I barely had to change a thing. The smoke spd on Sharena for example was just there because I wanted to atk/def bond on someone else and me forgetting to change it back. Stealing his uncle's owl tome probably helped a little with that. Also nice to see the most beautiful man getting some attention in one of your clear. I'm also surprised to see Stahl since he's usually seen as a Raigh/Matthew tier unit. Walhart probably appreciates the help though.
  22. @Nanima Hahha glad you've been looking forward to that clear. Here it is. It was a much easier clear then I expected it to be. This GHB has a bit of a weakness in that the enemy team has a hard time reaching your squishy units. All it takes is one tank and the enemy can't move past it. So after the Green tome unit was gone all I needed to do was stay out of Naesala's range. The rest of the enemies did't pose much of a challenge.
  23. I think i'll have to name Gregor as my favourite gen 1 character. He is one of the more funny characters in the game and that does make Gregor very likeable, but the reason I like him is that he's more then just a funny guy. A lot of Awakening characters loudly shout everything about themselves in their introduction so the things you learn about them after that are kind of limited. Gregor meanwhile has several supports where he does reveal things about himself that you probably did't guess beforehand. Also he gets plus points for being one of the very few Awakening characters who isn't young and pretty. Virion and Maribelle are also two characters I enjoyed for different reasons, but I think Gregor still claims the number 1 spot.
  24. @Nanima. Sure thing. I will tag you from now on. Will be doing so for the eventual team Sherena clear too. As for the sibling team? I think that will depend on the battle/mood. So the hoshidan siblings should reurn eventually. Nice work on the team star clear. It was surprising that Reyson of all people doubled and killed neasala. Sakura seems a lot more flexible too with a non default dagger.
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