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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Thats odd. I was almost certain that Sophia would be getting the apocalypse. She was the most likely target with Niime not being likely to make it in and with her being more special then Raigh. And I didn’t expect that i’d get the chance to refine Merric’s weapon a third time.
  2. @Landmaster funny music for a cutesy team. Also whoa Keaton was quite the moster with his vantage brave strikes. Even colour disadvantage was not a big deal with Ignis and yeah I thought teddy bear Morgan was a cute thouch too. I’d say go for it with Seliph’s regine too. Its surprisingly fun.
  3. I completed my Roy collection and i'm now the owner of a Legendary Roy. A -attack/+hp one which is why I continued till I got my second one. A +attack/-res one. I think I should't have done that since i'm now left with only 13 orbs. Not a good thing with the fe6 banner coming soon. At least I kind of planned ahead and still have tons of chain challenges in reserve.
  4. Oh. I completely forgot I had two clears on this one. Sharena and friends Siblings
  5. When I saw the region start with windmills I briefly thought my country would be getting some pokemon representation. Ah well, the Uk is pretty cool as well. The starters are alright, but so far Sobble is the only one that really spoke to me. Its strange that water is the starter that catches my eye the most for once.
  6. Here is my Sibling team vs Roy on Infernal. Its not too difficult and Seliph's refine really helped with the difficult (blue blade tome) part. I'll probably attempt a Abyssal one too, but that probably won't be a theme run. @Nanima
  7. @Nanima @Landmaster I've been a bit absent on the video posting/responding on vids for a while. The sound of my laptop stopped working and fixing it is a bit of a pain. Will probably be more active when thats fixed But in the meantime here's my attempt to post a video from my phone instead. This BHB isn't that hard, but it can be a bit tricky to figure out with the fully charged astra and all the warping going on. I had to put slow back on Wrys to prevent a double, but other then that I did't have to tinker with my builds a whole lot.
  8. I did’t expect a banner trailer even I woke, but I did expect to see this one eventually. Keaton and velouria look really cool, but their garbage obsession swallowed their character so i’m not too big of a fan. Selkie sounds like someone who starts te get annoying quick. I like Kaden though so maybe I will try on him. Also yikes at those weapon descriptions.
  9. Thats one nice looking Titania. I hope she's less ackward to use then her normal counterpart. Its a bit weird to see IS of all people hand out Cecilia, Camilla and now Titania out as TT rewards thogh. I thought they reserved those spots for male units with meh skills. Everyone looks nice, but i'm not the biggest armour fan. I already get my favourite for free and I think i'll try a little to get Soren.
  10. He used to have the divine tyrfing on him, but now he has his special unique refine combined with distant counter, QR, Infantatry pulse and the +atk/def bond seal. He's guaranteed to survive at least one round and the extra +10 atk and defense is nice to have as well.
  11. New year Corrin was a unit I trainedonly because there was a spot open. His statline did't me very much and I did't think i'd be using a Corrin all that much. I did't know just how much defense NY Corrin could give to his allies and he put those defensive skills to use plenty of time. He turned out better then expected stat-wise too. Seliph was a unit thats now one of my MVP's and that was mostly an accident. After refining his weapon I felt it was a waste not to use him. Distant counter, Infantry puls and more stuff soon followed so now I have even more reason to keep Seliph going.
  12. Siegbert is all the way down at number 468 with only Ignatius, Fuga, Nichol and Hans being less popular fates characters. I have no idea how he got that low.
  13. Oh wow. I did not expect to pull this one off. This map was very kind to Raigh and his wolf tome so expect to see a lot of kills by him. Poor Tiki did't even get a single hit in. @Nanima @Landmaster @mampfoid
  14. I think i'd prefer if they did Jill or Haar, rather then both of them. I know both of them are popular, but doing both will cause a bit of overlap in the farfetched banner. But i'm a bit at a loss as who would appear though. I feel the beasts will have banners all to themselves and a lot of other characters are problematic for other reasons
  15. @Wanda Oh wow. That was less of a LHB and more of a massacre. That Tharja was though. @Hilda Thats a nice clear with a very nice battle music over it. No abyssal for my, but I did get a infernal one done. @Nanima
  16. Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. Taking out Lyn early was probably the most important job. Sharena does not really like fighting her and Matthew could luckily tank the ranged hits and charged up Ignis. I did not expect Raigh to take out the blue tin man. Sure he had bons, buffs/debuffs and a special, but I still had to double check that. I probably should finish that one, but you don't get any orbs for it.
  17. Well Roy still ranks amongst them so it was a little bit of both. Your bird team performed very well as well. Reyson is starting to get a bit of a reputation as the destroyer of bosses.
  18. Alm needed that win. It shows IS that its alright to give him one alt. Just one. I did not expect Micaiah to beat out Camilla, but i'm not complaining there either. I like Eliwood. He might actually be my favourite of the fe7 lords. So I certainly like him getting a legendary alt. On the other hand I do wish Marth had gotten that silver medal.
  19. Ah thats good news then. The free period is about to end so I thought I might have missed the deadline or something.
  20. So about Piranha plant. I've added the game to my Nintendo acount from the homescreen, collected the golden coins, but I haven't gotten the code in my mail yet. Does that take a while before you get it?
  21. I can see IS adding Yune to the game. She is a bit unique when compared to other godly beings so there are worse picks then her. I'm still a bit confused about what makes a hero mythic though. Will it be only divine figures and the like or is there also room for ancient heroes like Athos and Roland.
  22. A skilled roy can beat any god. He did a good job tanking all those hits and ignis bombing the opposition. Gordin is pretty cool and cheap to use too. Probably outclassed by many other brave archers, but he does the job. Nino is of course just very good in general. Though your little dragon girls are quite tanky themselves. I've seen plenty of zero's while they hit back with powerful attacks and aether's.
  23. @Nanima @Landmaster @mampfoid Going up against Duma did not end well for my Sharena team, but they just finished their second LHB. It took some tries.
  24. Oh wow. Everyone is doing a good job with all those Abyssal clears. Sharena and her friends had to sit this one out. They don't really hold up well against all those 45+ speed jerks that also fly. So now its Roy, Flyno, Gordin and Ethlyn @Nanima
  25. The duma banner realy doesn't seem to care for me very much. I've done plenty of circles now and most had a grand total of 0 colourless to pull from. The rest only had 1.
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