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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Evil Takumi showed himself pretty well. One rounding Delthea and even a raventome mage. A pretty expensive project, but he doesn't seem to dissapoint. @Landmaster @mampfoid @Robert of Normandy This GHB was a interesting map. The all warp setup made me thing of those annoying witches in Echoes. I think they could have made the map a bit bigger, but it works. After Yune I think its only fitting that Delthea would be the next boss for the kids squad. Next up i'll try toying around with a 'Lu' theme. Still have to make that annoying big bro team so i'll see if I can clear this one with them.
  2. I never played ff7 so I can't say anything about ff7 cloud. I can however say that I found non FF7 Cloud a total bore for the most part and I don't doubt it when people say he might have strayed a bit form his original game's self. But I thought Square Enix realised that mistake and started moving Cloud's character back in the right direction. In Dissidia NT he's a lot more open and sociable then in his other non ff7 appearances at least. He actually seems pretty chill and amused around goofball Bartz. So I'm not worried about Cloud's character just yet. Of course I also don't have many reasons to be worried since I don't really have much knowledge of ff7 Cloud other then the basics.
  3. Edgy Altfonse is alright as far as idea's go, but i'm not really sure I like the idea of AltSharena being dead. It feels a bit like a cop out when you so heavily tease a main character's death. I mean I knew it would't stick, but I thought they'd at least do it. Does this mean that Alfonse was actually in the top 10 of most popular males during CYL3? Probably not.
  4. I got a second Tiki from a ticket. I don't care much for broken armours and Tiki is merely pretty good in my book, but sure i'll happily take it. Even the boons/banes are in my favour with +def/-hp this time. So in less then 30 orbs I got Berket (+atk/-speed) Tiki (+speed/res) Tiki (+def/-hp) My luck will probably start to decrease when there's a 'must have' on a banner.
  5. This banner has been really nice to me. My free pull was a +atk/-speed Berkut. my first circle got a +speed/-res Tiki
  6. Thanks for the advice, but i'm gonna need to make a quick correction. I meant Julia, rather then Deirdre. They are similar units, but maybe she benefits a bit more with the close counter against dragon refine she has. I do have a spare Kestral stance and Lugh might be a good use of it....maybe. His tome gives him the added res bulk and he's +speed so the boost from Kestral stance would bring it up to high levels. Though he would be a bit limited since the skill would only really be usefull against enemy mages. I actually haven't refined Soren yet which brings me to another question. Is he a good candidate to refine his weapon. A owl effect is cool, but i'm still not sure if its 200 dew cool. He already hits decently hard with decent speed at the moment so i'm wondering just how much he'd benefit. Oof those are all units I don't have. But essentially high move/flying units who can dubble and want to attack on both phases. I'll keep that in mind and see if I have anything. As for the spd tanks with enough bulks. I think Mkana comes closest to that with 35def/33 res on enemy phase. His refine gives him 36 speed. Kestral stance would boost that to 40, up his mediocre attack and he'd still have his balanced defensive stats to fall back on. However he does do a good job already with his brazen def/res. Libra to a lesser extent since he reaches similar speed as Kana with his axe refine, while also having avarage mixed defenses.
  7. I've been looking through my barracks and saw another skill that I don't quite know what to do with. In this case its atk/res solo. Units like Sanaki and Deirdre might appreciate it. +6 res helps them mage tanks and the extra attack is nice. They lack the speed to reliably double though so I was also looking at some more speedy mage alternatives like Soren and Lugh. I've also been sitting on a second legendary Ryoma for centuries. Are there any heroes that would like Kestrel stance? And lastly I have death blow 4 from a second Celica. I think i'm going to give it to brave bow Gordin, but perhaps you guys have people in mind who can use the skill a lot better.
  8. @Nanima A tricky team for such a tricky map. Big sis Hinoka warping around to skewer the jerks bullying her little sisters helped. That poor lance Cav probably really wanted to move forward after several gravities in a row. @Landmaster Those are all new faces yeah. Sigurd really likes this map with his bulk and his anti mage weapon. Any plans to use any of the 4 further? I seem to have missed this one the first time around. Either because I could't beat it or just because I did't care too much at the time. I took legMarth out to play for a bit and he did pretty well. Helping Merric get his special faster and doubling/killing everything himself. Merric took good care of the fliers and his best bud gave him plenty of help with proccing Luna. Lyon had a important role at the start while doing some chip damage after that. Bridal ninian supported the nice guy squad, but she's still waiting for Brave Eliwood.
  9. @Landmaster Oh wow. Did't expect to see a comment about the Marth after so long. But glad you enjoyed it. I believe it was my Sharena team's first big challenge with reinforcements and all. Your own run was probably quite the puzzle. Lots of speedy, frail girls against a legion of enemies. Cool to see Tailtiu and her wrath refine out there. It even allowed her to double Marth and his insane speed. She's on my way too big 'to dew' list so its good to see her in practice. The elise duo was also (mostly) hitting gigantic numbers.
  10. Its what Seliph does best. Also that was a powerful Finish from Minerva despite the weapon triangle disadvantage. Thanks. It probably won't be on this run, but my hope is that Lalm will just be as ever present as FGrima. I'm bound to run into him eventually. I believe I often see Myrh with the anti arrow skill, but i'm not entirely sure. Never really used her before other then getting her to lvl 40. But she was tanky enough for Abyssal and Sanaki appreciated the +5 damage. Thanks It was fun to see how high the stats could go. A potential of 72 atk for sanaki was pretty cool even if it did't lead to one shotting. Seliph turned out to be quite the happy accident on my part. Unlike Roy I did't plan for him to become my project, but he turned just as reliable.
  11. Seliph is finally done. Its been a long wait for the final merge, but my second project is done. should probably do a new colour now
  12. I think I accidently erased the mesage I was about to post while my youtube video was taking hours to load. So my replies on everyone's clears will be a bit shorter now. @Nanima I fully agree blue armours are a big pain. My Sharena team hates them. Also surprised Reyson did not get one shot by Hector. @Landmaster Nice new addition of Yune. Her debuffs probably saved the day a few times. Its hard to be sure of that. LMarth is also nice to see. Reminds me to take my old one out more. I'm also pretty jealous of your Alm. He's been avoiding me. @NegativeExponents- Cool thumbnail. Also 51 one speed on Hector of all things is kinda insane. Not entirely sure how you pulled it off. Meanwhile I was a bit bummed when Winter Eirika showed her face this legendary banner instead of Alm. But she's what I got so I might as well build a team around her. So Its Miracle man Seliph and two strong little girls. it was a bit of a puzzle to get all on 57 atk, but now they all got a neat little boost. @mampfoid @Robert of Normandy
  13. The lack of deployment slots make it hard for me to hate armours in Echoes. Sure they don't go anywhere fast, but there are plenty of instances in Alm's route where you can still just put them somewhere and have them tank a hit or two. Lukas especially is pretty usefull early game. They do have a increasingly harder time to keep up as the story goes on. Dread fighters, horse archers, and cavalries all have a big range advantages over them. Mages have tools to play with and its even harder to move generals forward when enemy mages appear more. Tanking also just becomes less valuable when everyone starts to become really good. And then there's Celica's route. Deserts and swamps are stacked on top of the many issue's that knights already have. Poor Valbar never gets anywhere when the game goes on.
  14. 3 bosses come to mind right about now. The fire brigade team of Qada/Ominas/Spoiler/Mephillia. Bosses can be a little cheap, but most bosses don't do the absurd amount of full party damage every single turn. 'YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE' from Xenoblade Chronicles. A annoying boss that isn't helped by your allies getting constantly stuck in the lava And finally there's some filler machine boss in the ds version of ff4. I don't remember its name, but it was in the tower of Babil. Like all bosses it got a big power increase, but the game also lies about how to deal with it. So you follow the game's instruction and you are immediately killed by a team killing counterattack. The proper way to beat it is also no fun.
  15. Lugh seems to be doing pretty poorly. He was doomed not to win by default, but i’m surprised he is even badly losing against snow loli. I haven’t encountered much Ylgr fans and Heroes hasn’t really done anything with her.
  16. This legendary banner had been very stingy for me. I got a load of colourless orb spots, but I only managed to get one single Leanne (who I already got) untill my last session. The Alm dream is dead. I have no orbs left to summon for Lugh, but I did get this in my final round. +atk/-def winter Eirika, +def/-res Ephraim and distant counter
  17. I'm using Raigh a lot for some of the Infernal ingame content. If you wanna go high arena or want a Raigh capable of clearing every Abyssal map, then i'm probably not the best person to be giving advice, but my Raigh does well for himself otherwise. I went with +speed myself. 32 speed is certainly very mediocre,but I still think you can get a lot of doubles if you give him some skills or have his teammates play along. I never expirimented with 29 speed, but I think my Raigh would have lost a lot of doubles with that number. My best advice would be to go flexible. Raigh is a unimpressively balanced unit, but he can be unimpressive in many different ways and at least do ok in them. I'm currently going with close counter, but thats not something i'd advice on doing. So I usually have RaurWolf +/ Owltome if there are no cavs Darting bow 3/death blow 3/fury 3/atk/res bond 3 Vantage/desperation/a breaker A C skill Atk/spd bond 3 seal. Its not a specific build, but I think its better to focus on being flexible with Raigh. Other mages can perform specific roles much better then Raigh, but the edgy dark mage can at do every job reasonably well. He can pack a decent bunch or double decently well and he might even be a avarage ranged tank with the right help. My advice would be to give him a bunch of cheap 4 star skills and see what fits best when you take him along.
  18. @Robert of Normandy. Eeeeeeeeh whoa. Doubling Abyssal Alm is no mean feat and Morgan barely surviving the archer was a good way of getting everyone in place. @Nanima A challenging map for birds with Alm being a speedy bow monster. Still you did a good job dancing around him till the bird kings could repeatedly hit him. Also the hero merrit of your bird kings are impressively high for such new heroes. My Roy and Seliph are about the same level and they've been doing work for a long time. @Landmaster Ow wow. Some of those enemies are really sturdy. I was surprised at how little LTiki did on the initial redcav. Still your team did great with some lesser seen skills. Did't think i'd be seeing little Myrh smite people around the battlefield. Escape route is also always cool to see. No abyssal for me and I don't see it coming for a good while either seeing how Alm is such a monster. Even Robin is not having a fun time with him on Infernal. He does however have fun against the rest of the map with all those reds and colourless. Lilina is a nice super nuke and Seliph is his reliably tanky self.
  19. Probably a better nature for her. Her atk still isn't too high even with a boon. 34 speed is definately something you can work with, but its a lot trickier if your A, C, and seal slot are already taken on distant counter and buffing. Thanks. My Roy lucked out with his weapon refine and some heavy favourism from my side, but he's definately not slowing down any time soon. Thanks. I usually use Raigh on the infernal difficulty, but the cavs here where just begging to be deleted. Titania likewise probably won't be a abyssal legendary stapple, but here she was great at shielding everyone from blue pains.
  20. FMorgan’s joking ‘sadism’ can be a bit much for people. I like her cheecky attitude, but I can see why people don’t. Anyway my+10 Roy will be joining team Lugh.
  21. Everything about Geralt screams that he's going to die, but I hope they'll take it in a less generic direction. Getting killed by the enemy was already done perfectly by Greil. If they make him a carbon copy then they'll be having a hard doing anything interesting with him. Personally I hope that he doesn't die in a Greil kind of way, but that he gets hired by one of the villains instead. Mercenaries are hired soldiers so it would't be out of the question for Jeralt to work for some shady persons and it'd be interesting to see family and bussiness clash together. I highly doubt they will go this direction though.
  22. @mampfoid @Nanima @Landmaster @Robert of Normandy Another Abyssal run down and one I did't see myself clearing when it came out. Titania did a lot more work this time with keeping those pesky blue units at bay. For some reason this map had more then one 45+speed blue mages ready to double everything in sight. Meanwhile Roy wrecked everything in his path again and Raigh got his first abyssal appearance.
  23. I agree though some like Jacob are a lot more work then others. Mist might not have been part of class, but she certinly got schooled. I have a feeling your in a Alola mood. Nice clear and good that Mist had miracle or else Reyson would have left a boss unkilled.
  24. How nice of IS to put Lugh on another banner right when legendary Alm is coming. Jerks. But team Lugh it is. He won't win so i'll be supporting Flyno when he loses.
  25. I'm not planning on giving Donnel distant counter any time soon. Thats a pretty rare skill and I'm not going quite that far on him. I'm not really a arena player myself so scoring isn't very important to me. movenets are pretty valuable too so I think i'll keep the skill for a while and see if there's any fun combo's with it for later. I do have a Lukas hanging around and he does his job very well. Donnel would probably not outclass him in that regard. But yeah I was thinking that speed could pose a problem for him with only alright res at best. So def it probably is. Always wanted to try out a Oboro, but that'll be a project for another day.
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