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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. It will happen eventually: I would expect Rolf to outlive Shinon, so after Shinon dies, Rolf will indeed be better.
  2. They need to show off their amazing text editing skillz I dunno, Hand Axes were still Hand Axes in FE12 and FE13. And FE4 and FE6, if you consider them shit.
  3. What does any of this have to do with flaws? It's ridiculous to suggest that "inability to heal" and "not an Emperor" are Leaf's defining flaws and what give him his depth. If you call Leaf flawed because he makes serious mistakes and faces serious setbacks, you have to say the same about Micaiah.
  4. I especially like how Leaf is flawed because he gets captured, loses almost his entire army, and has to be bailed out by Hannibal... when Micaiah gets captured, loses almost her entire army, and has to be bailed out by the Black Knight. HMM
  5. I know, right? You'd have to spend over 30 turns in 4-E to get them to an A support! DISGUSTING
  6. Makalov/Kieran/Geoffrey threesome. :3 let's not forget Ike/Skrimir
  7. that's true in most FEs for example in FE7 you're better off feeding most available Lyn Mode kills into Sain and early promoting him in FE8 there's little reason to use anyone but Seth in FE5 you want to sink everything into Leaf in FE4 Sigurd and Celice slaughter everything
  8. I imagine they'd be a bit... pungent by that point.
  9. That was what I was thinking of. Having such a function to increase support points could also let you do things like give support points for Talk conversations or for side objectives.
  10. I doubt it would really be that hard to make an FE9-style ASM routine that checks to see if Character X and Y are on the map on turn 1 and adds appropiate support points.
  11. Why? It's to discourage players from sitting around and waiting for supports to build: which is pretty unfun anyway.
  12. Average growths actually are somewhat lower in FE6 than FE7, but the gap is really only about ~5%, if that, going up to 10% for RES (because everyone has awful resistance in FE6). AKA not a big deal. And given how much easier FE6 gets as you go along, I feel like perhaps the growths could be even lower for some characters. it's hardcoded in
  13. John Egbert/Dave Strider Dirk Strider/Jane Crocker Worst pairings ever.
  14. btw, just wanted to give my two cents on the PoR backgrounds: I don't think they look good. The contrast with the character sprites is pretty jarring, and especially in #2 and #3, they look tiny.
  15. Don't see why fancy cutscene graphics are necessary for what is, essentially, two to four people standing in a room talking to each other. I wouldn't say that Final Fantasy was really enhanced by full 3D cutscenes and voice acting rather than the pseudo-3D and text boxes that you got in 7-9.
  16. I didn't ask what was to blame, I asked specifically what was missing.
  17. Only Steel Sword Swordmasters, unpromoted Myrmidons, Mercenaries, and Archers would deal 4 damage to Level 10 Seth, and they'd have more than 40 hit.
  18. The posts about Micaiah and the blood pact are kind of off-topic. This is supposed to be a topic about Ike, not a general plot topic. Modesty is not a flaw. Not really a flaw. And there's never a point where it backfires upon him or even makes him look bad. In fact, there's precious little evidence to show he even really counts as reckless. Chapter 2 can be explained by him caring about Mist and Rolf. Is caring about Mist and Rolf a flaw? And there's never a point where it backfires upon him or even makes him look bad. Whenever he talks back, it's always in defense of a Good Guy and always to a person who deserves it, and he even gets praised for it. Micaiah has never met him. After she meets the real deal, she melts in the face of his impossible charisma. Shinon also develops a grudging respect for Ike after she gives him a chance. That's the operative point. People do dislike Ike, but when they give him a chance to earn their respect, NOBODY dislikes him. And there's never a point where it backfires upon him or even makes him look bad. Whenever he talks back, it's always in defense of a Good Guy and always to a person who deserves it, and he even gets praised for it. How the fuck is that a flaw?
  19. Well, I don't remember exactly where I heard this, and it might be in the extended script somewhere, and I may have just hallucinated it or something, but it's a decent enough explanation. It is plausible. What precisely, isn't mentioned that makes it implausible?
  20. Obviously nobody goes through the game saying "I like character X because he's good at combat", but people are influenced and biased by such things without necessarily being aware.
  21. Actually, it's a bit more complicated. Naesala's blood pact was written so that it conferred loyalty to Begnion, and since Sanaki outranks the Senate, Naesala can choose to serve her instead of them. Pelleas' blood pact confers loyalty more specifically to the Begnion Senate, so Sanaki can't be used. It's funny, because in general, people do seem to prefer lords that fight well. Just look at Sigurd and Ike. Why does this need to be explained? You already get that impression from the game as is, and without any giant infodumps or "explanations". But none of these are a convincing reason to go to war. Daein is still in the middle of reconstruction. What good does it do them to launch a war of aggression? Better to just try and defend themselves if the Crimeans and Laguz want a war. And if Begnion is so powerful and mighty and could crush Daein at any point, why would they need the assistance Why is it better that Naesala betrays the Alliance for Leanne, than it is to do it for his country? I think that's actually rather selfish, to commit mass murder just to protect your girlfriend. Better, perhaps, to keep his motives murky and mysterious. To be honest, this sounds like kind of an idiot plot. Why would the Laguz Alliance retreat into Daein without clearing it with Pelleas? Wouldn't they realise that might start a war, especially if Daein still attacks them in 3-6? Doesn't that remove the opportunity for 3-8, 3-9, and 3-10? Moreover, once the laguz alliance are gone and are in Crimea, there's no motive for Daein to continue the war.
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