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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. For Henry!Nah, it's certainly an option (procs on hard supports are usually a waste of space, but since Nah doesn't have much better stuff to put there and she'll get a rear Agg boost from it)... As long as she's married to a Luna Galeboy (if the lead has vengeance she'll be redundant) it'll be fine. I'd have her be a Valkyrie (LB/TF/Vengeance/Wrath/Anathema) because if you're going to go to the trouble of getting her hurt, she might as well make use of it when in the back (Wrath). Remember to forge her CGs with +9 crit. Valkyrie is sort of default for Henry!Nah because it's one of her main selling points due to boosting Spd as well as Mag.
  2. +9. Sage gives 4(base) +3(stat bonus) +2(support bonus). Maximum Atk isn't that useful because Braves hit twice and thus cream any single hit (except in the case of Longbows/Double Bow). It's just there for showing off. Stat definitions: Str/Mag = base Str/Mag (class cap + Mods + LB) + static bonuses (Tonics/Rallies/Supports/Weapon stat buffs). It's the number that affects Ignis. Atk = Str/Mag + Agg + weapon mt(*3 if super effective) + Weapon Rank Bonus. Damage Dealt = (Atk - enemy Def/Res + Weapon Triangle boost/penalty (- WRB if at Weapon Triangle Disadvantage as well) + damage from player procs - enemy defensive procs)*3 if critical.
  3. Well, let's see. Assuming you manage to get max Vengeance on Laurent, Laurent's Atk: 46(base) +4(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +8(pairup) +5(TF) +11(Celica's) +42(Vengeance) +2(tonic) =138 Lucina's Atk: 42(base) +1(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +5(TF) +11(Celica's) +2(tonic) =81 Vs Helswath Berserker (no Throne): 20+13+13+20+13+13 =92. No curbstomp. Sage Lucina could get a perfect (100 damage) ORKO, but you'd still need a near perfect Vengeance boost (Laurent would need to take 78+ damage). It should work on everyone else (except Thronie, who'll need a poke), assuming you can get Vengeance up.
  4. Well, you could either have the units stand next to each other for support when attacking... Or grind out supports in the Barracks... Or just not get the kids. They're hardly required for Hard. I consider a much more interesting variation to be maximum deployment/no Second Seals, by the way.
  5. That's Atk, not Str (otherwise you wouldn't factor in weapon mt and Agg). If pure Atk is what you're going for, see Parthia vs Florina. If you're looking for an incredible amount of Atk that can actually do something useful, King Marth@GK (LB/Agg/SF/Vengeance/All+2) with Exalted Falchion is your man. Vs Lunatic+ Grima with all applicable boosts, he can get an OHKO through Pavise+.
  6. I've offered multiple times to do any work needed to get it up myself, but nobody seems to know how. Those missing chapters are the ones already on the wiki, I think.
  7. Lances for sure. Even with WTD she'll still outdamage an Axe, and she's got 72 Skl and is a dedicated lead meaning she'll never have hitrate issues outside of stuff on Thrones (which she shouldn't be fighting in the first place because they all have Counter). Just for fun, S.Apo has: 11 enemies with Swords, 22 enemies with Lances (including the Generals in Wave 0), 25 enemies with Axes, 14 enemies with Bows (that can use them), and 19 enemies with Tomes. Of those Axe users, 11 have Counter and 18 have Pavise+ (and all of them have at least one of those) so Severa wouldn't likely be fighting them even if she had WTA. I'd go Virion.
  8. DK has secondary Tomes and better Mag than Trickster while retaining the +Mag/Mov bonus, and don't forget DF. And magical units are good...
  9. Normal Lunatic? Shouldn't be too hard. Lunatic+? I came up with a strategy from making Chrom do the Water Trick in the Prologue, giving him almost every kill (he gets both Mages, just misses the early Myrms) that I posted in Interceptor's Cht.2 topic, but even with it his level is just so low. You'd need major luck to get by in L+ with Chrom.
  10. You can, but you might want to try using a smaller team and just leaving out some of the odd units. Chrom/Avatar/ Lucina/Laurent, Brady/Nah and Inigo/Noire should be more than enough. Make sure to pack lots of Staffbots for Rescue, all the Rallies and tonics, though.
  11. Well, Cherche can transition to War Cleric pretty easily and build up her Mag there, if you have time and want her to do both.
  12. Just wondering, but what would you consider to count as not constrained?
  13. It's a ratio of Galepairs to double Galepairs. There are 13 children plus Avatar. When using a male Avatar, you can either pair Nah with a Galeboy and have 7 total Galepairs and 2 double ones, or you can pair Nah with Yarne/Gerome/Laurent and bench both of them, dropping the number of Galepairs to 6 but giving a third Galepair. This is significant because in the old GDL meta, people saw that Nah was missing Galeforce (and GK), and instantly remedied it by pairing Nowi and Avatar. It wasn't until later that they realized that having 7 female Galeforce users does no good if there are only 6 males for them to marry, forcing the benching of both one girl (and the loss of her Galeforce) and Avatar himself, who has a wife, but is lacking both Galeforce and a Proc. You'd be forced to run 6/3, but since one of the benched units is Avatar (and Morgan's mods are shaky at best), it's on par with 3rd gen 6/3 at best and very often worse. Also, 7/2 has 16 total child moves per turn (not counting Chrom, Olivia and other parent combatants) and 6/3 has 15. So you really are losing a turn from giving Nah Galeforce.
  14. More like I've given all the advice I have to give. They're both equally viable strategies, for the general goal of "beat Apo" they'll perform equally well. Technically you also don't "need" LB either... Or even Awakening itself. but you bought it anyway for fun. Whether those skills would enhance your enjoyment of the game is up to you. You do also get the maps and all the enemy convos that come with them, which count for something. And Bride. Brides are cool.
  15. I think my record for super staff spam training on Lunatic is having something like 3 Valkyries by the end of Par.3 (Maribelle, Miriel and Lissa). But that involved several 200+ turn chapters to pull off and around 10,000 damage on Donnel (I broke pretty much every single weapon on several chapters on him)...
  16. I completely agree. They're also two of the ugliest classes in the game (along with Berserkers). To clarify, this means having them stand next to eachother, not being paired up. And it really is a great strategy for limiting EP combat, avoiding Counter, and using Bows in general outside of Apo. Alm ...What's that? My attire? This is dread-fighter garb. A dread fighter battles to win, to better himself, and to protect those he loves. They are my world's most fearsome fighters. Of course, Celica thinks I should take a more compassionate approach to enemies... But really, it's a battlefield! How do you compassionately stab someone? It may sound barbaric, but that's just how I feel. If you hurt me, I hurt you back...tenfold. What about you? Do you have compassion for your foes? So... Both. DF is also an actual class in Gaiden (though it's sometimes called Demon Fighter).
  17. Building pairings isn't a game of bad and good, it's one of good and better. Anyone can do well (outside of Apo, at least) if you grind them up, get them five skills, LB and an S support. But why settle for doing well when you can do better? SM is one of the worst classes in the game- Swordlocked, poor Str, one-track pairup bonuses, and almost completely eclipsed by Assassin which all SM users inherently have. If you were to use one, it would need a very high Str mod (Ricken!Inigo has 0) and would need to devote all its skills to boosting damage, so no room for Lifetaker (which neither comes from or combos with SM). Basically SM is at the bottom of the barrel. If you favor one, it's not going to be bad... But Ricken!Inigo@SM has tons of extra potential (switch to Sage, equip LB/GF/Agg/Luna/TF and a 5/15 Celica's). Or, in the event that you meant to say Dark Knight, then he's not bad.
  18. I thought about Avatar x Nowi for a while... And there actually is a way for it to have some merit even when using all the children, though it's by no means overpowered (basically, Lucina stays unmarried and fights with Avatar at A, using DS+ to keep up a decent DS rate. It's even possible to bring them up to 100% with a Sniper/Assassin setup if you want to. You're effectively trading a free 100% DS and good mods on Morgan for the ability to run a 3/7 setup with Avatar-M). The bigger problem is trying to make Morgan/Nah's mods be useful... +Skl/-Lck is the best I've found so far, but I'm tempted to try +Skl/-Res. The "A + DS+ = S" concept can be applied in other ways that are less dubious, though. Notably Chrom + Chrom!Inigo results in a dual Agg pair, though this does sometimes run into issues with child pairing mismatches. Still fun to play with, though. I love it when things explode. Good luck with L+.
  19. This may not be the case for you, but my preferred team is pretty small with a ton of Staffbots and 2-3 single galepairs at most (Chrom, Avatar, and sometimes Severa) and even if I make the rest of my pairs useful, I'll just wind up benching them for more room to support the big guns. If that sounds at all like something you'd do, marry Avatar to a galeboy for more consolidation and Laurent to keep a more even power spread.
  20. When units die they lose all the support points they gained from that chapter. Keep it in mind.
  21. If one was absolutely 100% concerned with not "wasting" a single Luna, Avatar should be marrying Nowi, without exception (the metagame actually looked like this once, believe it or not). Class overlap/giving units good skills they don't need is never beneficial, but it also isn't a bad thing if the child still gets everything they want and the pairing doesn't rob someone else of an important skill that they do need. If one is using Libra!Owain, a physical Inigo, giving Brady a +Spd/Skl father, and you aren't going for a rare magical Severa, then it's perfectly fine to use Ricken as a universal +2 Mag mod for Laurent or Nah. I think you're putting a little too much value on 75 Spd units. In Apo's final wave (the only one where there's more than one 70 Spd enemy), there are four different groups of enemies, one on each side of the map. Two of them have no 70 Spd enemies... So any 75 Spd units you send to deal with them will just have their hard-earned Spd wasted. Having your entire team take each side one at a time is possible, but generally a worse strategy because there's a time limit. And three of the four sides have few enough enemies that a single double galepair could take the whole thing, so it's not like you might accidentally be stuck with only <75 Spd units to fight them with (and if you are, they aren't that hard to take down without doubling anyway).
  22. Maybe you should read through some of his supports/lines again and see what happens when you take out the word "hand" from his lines.
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