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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. By that logic, Limit Breaker as a skill has downsides in that it takes up a skillslot and prevents you from running something else. While that's true, it's also not very useful information. How severe of a problem said problem is has everything to do with a skill's usefulness.
  2. Those people aren't talking about Streetpass. Nobody really talks about Streetpass anymore, there's not enough depth to it and long ago it was decided that the strongest teams that could be made had been made, etc. You do need to play by a few rules if you want to do it, though. You never have to care about the state of your team after the battle (no AT/Despoil), you only have to kill one unit to win (no post-kill skills, such as GF and Lifetaker), you're never paired up (no pairup skills), and the AI doesn't know how to properly Rally or Heal, so use units that do that at your own risk. On top of that, if you make the assumption that your opponent knows what they're doing, there are a few more things you need to keep in mind, depending on how far in their file they are: because they have pairup and you don't, you'll be looking at big Hit problems (need +Hit skills), and for the same reason you'll be looking at strong DSes that mean you shouldn't count on surviving an encounter. They can kite you, Gale/Rescuebomb you, and heal up from any encounters they survive, and there's not much you can do about that.
  3. BKs are great for pairing with Galeboys, she'll prefer one of them to a hard support.
  4. *Grima is sleeping* Validar: Yo Grima, can you autograph my creepy gothic chandelier? Grima: No. *Goes back to sleep* Validar: Are you sure? It's made from the bones of my enemies! *Grima burns the chandelier to a crisp* Validar: *Rubs beard* ...Hmm. I wonder if it wasn't evil enough...
  5. Bow Knight Severa? Dunno, anything with +Spd. Avoid stuff reliant on Hex if you plan to attack at range, though. Just Dark Fliers, Sages and Snipers? What about Berserkers and Paladins, everyone uses those! Or Wyverns, Warriors, Falcos, Valkyries, Bow Knights, and Heroes? Maybe a situational DK or GK, or even Brides and Dread Fighters? All of those are great in Apo if you play them to their strengths. Even things like Griffon can be useful (fastest male flying class). Very few classes are actually useless in Apo. Tricksters have the dubious distinction of having the lowest Atk in the game, Monks and Sorcs are essentially worse Berserkers and Sages respectively, and nobody likes Taguels. There are also a few cases like Assassin and General that look good on paper, but the way the children work out there's just nobody capable of benefiting from their strengths and not being harmed by their weaknesses at the same time.
  6. Yes, both of them will hit it with a Berserker and no additional assistance. More specifically, they'll overshoot it, which is why it's unfortunate that they can't do it without- inefficiency isn't bad and is sometimes unavoidable, but is never a good thing.
  7. I'm going to hazard a guess you're one of those people who doesn't believe in Smash tiers, either. News flash: some units are better than others. You can't increase someone's maximum potential simply by liking them, the game doesn't work that way.
  8. Yep, non-staff Lissa isn't very good. Now imagine doing that as a Lv.1 Pegasus Knight, during earlygame when everything is Axes and pain. I'm doing a similar thing with Olivia on my current Lunatic+ run, she's going to make it to 15 before the end through pure setups and feeds but it's not something I'd recommend doing in any circumstances; my other units are hurting for missing the exp and having the late Inigo. Robin does need to come up front to get some exp, yes. He is pretty good as a drop-in support if his wife is busy (or nonexistant), but you want to give him a map or two of training first. Aversa gets some pretty nice skills, it's worth your while to pick them all up since you'll be doing postgame.
  9. Actually, he'd do pretty well as a DK too (Lon'qu, right?). Since it doesn't involve changing anything permanent, you might want to just try both and see which you like more. As one of the three +3 Spd male classes, BKs are automatically viable on Apo. They're good for females too though, particularly Gaius!Noire. They have the second lowest BST of any promoted class (behind GK, and ahead of Griffon) which is pretty offputting on paper, but 8-Mov Bows is exclusive to them, and they give nifty pairup bonuses too- similar to but typically better than Hero. They also have a fairly flexible base 41 Spd, which at 1 higher than Paladin offers a few useful advantages. They're not something you want to spam freely, but they're very good if you have a specific job for them. If you do use them, try to stick to Bows, since Sword-wise they're usually inferior to Paladins. Usually. Not always. Unfortunately, in Lon'qu!Severa's case, a BK with All+2 and a +0 Spd support gives the ever-awkward 74 Spd. You'll probably want to use AT instead of All+2 for her so you can chuck around Ragnell instead.
  10. Yes, and Cht.2 also allowed you all your units. You haven't even gotten to the Chrom part yet. I still don't think exp will be an issue. You'll cap all your stats and get all your skills regardless. One thing at a time- first, just focus on getting as far as you can.
  11. Wow, really? First off, Gamble and Wrath are generally considered to not be that great, so I'm not sure why you're using them as examples to show that Vantage isn't that bad. Sol has several legitimate issues, including reliability (you count on it to stay alive, it could fail you and you die) and doing practically nothing after the damage drop from Dragonskin (in Apo, you're looking at 5-10HP recovered per proc), so I'm not sure why you're not talking about those instead. But Galeforce being disadvantageous because it gives the player more time to do something dumb? You realize that if a player is going to misjudge enemy range and leave someone exposed, they can do it without GF, right? You realize that GF, giving you an extra turn in which you can run away, is one of the best (and only, aside from Rescue) ways in the game to escape from such a positioning mistake? I suppose there's no possible way that Vantage could be disadvantageous by making the player think they're safer on EP at low HP than they really are, playing carelessly, getting attacked by an enemy they fail to kill with that altered turn order and dying? Because that happens to people who misuse Vantage all the time.
  12. Capping stats isn't really a problem you'll run into if you make it that far. Res is the only one that might be shaky (not counting Mag, obviously) but you should still get it there with the amount of exp present.
  13. Robin: Asset/Flaw? Morgan: Good. Consider Brady instead to make better use of Valk's +Spd, assuming +Mag/-Def. Severa: OK. Wyvern Severa doesn't like Galeboys much though, if you really want a GF Berserker, use Paladin Cynthia (or maybe Gaius!Kjelle). Brady: Once again OK. Cynthia: Assuming Bow Knight for Owain? Works well. Noire: She likes having a Berserker support, but since she'll always be attacking at range with Bowfaire, Hex won't work and Gerome will be very sad. Kjelle: Consider swapping Gregor onto Laurent, Ricken onto Owain and Stahl onto Yarne. This will annoy Cynthia, though. Kjelle will want to go Wyvern. I don't really have much to say about pairings from that top two list. They're so standard, there's nothing extra you need to do to make them work, just plug them in and they'll be B tier or above.
  14. Brady's always best as a Sage, yes. But by +6 Mag Sage I was talking about Noire.
  15. The game doesn't talk very much about how the Grimleal work, but I'd hazard a guess that Validar doesn't know as much about Grima as he thinks he does. If he's as simple in motivation as the game makes him out to be- for the power- he probably worships Grima because Grima is the strongest thing around, and as such can get his way via force every time (thus what Grima wants is "fated" to happen simply because nobody can stop him). The game's events of stopping Grima by force, combined with Naga saying neither her nor Grima are gods, reinforce this (though Naga displays certain traits suggestive of being an unreliable narrator, so I'm not certain how much stock should be put in what she says). tl;dr "destiny" is when someone says something will happen and they're stronger than everyone else, so nobody can stop them from making it happen. In Validar's mind, at least. By that point, Validar had nothing more to offer him. He had his body back, an undead army and apparently some devoted Plegians left- it's entirely possible he let Validar stay dead, as some sort of martyr, to ensure their loyalty (kind of ironic when you think of Emm). But more likely, Validar had outlived his usefulness, and having someone to scratch his back wasn't Grima's top priority at the moment. He's no Loptyr, he doesn't want to rule the world through a cult, he just wants to grind some bones and destroy the world.
  16. It's more satisfying to get a "perfect" team by looking at a list everybody else has access to than it is to do hours of calcs and theorycrafting to make something perfectly tailored to yourself? Suit yourself. I'm sticking with my 100% DS team.
  17. I told you enemies have Hit issues due to their "upgraded" weaponry. Enjoy it while it lasts, it won't do so forever. Cht.5 is packed with Wyverns, having to do it with a Bronze Lance sounds extremely painful. It might be necessary if you want Javelins for Cht.6 though (have you considered trying to train Lances in Cht.4? You're probably too weak, but it's not that different from where you'll be for Cht.5). Or, since you're rolling with wireless anyway, you could just Streetpass yourself an Arms Scroll. Consistency obviously isn't going to be a factor here if you keep going, so why not?
  18. That's a little contradictory, don't you think? Stats don't matter, yet Aptitude is important? Don't get tripped up by the idea that having more- having something someone else doesn't have- is better. If that thing isn't worth having, it doesn't count for anything. You can only run five skills at once, and things like Aptitude, Conquest, even RK don't matter in the slightest if you're not running them. And should you be running them, just because you have them? Not really. None of those skills are good enough to make it onto a final skillset for Morgan-M, anyway. Postgame, the two things that matter for him are his mods and how well his father supports Robin. Donnel is near the very absolute bottom of the barrel in both. Ingame, what matters in the father is availability, opportunity cost, and inheritance options- Donnel gets decent marks in the former, worst in the game (aside from maybe Ricken) in the second, and nothing special in the third. Growths really don't matter, as Morgan will be getting good bases regardless thanks to Robin and getting so many levels, he'll always cap long before endgame. You need to take more things into account when determining if a father is good than whether or not they're unique. Every father is technically unique in some aspect, functionality is what matters.
  19. Mages are pretty squishy even on Lunatic, I doubt you'll have too many troubles with them later on. Unfortunately, it won't be possible to give Chrom enough exp to do that, because even with everything capped by Cht.21 enemies are capping stuff too, and you're looking at 50-70 Atk on everyone- he only has 40/40 defenses, and not enough Spd to reliably dodgetank at all without a support or any EP +Avo skills (Outdoor Fighter on its own won't cut it, and that doesn't work in Cht.20, 21 and 23 anyway). Late Plegia 1 and early Valm, you will be able to achieve invincibility through stats, mainly because enemy Skl doesn't increase by much on Lunatic, but everyone's toting big early SIlvers with no Hit. Especially when overleveled and not facing Lunatic+'s Hawkeye, you'll be seeing nothing but 0 listed from Cht.7 (assuming Falchion on a mountain) to 11-ish. That doesn't last, though, because enemies will eventually get Hit+10/20 and hackforges, and even with a pairup you really can't dodgetank hitrates 40+ above normal without a breaker, or WTA and a very significant Spd stat. On Hard, a true Chrom solo is definitely doable, but there are a few reasons why it doesn't prepare you for Lunatic. Lunatic enemy density is much, much higher- kiting will almost never work as a strategy (Cht.3 is one of the places it does, so take advantage of it there). Enemies lategame can't be snowballed away from- Cht.8-11 is generally considered to be a lull in the difficulty where you can train and prepare your team without needing to stuff anyone to stay alive, and Cht.17-25 (especially after 20) is a test to see how well you did with that chance. Finally and most importantly, Grima is insanely tough and could curbstomp a solo Chrom, even without taking the mooks into consideration- you're looking at a 90 Atk Ignis (2HKO without Aegis) and about 10 damage per swing of Falchion (non-Luna), and you can't double him. The main issue with Cht.6 is the Thieves, Chrom has to choose between staying in the center where he can kill them, or leaving the left side exposed, and Panne will quickly crumble there alone. If one of them makes it to the door and opens it, it's game over. A strat you could try if it was a TAS would be to RNG-manipulate Marth into dodging everything (she never takes 100 listed, iirc), but that's not going to be feasible here.
  20. Chrom in Cht.13 says Validar died in Cht.6 as well. It sounds there like he was mostly/fully dead, and Grima cheated and brought him back to life or something. There's also a bit in Cht.23 where Validar says "There is no damage I can do your body that the fell dragon cannot repair!" which strongly suggests Grima can heal and maybe resurrect people at will with dark magic. Not to mention the Risen, though I don't really think Validar is one of those. Maybe it's a similar principle, but without the monstrous transformation and losing of his soul.
  21. It won't be prohibitively difficult. Exactly how easy/hard will depend on you as a player.
  22. Have fun keeping Emmeryn alive in Cht.6. People have tried true Chrom solos before on Lunatic, and that's always the point where they fall apart. Also have fun fighting Lunatic Risen with solo Chrom. And fighting Grima without being able to double. And getting boxed in as an Archer and having nobody to kill the dudes surrounding you. Nobody cares about turncount when doing this, feel free to abuse as much as possible. Robin/Chrom and Quad GF are designed for nogrind, by the way. Wireless and DLC allow you to get away with more or less anything, unless you actually lack the manpower to do it.
  23. First off, what are you doing? Apo? Non-Apo DLC? Lunatic(+) nogrind? Different pairs are good at different things, and different game mechanics apply in different situations- in Apo, you're only ever going to care about your ending class/skillset, your mods and your S support, ingame mods barely matter and you're more interested in bases, growths, availability, class path and potential children. Assuming it's Apo, patching up weaknesses doesn't really work as a gameplay strategy. You think you want your tank to have good Def? There's an enemy (3 of them, actually) there that requires you to have less than 30 Def to OHKO you, but more than 110 not to be 2HKOed. +3 Def from Kellam's mods is not going to even remotely scratch that. Bowbreaker and Aegis? They're random, either you can survive without them 100% of the time (aka they don't help you stay alive), or an activation saves you and a failure kills you, which means you put your fate in the hands of the RNG, which is something you should never, ever have to do in Apo.
  24. There's not enough exp in the game to raise a full team where everyone gets equal levels without falling badly behind, unless you're on Normal, and even there doing that weakens you quite a bit. Thus, you shouldn't have issues with not having a deployment slot for the pairup. As for if you want to train them and build experience/support at the same time? Either have them separate (and give the healer a different pairup, who you don't need to build support with) so you can build support through healing, or staffspam until you promote, and then let the healer frontline as a combat unit with the husband hard supporting.
  25. Ingame? Won't even matter on Normal, even with something like -Spd or -Def you'll still stomp. Postgame? Usually +Mag/-Def, but depends on your plans for Morgan.
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