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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. My point is that if you've been playing FE for that long (since Melee), you're hardly a newcomer.
  2. While we're poking at Cht.23, I seem to recall Grima stating there that since he's from the future, he'll disappear if it's averted, which contradicts the multiple-timelines stuff in Future Past.
  3. SSBM came out more than 12 years ago. That's more than half the time FE has been around (and before it was localized). I wouldn't exactly call someone who got into FE immediately after playing SSBM a newcomer. Renown makes a bigger difference than the Bonus Box in Lunatic+ and that's NG+, not DLC. It can still be done without either anyway.
  4. Pardon me for using a real-world parallel, but Neville Chamberlain did exactly the same thing as Emmeryn (refused to use force to deal with an angry and dangerous nation that was the subject of a previous campaign of questionable morals by his nation until they became powerful enough to wreck the continent), and history doesn't remember him fondly for it. Marth's sister didn't run, and got kidnapped by Gharnef for it. What did it do for her nation? Nothing. Marth and all the other displaced lords eventually returned to save their country, too.
  5. DLC isn't a pile of unlimited resources, it's an option to pay for power (and more challenge/content). It's also completely optional, which is why no-grind runs are a thing. I'd strongly recommend that you try Lunatic(+), because the earlygame is pretty much exactly this:
  6. DLC is bound to your NNID (or your 3ds if you don't have one). As long as you aren't splitting the copies between two 3dses, you'll be fine. It works even if one copy is physical and one is digital.
  7. Maybe Vaike was in the back of a pairup?
  8. Only Severa, Noire, Nah, Morgan, Lucina, Inigo and Avatar can flipflop. Brady, Owain, Laurent, and Cynthia really should stay magical and Gerome, Yarne and Kjelle are definitely physical. Henry only gives +1 Mag. The other point is from the Gen 2 boost.
  9. Now do T1 no LB/Agg/Rally That sounds interesting, I'm going to have to try it sometime. Did you use Olivia?
  10. Avatar-F x Chrom means Lucina can't marry anyone with access to all classes, which is bad. Oh well.
  11. AT isn't that important postgame, Despoil is better while training and an offensive skill is better for Apo. You might want to consider restarting, because that's a pretty bad asset/flaw. As long as you're on Easy/Hard and have LB3, it shouldn't waste too much time and you'll be a lot better off in the end.
  12. You can just put them all in one folder if it bugs you. Speaking of this game's music, Id (Purpose) played during yesterday's Nintendo Direct, so it's likely to be in SSB4.
  13. It's less about getting a better Morgan and more about getting more 2nd gen pairs. Morgan-F works best with +Mag/-Def, though +Str/Spd/Skl also work well depending on who her mother is. Brady needs a father who doesn't negate his Mag/Spd, and Fred wrecks both of those.
  14. What's your Asset/Flaw, and are you intending to bench Cynthia?
  15. Maribelle is still a strong option for Chrom, Brady doesn't care but Lucina benefits quite a bit. It also somewhat benches Avatar because Nowi can't lead or support well.
  16. They are in a standard setting, but Lunatic Risen aren't exactly a standard threat. I was honestly more surprised by the utility of Renewal and Aegis than Pass and Lethality.
  17. It's not skillsets that matter, it's your pairings, and more importantly your Avatar's asset/flaw. There's a very very major strat for Secret Apo that only works when your Avatar has a Def flaw (Def is also the best postgame flaw in general because it doesn't harm any of your offensive stats), but that makes the chapters up to the Outrealm Gate (excluding Cht.4) almost unbearable. I consider myself above average at Lunatic+ and it still took me around 7 hours of resets to clear those four with -Def, with save data backup. That's longer than it takes to grind to max Renown. If you have the patience for that, be my guest, but I don't advise it. You'll also have to grind early on on DLC or just go without Children maingame because many postgame pairings are very awkward to execute without it.
  18. Yeah, that's another thing I forgot to mention: Lots of first-gen units (all but Sumia and Avatar) can't put together a proper postgame skillset and have plenty of room for it (actually, both Avatar and Sumia can use it too). I wouldn't say it has haters so much as underestimators.
  19. Sprout, are you going to be doing postgame? Most Lunatic+ optimization is done for ingame, because a) it's incredibly difficult/random to drag a non-+Def Avatar all the way to the Outrealm gate, b) super low exp growths and all that, and c) Lunatic+ only makes a difference over Lunatic on one map (FoD3). There's no contest that Gerome is a better physical support than Nah, he's saying Gregor!Gerome and Vaike!Nah work out better than Vaike!Gerome and Gregor!Nah in the long run. Here's the thing, though: Nah is a female hard support, and that means she needs to be married to a Galeboy, of which there are Morgan, Owain, Brady and Inigo. When Morgan is male, he gets priority for Lucina and will be busy there, and Owain and Brady are definitely magical, meaning physical Nah has to go with Inigo. Aesthetics aside, Inigo can go physical or magical, and it just so happens that Nah can too (Virion!Nah makes a great dedicated magical support). Libra!Inigo gives the coveted Tomefaire+VV combo along with GF and positive Mag mods, while Ricken gives him Tomefaire+Luna, and it turns out that either of those two maxed out will outdamage Stahl!Inigo with a physical Nah.
  20. Losing 1-3 points of damage from something that never changes between resets is cheap? OK. On the easier difficulties in Awakening, enemy stats randomly fluctuate between resets by that much. I suppose that's kind of cheap too, right? Nevermind Lunatic+... I'd personally take WTD penalties even further and cancel support bonuses (the +Hit/Avo/Dge/Crit) if you're on the losing end. Getting your Axe's +10 Hit knocked off doesn't really matter when you have +15 from your S support.
  21. If you mean based on my difficulty level (the difficulty the team was made on), the only difference is what difficulty shows up when parleying with my team. But seeing a Lunatic+ Classic team with 99,999 Renown is somewhat unnerving and a good indicator that the team doesn't mess around (even though the best Streetpass team will still fall to a proper ingame team with little trouble). tl;dr I'm showing off.
  22. That too. Same goes for Deliverer, it boosts your movement and not that of the unit you support.
  23. Some other ways to look at what All+2 can do: -It effectively makes LB 1.2 times as potent. -It stacks with other +2 skills, providing +4 boosts in Str/Mag/Skl/Spd if you need them. That's a whole 2% of DS rate when on both units, and if you've tried to get 100% DS without DS+ you know how huge that is. -Everyone can learn it, and it's very easy to farm and can be obtained very early on. -It's the only skill with actual distribution that boosts Lck (AT and Despoil). -Since dedicated support units usually don't have anything better to do (LB, Faire, Skl+2, Str/Mag+2, filler) it has high potential for finding a slot on a postgame team. -It can be equipped midbattle if you have a spare skillslot and haven't learned it before, which is extremely helpful for things like getting Inigo his kills on Lunatic+.
  24. No procs work, all Breakers still give you the Hit boost but don't change enemy Avo, all stat boosting skills including Aggressor work, all combat Auras work (Hex, Anathema, Charm, Demoiselle, Solidarity), postbattle skills (Lifetaker, Galeforce, Despoil) don't work, all Dual+ skills work, and enemy defensive skills (PavGis, Counter) don't work.
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