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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Maximum that would see any increase != recommended number. That's just the point where extras will literally have nothing to do under just about any circumstances.
  2. 12 Staffbots is the maximum that would see any increase in usefulness in S.Apo, but 7 should be just fine.
  3. You know what else those interviews contain? This. I generally prefer to be optimistic but if I was going to be worried for the future of this game, it would be about something throwing more money at it couldn't fix. It's a lot easier to find more cash than it is to wait three more years for the next game, and I'd really rather the devs not even be thinking about deliberately using this as a selling point. Edit: it also mentions not needing to replay the first five chapters if you want to do the other path. Sounds kind of like Lyn Mode? Speaking of which, does that have an airdate yet? It's practically more relevant than the entire third arc of Awakening's on-cart story. But it definitely is better off as DLC- the difference in writing quality is really huge and I'm not confident they would have been able to improve so much (if at all) if it had been lumped in with the rest of the game. More story along the lines of Awakening's base isn't something I'd really want to pay extra for. FP is. Now, if Awakening's devs really had been on the ball and were able to to make it the real ending of Awakening- complete with an FE4 style "everyone dies" timeskip and no Naga- then it would be a sight to see in the maingame. I doubt that would have gone over well with casual players, though.
  4. It should be doable in 6 chapters with either a Seed of Trust or an Event Tile in each of the first two. Also all children are reachable right off the bat following Cht.13 by using other child paralogues to reach theirs, so if there's one you want for availability purposes that's on Valm it's still possible to reach them early (except Inigo and Yarne, who require Morgan who in this case isn't available).
  5. Owain: he's always been a hard support for me, so that's probably what you'll wind up with him as too. DSp+ is a good passdown that Lissa can reach without too much trouble. Chrom x Olivia: if you want GF as a passdown, you'll want to dance to 30 and reclass to DF before killing Gangrel's cohort, because there's a good bit of exp there. Make sure to save an Arms Scroll for Lance D so you can use forged Beastkillers, and a forged Noble Rapier from Renown (assuming Chrom hasn't gone Cav yet- if so use another Beastkiller) is useful as well. In Cht.12, start them off by taking the group of 5 on the bottom LHS- it might take a few resets but with a low enough Hawkeye density they can usually make it (Pavise+ isn't too much of a problem with forged DSes). From there, a trick I like using is to take advantage of Pass when making a choke: enemies without it can't get through, but enemies with it can: thus only a small portion of the enemies will come through, and those that do will only have one combat skill so they're easy for Olivia to kill (this assumes you have two tanky pairs to make the choke with, though). Usually enemies will only come through 1-2 per turn so things don't get out of hand. For Cht.13 just make sure to have lots of Rescue. With a GF passdown, Inigo will be good enough that him and Olivia together can take the entire bottom group of fliers in his Paralogue alone, which significantly lessens the pressure on the rest of your team and makes the map much easier. Yarne: like Olivia, save him an Arms Scroll because E weapons stink. Ideally he should have a Cav/Archer father (Stahl) so he can get discipline and then start Bowtanking, but a Wyvern father will also work if he just wants to spam Hand Axes (not as safe on Lunatic+, but still strong situationally).
  6. SF doesn't have one but it's generally not too hard to figure out which type is which on a case-by-case basis.
  7. It's based on the type of tile you're standing on, not what map you're on. But yes, they do work.
  8. Oh wow you got one of Shadow Dragon's failure reinforcements. Rejek is one of the names Outrealm Orders can have, yes.
  9. Not sure if it matters but who is Karasuma talking to?
  10. Gregor!Noire: I usually keep non-GF Noires as Snipers. Vengeance, BF, LB and might as well use AT for the Double Bow. You could also run Luna/Astra instead of Vengeance if needbe. I didn't check her Spd so All+2 may or may not make a difference. Libra!Inigo may see use in being a GF Berserker here. If Noire runs Hex or Anathema for him, he can use both Vengeance and Axefaire without major Hit issues, which is really nice. If you don't want to do that, Libra!Inigo can fit well as a Dread Fighter, though a non-GF female Sniper doesn't have very good synergy with that so I don't advise it. Paladin x Berserker works great. The only difference from Wyvern for her is that you'll drop All+2 for Astra, and optionally trade Lancefaire for Swordfaire. The Wyvern would technically appreciate Gerome more as they have slightly worse Hit and thus would benefit more from his Anathema, but it doesn't matter much. Ignis will typically outdamage Luna in Apo. You'll probably have around 55 Str, which is more than almost everything's Res. Each of those skills works well, just not together. Ignis and Sol? Sure, Ignis may add a ton of damage... But Sol has precedence over it, so the maximum possible Ignis activation rate you could see is 25% (with exactly 50 Skl), and that's really bad if you want reliable damage, something postgame Manaketes need since they lack Braves. Vantage may look pretty, but it only actually has an effect if it a) KOes the foe before they can attack you (with no Braves and <25% Ignis? Not likely), or both allows you to heal and the healing allows you to live through the attack (banking on a random% heal for survival? Bad idea). Otherwise, it rearranges the turn order, but each side still takes the same amount of damage after the battle. You can't forge Dragonstones so Armsthrift isn't saving any reforges there. And Galeforce is only a second attack if you actually kill your target... Which you'll have trouble doing with that <25% Ignis. Manaketes are defensive units and shouldn't be relying on killing stuff on player phase anyway. So yeah, they work poorly together. That's not saying that any of those are bad skills, just that putting together a bunch of skills that might be good individually is not a recipe for success. I'm saying that Avatar x Nowi will give your Manaketes the biggest advantage possible at the time of the game where Manaketes perform best, thus you get the most possible out of your Manaketes. You can certainly make them decent elsewhere, just not the best possible. Lon'qu is usually best for Morgan's sake, while Virion and Stahl are fairly equal for Yarne's sake. Be aware though that a +Str/-Def Avatar-F will be extremely slow.
  11. You need to cap their stats (easier to do in base classes), subtract their class caps (link in my sig) and then look at the mods different assets and flaws give (also in my sig). Or, you could just post their capped stats here and someone will tell you. However, be aware that Outrealm Orders (randomly generated teams obtained by streetpassing someone with no Awakening streetpass data) have no asset/flaw, and 0 in all mods. It's very likely that the Tactician is one of those, and the Grandmaster might be as well. Other hints that you might have an Outrealm Order on your hands are seemingly random weapon distribution, a lack of named forges, no listed difficulty on their Logbook profile, and no listed pairings on the Loogbook profile, as well as glitchy hair colors on children in battle.
  12. Jokes aside, Demoiselle is actually pretty good if you're using male leads. I would go ahead and promote Vaike to Hero. Once you start getting the kids (read: right now) they'll want all the exp and Vaike will be pretty much stuck where you leave him. Also Second Seals are rare and it would be nice to save that one for the kids. You should give Olivia an Arms Scroll, forged beastkiller, and try to funnel as much of the next two chapters into her as possible. She can hit Lv.15 in time to give Lucina Galeforce without any Paralogues for training if you're diligent.
  13. RK is worth 20 Skl for Aether so yeah it's pretty important.
  14. She does... But TC already has a +Skl Avatar!Lucina.
  15. Neither of them gain exp faster than any normal unit. What happens with Manakete and Taguel is that once you hit Lv.30 and reclass back into that class, your displayed Lv.1 is actually Lv.1, instead of the Lv.21 that a promoted unit would have (it's the same as if you reclassed a promoted unit to a base class). Since only half of their current level is added to their IL, this causes a 30->1 unit to be gaining exp at the rate of a normal Lv.15 unit, while a Lv.40 (promoted Lv.20) reclassing to a Lv.21 unit will begin gaining exp at the rate of a Lv.41 unit. So Manakete and Taguel get that earlier capped reclass, and their exp gain goes up as a result. Before you do that, there is nothing special about their exp gain. Nowi gets a pile anyway because she comes around 10 levels below the enemy. Manaketes work well lategame, so they're a desirable class to stay in for a long time. Taguel fall further behind as time passes due to not being able to upgrade to a decent weapon, so they don't make a good ending class- see Wyvern Panne and compare her to a lategame Taguel Panne. So the longer you stick around in Taguel to cash in on that bonus exp (bearing in mind that you won't even see any of it for a long time), the longer you delay being able to build up your weapon rank, which makes switching out more punishing because enemies get comparatively better weapons. Leaving Taguel early to build up that rank and coming back? Sure. A reclass from a 20->20 Wyvern Lord to a Taguel will have you gaining exp at the rate of a Lv.21 unit again (actually Lv.26 because of the reclass to get out of Taguel, but whatever). Manakete Morgan does this all the time and it works nicely. But now that you've got a decent weapon, you're sacrificing it for that extra exp gain- and if you're a former Taguel your stats are likely already near their caps anyway due to how high your growths are. You may run out of room to grow in your important stats well before Lv.30, and will have to slog it out anyway to get back out. tl;dr Taguel's exp bonus exists in such a way that it's practically useless.
  16. I'd like to see her running a different backup skill that gives +15 damage. That's kind of a lot.
  17. That skillset has very poor synergy and won't work well on anything, especially a Manakete. The strongest (in terms of minmaxing/Apo) is Nah!Morgan. There are a couple things she can do but mostly she'll just want to procstack (Luna/Ignis or Ignis/Astra) to make up for her lack of Brave weapons. However, since Manaketes are primarily ingame units with high growths and tanking potential but a huge dropoff once other units catch up, that's far from the most useful thing you can do with them. For that, you'll want to be either a +Def or +Spd Avatar on Hard or Lunatic (not Normal or Lunatic+), reclass to Merc and marry Nowi. Nowi should stay in Manakete for the entire game. Nah and Morgan should either inherit Veteran and reclass to whatever they want immediately- probably Merc or Cavalier- or something else (Sol, AT or Ignis) and reclass to Tactician. After 1-2 non-Manakete base classes, have them go through two promoted classes, one of which is Dark Flier, before reclassing back to Manakete and staying there for the whole game.
  18. There are more plot holes separating FE13's continent from Archanea than there are similarities tying them together. It's so bad that I'm almost skeptical they're the same place.
  19. I'd assume it's around 55%, but going for pure Aether rate is not practical. What would be far better (in your case) is to stack Aether and Ignis, giving you a fairly low chance of not proccing anything without lowering Aether's activation rate. Basically Ignis would be your backup.
  20. Are you counting the Scramble Pack as having rewards?
  21. Early Beastkiller++ in Lunatic(+) say hi.
  22. Again, don't confuse Panne and Yarne being good for Taguel being good. They have great growths and mods and that class does nothing but hold them back.
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