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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. If Fin is not paired, he keeps all of his inventory and gold. If he is, everything he has is either passed down (items and weapons his son can use) or gone (weapons his son can't use). Things that are "gone" can generally be re-obtained in gen 2 through item drops by bosses and such. If you pair Fin with Brigid, read "son" as "Patty".
  2. If Nergal is a Dragon, why does he need Nils and Ninian for anything related to the Dragon's Gate?
  3. Karel seems more trouble than he's worth, honestly.
  4. I think Echidna isn't a Mercenary because she mains axes.
  5. Nice Oswin, bro. Are growths randomized or not? They didn't seem to be when I played.
  6. I agree with undoing all those changes. I don't know why they inserted all their opinion-based weird changes into a randomizer hack.
  7. lol you didn't even tier jamka screw archers right?
  8. Radiant Head gave you good advice, so I recommend following that. FE9 is pretty easy even on the most difficult modes, allegedly even the Japanese Maniac. FE10 is tougher. Don't be afraid to use your most overpowered units when the situation calls for it, even though they don't need any EXP.
  9. Ownagepuff, you are doing a fine job of listing the pros of individual units in a vacuum, but those are not good arguments for moving anything. You gotta actually compare people. Now I know that's a shitty job because RD availability is all over the place, but that's just how it is.
  10. I understand what you wanted to change. My point is that Reyson's team makes better use of Reyson's vigoring even after considering his 1-turn disadvantage. Whether turn 1 matters the most or not depends on the map I think. It's worth noting that Reyson, despite only being able to vigor one guy on turn 1, still enables the 1-turn clear of two maps (3-5 and 4-5).
  11. Rafiel has 1-8, 1-E, 4-1, 4-4. Reyson has 3-5, 3-7, 3-8, 3-10, 4-2 and 4-5. If you're comparing them, I think it's only fair to assume they go to 4-E, in which case Reyson is a turn slower than Rafiel at worst. Rafiel is undeniably better there but Reyson is still a good unit. If you scratch 3-7 for being self-improvement, they are left with 5 maps each. I think it's only arguable that Rafiel is better than Reyson in those maps. Rafiel has a better turn 1 refresh, but in 1-8 he's only refreshing one or two units. Beyond turn 1, Reyson is actually the better heron between the two. Also, the GMs are better at creating diamonds efficiently than the DB is. They have more and better units with Canto in Haar, Titania, Hawks...and 1-E in particular is not easy to make (useful) diamonds in because of the narrow corridors. Also, while most units would not get much credit for 4-5 since it can be so short, Reyson enables a ton of different 1-turn strategies.
  12. "What I'm asking is where the princess is!" Sorry, she's in another castle.
  13. If you grind in any game, it's going to be easy. Try playing the game without abusing extra experience.
  14. Hey :) I do believe it was Paperblade who made it but he did it pretty quickly. I'll be following this.
  15. Miledy is still ridiculous in NM. Her stats are worse but the same goes for the enemies.
  16. I think this way you'll get something that looks an awful lot like handicapped Warp skipping. Things like two mounted units loading Leaf onto Saphy to Rewarp close to the throne, or Saphy Rewarping then Rescuing Asvel holding Leaf. Something like that.
  17. Wouldn't a mass usage of Holy Water also stop Tina from doing anything?
  18. If you're a first timer and playing Eliwood Mode she's actually on the left where Maxime comes from.
  19. Come on, turn 13. If you haven't found her by then you must be a first-timer who is afraid to explore every corner of the map.
  20. 4 and beyond is a good number. I would recommend FE3 Book 2, but you might as well play FE12 since it's nearly the same thing but prettier.
  21. How about having Dew pick up Ch2 villages and Return home instead?
  22. I like how he hypes up Ursula's difficulty and then shows exactly why she is so trivial by attacking her up close while she has Bolting equipped.
  23. BEXP level-ups aren't any different from normal ones, except it's easier to distribute the Knight Ward and bands with BEXP, so they're actually better.
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