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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. r marth n roy in dis game? congrats SF!
  2. I was thinking between swordkids, Dimna and Tristan you have quite a bit of variety in how many RNs you burn, so that's why I suggested that.
  3. I liked Clarine with Rutger and Dieck supports when I played super slow.
  4. Meg is confirmed to be an inside joke by the developers. Aside from hilarity factors, bad characters are needed to make good characters stand out. If everyone is good then the game gets kind of bland.
  5. What if you'd pair Ayra and have her kids inherit some various swords and have them burn some RNs? Like a Broken Sword and an Iron Sword or something. If you pair her with Holyn they could also burn RNs through Luna procs. Then later on you can use Fee and Amid to attack bandits at 1-range or 2-range for more variations in RNs.
  6. I thought by top10 units you meant their unit records (most kills/battles). I would assume Cuan/Sigurd/Levin have the highest positions there.
  7. I think the thing with Micaiah is that she's just not written very well and the first thing that comes to mind with poorly written female characters is "Mary Sue", especially with the Yune thing at the end. Things I didn't like personally that have to do with Micaiah: 1. Her relationship with Sothe. Since their long time being together is mostly offscreen, I find it feels forced. Sothe is ridiculously overprotective. Since Micaiah rarely if ever returns what I suppose has to look like White Knightly Affection, it feels so off. 2. She makes really questionable decisions Micaiah is under more and more stress as the game goes on, but this is no excuse to reduce yourself to to the level of thinking of a five year old. Examples: - Being out there all alone (why did Sothe and Pelleas let that happen?) at the start of 1-9 - Letting Jarod, a man with nothing to lose and a huge want for revenge go after 1-9. The Black Knight is the one with the power to make the decision, but even he is surprised. 3. Her prediction abilities People love these but we have no idea how exactly they work. Micaiah doesn't either. This is some very convenient writing as it lets the army follow Micaiah's plans on every whim even though there's other people around that are or feel qualified to lead. Nolan the "leader of the Dawn Brigade" who hasn't led it a single time, Tauroneo, Izuka. But then when Micaiah needs to stop having success it stops working in part 3. 4. Yune Her lines make me cringe so much. I think we have to assume Micaiah just met that bird one day and the name Yune magically appeared in her head just like her visions. Except the goddess Yune was sleeping all along so I don't really know how that works.
  8. Whenever I play FE4, I feel a bit too lazy to plan out things properly. I think Dew gets better with more secure planning and money management, but if you can't be bothered thinking and doing too much it's like "Whatever, I don't even feel like moving Dew to this village".
  9. The base castle is going to be an awfully quiet place in Ch5 at this rate.
  10. Fire Emblem characters are just too hard to balance. So few stats actually matter. There's an enormous gap between attacking power, speed and the rest. I would not count on them being able to balance them out any time soon, so making characters balanced while keeping statistical variety is a real challenge.
  11. The Holy Sword is so ridiculous I think Olwen could make use out of it with 0 str. She starts with 5 though. Seriously, it's a Brave Horseslaying sword with 17 Mt and 20% Crt!
  12. Also he joins like halfway through the game and nowhere near promotion, so if it's even possible to have him promoted by Ch4 in this setting it'd prolly take ages of planning.
  13. Here you go: http://youtu.be/w3H4uB-5yos?t=10m
  14. Can you explain why Sigurd is "falling off"? I get that he doesn't have as much raw Mt as Cuan but he should 4x pretty much anything with the Hero Sword and sometimes even Hero Lance and he can still get those sibling crits.
  15. Curious to see how many Cross Knights Levin is going to destroy when they first come out while still avoiding being attacked by Elthsan. And then how you're going to deal with the remainder of them without Lachesis getting KO'd.
  16. Yeah, the dragons do need some help to take no Ashnard. That's why I suggested Resolve/Wrath, and I'd prolly make sure they're in fully transformed form too.
  17. I think +10 Speed is great no matter what the weight of your weapon is (unless it's like 40). Tyrfing's weilder was already doubling pretty much everything anyway so it's just a nice avoid bonus. +10 Skl is very nice because Tyrfing is used against a lot of things with high avoid, like people on castles and Ishtar. Especially against Alvis it's really nice. And the Res is godly for the same reasons, roughly.
  18. Three brothers: Oscar and Boyd are good, Rolf is bad. If you don't want to deal with an RNG screwed Ike, don't bother. Instead, just run from the Black Knight, put Resolve/Wrath on Nasir and watch all your troubles disappear.
  19. Zihark gives a pretty clear hint when the chapter starts, but the requirements for the other two are really cryptic. Play on Hard Mode, it's still stupidly easy.
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