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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. I don't know why E lances out of all things would be a big deal for Nephenee. Almost anyone's best weapon is an Iron forge at that point. By the time you get to forge Steel she should hit D lances.
  2. The slight AS drop early on is insignificant as lots of enemies experience the same problem and he'll grow out of it quickly. Mountain out of a molehill.
  3. Now that we've established that that's a dead horse, let's take bets on how Ch23 is going to be done!
  4. I think Ike's going to have some trouble solo'ing 1-P.
  5. They could've done it with Jeigan in FE3 B2, he attacks that General in a...cutscene of sorts.
  6. I guess people found her good because they tried using her and it turned out she could survive and kill enemies if given enough attention. Which is what happens when you try to use characters in this game.
  7. Yeah, why would you want to reduce reliability even further? Kappa
  8. Is it me or was the gameplay in this video sped up more than the others? Sometimes it was a little difficult to see anything happen. The only way to tell Deirdre died was by her death quote. Otherwise it seemed like a solid strategy. Wondering why you didn't expose just Cuan instead of him and the swordfighters near the end though, he seemed to be doing wonders with the Hero Lance while Holyn fell just a bit short even with a Luna proc.
  9. [21:45:37] <Raven> fe4 is so hard to watch [21:45:42] <Raven> it feels like enemy phase takes forever itt double standards
  10. Nooo lex =( And yeah i agree your commentary has become really good!
  11. I didn't even know it was possible to get a double sibling critical. I thought it was something that was rolled for before the battle starts (because of the animation beforehand). I'm also surprised Sigurd could KO that guy even with the double crit, he just has so much def. The power of FE4 crits I guess.
  12. My Ike had Aether. I knew there was a way to do it with ranged attacks every turn but I couldn't be bothered figuring out the strat when I found out attacking the BK straight up gave me an Aether proc. I gave Wrath/Resolve to Nasir.
  13. I beat the game. Ashnard needs to practice parallel parking. First 23 chapters: what's the point of using Ike? Last few chapters: what's the point of not using Ike? The Black Knight fight is so luck based due to the timer and Luna. So glad I BEXP'd Mist to 10 and used a Master Seal beforehand.
  14. I dunno, does it? If Aimee wanted to spread rumours like that she could just do it, why would she need Ike to say anything at all to her? This is one of my many favourite lines.
  15. Sounds like a great pastime. "Hey dude, let's discuss what these scrubs can do to make FE9 take even longer while at already takes Titania and the Horse Brigade forever and a half to finish up." "Sure thing!"
  16. As you can tell they're not mutually exclusive. Fuck FE9.
  17. Not a coincidence, actually! I think me and Colonel just decided to commentate on some fun chapters of one of his older runs (I think 14, 21 and 22) and dondon saw it and got really motivated to do it too. We also had one chapter where we had three of us commentate but that shit is hard to coordinate and we kept talking over each other. edit: Found the ones with just the two of us on Colonel M's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Got2Bass/videos
  18. That's not a weird RNG, that's just something that has a low chance of happening + confirmation bias.
  19. Blessing Braves is fine, especially on a Canto unit like Haar who can make use of Red Tide twice with them. You can Arms Scroll staves, you just have to equip them. I'm pretty sure I've done it with Micaiah. I'd recommend Rafiel over Reyson, but it's your party, of course. The maps are so short that Rafiel's first turn of quadruple vigoring is much more helpful than the bit of extra movement Reyson provides. I agree that blessing Wyrmslayer is a waste for the most part. Alondite lets Mia make use of Tides better but I don't think it makes a big difference elsewhere. Dragons can usually find people that don't counterattack if you equip Alondite. Soren kind of blows by endgame but I know how it feels to leave behind a unit you've been using all along.
  20. Fire Emblem: Massive Mounted Movement
  21. HM Gonzo might have hit issues but when you're 2HKOing when others are not, or doing so with cheaper weapons, these can be excused. He's not an efficiency monster but he's pretty strongth.
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