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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. release date: 31/03/2015 (looks v promising!)
  2. Unfortunately, that's a glitch that's been reported to me before but that I just could not fix (quickly). When I've got more time, I'll see if I can look into it. It doesn't seem to be a consistent error.
  3. What part of it is giving you issues?
  4. It is very much playable. At some point things just don't make sense, but then again, did they ever? http://speedy.sh/bHxtE/FE8-Troll-NUPS-patch.ups Click on "FE8 Troll NUPS patch.ups" (dotted line), get NUPS and patch to a clean FE8 Rom (FIREEMBLEM2E, BE8E)
  5. I've actually gotten pretty far with this hack: almost all of the gameplay is finished, and the story is written up to Ch7 or so. However, since it's so time consuming to do text editing, I've not worked on it in a long time. If you're interested in playing, drop me a line and I'll see if I can get an upload link working.
  6. Midir has some things in common with Gordon besides "bows" but they seem too incidental to make a "Gordon" an archetype. You could say that they're both kind of portrayed as wimpy...they both get their butt kicked in a cutscene, though Gordon's is only in Shadow Dragon.
  7. My hack still exists, actually! Could you reopen the topic so I can link to the most up to date version?

    1. Florete


      Oh. Sure thing.

  8. Since this appears to be the most active thread about TLP, I thought I'd try asking here: I'm trying to unlock all Kelik/Rana conversations, and this page ( http://www.feshrine.net/thelastpromise/sidequests.php ) mentions a convo in Ch25. However, when I'm in Ch25 I don't see an option for either of them to talk to the other. I did make them talk in Ch24. Is there something I need to do? I don't want to play on and find out I missed it.
  9. Even if you are training Ross and still want to use Dozla (what's wrong with you), Ross never doubles when he needs the Hatchet the most. Then when he does double he'll usually want to use a stronger weapon. It's hard to break the Hatchet even if you try.
  10. It's one of many ways to tell that part of the story.
  11. Almost two weeks late and not sure if you were implying Delmud sometimes doesn't have A swords...but Delmud always has A swords! His class has B rank, and then Lachesis gives him minor Hezul to boost it to A. So there's no reason not to give him a Silver Blade.
  12. Meh, he can always Brave Sword the Valkyries if he really needs to, maybe have somoene trade an Iron Sword/Hand Axe to the top before enemy phase. CoD isn't his strong suit regardless. It's not like Harken is all that much better with that Con of his, since he is so much slower. Raven hits Harken's base Speed at L14 unpromoted and has a +2 Speed promotion bonus to look forward to, which means even a 10/1 or equivalent Raven is as fast as Harken. In reality Raven's level is a lot higher than that and he's also a Body Ring candidate. I've seen Raven double some of the slower Valks using Iron Swords, and at the very least avoid getting doubled when using Hand Axe.
  13. This is an advice thread with some discussion about what units are good and what units are not. Whether you find it "fun" or "possible" to promote Eliwood is not relevant. Facts are: a) using Eliwood is a bad unit to use on your first HHM playthrough, for reasons explained: he slows you down for little to no reward b) Eliwood is not good. You like using Eliwood and other trash units? Go right ahead, no one is stopping you. We're not being Stop Having Fun Guys here. But in the context of advice or PC comparison, there's no room on a team for Eliwood.
  14. Oswin, Marcus and Hector are good friends for long times. Take many hits and don't die and stuff. Good to get used to HHM. Kent, Sain and Raven are good units to train up. Erk and Canas too (a little harder but still very good). Matthew is nice to have at a reasonable level for HHM. Florina is good when trained, bad when not. Use one of Priscilla and Serra. Pretty much all prepromotes barring a few can always pick up slack. Isadora, Pent, Harken, Hawkeye, Vaida...Geitz would work but I wouldn't expect to recruit him. Don't worry about having one of each class or one of each weapon type or anything, that doesn't matter much.
  15. Hitting people with low or no weapon uses is a really really big deal for the AI. I think I've seen them target people with 1 weapon use left over people who would get OHKO'd.
  16. I remember writing an essay on this, yeah, haha. The main issue is that even with Lex's defense boost, both Arthur and Tinny die in one hit when they are at half HP or below (especially if you reduce them to 1HP with the arena). This turns the Wrath gimmick into a very dangerous one: anytime it does not get the job done, you have a high chance of dying. Examples of situations where Wrath/Ambush does not work: - Ballistae - Bolting/Meteor - Enemy survives a crit As a solution I've suggested using Prayer/Wrath instead by using Fin as a parent. It gets around the first two problems, and usually the third because Fin also gives both kids Pursuit and lets them crit the enemy twice. Of course, this comes at the cost of: - Having to do math to make sure the kids enter a strong enough Prayer to survive reliably on the enemy phase you want to use them - Having to do the above again and again - Requiring you to go fast in Ch3 in order to get Fin/Tiltyu done - No Elite for Arthur/Tinny, though I think the fact that Lex can now marry someone else and pass Elite there makes up for it Is any of this worth it? Probably not. Azel/Tiltyu and Levin/Tiltyu both give you overall better results, but if you like Wrath combos and like to do mental gymnastics, I'd give it a try.
  17. Minor blood also boosts your growths a little, for what it's worth.
  18. Alright then. Hilarious hack, good trolls, especially love the NPC text. You managed to make Fire Red an actual fun game.
  19. Forgot about this. I got all the way to Victory Road and then my game crashed, so I assume it ends here?
  20. Good point, I was gonna include them but idk which ones of them will be grouped together. Definitely think Lara and Lalum/Elphin will make it. Not all that sure on Tethys and Ninian actually, I remember dondon said he wasn't too impressed with Ninian at some point, though he was comparing her to FE10 Herons. I really don't know enough about FE8 LTCing to make a good call here...if you put a gun to my head I'd say they're all gonna make it in some shape or form. Probably at the cost of Othin, maybe Ike/Wendell/Eyvel?
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