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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. He's okay, but it takes a little too long to get him going and he can't always be what he wants. 6/10
  2. "Not Selphina." Not even a good unit. A bad start at a point where you can't really afford it anymore in a faster playthrough. I like bows as a weapon in this game since there's several points where they come in handy, but E Bows is so bad. 3/10
  3. Great availability, kind of tapers off at the end though. 8.75/10
  4. Go all in. If you lose your entire squad, just start over the playthrough.
  5. 2.5/10 I like him in a few Manster spots but other than that he's really useless.
  6. I like flying Karin to a ballista then dismounting her. I don't know how practical it is but she can theoretically kill a ballista that way. I remember the houses being really hard to get, so don't fret if you end up missing them, though the Rescue Staff is really awesome.
  7. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=14651 FE5 character ratings
  8. WTA over Othin. Who's the boss now? I already rated every single unit in FE5 in my own thread and then also wrote about Fergus in the top30 best units of all time list so I don't need to elaborate more... 9/10 and by that I mean 10/10 because we got bias points
  9. Elite Ring was dropped by Voltz, so unless you seized Amphony without killing him or a NPC killed him, you should have it somewhere.
  10. Taking out Voltz with Beowulf is really hard if you don't know what you're doing, and he's liable to miss and perhaps even get ORKO'd. Don't bother with that. To make this part the easiest, you'll want to face the Free Knights first, then when they're gone the Armor Knights. So you want Lachesis's idiots to stay back. To do this, keep Lachesis far, far back, so that the NPCs stay close to her. I usually have her heal up the NPCs while she's walking to some castle where she can use the arena, and then heal someone else who keeps losing in the arena (like Ardan or Dew) to gain EXP. The Free Knights are annoying because there's like 500 of them and they have high hit and can gang up on someone with Canto, but they actually also have really really low Atk. So what you want to do is find someone who can take a bunch of hits from them (Sigurd, Lex, Holyn, Cuan) and put that guy in range of just enough not to get killed. Sigurd can mow them all down in one round if he's trained, but if not you can just pick them off on your next turn. Voltz is just really strong and you need to get a little lucky...try to have Fin and Cuan talk while heading there so you have the Hero Lance, and try to take out Elliot with Cuan so he has the Silver Lance. Those two and Sigurd should be able to hit him for a ton of damage. Beowulf likes to suicide so recruit him with someone who you don't need to attack but has enough gold. Usually ends up being Lex for me.
  11. Put Ambush on Olwen and hope she doesn't miss. Or ditch Olwen and go Eyrios, yeah.
  12. Oh yeah, I guess Warpskipping is kinda banned in the rules...8/10 then. Having Warp available to save villages and make several chapters easier (12x comes to mind), and then being so good vs status staves lategame makes her still great, but no longer the best imo.
  13. 10/10 also talks about FE11 warpchick but Two frail little sisters all the way up there, sitting rather uncomfortably with badasses such as Haar and Marcus. What exactly have they done to get to the top? Surely it can't have been "take a lot of hits", because both of these get OHKO'd pretty consistently in their respective games. It can't have been their combat, because they have none until they promote (well, Lena can go Mage, but she shouldn't), and even when they've promoted it isn't amazing enough to be up here. However, I am pretty convinced that both of these units broke the games they are in, multiple times. The reason why: infinite range Warp, almost instantly, nearly the entire game long. They can reduce the chapter from "fight your way to the seize point, through all the enemies" to "Warp, bosskill, Warp, seize", turning this strategy game into a non-strategy game. And with that in mind, who cares if their stats are bad? Only one enemy matters, and that's the boss. For FE5, the main bosskiller (when Warp is available) is Asvel, and maybe Mareeta counts too. In FE11, it will be Dracoknight Shiida, sometimes replaced by Swordmaster Shiida. At the end, throw in a little Galzus/Sety/Nagi/etc, but for the most part, the game becomes a less-than-five-men show. Of course, as the game goes on, more units with the capability to Warp join, and that would kind of rain on their parades...but on the other hand, you often need 2 Warps for a 1-turn win (bosskiller + lord), and sometimes you want to Warp even more than that to get important things from villages, or recruit new characters, or get new Warp staves. The best example of this is the Hammerne Staff in FE11, which is actually rather tricky to get when you've been skipping entire chapters! Warpskipping is not something done by JUST these units, but they are such a huge part of it and they change the dynamics of the game so much that I felt #3 was sufficient for them. The only things better than Warp trivializers, imo, are units that literally trivialize the entire game, from start to end. I could have tagged Malleelsleielslesilesia in here, but 1) I don't really have enough FE12 H3 experience to comment properly on her, and 2) she can't Warp in H3, just Rescue, and Rescue is significantly less game breaking. It saves quite a few turns if your Marth goes sidetracking, but it's not like Warp where you just jump over all the enemies, kill the boss and take the throne. In addition, you do get Wendel and Etzel quickly enough to kinda dimnish the worth (I don't believe you need multiple Rescues very often?). Maybe she should have been somewhere in the Top30, but we can always evaluate that later.
  14. If all you plan to do with him is open locks, you didn't need to train him to begin with. 15 Lockpick uses lasts pretty much the entire game, and you also get some random keys along the way, as well as Rennac.
  15. @above, makes Light Part 1 more tricky. Whenever I play that I end up killing most of them with Athos because he's just so efficient and has like a 10% chance to instaKO.
  16. He can die on I think Easy Mode where he doesn't have Imbue and you get him poisoned.
  17. Pretty disappointing, actually. He's a combat unit that never becomes as reliable at killing as Othin, Fin, Felgus, or even Mareeta. Yeah, he has 4 PCC and axes, but those are not enough. 5/10
  18. Why not just get rid of the crit entirely?
  19. well he's worse than fergus but 9.5/10
  20. You can do with your hack whatever you like, HeroMaster, but what it looks right now is people offer you constructive criticism and you stick your fingers in your ears and talk about insignificant changes and how their comments are jerkish just to avoid hearing them. Even if they come off as rude, their comments ring true. Small changes in growths and caps change absolutely nothing about the game. Your hack seems to have no clear goal in mind. Whenever someone says "this change doesn't help", you say it's not a balance hack, or that it doesn't matter anyway. It looks like you're just moving and changing things around for no reason. In which case, why not just make your hack without forum input?
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