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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. I consider anyone with a mount better than Lakche even if their offense is "slightly worse". But as many have said, Lakche's offense is completely overkill. I don't care if the enemy is killed simply because I have Hero Sword + Pursuit, or if Lakche does some flashy animations. Also who cares if Lakche has a shot at ORKOing Oifaye, I don't remember Oifaye being an enemy at any point in the game...base Ayra can ORKO Sigurd but nobody's disputing who is better in that match-up.
  2. I really like Lot but he's just not going to double anything, not getting a horse, not going to OHKO everything he encounters, and never have reliable hit. 4.5/10 with bias.
  3. Even when playing for fun a mount is just that much better than not having a mount. Unless your idea of fun is to turtle your way across the map, oftentimes doing nothing but moving all your foot soldiers 6-8 spaces with no enemies in sight. And there's no way Lakche is ever your best unit, even without Holy Weapons.
  4. 8/10, I know I often rate more LTC-styled but dondon places the bar too high sometimes imo. Dieck's stats are a great asset to the team when it can't stand on its own two legs yet.
  5. Doesn't ORKO things near your starting castle. 2/10
  6. If you're gonna have crappy stats then you're better off as a healer, so I guess it couldn't have gone better for Ellen. She's got some competition for healing though and I think she's overall worse than both of the others, and there's not a whole lot of demand for more frail healers. She can Warp and Hammerne though. 6.5/10
  7. I like to deploy him when I've got slots leftover. Generally ends up being useless though. 2/10
  8. joke's on you, I said "by GJ" now if you changed your username I might attempt to act annoyed just for you
  9. I remember painfully watching an FE10 LP to get a low quality shot of Nephenee visiting houses, just to make that demotivator. 1.5/10 that's a pretty bad unit you got there, every attempt by GJ to hype him (and rename him) makes my blood boil
  10. I remember him trying to attack something that wasn't a Knight and the battle screen said "0 damage" and I checked to make sure I was correct. 1.5/10 otoh he is pretty amazing in fe6 terrible.gba but everyone hates it when i rate based on hacks i wonder why
  11. Often ORKOs enemies near your starting castle. 4/10
  12. I'll take a break from ultra low turn count land to give Lance and Alan credit for their incredible utility in slower runs in this game. Their support bonuses are just so broken. 9/10 for both.
  13. And by unsupported you mean "with 500 rings and powerful weapons", right? Everyone on that map can ORKO everything they face with ease as long as they get the amount of resources Celice gets. He isn't all that special in that regard. Of course, the fact that he can save turns with those resources means he's the best user of those, but I think Sigurd's dominance is more impressive considering who your next best units are.
  14. 9.75/10 I think he's not AS dominant as Sigurd, but the best way to use him is to try and make him be Sigurd++, so he's still ridiculous.
  15. 1.5/10 hm i need a bodyguard on my way to blaggi tower...how about this little girl that dies in two hits?
  16. You have four pages of warning history built up. Of course people aren't gonna be lenient with you.
  17. You mad? Anyway, they all have terrible availability and nothing to make up for their shortcomings. They don't even have death quotes. 1/10 for all of them except Riev, who can have a 4/10 for Slayer.
  18. I think he's better than Brigid, but it about ends there. The guy simply can't keep up. I'm surprisingly fond of his arena performance with Wind though. 4/10
  19. 10/10 most availability in the game, tied with Kyle. Starts with a Silver Sword and owns everything with it. Absolutely destroys a map from any direction she wants to, flying utility throughout the game.
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