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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. The best part is that the only way to make Marty anywhere near good is to promote him.
  2. dude it's haar 9/10 i love this guy so much
  3. Amid's face does not look like a butt, people just think it's funny to say so.
  4. When selecting units for a chapter, only pick the ones with the lowest level.
  5. Gives your Part 3 units their dose of Heroine all day long. When he's done getting Stoned or Grassed, that is. 9/10
  6. As good as his combat can be, he's still a bow user. 4/10
  7. 4/10 However good his statistics are, they just don't save him from being an armor. He just doesn't have the potential to back himself up.
  8. Changing from 6.5 to 5 is the same as 7.8? Cool.
  9. Any pairings or even no pairings will let you clear the game with relative ease. I'd recommend just going with the flow and seeing what happens, it'll be more fun that way. But if you really want, a set of easy but great pairings: Azel x Tiltyu Levin x Fury Lex x Ayra Beowulf x Lachesis Claude x Sylvia Midir x Aideen Holyn x Brigid All of these have talk convos and/or quicker base/growth.
  10. No terrible dreamy fanart that makes him look like an idiot this time? He can use the Silver Sword right away, woohoo. Nihil has its uses, but they're too rare to train a Trewd just for that. He's definitely not bad, just doesn't really stick out. 5/10
  11. Tethys heals herself from the ballista if she gets hit. She has 3 Vulneraries and 3 Elixirs.
  12. 6/10, he has some minor use for a little while when he joins and that's more than a lot of other characters can say. After that he probably has to be benched in favor of others, so basically a low maintenance unit.
  13. Few people know this but you are actually making it harder on them (and on yourself) by going to help them. http://fireemblemwod.net/fe8/guiafe8/capituloeirik10fe8.htm By having any unit end their turn below the horizontal black line, you trigger Marisa's group to start rushing. If you stay above it, they'll stay put and you can take your time KOing everything else on the map. As you saw correctly, Gerik and Innes have no trouble taking out the initial group, and they'll heal themselves if they get hit. Once you got the reinforcements out of the way, you can move below the line and recruit chain them, and have more units available to take out the pesky Sleep Priest and recruit Marisa with Gerik.
  14. He is on H5, but I think he's probably better than like Est and Tomas on H2... Low bases are definitely an issue, even with reclass. They start out barely being able to hurt anything at all, their low move makes it hard to get to enemies in time (look at Ch6, you need to move kinda fast), low durability stops them from attacking within enemy range ever unless they take a KO, if they miss they are in very much trouble, etc etc. It's not that bad in H2 as it is in H5, but in H2 you get mostly people that can plow through enemies while being more self sufficient. You don't need a 25 Def tank to take hits, you'd rather have the extra movement.
  15. "They" were telling him not to spoil himself, as a recommendation, since they thought it would be more fun for him. That is not sabotage in any way. Grow up and stop spoiling the game for people who might not want the game spoiled. You are a nuisance.
  16. ayanami why do you have to post a picture of the character in question looking like a retard with every post you make about them
  17. You can't go wrong with wings. Has unique utility for a long time. 9/10
  18. 6/10, nice but redundant, you don't need warping skills to get around in this game and you can replicate the utility of it in other ways.
  19. Great example of "female sword unit that gets ALL the favouritism and turns out AMAZING". Being able to kill everything isn't so special (ridic as it sounds), other than vs bosses, and her durability start is very shaky. It seems SSS/low turn runs generally train her though, but they can only afford to because Ch14 has a turn minimum. It's obviously much easier to complete that chapter without using Mareeta. 6.5/10
  20. He's alright, if not that versatile. Takes some time to get going though, and quite a few others can do what he can do. 5/10
  21. 9/10 Pretty underrated, a lategame juggernaut if you make clever decisions during the campaign. Needs some resources to get going, but really, who else needs them?
  22. Hi, i'm pretty sure you were the first one to throw around this: It's fine if you disagree with people on whether people should play blind or not. It's also fine if they disagree with you. But don't call it "dumb hate" by "jerks".
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