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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. The closest thing this game has to Haar, including the annoying habit of going to sleep. 7/10
  2. damn those stupid extra possibilities ruining my games
  3. There's a lot of ways to interpret this and you never know with Ayanami but she could mean: - the fact that people miss a lot, in which case she's dumb cause that's the fault of low weapon hit and high avo - the rumor/fact (?) that you can hit at 0% or miss at 100% which I want to say is just a rumor - the rumor that it uses 1 RN, which is lol - the rumor that crit is rolled before hit, which is lol
  4. I read through them and the only one that conveys any emotion at all imo is this one: Dozla: Ha ha ha! I couldn't have asked for a better ending! And that's not sadness.
  5. Yeah, I meant that as a playthrough where you are somehow forced to use all your substitute characters for combat for an enormous portions of the game. Not just "you can't pair the parents".
  6. Just making sure, you know this guy has Pursuit as well, right? It's a class skill for Snipers. 2.5/10, the only Wyvern guys your actual 1-range crew has trouble killing have Nihil, so I really don't see the point in this guy (or Faval for that matter). He is alright at fighting but can't do anything in any kind of realistic efficient playthrough, unless that pt somehow forces you to incorporate all substitutes or something.
  7. I don't think Rolf needs any help with that.
  8. The first time I got him I was like "Really? I can have this? You're going to let me use this? You know I'm going to break your game with this, right?" He's just so ridiculous, almost a perfect unit. 9.5/10
  9. Pretty easy if you rush the first two seizes. They can fall in love without ever seeing each other. It's like the first internet relationship in history.
  10. They're nearly equal so it doesn't really matter. Assassin gets some extra EXP and Lethality, Rogue gets Pick.
  11. She's not mounted and therefore terrible. It's really that simple. 3/10
  12. 8/10 Starts killing everything from the get-go and never really stops being good which is awesome no matter how much Snowy complains.
  13. Please tell me nobody rated Leaf higher than Celice.
  14. I see two kinds of things going on here: trying to patch up unit's weak points (to balance their stats among themselves, or with the rest of the cast), or trying to make a unit "do what he does best" (making Lyn faster but weaker, for example). These don't really go hand in hand, and usually don't do anything in the big picture. And as mentioned, changing their growths by anything less than 30% simply doesn't impact most units enough to make a big difference.
  15. FE8 already has amazing boss music for important bosses.
  16. The best possible unit flies, joins before the Prologue even starts, has infinite movement, OHKOs all enemies around with an infinite use weapon, and cannot take any damage. Since there's no such thing, we'll have to settle for whatever comes closest. So like FE10 Haar and FE4 Sigurd.
  17. Mekkah


    Yes, that's quite normal. Don't worry about who to use on your first playthrough, the enemies don't pose too much of a threat.
  18. Hey now, they're pretty similar, except the other two move twice as far, but Bors has twice as much availability, so he actually moves twice as much!
  19. FIL COLLINS, DEFENDER OF SHITTY SONGS AND SHITTY STATS female myrmidon hype will never die
  20. Bumping this age old thread to say the run is finally entirely uploaded on Youtube. Project complete! The final chapter can be found here:
  21. Nah, all you really have to do is clear the way towards Aias before turn 9 and get Aias to low HP, and then you can wait for Pablo.
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