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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Ayanami being retarded, nothing new, move along... I liked Niime before it was cool. Apocalypse increasing staff range is hilarious. Also OHKOing Mamkutes. Also staff utility. also fsr it seems long-range things always try to target her even if she isn't necessarily the one with the least status resistance, or the least hp/def. Sophia seems to have the same problem (except she does have the lowest HP/Def, but that doesn't explain why that Ch14 Priest always tries to Sleep her). Maybe they dislike female Dark users. ANYWAY 7.5/10
  2. People say Mareeta is good because she's a female sword unit with overkill offense after being babied. That makes her okay in my book, but if you like putting time into your units and get rewarded for it, she's one of your best bets. Basically she has a personal weapon that makes her ORKO stuff, a skill that makes her ORKO stuff, and then gets another skill later that makes her ORKO stuff for a combined 300% chance of ORKOing even bosses on 10 def thrones.
  3. Not recruiting Xavier is one of the easiest things in FE5.
  4. Post-promotion Lana isn't really bad at fighting, she just needs like a Wind tome and you're dealing with 20 Mag/20 Spd with Pursuit. She does have shitty mobility though. You can make Patty have both Pursuit and swords at base, but then she needs Beowulf as her dad and she can only get C-level trash. I guess the Prayer Sword is kind of cool. Patty is at her most useful if you are very good at planning, e.g. in ballerzak's ranked run. She blows at fighting but she can provide extra use of Elite Ring on people. But for most casual runs and such, she adds very little. 2.5/10
  5. It's pretty tricky to do with Nightmare alone. The X and Y coordinates do actually correspond to tiles, but it's not a normal grid. However, if you make a map out of the locations you know, you can figure out the patterns and kind of move enemies around that way. Sometimes a unit walks to a certain tile in a cutscene though, and changing those can make the game crash, or just make it impossible to move them.
  6. putting inui above anyone at all...
  7. Pretty much everything about her is good, except her stats, and I *guess* staff rank and availability. But her class is so good...also please don't rip on her for joining in a desert chapter, it's like ripping on Canas for joining in a chapter where everything KOs him. Alan and Lance have to go through that same desert if you deploy them, you know? Would you rather have Cecilia join a chapter later? Would that really improve her? 7/10
  8. Some bosses want to heal when low on HP. Wire and Bool are two examples of bosses that always stand still, until they're low on HP, and then they run for a little and heal themselves with their vulneraries. Uhai must be another, but he simply doesn't have any healing items, so he just runs to the forts. There's probably more of these.
  9. I would like to join this anti Banzai bandwagon, is it too late? anyway seeing units get Anim growth, looking at Seiz to buy some items and God knows what always kind of amuses me, but I've had my fun now and it'd be nice to legit know what option is what. Also localization is dumb and useless, stop dicking around with those names.
  10. Swords and being a Merc are useless for Barst in all maps except MAYBE Ch8 and Ch9. But yeah, he's amazing. 9/10
  11. All of the equipment you had at the end of Ch3 is safe in some place or another, don't worry.
  12. He can become a Warpbot. Warp is broken in this game. Even if he's your fourth (Wendell, Boah, Lena), it allows you to get and use Hammerne on turn 1 of Ch20 without using the duplicate Marth glitch. 7/10
  13. Thracia is Nintendo hard. It throws things at you that you will not expect, and doesn't instruct you properly on how to handle things. I think you'll get the most fun out of it by carefully getting your ass kicked. What I mean by that is that you make a savestate at least every chapter so you can always revert back, while still being able to dive into the deep without knownig anything. It's really hard to put yourself in an unwinnable position at the start of a map. As someone else said, Crashgordon decided to kind of ruin the whole game for himself by going on and on in a 75 page thread about what to do without actually playing the game. I don't like giving advice to people before they actually played the game because of that...but if there's one thing I recommend, it's that you should try not to miss any gaiden chapters. It gives you a more full experience of the game, and indeed some very good characters. There's no one you can't afford to miss, just a few that make it so much easier. The requirements are here: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe5/gaiden.html Ch24x is very very hard, and you don't have a choice on accepting gaidens, so I definitely recommend saving before you grab the Kia Staff so you can revert to it if you find it too difficult.
  14. 9/10 to compensate for Snowy Honestly, Mist is as good as you make her. If you don't invest anything, then yeah, she's probably around Rhys level. If you give her enough EXP to get her to 10 then promote her, you get a mounted healer with some very minor poking utility, but you have so much BEXP and chances are you won't need the promotion item for anyone else, so this is a bargain. Or you can invest somewhat heavily by giving her mostly uncontested resources such Arm Scrolls + SS, or more BEXP so she promotes at a more respectable level, and then you have someone who can blick almost any enemy when needed, kill weaksauce ones with leftover Steel forges, and otherwise provide heals and supporters. You're always getting out of her what you put into her. Unless you're Crash, because Mist can't produce imaginary penises. So more like 8.5/10.
  15. That +5 str convo is only there for like 2 chapters though, whereas +1/+15% is there off the bat. And Fee's Spd hardly matters since enemies are so slooow.
  16. What would be the point of a magic sword on him? Don't you want him to be able to use his Mag stat and hit on Res at 1-range on enemy phase? No mount or Pursuit and nothing amazing to make up for it. 3/10
  17. 9/10. I've written enough on this guy for a lifetime. ~_~
  18. Geez, what does a unit have to do to be given bad ratings around here? Look ugly? He has 1-range, is 100 miles removed from promotion, gets 2HKO'd by everything and thus can't reliably enemy phase things, can't counter bows, needs the most valued promotion item and doesn't have anything unique to his name. 3.5/10
  19. Altenna gains Pursuit upon promotion to Dragon Master.
  20. Better stats + Regal Sword + Ragnell + only unit able to seize + only unit that can't die = pwnage incarnate. The judges banned Ike in the debates, not Kieran, and for good reason. You tried to argue utility and effectiveness vs things, but in the end, Ike's superior stats and supports make him win. And Ike is also 10000000000% vital to finishing the game since only he can take out Ashnard's first form. 8/10
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