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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. You can get away with using anyone, just some will make the game easier than others. I recommend not worrying about anything and just playing the game.
  2. also Hector doesn't even need S axes for that magic axe but i enjoyed this anyway
  3. Have someone return from death in the style of Orson's wife. Darling darling darling darling darling darling darling darling darling
  4. That's not even ad hominem. "If you were as talented at getting scholarships as you were in making petty yet unhelpful remarks, maybe you could have your own FE4 figures one day." is closer to ad hominem than anything I have posted.
  5. Probably because not the same "people". The world does not consist of you vs everyone else.
  6. to protect the world from a wrongful rating and unite all people behind my hating my team skyrockets at the speed of light but jesse just surrounders now and can't prepare to fight
  7. For super duper strict LTC, you probably can't get Levin!Arthur. Anything below that, he's amazing. Maybe second in importance overall to Celice because that guy can seize and "has Ch6" though. Levin starts near Scrooge McDuck's money bin in Ch2: 10 villages of 5k each plus the Bargain Ring and the Iron Cutter, minus what the brigands eat up. Then he also dominates the arena (with Elwind, no less). He can easily max out his gold, buy something for Arthur to inherit, then continue earning money. There's enough random rings 'n things he can buy on the way which Arthur can sell for the same price as Levin bought it for. There's two Return Rings and a Life Ring that don't have a whole lot of use, and you can have him buy pretty much all your tomes too since Sety comes with his own Lightning, and no one cares about Tinny. And of course 1/20 of what Levin has at the end of gen 1 goes straight to Arthur in gen 2. Altenna doesn't exist until Chapter Nine and a Half. Once she does, you'll actually have a pretty difficult time running her out of Gae Bolg uses, but once you do you'll find that she's got enough money from arenas or flier-reachable villages to repair it. Shannan hardly even needs Balmung for generic enemies until very late in the game, and that includes the arena. Also, since he's a foot unit, he's just not in the thick of things that often. Aless can run out of if you're really careless about things, but by the time that can even happen he can pick up the Thief Ring. Also notable is that there's a huge overlap in the enemies you'd use Balmung, Mistolteen, and Holsety against. If Arthur KOs someone like Ishtar with Holsety, Aless's Mistolteen is spared. This applies on a large scale too: if you solo half the map with Arthur, who else really wants money? And yes, I've done and seen playthroughs based around Arthur (and Celice). They trivialize the game. One thing worth noting: you do not always have to (in fact, you probably cannot) repair Holsety to its full 50 uses every time. You start with 50 essentially free uses. Of course, this game is easy to trivialize in several ways, even ranked (as long as you plan properly, you'll overshoot both EXP and turn count by a huge amount).
  8. prepare for trouble because she can't double 4/10
  9. holy shit The Gentleman could your arguments be any more vague and irrelevant I skimmed through some pages and it seems you're all missing out on some very key points. 1) Some Pokemon just suck in every aspect, and trying to Grandjackal them does not make them look better. Spoink is not good at anything, Shedinja is not good against most things, Volbeat and Illumise are terrible, Gulpin is useless, etc. 2) Base stats pretty much don't matter at the start of the game, and make more and more of a difference as the game goes on and stat differences become clearer. At L5, Pokemon stats are very close to each other, and differ by only a few points. Later, you get huge stat gaps. But generally when people refer to base stats when arguing how good something is in like the 2nd gym, I just facepalm. What's more important is Pokemon's types (mostly offensively), their level (level is a huge part in the damage calculation process), and their moves. For example, Zangoose's moves are pretty good. There's quite a few Normal moves he can learn easily (Slash, Secret Power), and with a single Swords Dance he can rip through some trainers right away even untrained. He comes fully evolved and with adequate stats (at a point where base stats kinda matter), so his underleveledness can be excused. 3) If you're not going first and OHKOing, you're doing it wrong. What takes up the most time when playing Pokemon? When that Zubat gets a chance to Supersonic you, when that random Koffing gets to use Smog and poisons you, generally when whatever you're fighting has a chance to move. Sometimes it's reasonably unavoidable (like vs boss battles), but you don't want to spend your time playing a fair fight against every generic beyond the 2nd/3rd gym or so. That's just super annoying. Anything that does not accomplish a regular generic trainer beatdown better have something real good to compensate for it.
  10. I can testify that this hack is really good and well designed. dondon clearly has his goals in mind, and puts the emphasis on actual strategy that is often missed in "difficulty" hacks.
  11. The tier list does not factor in recruitment costs, nor does it strictly care about turns. Btw if Titania hogs EXP past Ch11 that Oscar and Kieran need, we should also penalize Oscar for hogging EXP that Kieran needs and vice versa, as well as any other unit that's seeing combat. ~_~
  12. Obviously, if there's a scrub enemy with 4 HP somewhere on the field, it's better to pick it off with Oscar than with Titania (or Franz over Seth or w/e). But the only reason for that is because these earlygame Paladins are already awesome. The fact that Titania doesn't do as much with that scrub enemy's EXP as Oscar does is already factored into her tier placement by comparing them midgame with Oscar having gained, say, 15 levels while Titania only gained 5 (or some other arbitrary number). Giving her another penalty for "hogging EXP" is double penalizing her for this. Think of Titania as an Oscar that already ate like 100 scrub enemies for breakfast, and only then starts dipping into the BEXP/CEXP pool from Chapter 1 and onwards.
  13. Using faulty logic? Only responding to posts that have an easy answer available because they didn't elaborate a lot? Great Scott. We have to get this forum back to the future!
  14. I kind of want to bite but don't feel like it so I'll just ask you this. If Titania started as a L1 Axe Knight or Lance Knight or whatever and would end up with the same stats at 20/1 as she has at base now, would you consider her better? If yes, something is wrong with you. If no, then you gotta realize the Titania you currently get is really that unit with 1900 free EXP. Penalizing her for coming with that much EXP (by saying "she wastes it") is silly.
  15. Alright, which one of you fiddled with the time machine and set us 3 years back?
  16. Then which one is better depends on how long we do it for. That's essentially the same as what tier lists do: multiplying availability by usefulness.
  17. If me and Paperblade both gave you a dollar every day, but I started doing it today and he started doing it next week, which one of us is more helpful to you?
  18. You can kill the character off after they've made their contributions in Gen 1, cruel as it sounds. Shouldn't be too hard to arrange death by Horseslayer or Thor Hammer in Ch5.
  19. Also, both of them involve dragons in some way, there's a villain who uses Dark magic and they both have "Fire" in the title!
  20. Sety is good with any reasonable pairing. Something like Noish!Sety will still be only slightly worse, if that, than Claude!Sety (his best non-Levin father), when it comes to fighting most enemies, and he can staffbot. I'd say Jamka!Lester isn't just slightly worse than Midir!Lester overall because Pursuit is such a huge deal but w/e, casual play.
  21. It's impossible to know what Miranda promotes to unless you look it up online. .5/10
  22. Except the Gorgon egg map. I also made a hack where everyone could fly, but while mounted units could move further, unmounted units got terrain boosts. But these kind of hacks generally aren't meant to be released like this, they're just little gimmicks that you play.
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